Paul Simon / The Paul Simon Special / 1DVD

Paul Simon / The Paul Simon Special / 1DVD/ Non label
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Taken from the original Japanese laser disc

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Paul  Simon picture software of nostalgic finally appears in limited press DVD. That name is “PAUL SIMON SPECIAL”. In Japan, it is the video that software was released under the title “special show”. Originally a special program that was broadcast on the American television, it was created in co-planning by Lawn Michaels, a producer of TV program “SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE” Paul repeatedly appeared.
In the program of 50 minutes Simon will make photographs and performances while pushing and interrogating with a producer who is different in personality to make TV specials. It is quite interesting that the producer dressed as an actor Charles Gradin will progress TV and special work more rapidly than Simon’s various concerns. The stage shot for specials is done in the situation that only 40 people are entering the audience, and it will put down Simon in disappointment.
However, the producer says it will manage somehow by editing and it will not multiply. To Simon’s NBC studio where further recording is done Simon carries several guitar cases alone, and if you arrive at the lobby, you do not know who you are. The program will progress in such an irony situation.
What is more important than anything is the editorial that the producer did in order to make the concert footage where the audience seemed rattled as a glowing concert. When Simon sings “Still Crazy After All These Years”, the screen shows the audience seats of rock concerts unrelated to him. Even though Simon is singing moistly, the audience seems to be a big fanatics of standing up. Although Simon protests that “This is not my concert but it is not Barebare”, the producer will show another live video as well.
This is the highest masterpiece scene, but this time it is only the elderly people that Simon’s eyes are singing “Bridge Over Troubled Water” while singing. And I think that the song is over after applauding applaud … and the banzai trivial image of the rally (political or something) meeting held at Nippon Budokan was used, and the producer said “everyone worships” I am afraid. Of course Simon gets angry with “I am not such an audience of my concert!” Nevertheless, the producer did not go through the meaning and the title of the program was “weak with Paul Simon special, more importantly Paul” Bridge over troubled tomorrow “How about with Simon Special?

Everything is such a comedy touched story that the story is developed in such a condition, but while being swayed by such a producer, Simon ‘s performance performed everywhere is wonderful. While he says “It is different from the album”, he sings a blues version of “Jesse Dixon Singers” and “Loves Me Like A Rock”.
Also in the scene of “Old Frineds” with art / Garfunkel which is treated as a climax in the second half, the producer will break in to get in the way. So he compelled the two to practice the dialogue of the program, but the two people exchanging there will not have it as it is at the time of appearance “SATURDAY NIGHT” in 1975, so the irony is working. Even so, the producer finally tells Simon that “the singing by two people is better than singing alone” rather than singing alone, the program ends with an attempt to urge S & G’s reunion. It was made as a comedy / drama.

This program was released as video and software in the 1980’s, and even the laser disc was released. I wonder if there are many people who have seen a program thanks to them. Even after the extinction of the LD, the video itself was sold for a long time, and it was rather converted to the classic image of Simon in the 1970s. However, it has reached the point without the possibility of being released as a DVD, and in recent years it has changed to a situation that the picture familiar with that is not easy to see.
Today, this software is split uploaded on YouTube, and it is easy to see if it is only viewing. However, it is superb, it is uploaded by overseas fans so there is no subtitle.
However, this time it is based on the missing condition LD out of LD, so the level of image quality is different first. Since subtitling entered into it anyhow, it is attractive that you can taste exactly different dimensions from just a live program. While listening to the performance scene, there is no subtitle to enjoy this drama. Please enjoy nostalgic television specials on DVD by all means. Because it is a picture that had been out of print for a long time, there may be someone who can see for the first time or for the first time in a while!
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何とも懐かしいポール・サイモンの映像ソフトが遂に限定プレスDVDで登場します。その名は「PAUL SIMON SPECIAL」。日本では「スペシャル・ショー」というタイトルでソフトがリリースされていたあの映像です。元々はアメリカのテレビで放送されたスペシャル番組で、ポールが何度も出演していたテレビ番組「SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE」のプロデューサー、ローン・マイケルズの共同企画でつくられたもの。
何より傑作なのは、客席がガラガラだったコンサート映像をいかにも白熱したコンサートにすべくプロデューサーが施した編集ぶり。サイモンが「Still Crazy After All These Years」を歌い出すと画面は彼と関係ないロック・コンサートの客席が映し出されます。サイモンがしっとり歌い上げているのにもかかわらず、客席は総立ちの大熱狂。サイモンが「これじゃ僕のコンサートじゃないのがバレバレじゃないか」と抗議するものの、プロデューサーは別のライブ映像も映し出してみせます。
これが最高に傑作な場面なのですが、今度はサイモンが「Bridge Over Troubled Water」をしんみり歌っている最中に映し出されるのはお年寄りばかり。そして曲が終わって拍手喝采か…と思いきや、何と日本武道館で行われた(政治か何かの)集会の万歳三唱映像が使われ、プロデューサーが「みんな崇拝しているじゃないか」となだめています。もちろんサイモンは「こんなの僕のコンサートのオーディエンスじゃない!」と怒り狂います。それでもプロデューサーは意に介さず、番組のタイトルも「ポール・サイモン・スペシャルじゃ弱い、いっそのことポール“明日に架ける橋”サイモン・スペシャルでどうだ?」とむちゃくちゃな提案ばかり。

万事こんな調子でストーリーが展開されるコメディ・タッチの内容ですが、そんなプロデューサーに振り回されつつも、合間でサイモンが披露する演奏はどれも素晴らしいもの。彼が「アルバムとは違う感じで」と言いながらジェシー・ディクソン・シンガーズと「Loves Me Like A Rock」のブルース・バージョンを歌ってみせます。
また後半のクライマックス的な扱いとなっているアート・ガーファンクルとの「Old Frineds」のシーンでもプロデューサーが邪魔をしに割って入ります。そこで彼が二人に番組の台詞を練習するように強要、ところがそこで展開する二人のやりとりは1975年の「SATURDAY NIGHT」出演時そのままなのだから皮肉が効いています。それでいてプロデューサーが最後の最後にサイモンへ「君は一人で歌うよりも二人で歌う方がずっといい」とS&Gの再結成を本気で促そうとして番組が終わってしまうという、最後まで皮肉なタッチのコメディ・ドラマとして作られていました。


This is the story of the making of a television special with Paul and his friends Chevy Chase, the Jesse Dixon Singers, Art Garfunkel, Lily Tomlin and Charles Grodin as the “big bad” producer…

1. Introduction 2. Still Crazy After All These Years
3. Studio Conversation 4. Arrived at NBC Studios 5. Back Stage Conversation 6. Something So Right
7. Studio Conversation (feat. Still Crazy After All These Years & Bridge Over Troubled Water)
8. I Do It For Your Love (with Toots Thielemans) 9. Chevy Chase Show
10. Loves Me Like A Rock (with the Jessy Dixon Singers) 11. Still Crazy After All These Years
12. Back Stage Conversation (with Art Garfunkel) 13. Old Friends (with Art Garfunkel)
14. Back Stage Conversation 15. The Boxer 16. Back Stage Conversation
17. Slip Slidin’ Away (End Credit)



Al Brown / Edward Daniels / Steve Gadd / Janet Hamilton / Kathy Kienke / Tony Levin
Hugh McCracken / David Sanborn / Richard Sortomme / Richard Tee / Toots Thielemans
The Jessy Dixon Singers

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