Pink Floyd / Definitive Boston 1973 Joe Maloney Master / 2CD

Pink Floyd / Definitive Boston 1973 Joe Maloney Master / 2CD / Sigma

Translated Text:
Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA. USA 14th March 1973.

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“Pink Floyd × Famous name taper”. … Another weekend, VOICE titles of Floyd 73 years will be released by this well-known equation !!

It was performed on March 14, 1973, Boston Music Hall performance. This recording came out in the world in January 2005 when the tapes of various artists recorded by unofficial recording giant Joe Mallonie, the so-called “Maloney Archives”, flowed out at once. This sound source also was not distributed at all between 2005 and 2005, and only the set list was described in the special book “In The Flesh” as the only information, but that was the Maloney · The impact which suddenly came out as a complete recording suddenly when massive outflow of sound source which can also be called shock was extraordinary. This sound source was sold out in Surene label on Sirene label as “BOSTON 1973 (Sirene – 056)” in May 2005, it sold out in only a few days, but now that this fans all over the world are strong in this recording I think that it was a testimony of interest and interest.

Although the sound which appeared at this time was good sound quality itself, it was also the fact that I had a problem in terms of sound image balance (* disc 1 is left, the disc 2 is right input channel compared to the other It was inferior, and the sound image was slightly misaligned from the center). In high quality upper version made completely mono by converting one channel with good sound quality to both channels, in November 2010, we inherited the title from the current Sigma label which was already established and “BOSTON 1973 (Sigma 73) “will appear. Tuning and opening scene of 2 minutes and 42 seconds that the intro also did not record in the Sirene version because it used the new separate source that appeared from a different route at the time because the ease of listening of the sound image increased dramatically by being completely monaural. The point that it included was also an advantage and this is the staple title of Boston Recording for the past 73 years until now as you all know.

But recently the situation suddenly changed. Like the “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1972: JOE MALONEY MASTER (Sigma 198)” which is released at the same time, a direct digital transfer of Maromoney’s original analog master sound source was made public by the Internet archive “KRW_CO”. It is not the Sigma 73 version which picked out only the good quality one channel, but the channel deteriorated by the original old Sirene version use master was revived with the vertex resolution unique to the original sound and additionally the calibration It is fine tuning.If precisely adjusting it is transferable faithfully to the original sound without being influenced by the individuality of the tape) was also a good source that it was good. Just this public edition occasionally
It seems that he did not make a slight hiss noise and a high pitch adjustment that appeared, and it was not something that 100% pleased as it was.

So this time, Sigma ‘s elite staff has carefully and perfectly eliminated and adjusted the negative factors of these KRW_CO released versions, and ultimately enhanced the acoustic image accuracy. This work which confirmed Maloney’s recorded original sound faithfully in the 2CD press board has precision and a deep listening response of several stages higher than those previously published on the net, and even if it is “classic” so far, it is a decision board “It was not 73 years Boston finally arrived at the end of the day. Yes, the original sound image which was recorded with just the impact of the origin, the TC-110A telecom built by Sony, and the monaural microphone built-in was finally revived beautifully in what it should be!

Its quality is already another dimension with sound in the surrounding area which seeps right after the disc starts. When “Careful With That Ax, Eugene” starts, you will realize that the spread of the tone and the crystal clear sound image are at the level which is not an exaggeration to say that it is almost line recording. Especially the nature and fine sound of the organ is enough to listen carefully to the diffusion of the pale wave which could not be felt by any of the originating boards. “Obscured By Clouds” has Master Direct ‘s power to the resolution of the treble, from which the snow crumbling “When You In In” can also be deprived of the thick sound of the midrange overflowing with a sense of directivity Let’s see. Rick ‘s melody stretching along with the sharp tone of the guitar revives with a brilliant primary color sound, and the base also has the elasticity unique to the original sound. “Set the Controls For The Heart Of The Sun” Introduction Roger seems to be striking with Mallett cymbal (※ gongs?) Striking sound is brilliant, the musical tone is high, the magical floating feeling in the middle Even attracts the interest of the listener with the brilliance of the sound that can only be recorded by master recording. At 10 minutes 09 seconds there is a slight loss of sound (* a few seconds) that occurred at the time of tape change, but this also appears as a master cassette as it is, so it is more aesthetic than a fault It appears with freshness. “Echoes” can feel the high spatiality and depth in the sound image as if it is likely to be soaked with the soul from the rising of the song, but from here it will be visible from the rediscovery and recording of a precise and labyrinthine song structure It is the size of the instrument of the original sound. What I want to pay particular attention to is the development of the so-called “Nothing Part 14” part from barking to the end music, where the midrange and bass range sticky sticky rhythm bouncing around and the high frequency sensitivity that extends, the reverberation trajectory It is so visible that everyone in the wave of the original sound will see the ultimate in Floyd Acoustic Art.

