Paul McCartney / Now Hear This Song Of Mine Ram Outtakes / 2CD

Paul McCartney / Now Hear This Song Of Mine Ram Outtakes / 2CD / Non Label

Translated text:

Taken From The Original US Promo LP “Brung To Ewe By” (SPRO-6210)

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“Lamb”, it is said that the status as a historical masterpiece like a lie was unrelenting that it was criticized from the rolling stone magazine at the beginning of the present as “extreme corruption of 60’s rock” as a lie. Furthermore, in terms of recording a huge hit without having a criticism, it can be said that Paul after the dissolution of the Beatles is an important work raising the smoke of the full-scale activity. Last week I released the Dr.Ebbetts version mono mix of this album, it was like a trailer to the last. Yes, this time, release of the session sound source collection of “rum” is realized.
Originally “Lamb” was also an album that raised the resurrection wolf smoke in that vigorous work was done by blowing out the shock of dissolution of the Beatles as regards Pauls’ s willingness to create. In the recording session, songs not enough to fit in the album were recorded, and songs that saw the eyes of the sun on a single B side like “Oh Woman, Oh Why” “I Lie Around”, “Get On The Right Thing “Little Lamb Dragonfly” and “Dear Friend” as well as songs that were diverted to later albums, as well as songs offered by Paul provided by Roger Daltry’s solo album “ONE OF THE BOYS” released in 1977. “Giddy” The original song “Rode All Night” was born out.

Such motivation for the creation of Paul is up to the album · promotion, and it seems that it is sticking to be made to produce records for radio stations which made up various kinds of jingles for radio advertisement, and which summarizes it. That is the promo LP “BRUNG TO EWE BY”. Contents that Paul and Linda muttered album title, persistently singing the line “Now hear this, song of mine”. It is interesting that the arrangement of the fragments gradually escalates. Although it is not a decent song, it is a content reminiscent of the Beatles’ Christmas Records, but it is still a precious instrument that is only heard on this promotion board.
In the Contra Band’s LP “LENNON MCCARTNEY” which recorded this sound for the first time it was recorded together with the excerpt of Christmas Records 1966, but it was also told that I remembered the same thing after editing .
Since “BRUNG TO EWE BY” itself was a very valuable promo-only release, it continues to be included in the bootleg in various forms. Even so, since the original is a promo tone generator and a certain level of sound quality line is guaranteed, the opportunity to be recorded from the original promotion has become extremely low as it is backfired. For example, the version that was recorded in the past title “RAM MONO” etc. was obviously degraded in tone quality, probably based on the counter fitting board of “BRUNG TO ~” released in the 1980s It is guessed.
Therefore, it is recorded from the original LP of Megalare Promo, which decorates the beginning in this release. We traced carefully from the original / promotion LP by collector offering, and recorded it in a form that removes scratch noise on it cleanly. It is a clearness that does not become a comparison with a lot of existing past items, and it is a noiseless state that makes it feel even vivid as if it were literally all over. If you can hear it with the same quality as Super Deluxe Edition, there is a version recorded as a voice flowing through the menu screen of the accompanying DVD, but unfortunately there are incomplete versions in which unrecorded parts exist for two minutes. Therefore, this recording is suitable for decision board.

This release is a collection of sessions, so escalate to further content of content after this. Dr. Ebbetts version as an item that summarized the session sound source and “BRUNG TO EWE BY”, “ULTIMATE RAM” already existed. However, this time it is volume called just a studio sound source, so we released Dr.Ebbetts version of the product as a stand-alone trailer.
Two famous outtakes created from the session of this album are “A Love For You” and “Hey Diddle”. Both of them are extremely high in completeness and existed as the core of the unreleased music collection “COLD CUTS”, but the tracks of disappointment that eventually shared destiny with receiving the entrance of the album. “COLD CUTS” This is also a project of disappointing that Paul has taken over again every few years, none of which eventually was released.
It is documented on two disks from the birth of these two songs to the repetition of several times. So it is a translation that the same song and the same performance are continued many times, but since all the mix differences are big, it is quite interesting to understand how to be knocked down year after year by being heard and bored. As for “A Love For You”, it finally saw the eyes of the sun at the movie “THE IN – LAWS” in 2003 (it is also a finished thing which is far from the original recording), but this item is summarized as one item up to this version As it has never existed, updated edits will satisfy mania. After all it is only me that I can hear the basic track recorded in the state close to the instrument with the guide / vocal of the very first pole the most exciting?
Similar trucks on this basic truck and “The Back Seat Of My Car” and “Long Haired Lady” are recorded from the masterpiece “UNSURPASSED MASTERS”, but the point that the sound image was reversed was taken into account in this recording Adjust. Although it tends to be overlooked unexpectedly, since “Rode All Night” contains a remix that the end of the song was cut at the Super Deluxe Edition, the original mix of “UNSURPASSED MASTERS” recorded is still worthwhile and this time it’s worth it Includes mix. Of course this track also corrects the inverse problem of left and right channels. Instrument “Great Cock And Seagull Race” which was outtaking and had more than one mix progressing stage was also available to adjust the pitch and compare all versions in an accurate state. Also included is “Uncle Albert / Jam” which was asked only by online purchase of the Super Deluxe Edition, and it has become an undisputed finish as a culmination of the “Lamb” session. Regarding “The Back Seat Of My Car” and “Another Day”, I also cover the drafts Paul played at the Beatles getback session. It is also a nice place to reduce the “pea” sound for film synchronization which was harsh on the already launched panel which is common in this session sound source. The acetate version of “Another Day” that appeared as a leaked tape sound source owned by Trevor Jones of former Roddy was also reviewed from the original sound source and recorded at the latest remaster.

