Pink Floyd / Vienna 1973 / 2CD

Pink Floyd / Vienna 1973 / 2CD / Sigma

Translated Text:
Wiener Stadthalle, Vienna, Austria 13th October 1973

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Incoming with surprisingly high sound quality !!!
Pink Floyd In 1973, the sound source of that funny cry finally appeared label from Sigma! It is a piece of a shake that adorns the big bird of the Floyd unofficial sound source in 2017 !!!

Its identity was October 13, 1973, Austria performed the stud and Halle of Vienna. The sound source of this day was around 2005, “THE LUNATICS ON THE RUN (HL 591/592)” from the HIGHLAND label and “Heart Breakers Label” SET THE CONTROLS FOR THE HEART OF THE SUN (HB 805-1 / 2) “The title such as is known. However, if you know those played on these pre-launch boards, “Oh, it’s alright …. That sounds good if you do not …”, there are not many fans who will be crying eyes Is not it.

Although why the fans made me cry, this performance, although the sound quality is still alright, it is nothing other than having some important topics. that is….

1. Two songs “Obscured by Clouds ~ When You’re In” were played as the opening number because this day was the last. As the only exception, on November 4, the next performance place in the UK Rainbow Theater was played as an encore rather than an opening, but Floyd will never play these songs at the end was

2. “Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun” was also the final performance as Floyd as this performance, and this was a rare performance that exceeded the demonstration time of 12/2 minutes

3. “Echoes” is a fulfilling performance for a long time longer than the other day’s performance, even when it comes to singing albatross, even when it looks over Floyd’s all sound source history, it rarely shows a variety of squeal with extraordinary many things Because there was

4. To be able to listen to unusual performances that progress with the taste of jazz and swing in the former led by the base of “The Great Gig in the Sky”

It was because it was content full of special feeling, such as …. etc. Moreover, this is only a part of listening, and it is the biggest reason why all the performances including these topics were deeply stabbed in the intelligence of the listener, and that is why this is the B ranked C rank There was a big disappointment feeling in the present condition that I heard only by sound quality.

But it also talks until the end of this week. The wonderful upper source that instantaneously eliminates the sound quality of that level and all the ex – original boards has emerged in the form of the transfer of 2nd Gen tape, and it shocked the unofficial sound source fans all over the world It was. Even if it evaluates strictly on its sound quality, it is a special A class that will be ranked highest in rank A, and it was equipped with an unbelievable upper feeling. Although the glow of the gemstone that is right for the press board was shining brightly, the only disadvantage was the fact that there was a partial missing between the beginning and the songs, the master used in the HIGHLAND board (※ Perhaps it seems to be after 3rd Gen), there was a lack of the sound that should be there originally, mainly between the songs. Therefore, the staff of this label will synchronize the HIGHLAND sound source with the waveform 1/1000 and supplement the patch by restoring the original appearance first (though ※ sound quality will fall). At the same time, we practiced rigorous pitch correction and pinpoint elimination of analog noise, and we were able to obtain the superiority of a high sound quality board that goes through any existing disk while using up all existing sounds of the day. It is this weekend … No, it is the latest version of Vienna in 1973, which will be the first Sigma label to appear in the supernova class shine at the end of this year, and the label first !!!

First of all, it is “Obscured by Clouds”, but this is picking up sound from the already-released HIGHLAND board for about 32 seconds at the beginning which was missing in the public source, but ultra superior sound of the masterpieces will appear next to it. This sound impact that the sound is thick, and the sound impact of loud feeling full of core in the low frequency range is high even though it has high transparency is overwhelming even in all the existing 73 years sound source. From “When You’re In” shifting seamlessly from here, the dense acoustic energy gathered in the midrange will continue changing its facial expression richly and darkly, and you will be surprised at the sound which is tough and can not be buried by fine weak sounds. In “Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun” too, the repetitive composition of slumping due to its rich musical vocabulary shakes in a dense sound image. As is well known, this song on this day is the last performance in the history of Floyd, and it can be enjoyed with unprecedented high resolution sound with a lengthy performance of over 12/2 minutes. Moreover, since the tuning scene of about two and a half minutes or more is included after the end of the performance, its listening comprehension is immeasurable.

