Paul McCartney / One On One In Paris / 3CD

Paul McCartney / One On One In Paris / 3CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at Accor Hotels Arena, Paris, France 30th May 2016


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Ever since the start of the pole this year’s tour, “ONE ON ONE”, is given from the United States of the start point discussions and the sound is good audience recording did not appear, was unexpected development as 2016. Again, that any tour also want to enjoy in the quality of the Seoul performance comparable to the surprise that last year’s Japan tour items and our shop has released. However Ever since moved “ONE ON ONE” tour in Europe, as if it were like a dam floodgates open, superb sound quality of the audience recording will begin to spread and crawling. This is perhaps a result of the United States and Europe of the taper temperament differences appeared. Rapid-fire the best sound source from Germany, such as “ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF” and “ONE ON ONE IN MUNICH,” the ultra-high-quality sound from our thanks as gorgeous to start the “ONE ON ONE IN BERLIN” which was two coupling it should still fresh in our memory was released in.
That said are those that appeared on their sound source the net, even though it is best audience recording boasts a much exceptional quality, is to shop for release at the limit of the press CD …. Here again, its own to obtain the sound source if the shop, yet where you want Mise to achieve press on CD in the audience recording, which boasts the best sound quality. It has appeared in the place where I thought so! To the sound source that does not flow at all in the traders and between on the net I was successful to obtain.
Paris performances of May 30 days to taper me have contact is recorded in our shop. That’s right, “ONE ON ONE” tour, is the first day of the European leg. Sound quality of this audience recordings who captures the live of this day, anyway great. “Letting Go” to the on-sound image as much as the sound would stand hangnail is a slight edge of the sound too close. But from the “Temporary Secretary” it will be overwhelmed by the stunning clearness to take even such roughness. Although not expected to reach as much as the extreme feeling of directness “recorder 1” in Berlin, the last shop has its own available sound source of appropriate to release quality gave me appeared at the limit of the press CD … such excitement from this sentence whether it would be Moraere feel even a little.

But is this time of “ONE ON ONE” tour, in order to renew the concept of the “OUT THERE” tour that lasted long time, it has been significantly replacing the repertoire is already a hot topic among enthusiasts around the world and as it is. Starting with “A Hard Day’s Night,” the opening, this time is introduced many Beatles repertoire of time referred to as the so-called “previous year” (When it comes to “In Spite Of All The Danger” is the music of the previous debut) basis of the points you have attention. However, in response to Paul’s voice from beyond the 70’s is failing subtly, we finally started to introduce the arrangement of lowering the key.
The best example is I after a long time in a was revived as a repertoire “Here There And Everywhere”, “but what Paul is surprised just say that playing form to sing while playing the piano, is played before by lowering the key My be the same as found in the album “KISSES oN tHE BOTTOM,” said Valentine, “it was transformed into a moody melody, such as not amusing. Moreover, it is indeed because the arrangement is finished to feel good. Also splendor of the acoustic performances of the Beatles debut song that was rapture the mania around the world, “Love Me Do” is I enjoy in superb sound quality!
And more than anything, would be a big attraction is also the atmosphere in which the pole of the day was full of playful and margin in high spirits have been captured this also in the best sound quality. After After all was played in memory of John of “Here Today”, when the chorus of his “Give Peace A Chance” from the audience begins, the last line that Paul was delighted to it has accompaniment on the piano, a scene that’ll sing together really pleasing. Stop before you start the “Yesterday” in the encore, this time in response to that Paris spectators were in chorus the national “La Marseilaise”, Paul is “God Save The Queen,” a funny thing because I also give an imitation of solo while moment There is no on this. Exactly France seems sound source of this day was the live is already floating around also on the net, not be compared with it to send it (too another dimension) superb sound quality, from our shop “ONE ON ONE” tour, press CD title. If you want to listen to this year of Paul, first try this!