Disc 2 of Darkside Complete Reproduction Firstly, a massive high-resolution sound that jumps out at “Breathe” will appear with the power to put all the exiled boards that appeared in the last 12 years to permanent sleep. “On the Run” also comes out as well. The precision and moisture of each one improves, and this should have a very unbelievable feeling with a simple sound that does not add anything other than pitch adjustment and noise elimination. “The Great Gig In The Sky” is also a sound image with a certain reverberation in the senses, you will find that the luscious dialogue between female chorus and cymbal work developed especially in the latter half of the performance is becoming dramatically easier to grasp “Us And Them “also the moisture of the original sound which oozes out from the arpeggio of the guitar is transmitted to here as the wave of the euphoria, and the thick sound of the band sound side and the female chorus squad with the funk chorus squad can also hear a more missing sound You will not be able to hide the surprise in the facts recorded in. Although the missing sound due to the tape change has occurred at 00 minutes 09 seconds at the beginning, I think that it does not feel a sense of incongruity at all here only during the introduction part performance of the same image. “Any color You Like” has alternating appearances of musical notes on the base in mid-range, playing the unison of drums and rhythms at guitar solos, etc. Approaches that are not on other days attract the ears, You will feel the shock of the tone surpassing that of you. After the end of “Eclipse”, the appearance in hot places full of hot air and the appearance of tuning for a while after the members reappear are recorded for the full uncut for about 6 minutes (!!), but this is also brilliant It revived with documentary sound. In its encore “One Of These Days”, the thick feeling of the base direct hit and the sense of weight of the ensemble are goose bumps. Nick’s monologue is a rare style in the middle of the day, but the musical propulsive power and the powerfully marked rare performance bursting with the original sound bursts with the original sound can only satisfy the sense of the listener at a high level Let’s say that the afterglow after finishing listening is also unimaginable.

Unofficial recording giant Joe Mallonie captured the original sauce finally pleased the pleasure. The appearance that pulsation and color of the raw sound contained in the tape is released with the highest sound image is a kind of documentary experience rather than just an upper version. I really want to experience the excitement that the performance of this day will start to move with density and spread which has never existed before in this work. Although there is satisfaction enough to be alone even this alone, by listening to it in conjunction with another Maloney recording “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1972: JOE MALONEY MASTER (Sigma 198)” released simultaneously this week, Maloney Archives You will be able to enjoy the fullness of the original sound and bursting of the original sound more. “BRIGHTON JANUARY 1972 (Sigma 167)” which revived the world premiere of “COMPLETE APHRODITE (Sigma 160)” and “Madness” of Hakone Aphrodite (※ August 6) with the ultimate sound image, eventually in the early 1970s Catalog number 100 series of Floyd specialty Sigma label which has delivered various excitement and discoveries, such as Mintaround Complete Reprint of Mega Rea · Bootleg LP “PINK FLOYD” “KP 339-KP 344 (Sigma 158)” . Please listen to the finest last number 2 title suitable for closing over it by all means this weekend!

” ピンク・フロイド × 稀代の名テーパー “。…今週末はもうひとつ、この名盤確定の方程式によるフロイド73年の頂点タイトルが登場致します!!