“Careful With That Ax, Eugene” is attractive with the spread of three-dimensional and depthy sound which was thin in the original launch board. Roger’s strange voices and monologues are not only clearly heard but also the bass is not totally crushed although the bass range is tough but you can hear the high level of record level even at the point where you can hear clearly the magical movements. It is compensated from the HIGHLAND board where sound remains in the part from 13 minutes 30 seconds to 15 minutes and 40 seconds after the end of the performance, but since this part is a relatively stable part of the sound quality of the HIGHLAND board too, it makes almost uncomfortable feeling I do not feel it. “Echoes” is similar to its HIGHLAND board, although the master tapes and partial missing sounds are occurring for about 20 seconds from around 4 minutes 14 seconds, but by making the barks spirit in the interval between the sound and the sound The mystery that is born is one song that appears vividly so that never experienced it. On this day I am playing the middle stage Instrumentation Department for a long time and it is quite an unusual thing to develop a variety of squeals with this many allegations even for the albatross scene. In addition to the flow towards the end of the story, the arrangement of that glamorous sound rushes with a powerful massive high-resolution sound, with a mediocre recording that is low and part of the nuance tends to be lost is a source in another dimension You can realize more things more and more.

Completely reproducing the dark side of disk 2 almost completely from the start of the beat sound of “Speak to Me”. Moreover, the sound image is thick and it is nearly clear, the monologue SE is clearly heard, and this is also the introduction of the full response of the sound. “On the Run” seems to be quite distinctive with various SEs spinning in the sequence sound, the difference in sound quality precision with each of the pre-launch boards is even more clear, and “Time” agitated that era The vivid sound is breathtaking with a special sound. “The Great Gig in the Sky” suddenly changes the sound image from around 3: 07 seconds, but otherwise the nervousness of a pure dynamic tone color spreads as the body trembles. It is also a big deal to change the latter half of the song to jazzy, and the sound fluctuation that occurred around 1/04 second of the original sound has also been corrected perfectly, so the comfort of listening is significantly improved compared to the public source doing.

In “Us and Them”, sweetness and flexible sound blend mellow and you will get drunk by its solid density and weight. In the midfield supported by Sachs, romans in the songs are released one after another at their ears, and everyone should be overwhelmed by their immediate sound image. “Any color You Like” is stretched and I think that it will be fascinated by a lively sound image centered on an endless guitar. The figure which undergoes a dramatic transformation to convolve at the end of the song also inhales the inflection of the sound of the site vigorously, and it will be exciting for that real sound as well. “Eclipse” is a lump of sound filled with euphoria delivered to the ear with a sense of transparency and sharpness, and after waiting for the encore wait for about 5 minutes (※ 4 minutes 14 seconds until the track change Also supplemented by the launch) is also included, raising the significance of the full length version. The encore ‘One of These Days’ appeared as a burning sound that burns the intelligence of listeners. Violent and mysterious sounds vibrantly emerge vividly, and their elegant provocation bursts and leaves a tremendous reverberation and leaves. From the vicinity of 8 minutes and 24 seconds after the show – until the end of the disc is connected with the sound of the same part with a pre-launch board, the finish as a full length version is also perfect.

What you will feel strongly after listening, it will be the size of the original sound of the original recording sound. As I mentioned at the beginning, this source is publicly released as Generation 2nd Gen, Fregus, but although it is 2nd Gen, the impact which is breathing with so high quality sound (= original master master sound It is not an exaggeration to say that the high-precision recording power of this public source is the most attractive of this public source, the excitement of the special A class sound and the final performance fun pushing it is suitable for saying that this is the real “Fan cry” It has become one. It is a perfect piece to crush the year-end and New Year holidays with Floyd without a multiplier price, and it is a superb press board 2 sheets set suitable for the milestone and the milestone reaching the just 45th year from this performance !!

ピンク・フロイド1973年、あのファン泣かせの音源が遂にSigmaからレーベル初登場! 2017年度フロイド非公式音源の大トリを飾る激震の一枚です!!!