The latter part of the second piece is a collection of live versions of “Lamb” recorded songs in accordance with the order of songs recorded in the album, with a spirit of premier bonus tracks. It is time when Paul does not have a band, moreover, since it is only music that was recorded with the trouble of each song, unexpectedly live version is small. Therefore, the ages of performances recorded here range widely. However, since most recorded sources are sound board recordings, I hope to enjoy it smoothly throughout. Among them, several songs from Groningen ‘s performance in 1972, this was also available online only, so it should be useful for people who wanted to bring it on CD or wanted to hear it.
And the latter “Real” bonus track recorded two kinds of fan mix. It is close to that analog generations, John closes the curtain in a scene where he interviews the passage of “Too Many People” and “Back Seat Of My Car” in an interview. If you bring it with the Ebbetts version of the product released last week, the rare sound source of “Lamb” is perfect!

元々「ラム」はポールの創作意欲に関してもビートルズ解散のショックを吹っ切って精力的な作業が行われた点で、やはり復活の狼煙を上げたアルバム。レコーディング・セッションではアルバムに収まり切らないほどの楽曲が録音され、「Oh Woman, Oh Why」「I Lie Around」のようにシングルのB面で日の目をみた曲もあれば、「Get On The Right Thing」「Little Lamb Dragonfly」「Dear Friend」のように後のアルバムに流用されて日の目をみた曲、さらにはロジャー・ダルトリーの77年発表ソロ作「ONE OF THE BOYS」収録のポール提供曲「Giddy」の原曲となった「Rode All Night」まで産み出された。

そんなポールの創作意欲はアルバム・プロモーションにまで及び、ラジオ宣伝用のジングルを何種類も作った挙句、それをまとめたラジオ局用のレコードまで製造される凝りよう。それがプロモLP「BRUNG TO EWE BY」なのです。内容はポールやリンダがアルバム・タイトルを呟く中で、しつこく「Now hear this, song of mine」というラインを歌うというもの。その断片の演奏アレンジが徐々にエスカレートしていくのも面白い。とは言ってもまともな楽曲ではなく、ビートルズのクリスマス・レコードを彷彿させるような内容ではありますが、未だにこのプロモ盤でしか聞かれない貴重音源でもあるのです。
この音源を初めて収録したコントラ・バンドのLP「LENNON MCCARTNEY」にはそれとクリスマス・レコード1966年の抜粋が一緒に収録されていましたが、やはり同じことを連想して編集したことが伺われました。
何より「BRUNG TO EWE BY」自体が極めて貴重なプロモ・オンリーのリリースであったことからさまざまな形でブートレグに収録され続けています。それでいて元がプロモ音源である程度の音質ラインが保証されることから、それが裏目となってオリジナルのプロモから収録される機会が極端に少なくなってしまいました。例えば過去のタイトル「RAM MONO」などに収録されていたバージョンなどは明らかに音質が劣化気味で、おそらくは80年代にリリースされた「BRUNG TO~」のカウンターフィット盤辺りを元にしていたのだと推測されます。