それは1973年3月14日、ボストン・ミュージックホール公演。この録音が世に出てきたのは2005年1月で、非公式録音の巨人ジョー・マロニー氏によって録音された様々なアーティストのテープ、いわゆる” マロニー・アーカイヴス “が一気にネット流出した時でした。この音源もまた2005年以前はテーパー間には一切流通しておらず、唯一の情報としてセットリストのみが専門書「In The Flesh」に記載されている程度だったのですが、それがそのマロニー・ショックとも言える音源の大量流出時にいきなり完全収録で出てきたインパクトは絶大でした。この音源は2005年5月にSireneレーベルから『BOSTON 1973 (Sirene-056)』として緊急リリースされるや僅か数日で完売したのですが、これは今思い返せば世界中のファンがこの録音に強い興味と関心を示していた証だった様に思います。

ただこの時登場したソースは音質そのものは良かったのですが、音像バランスの点で問題を抱えていたのも事実でした(※ ディスク1は左、ディスク2は右のチャンネルがもう片方に比べて入力が劣り、音像も中央から少しズレていたのです)。これをそれぞれ、音質の良い片チャンネルを両チャンネルにコンバートすることで完全モノラルにした高品質のアッパー版が2010年11月、既に発足していた現Sigmaレーベルからタイトルを引き継いで『BOSTON 1973 (Sigma 73)』として登場します。完全モノラルにした事で音像の聴き易さが格段に上がったうえ、当時別ルートから登場した新規別ソースを使用したためイントロもSirene版には未収録だった2分42秒間のチューニングとオープニング・シーンを含んでいた点もアドヴァンテージとなり、以降これが現在まで73年ボストン録音の定番タイトルとなっていたのは皆様御存知の通りです。

しかし事態が急変したのはつい最近。今回同時リリースされる『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1972: JOE MALONEY MASTER (Sigma 198)』と同じく、マロニーの大元アナログ・マスター音源を直接デジタル・トランスファーしたものがインターネット・アーカイヴ” KRW_CO “によって公開されたのです。質の良い片チャンネルのみを取り出したSigma 73版ではなく、元々の旧Sirene版使用マスターで劣化していたチャンネルが原音ならではの頂点解像度で甦っており、加えてキャリブレーション(※ 録音時バイアス電流の微調整の事です。正確に調整すればテープの個性に左右されず原音に忠実にトランスファー出来ます)も良好という上物ソースでした。ただこの公開版も時折

そこで今回、Sigmaの精鋭スタッフがこれらKRW_CO公開版のマイナス要素を丁寧に、そして完璧に除去・アジャストし、音像精度を究極に高めたものがこの最新作なのです。マロニーが録った原音を忠実に2CDプレス盤に封じ込めた本作は先般ネット公開されたものより数段高い精度と深い聴き応えを持っており、これまで” 定番 “ではあっても” 決定盤 “ではなかった73年ボストンにようやく終止符の打たれる日が訪れました。そう、これぞまさに原点の衝撃、ソニー製のTC-110Aテレコと内臓されたモノラル・マイクで録音された本来の音像が、ようやくあるべき姿で麗しく甦ったのです!!

その質の高さは、ディスクスタート直後から滲み出す周囲の場内音で既に別次元。「Careful With That Axe, Eugene」が始まるとその音色の広がりとクリスタル・クリアな音像が、殆どライン録音と言っても過言ではないレベルにある事を実感されるでしょう。特にオルガンの自然で微細な響きはどの既発盤でも感じられなかった淡い波動の拡散がばっちり聴いて取れる程です。「Obscured By Clouds」は高音域の解像度にマスター・ダイレクトの威力が出ており、そこから雪崩れ込む「When You’re In」も直球感溢れる中音域の肉厚な響きに耳を奪われるでしょう。ギターの鋭い音色に纏わり付いて伸びるリックの旋律も鮮烈な原色サウンドで甦り、ベースも原音ならではの弾力性を備えているのです。「Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun」は導入でロジャーがマレットで叩いていると思われるシンバル(※ 銅鑼?)の打音が鮮烈で、曲調の高なりと中間部の呪術的な浮遊感もマスター録音でしかあり得ない音の輝きで聴き手の興味をますます惹き付けます。10分09秒にはテープチェンジの際に生じた音の欠落(※ ほんの数秒です)が僅かに生じていますが、これもマスターカセットそのままの姿で現れるため欠点というよりは美点と言えるほどの生々しさで現れるのです。「Echoes」は曲の立ち上がりから魂を持ってゆかれそうなほどの高い空間性と奥行きが音像に感じられますが、ここから見えてくるのは緻密で迷宮的な曲構造の再発見と収録原音の器の大きさでしょう。特に注目したいのは鳴き声~終曲までのいわゆる” Nothing Part 14 “部分の展開でして、ここで中音域と低音域が粘りに粘るリズムの跳ね回りや伸びる高域感度の良さは残響の軌跡が目で見えるほどであり、その原音の波動に誰もがフロイド音響芸術の極みを視るに違いありません。