その正体は1973年10月13日、オーストリアはウィーンのスタッド・ハレ公演。この日の音源は2005年頃、HIGHLANDレーベルから出ていた『THE LUNATICS ON THE RUN (HL591/592)』や、Heart Breakersレーベルの『SET THE CONTROLS FOR THE HEART OF THE SUN (HB 805-1/2)』といったタイトルが知られています。ただそれら既発盤で演奏内容を御存知の方であれば「あぁ、アレかぁ・・。あれ、音が良ければねぇ・・」と、つい涙目になってしまうファンの方も多いのではないでしょうか。


1.「Obscured by Clouds ~ When You’re In」の2曲がオープニング・ナンバーとして演奏されたのはこの日が最後だったため。唯一の例外として翌月11月4日、次の公演地であった英国レインボー・シアターではオープニングではなくアンコールとして演奏されましたが、でもそれを最後にフロイドがこれらの曲を演奏する事は二度とありませんでした

2.「Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun」も本公演がフロイドとしての最終演奏であり、しかもこれが実演時間12分半を超える稀代の熱演であったため


4.「The Great Gig in the Sky」の後半がベースに先導される形でジャズ・スウィングのテイストで進行する珍しい演奏が聴けるため


しかしそれも今週末までの話。このたび、そのレベルの低かった音質と全ての既発盤を瞬時に駆逐する驚異のアッパー・ソースが2nd Genテープのトランスファーという形でネット出現し、世界中の非公式音源ファンに衝撃を与えました。その音質はどう厳しく評価してもAランク最上位となる特Aクラスで、やおら信じ難いほどのアッパー感が備わっていたのです。まさにプレス盤に相応しい原石の輝きが眩しいほど輝いていたのですが、唯一欠点だったのがショウ冒頭や曲間で部分的な欠落が生じていた点で、HIGHLAND盤で使用されたマスター(※ 恐らく3rd Gen以降のものと思われます)と比較すると、一部、曲間を中心に本来そこにあるべき音が欠けていました。そこで当レーベルのスタッフがそれらの部分に(※ 音質は落ちますが )HIGHLAND音源を波形1/1000でシンクロしてパッチ補完する事で、まず本来の姿を復元。同時に厳密なピッチ修正とアナログ・ノイズのピンポイント除去も慣行し、現存する当日の音を全て使い切りながらどの既発盤よりも突き抜ける高音質盤という優位性を得ることが出来たのです。それが今週末・・・いえ、本年度最後に超新星級の輝きで登場するSigma最新作、レーベル初登場となる1973年ウィーンの最新版なのです!!!

まず「Obscured by Clouds」ですが、これは公開ソースで欠落していた冒頭約32秒間を既発HIGHLAND盤から音を拾っているものの、その先は圧巻の超優秀サウンドが登場します。音が太く、低音域に芯のあるラウド感たっぷりの音像なのに高い透明感も宿っているというこのサウンド・インパクトは、現存する全73年音源中でも圧倒的です。ここからシームレスにシフトする「When You’re In」では中音域に集まる濃密な音響エネルギーが濃淡豊かに表情を変え続け、タフでありながら微細な弱音も埋もれないそのサウンドにびっくりされるでしょう。「Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun」も、その格調高い音楽的語彙による反復構成のまどろみが濃密な音像の中で揺らめきます。周知の通りこの日のこの曲はフロイド史上最後の演奏となっており、その12分半を超える長尺な熱演をかつてない高解像サウンドで堪能出来るのです。しかも演奏終了後には約2分半以上ものチューニング・シーンまで含んでいるのですから、その聴き応えは計り知れません。