今回のリリースはセッション集ですので、この後からさらなる充実の内容へとエスカレート。Dr.Ebbetts版モノにセッション音源や「BRUNG TO EWE BY」をまとめたアイテムとしては、既に「ULTIMATE RAM」が存在していました。しかし今回はスタジオ音源だけで二枚組と言うボリュームであり、それ故にDr.Ebbetts版モノを単体かつ予告編としてリリースしたのです。
本アルバムのセッションから生み出された二つの有名なアウトテイクが「A Love For You」と「Hey Diddle」。どちらも完成度が非常に高くて未発表曲集「COLD CUTS」の核となった存在ながら、結局そのアルバムのお蔵入りを受けて運命を共にしてしまった悲運の曲。「COLD CUTS」は数年おきにポールが手を入れ直しておきながら、結局そのどれもがリリースされなかったという、これまた悲運のプロジェクト。
二枚のディスクにこれら二曲の誕生から幾度なる手の入れ直しまでがドキュメントされています。よって同じ曲、同じ演奏が何度も続いてしまう訳ですが、どれもミックスの違いが大きいので聞いていて退屈するどころか、年々いじくられ倒す様子が解って実に面白い。「A Love For You」に関しては2003年の映画「THE IN-LAWS」で遂に日の目をみた(おまけに当初の録音からかけ離れた仕上がり)訳ですが、こちらのバージョンまで一つのアイテムにまとめたアイテムというのが今まで存在しなかっただけに、アップデートな編集内容がマニアを満足させることでしょう。結局は一番最初のポールのガイド・ボーカル入りでインストに近い状態で録音されたベーシックトラックが一番エキサイティングに聞こえるのは私だけでしょうか?
このベーシックトラックや「The Back Seat Of My Car」と「Long Haired Lady」における同様のトラックは名盤「UNSURPASSED MASTERS」からの収録ですが、音像が逆になっていしまっていた点を今回の収録に当たってアジャスト。意外と見過ごされがちですが「Rode All Night」はスーパー・デラックス・エディションでは曲の終わりがカットされたリミックスが収録されているため、「UNSURPASSED MASTERS」収録のオリジナルミックスもまだまだ価値があり今回はそちらのミックスを収録。勿論こちらのトラックも左右のch逆問題を修正。他にもアウトテイクでしかも複数のミックス進行段階が出回っていたインスト「Great Cock And Seagull Race」もピッチをアジャストしてすべてのバージョンを正確な状態で聞き比べられるようになっています。そしてスーパー・デラックス・エディションのオンライン購入のみで聞かれた「Uncle Albert / Jam」も収録しており、「ラム」セッションの集大成として抜かりの無い仕上がりとなっています。さらに「The Back Seat Of My Car」と「Another Day」に関しては、ビートルズのゲットバック・セッションでポールが弾いていた草稿まで網羅。このセッション音源にありがちな既発盤では耳障りだったフィルム同期用の”ピー”音が低減させているのも嬉しいところ。元ローディのトレバー・ジョーンズ所有のテープ音源が流出したことで登場した「Another Day」のアセテートバージョンも、元音源から見直し最新リマスターにて収録。

そして後半の「リアル」ボーナストラックは二種類のファンミックスを収録しました。それを締めくくるのはアナログ世代には懐かしい、ジョンがインタビューで皮肉交じりに「Too Many People」と「Back Seat Of My Car」の一節を口ずさんだ場面で幕を閉じます。これで先週リリースのEbbetts版モノと併せて持っていれば「ラム」のレア音源は完璧!


Disc 1 (69:23)
1. Now Hear This (Radio Spot Ads 22nd February 1971)
Taken from the original US promo LP “Brung To Ewe By” (SPRO-6210)

2. Another Day (Get Back Session 9th January 1969)
3. The Back Seat Of My Car (Get Back Session 14th January 1969)
4. Another Day (Acetate Mix 12 October 1970)
5. The Back Seat Of My Car (Backing Track 22nd October 1970)
6. Rode All Night (22nd October 1970)
7. A Love For You (Backing Track 26th October 1970)
8. A Love For You (Early Mix with Overdubs)
9. A Love For You (Cold Cuts 1980 Mix)
10. A Love For You (Cold Cuts 1981 Mix)
11. A Love For You (Cold Cuts 1986 Mix)
12. A Love For You (The In-Laws 2003 Mix)
13. Hey Diddle (Home Recording 1971)

Disc 2 (79:32)
1. Hey Diddle (Backing Track 26th October 1970)
2. Hey Diddle (Early Mix with Overdubs)
3. Hey Diddle (Cold Cuts 1978 Mix)
4. Hey Diddle (Cold Cuts 1980 Mix)
5. Hey Diddle (Cold Cuts 1981 Mix)
6. Long Haired Lady (Backing Track 27th October 1970)
7. Sunshine Sometime (29th October 1970)
8. Uncle Albert / Jam (6th November 1970)
9. When The Wind Is Blowing (November 1970)
10. Ram On (22nd February 1971)
11. Great Cock And Seagull Race (Early Mix 23rd February 1971)
12. Great Cock And Seagull Race (Alternate Mix #1)
13. Great Cock And Seagull Race (Alternate Mix #2)

Live Tracks
14. Too Many People (Des Moines 27th October 2005)
15. 3 Legs (13th-14th February 2001)
16. Heart Of The Country (James Paul McCartney TV Show 15th March 1973)
17. Eat At Home (Groningen 19th August 1972)
18. Smile Away (Groningen 19th August 1972)
19. Long Haired Lady (James Paul McCartney TV Show 15th March 1973)
20. Ram On / Big Barn Bed (Tokyo 21st November 2013)

Bonus Tracks
21. The Back Seat Of My Car (Isolated Mix)
22. Smile Away (Thrillington Fan Mix)
23. Comments on Ram by John Lennon

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