Pink Floyd / Wish You Were Here/ Animals Unissued Alternate Studio Recording 1975-1976 / 1CD

Pink Floyd / Wish You Were Here/ Animals Unissued Alternate Studio Recording 1975-1976 / 1CD / Sigma

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Definitive versions of “Wish You Were Here” & “Animals” outtakes


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Now two years ago to leave, outtakes collection was suddenly appeared in the beginning of 2014 as “WISH YOU WERE HERE”, “ANIMALS” was revived in the ultimate quality. The advent of the impact, why overseas auction “FROM ABBEY ROAD TO BRITTANIA ROW – THE EXTRACTION TAPES” and entitled LP. In Sigma label, subjected to repair as much as possible to PINK FLOYD Hen of the original LP, and conducted a press CD as a “WISH YOU WERE HERE OUTTAKES” “ANIMALS OUTTAKES”. It was a very popular title to be sold out in the blink of an eye. Then, there has emerged cassette sound source to be a large book also, this work is what has been remastered the cassette sound source pouring core mania cardiovascular overseas.
Of course, since I have a Omoto cassette to the source, it just is sound that exceeds the existing airport is like was promised, phenomenal what remaster is subjected. And not a little, such easy as equalizing, one one the noise (manually!) Carefully removed, do not miss gap of only 0.025 seconds, even distortion of 0.2dB also. If things no matter fall is one channel even momentarily, compensation is topped up from the other channel. Mania that made the work has said that “I would also found repair After listening with headphones,” but, it’s a tremendous workmanship you do not think only the dough is heard it is excessive humility also. Of course, because it is the only mania to spare no effort, understanding of music is also deep. Manet, such as breaking the sound that the original cassette had originally in extra equalization does not have any.
Out Takes it is revived in such a perfect specification, recording itself is essentially the same as “WISH YOU WERE HERE OUTTAKES” “ANIMALS OUTTAKES”. And wrote a “basically” is, two of its outstanding CD because that is based on the LP, take that have been added in the production process of the “Original cassette → LP” I does not contain. Its take two of “Wish You Were Here (with Stephane Grappelli)” and “Pigs On The Wing Parts 1 & 2 (Extended Version)”. The former is the same to take the official CD “IMMERSION BOX”, the latter is the same as the competent board of Snowy White “GOLD TOP”. LP of authors to Will was to add it considered “a different take of the album songs”, but was recorded in order to deliver its outstanding CD also impact LP in the best sound, this theme rather than LP, original cassette version. Another excavation of the take is not is not. Although it is not a Instead, CM of the album that was broadcast on the radio at the time of the 1977 “ANIMALS” release has been recorded.

Such this work is started with “Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-8)”. “I WISH YOU WERE HERE OUTTAKES” when has also appeared, but epic, which has been divided into two parts at the official album that is heard at once in the same way as the 1974 UK tour has become a hot topic, this time the ultimate sound version It is. “Part 5” Sachs Dick Parry in also the moment that leads to the “Part 6” in the uncut without SE wind. In that impressed even more vivid, it revived in perfect form. Of course, the work stage different from the each part also official album. Decor fragment of the abortive to intro “HOUSEHOLD PROJECT” “Part 1”. Guitar solo of Dave Gilmour is completely different phrase from the middle “Part 2”. Countless minor differences to be “Part 8” … other such like to end without leading to official funk-style jam session continue to fade out, “Part 9”. Further subsequent “Welcome To The Machie” is also to demo version that seems to Roger to back the inorganic rhythm of VCS3 has recorded the most (there a guitar using the talk box of Gilmore), “Have A Cigar “also” IMMERSION BOX “” EXPERIENCE EDITION “and also different, live arrangement as it is of Alternative version of the 1975 North American tour. Vocals to Roger and Gilmore have sung by two people, is the last also listen firmly until the play end without fade-out take.

Take the degree of impact does not change even in the “ANIMALS” Hen. It is not a take difference with from the “Sheep” and edit difference far from the freshness of the ride to. After all, “Raving and drooling I fell on his neck with a scream ……” “Raving & Drooling” of the 1975 North American tour that begins to sing and as it is in the initial version, the intro is not an electric piano-based, such as “One of These Days” . Moreover, the mere initial arrangement of not only, it also Roger’s vocals a tremendous intense version.
Followed by “Dogs”, the version that what Roger sing. “BRITISH WINTER TOUR 1974” only to Gilmore was singing even in the early stages of, is this also ridiculous shock track. Also different lyrics, but singing and especially not in the official album in the last “Who was fitted by bridle and bit?” “Who was given a seat in the stand?” “Who was forcing his way to the rain?”. Also the difference is greater in the playing arrangements surface, in addition to all of the performance from the count is not a fade-in to listen, or at the interlude part loop part of the “stone ……” that was unfinished, where once the music is interrupted, and returns to the intro . Guitar keyboard also heard everywhere is different phrase from the official album, is another at all the late guitar solo.
“Pigs” is there a version closest to the final version, but still to overdub been vocal is another take, part of the SE and the chorus of pig, guitar solo is not like using the talk box, pretty impressive differences You. The last of the “Sheep Sound Effects” is, “ANIMALS OUTTAKES” In the “Message From The Sheep (Field Recording),” a track that has been credit, followed the notation of mania in which the re-mastering work here.

Although we have been explains the very narrow To point, even without the one the one they care, what song is a masterpiece take complete set different impression at all just heard the package. One that many were revived in history highest quality of such impact take, and this one was increased as there can be no more the original cassette. Of the miracle that gave birth to the exquisite work and love of mania similar to tenacity sound, please taste please freely.