「Careful With That Axe, Eugene」は既発盤では希薄だった立体的で奥行きのあるサウンドの広がりが魅力です。ロジャーの奇妙な声やモノローグもハッキリ聴こえるだけでなく、低音域がタフなのにベースが全く潰れず、その妖しい動きがハッキリ聴こえる点にも並々ならぬ録音レベルの高さが伺えます。演奏終了後の13分30秒~15分40秒付近まではその部分で音が残っているHIGHLAND盤から補填していますが、この部分はHIGHLAND盤も音質が比較的安定したパートなので殆ど違和感を感じないでしょう。「Echoes」はそのHIGHLAND盤同様に4分14秒付近から約20秒間に渡ってマスターテープのよれと部分的な音の欠落が生じているものの、響きと響きの狭間に鳴き声を木霊させる事によって生まれる神秘性がかつて体験した事の無いほど鮮やかに現れる一曲です。この日は中盤インスト展開部を長めに演奏しており、アホウドリのシーンにしてもこれほど多弁で多様な鳴きを延々と展開するのはかなり異例です。更に終盤へ向かう流れもあのグラマラスな音の配列が威力あるマッシヴな高解像サウンドで押し寄せ、凡庸で記録性が低くニュアンスの一部が失われてしまいがちな録音とは別次元にあるソースである事をますます実感出来るのです。

ディスク2のダークサイド完全再現は「Speak to Me」の鼓動音の出だしからほぼ完全収録。しかも音像が太くて近く鮮明で、モノローグSEもハッキリ聴こえており、これも音の手応え満点の導入となっています。「On the Run」はシーケンス音の中に木霊する様々なSEがかなり明瞭に聴こえており、各既発盤との音質精度の差が更に判然としますし、「Time」もあの時代を攪拌した生々しい響きが特上のサウンドで息衝いています。「The Great Gig in the Sky」は3分07秒付近から急に音像が変わるのですが、それ以外は身が震えるほどピュア・ダイナミックな音色の陶酔が広がります。曲後半がジャジーに変容するのも大きな聴きどころですし、原音の1分04秒付近を中心に発生していた音揺れもパーフェクトに修正していますので、公開ソースよりも聴き心地が格段に向上しています。

一転して「Us and Them」では甘美さと柔軟性のあるサウンドがまろやかに融合し、その確かな密度と重みに酔い痴れるでしょう。サックスがサポートする中盤では曲の中に潜むロマンが耳元で次々と開放され、その間近な音像に誰もが圧倒される筈です。「Any Colour You Like」は引き伸ばされ、延々と続くギターを軸にする生々しい音像に魅了されると思います。曲終盤で畳み込むように劇的な変容を遂げる姿も現場の音の抑揚を生々しく吸い込んでおり、これもそのリアルな音にドキドキするでしょう。「Eclipse」は陶酔に充ちた音の塊が透明感と鋭さを伴うサウンドで耳元に運ばれ、終演後もアンコール待ちまでの様子が約5分間(※ うち4分14秒~トラック切り替わりまでは既発盤で補填)も収録、全長版の意義を高めています。そのアンコール「One of These Days」は聴く者の知性を焼き焦がす灼熱のサウンドで登場。暴力的でミステリアスな音の躍動が鮮烈に現われ、そのエレガントな挑発が炸裂したまま凄まじい余韻を残して去ってゆきます。終演後の8分24秒付近~ディスクエンドまでは既発盤で同部分の音を繋ぎ、全長版としての仕上がりも万全です。

聴き終えて誰もが強くお感じになるであろうこと、それは収録原音の器の大きさでしょう。冒頭で記した通り、このソースは世代的には2nd Genというフレコミで公開されているのですが、2nd Genでありながらもこれほど質の高いサウンドで息衝いている衝撃(=大元マスター原音の高精度な録音力)がこの公開ソース最大の魅力と言っても過言ではなく、その押し寄せる特A級サウンドと最終演奏目白押しの興奮は、これぞ本物の” ファン泣かせ “極上感涙タイトルと言うに相応しいものとなっています。掛け値なしで年末年始をフロイドでときめくに最適の一枚、そしてこの公演からジャスト45年目を迎える節目と幕開けに相応しい極上のプレス盤2枚組です!!


Disc 1 (70:34)
1. Obscured by Clouds 2. When You’re In 3. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
4. Careful With That Axe, Eugene 5. Echoes

Disc 2 (73:46)
The Dark Side of the Moon
1. Speak to Me 2. Breathe 3. On the Run 4. Time 5. Breathe (Reprise) 6. The Great Gig in the Sky
7. Money 8. Us and Them 9. Any Colour You Like 10. Brain Damage 11. Eclipse
12. One of These Days

Sigma 205

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