ポール今年のツアー「ONE ON ONE」が始まってからというもの、スタート地点のアメリカからはスカッと音がいいオーディエンス録音が登場しなかったのは、2016年としては意外な展開でした。やはり、どのツアーも昨年の来日公演アイテムや当店がリリースした驚きのソウル公演並みのクオリティで楽しみたいもの。ところが「ONE ON ONE」ツアーがヨーロッパに移ってからというもの、まるでダムの水門が開いたかの如く、極上音質のオーディエンス録音がウヨウヨと広まり始めます。これはアメリカとヨーロッパのテーパーの気質の違いが現れた結果なのかもしれません。おかげで当店からも超高音質音源をゴージャスに二種類カップリングした「ONE ON ONE IN BERLIN」を始めとして「ONE ON ONE IN DUSSELDORF」そして「ONE ON ONE IN MUNICH」といったドイツからの極上音源を矢継ぎ早にリリースしたことは記憶に新しいはず。
当店にコンタクトしてきてくれたテーパーが録音したのは5月30日のパリ公演。そうです、「ONE ON ONE」ツアー、ヨーロッパ・レグの初日です。この日のライブを捉えてくれた今回のオーディエンス録音の音質、とにかく素晴らしい。「Letting Go」までは音が近すぎてわずかながら音のエッジがささくれ立ってしまうほどにオンな音像。しかし「Temporary Secretary」からはそんな粗さもとれて見事なクリアネスに圧倒されてしまいます。さすがにベルリンの「recorder 1」のほど極端なダイレクト感には及ばないものの、遂に当店が限定のプレスCDにてリリースに相応しいクオリティの独自入手音源が登場してくれた…そんな興奮をこの文章から少しでも感じてもらえれば幸いかと。

今回の「ONE ON ONE」ツアーですが、長きに及んだ「OUT THERE」ツアーからのコンセプトを一新すべく、レパートリーを大幅に入れ替えてきたことは既に世界中のマニアの間で話題になっているとおり。オープニングの「A Hard Day’s Night」を始めとして、今回はいわゆる「前期」と称される時期のビートルズ・レパートリーが多く導入(「In Spite Of All The Danger」に至ってはデビュー前の曲です)されている点が注目の的。ただし、70を超えてからポールの声が微妙に衰えつつあるのを受け、遂にキーを下げるというアレンジを導入し始めました。
その最たる例が久々にレパートリーとして復活した「Here There And Everywhere」なのですが、何とポールがピアノを弾きながら歌う演奏形態というだけでも驚きですが、キーを下げたことで前に演奏される「My Valentine」と同じようにアルバム「KISSES ON THE BOTTOM」に入っていてもおかしくないようなムーディな曲調に生まれ変わりました。しかもアレンジがいい感じに仕上がっているのだからさすがです。また世界中のマニアを狂喜させたビートルズのデビュー曲「Love Me Do」のアコースティックな演奏の素晴らしさが極上の音質で味わえるのです!
そして何よりも、この日のポールがノリノリで遊び心と余裕に溢れた雰囲気がこれまた最高の音質で捉えられているのも大きな魅力でしょう。何しろジョンを偲んで演奏された「Here Today」の後、客席から彼の「Give Peace A Chance」の合唱が始まると、それに喜んだポールがピアノで伴奏した挙句、一緒に歌ってあげるという場面が実に微笑ましい。とどめはアンコールの「Yesterday」を始める前、今度はパリの観客が国家「La Marseilaise」を合唱したことに応え、ポールが「God Save The Queen」を一瞬ながらも独唱してみせるのだから愉快なことこの上ありません。正にフランスらしいライブとなったこの日の音源は既にネット上にも出回っていますが、それとは比べ物にならない(あまりに別次元)極上音質でお送りする、当店からの「ONE ON ONE」ツアー、プレスCDタイトル。今年のポールが聴きたければ、まずはこれをどうぞ!

Disc 1 (49:22)
1. Introduction 2. A Hard Day’s Night 3. Save Us 4. Can’t Buy Me Love 5. Letting Go
6. Temporary Secretary 7. Let Me Roll It / Foxy Lady 8. I’ve Got A Feeling
9. My Valentine 10. Nineteen Hundred And Eighty-Five 11. Here, There And Everywhere
12. Maybe I’m Amazed

Disc 2 (54:31)
1. We Can Work It Out 2. In Spite Of All The Danger 3. You Won’t See Me 4. Love Me Do
5. And I Love Her 6. Blackbird 7. Here Today / Give Peace A Chance 8. Queenie Eye 9. New
10. The Fool On The Hill 11. Lady Madonna 12. Four Five Seconds 13. Michelle
14. Eleanor Rigby 15. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!

Disc 3 (65:11)
1. Something 2. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da 3. Band On The Run 4. Back In The U.S.S.R.
5. Let It Be 6. Live And Let Die 7. Hey Jude 8. La Marseilaise / Yesterday
9. Hi, Hi, Hi 10. Birthday 11. Golden Slumbers 12. Carry That Weight 13. The End

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