ダークサイド完全再現のディスク2はまず「Breathe」で飛び出すマッシヴな高解像サウンドが、この12年間に登場した全ての既発盤を永久の眠りにつかせる威力で登場します。「On the Run」も出てくる音ひとつひとつの精度と潤いが向上し、これがピッチ調整とノイズ除去以外は何も手を加えていない素のサウンドとはとても信じ難い思いを抱く筈です。「The Great Gig In The Sky」も五感に確かな余韻が残る音像で、特に演奏後半で展開する女性コーラスとシンバルワークの甘美な対話は飛躍的に掴み易くなっているのが分かるでしょう「Us And Them」もギターのアルペジオから滲み出る原音特有の音の潤いが陶酔の波動としてこちらに伝わり、サビの部分で聴けるバンド側と女性コーラス隊との肉厚なハーモニーも原音はもっと抜けの良い音で録られていた事実に驚きを隠せないでしょう。出だしの00分09秒でテープチェンジによる音の欠落が生じていますが、ここは同一イメージの導入部演奏中だけに全く違和感を感じないと思います。「Any Colour You Like」は中盤でベースがミュート気味に2音を交互に出していたり、ギターソロではドラムとリズムのユニゾンを奏でるなど他日に無いアプローチが耳を惹きますが、これも既発サウンドを凌駕する音色の衝撃を感じて戴ける筈です。「Eclipse」の終曲後は熱気溢れる場内の様子やメンバーが再登場して暫くチューニングをする様子が約6分間(!!)にも渡って完全ノーカットで収録されていますが、これもより鮮やかなドキュメンタリー・サウンドで甦りました。そのアンコール「One Of These Days」では原音直撃のベースの肉厚感とアンサンブルの重量感が鳥肌モノです。この日は中盤でニックのモノローグが” 無い “珍しいスタイルですが、音楽的な推進力と威力が著しく出たこのレア演奏が原音で炸裂する姿は聴き手の感覚を高レベルで満足させるだけでなく、聴き終えた後の余韻も想像を絶すると申し添えておきましょう。

非公式録音の巨人、ジョー・マロニーが捉えたオリジナル・ソースが遂に頂点を極めた悦び。テープに封じ込められていた生音の脈動と色彩が過去最高の音像で解き放たれる様子は、もう単なるアッパー版というよりは或る種のドキュメンタリー体験と言えるでしょう。この日の演奏が今までに無い密度と広がりをもって躍動し始める興奮を、是非とも本作で御体験戴きたいと思います。これ単体でも充分過ぎるほどの満足感がありますが、今週同時リリースされるもうひとつのマロニー録音『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1972: JOE MALONEY MASTER (Sigma 198)』と併せてお聴きになる事で、マロニー・アーカイヴスの充実と原音炸裂感を更に満喫出来るでしょう。箱根アフロディーテ(※ 8月6日)の完全収録盤『COMPLETE APHRODITE (Sigma 160)』や” 狂気 “の世界初演を究極の音像で甦らせた『BRIGHTON JANUARY 1972 (Sigma 167)』、果ては70年代初頭に僅かにプレスされたメガレア・ブートレッグLP「PINK FLOYD」のミント盤完全復刻『KP339-KP344 (Sigma 158)』など、様々な興奮と発見をお届けしてきたフロイド専門Sigmaレーベルのカタログ番号100番台。それを締め括るに相応しい極上ラストナンバー2タイトルを今週末、是非とも御堪能下さい!!


Disc 1(68:27)
1. Intro. 2. Careful With That Axe, Eugene 3. Obscured By Clouds
4. When You’re In 5. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun 6. Echoes

Disc 2(65:59)
The Dark Side Of The Moon
1. Speak To Me 2. Breathe 3. On the Run 4. Time 5. Breath(reprise) 6. The Great Gig In The Sky
7. Money 8. Us And Them 9. Any Colour You Like 10. Brain Damage 11. Eclipse
12. One Of These Days (Encore)

Sigma 199

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