キニー製オリジナル・カセット復刻シリーズ、1981年RAINBOWの第2弾・第3弾が同時リリース決定です! この復刻シリーズは、日本のブートレッグ史そのものと言ってもいいキニー録音の大本カセットを発掘。ダイレクトにCD化したものです。第1弾「DEFINITIVE BUDOKAN 1980」の登場以来、リリースの度に「マスターカセットはこんなにも音が良いのか!」との激賛をいただいております。先日もジョー・リン・ターナー加入直後の“DIFFICULT TO CURE TOUR 1981”から「HAMMERSMITH 1981 1ST NIGHT(Darker Than Blue 205/206)」がリリースされたばかり。その興奮冷めやらぬところですが、本作もまた1981年の大決定的な名録音。イギリスツアー初日「1981年7月8日レインボー・シアター公演」のオーディエンス・アルバムです!
この録音は、かつて3枚組アナログ「LONDON RAINBOW THEATRE JULY 8 1981(POSP251)」としてリリースされたもの。しかし、そのサウンドはかつてとは大違い。もちろん、録音ポジションや現場のサウンドバランスが違うわけではありませんが、各楽器が固まらず、綺麗に分離した輪郭がなんとも美しい。ギターとドラムにキチンと隙間を縫うように気持ちよく伸びる若きジョーの歌声。この立体感、さすがはオリジナル・カセットです。その立体感が殊更に美しいのもまた、キニー録音のマジック。録音自体は「HAMMERSMITH 1981 1ST NIGHT」ほどのド間近感ではありませんが、逆に会場の空間を突き抜けて真っ直ぐに届くようなダイレクト感に溢れている。会場をレーザー光線のような楽音が混じり合いもせずに鮮烈な軌跡を描いているのです。
そんなサウンドで刻まれているのは、気迫のこもった凄まじいライヴ。なにしろ、この日は母国イギリス・ツアーの初日。あの第1回MONSTERS OF ROCK以来のステージなのです。初っぱなから爆走する「Spotlight Kid」の凄まじいこと! ボビー・ロンディネリが「イギリス人になめられてたまるか」と思ったかどうかは定かではありませんが、凄まじい連打のド迫力を轟かせながらやたらシャープなドラミングで「LIVE BETWEEN THE EYES」とはまるで別人。その後の演奏が手抜きなわけではないのですが、“慣れ”を感じさせない演奏は目が覚めるような鮮やかさです。
それ以上に素晴らしいのが、もう1人のアメリカ人、ジョー・リン・ターナー。実は「DIFFICULT TO CURE」は、RAINBOWのキャリアでもっとも英チャートでヒット(3位)したアルバムだったわけですが、当時のジョーはRAINBOWの故国イギリスのファンに受け入れられるか不安だったそう。そして、本作はまさにその初日であり、恐らく彼のキャリアでもこれ以上ない大一番だったわけです。実際、本作での彼はMCに少々堅さも見えますが、抱えた不安を振り払うような思い切った熱唱が実に良い。彼自身のオリジナルとなる「Spotlight Kid」での全力声や「I Surrender」の伸びやかでたっぷりとしたヴォーカリゼイションはもちろん、「Love’s No Friend」や「Catch The Rainbow」など、グラハムやロニーの曲でもいつになく力強く、声質を生かしたブルージーな節回しで歌い上げています。
そして、肝心要のリッチー・ブラックモアにも初日らしさが垣間見える。ロンディネリの熱演に煽られるような「Spotlight Kid」でもキレキレですが、続く「Love’s No Friend」では、なかなか曲を始めず、観客の様子をうかがうようにソロを弾いている。なんと言っても極めつけは「Since You Been Gone」から雪崩れ込む「Smoke On The Water」! なにしろ、「STORMBRINGER」ツアーではイギリス公演がありませんでしたから、リッチーが母国でこの曲を弾くのは1974年以来。特にロンドンではDEEP PURPLEのオフィシャル盤「LIVE IN LONDON」以来となる7年47日ぶりの「Smoke On The Water」ですから、そりゃもうロンドンっ子は大喜び。あのリフが轟くや雄叫びが上がりまくり、歌い出しから大合唱の大騒ぎ。リッチーもノリにノって気持ちよさそうに弾いています。その後、4分以上にもわたる“Rainbow! Rainbow!”コールが巻き起こり、流れ出す「Maybe Next Time」のテープ。さぁ、それに乗って出てくるか………と思いきや、出てこない。そのまま「Over The Rainbow」が流れ、本作は終了します。ここまで盛り上げておいて、なんとイジワルな(笑)。

なにかとアメリカ寄りなイメージの強いジョー時代RAINBOW。しかし、その最初のステージには、彼らを暖かく迎えるファンが集い、熱演に熱狂で応える観客がいました。その何よりの証拠となる“RAINBOW at RAINBOW”なのです。ジョー時代のイメージすら変わってしまいそうに熱い本国初公演の大気がスピーカーから流れ出すマスター・サウンド。ぜひ、蘇ったキニー・マジックをたっぷりとご堪能ください!

Disc 1 (39:41)
1. The Land Of Hope And Glory 2. Over The Rainbow 3. Spotlight Kid 4. Love’s No Friend
5. I Surrender 6. Man On The Silver Mountain 7. Catch The Rainbow

Disc 2 (66:59)
1. Can’t Happen Here 2. Keyboard Solo 3. Lost In Hollywood
4. Guitar Solo incl. A Light In The Black 5. Difficult To Cure 6. Drum Solo
7. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll 8. Rule Britannia 9. All Night Long 10. Lazy 11. Since You Been Gone
12. Smoke On The Water 13. Maybe Next Time 14. Over The Rainbow

Joe Lynn Turner – Vocals Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Roger Glover – Bass
Don Airey – Keyboards Bobby Rondinelli – Drums

Sigma 146

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