Paul McCartney / Budokan 2017 Original In Ear Monitor Recroding / 3CD

Paul McCartney / Budokan 2017 Original In Ear Monitor Recroding / 3CD / Non Label
Translated Text:
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 25th April 2017 (Original IEM Recording) Soundcheck at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 24th April 2017 (Original IEM Recording)

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Although Paul’s 2017 Japan tour which still does not wake up still surprisingly, the sound source distribution and the release of items rushed to the next stage where the audience recordings came to a stage. It seems to me that you all know various gifts and items of our shop, but here I came in In Ear Monitor Iyamoni sound sources and matrices got heated up. Among them, the topic will concentrate on the In Ear Monitor sound source of the Budokan, which was caught from Iyamoni of Wicks, who was responsible for keyboards published on the net. Also this shop is a released sound source as a gift item, and furthermore it seems that there are many people who are already enjoying it because it is easy to see and hear on YouTube.
The clearness of this sound source is wonderful, and it looks like a spilling sound board just like a spilling sound board. Also it’s amazing because such sound sources will appear on the net quite often. And most of all, since the official broadcast will not be realized at all from the Japan tour this time, it is natural that the sound source that you would like to call such a pseudo sound board will be useful.
Although this sound source, although it is easy to be happy to hear the point that the preeminent sound source is heard clearly, it is also a fact that incongruity feeling is not wiped out because it is the situation called In Ear Monitor. The biggest reason is that it was a recording that I caught from Wix’s monitor. If you heard the sound source, everyone should have been acutely aware of it. When Wicks plays or sings, his sound dominates the performance predominantly. In the first place, members other than Wicks, even Paul’s voice is pushed too much by his sound, even his part of the acoustic tune where Wicks turned to decorations is the most prominent balance of his sound. When it comes to the final stage of “Hey Jude” or “Carry That Weight”, it is no longer a wicked singing state (even though I’m saying good) lol.

Even though the sound source has such a bias of balance, for the reasons before, our shop was also considering releasing with limited press CD temporarily. At that time, it was a completely different Martial Arts House Iyamoni sound source. Recording was by the same concert · watcher as the big bestselling “CLOSED SOUNDCHECK AT BUDOKAN 2017”. That’s right, he did it again!
Regarding the recording of the stage performance of the Budokan, which will become our own unique Iyamoni sound source this time, he caught the channel of Rusty and Brian and made it stereo this time by the same method as “CLOSED SOUNDCHECK ~”. As a result, it is an overwhelmingly natural ensemble compared to the Wicks and Iamoni sound sources mentioned earlier. As there are many players whose guitar is the bone of the song again, it seems that this person is suddenly easy to hear.
However, noise in Brian’s recording was mixed in “Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five”, “Maybe I ‘m Amazed”, “Love Me Do” and “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!” From Wicks part recording at the same time. Nevertheless it has become a finish with no sense of incongruity by listening, it is much more rich and natural state than the example Wix · monitor sound source. And above all, it is wonderful that the voice of Paul is caught largely so that it can not be compared with the sound source. This is Paul’s Budokan Concert and not “Wick At The Budokan” (laugh). Nonetheless, though it is a thing that you can enjoy your own performance balance seen in that Wix sound source very much (such as the back chorus of “Drive My Car”).
Especially in the ensemble of the acoustic band including “In Spite Of All The Danger” the difference is clear. Furthermore, the finish which the more realistic feeling is transmitted compared with the Wix sound source will also be the big appeal of this time. The balanced and realistic feeling of fine audience spreading cheers is like a situation reminiscent of that of ZEP’s 929 sound source. Speaking of which, the 929 sound source was recorded by a unique system different from a pure sound board. Thanks to the live end of the live “Hey Jude” chorus, it is interesting only by the Iyamoni sound source that the performance on the stage and the chorus from the audience seem to shift. It makes me sense the distance feeling on the stage and audience seats realistically.

And this press release of limited press release, the highlight is the rehearsal the day before it was recorded in the third piece. That’s right, Paul’s rowers borrowed the Budokan, that rehearsal. Already on this day goods sale of the Japan tour has been held around the Budokan, and that revived that people who came for that purpose were astonished by the sound that leaked out. In this regard, the item which our shop got a glimpse at the audience from outside the venue released on bonus CD-R of “CLOSED SOUNDCHECK AT BUDOKAN 2017”. That sound source that captured the scenery that the birds tweet and the birds singing, and the way the tapers recorded hard while encountering unexpected scenes and suppressing excitement.

Regarding rehabilitation that can be said as a vision, how can I hear it on Ichi Moni sound source on Disc 3 of this time! This is also the first appearance sound source of the impact! Although it is not impossible, as for the taper that the sudden rehearsal begins suddenly the previous day, the recording starts from the head of “Here There And Everywhere” from unexpected circumstances. Besides, unlike concert production and sound check / party, because it is a complete rehearsal not intended for public release, recordings were also picked up by the member’s microphone picking up the sound of the performance, which was caught through Iyamoni. In the feeling that I heard it at once, that is the balance such as the audience recording itself, but it is impossible to enter the venue on the day, and it was a scene where only people who knew the fact of Reha at the scene were a glimpse.

So even though it is less than 30 minutes, the expression of miraculous recording is exactly the same, and even though it is a fuzzy sound image wrapped in echoes, it is compared with the sound source recorded from the outside of the example venue It will surprise the maniacs all over the world that the situation that notifies us the reality of rehabilitation will be conveyed. Still, the intervals between the performances are quite quiet and I can catch up to the conversation of the band below the pole. This is also a story that can not be recorded from outside the venue.
From our shop that has kept releasing only the top items from the Paul 2017 Japan Tour until now, a surprising sound source is released again. Rehabilitation of the Budokan rehearsal stage and the stage production Each of the independently acquired recordings, especially the good balance of the real earphone sound source, is a special one. In “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!” For example, you can hear even the baseline of Paul who is often buried in the ending of the ending, and even his stunning play can be tasted thoroughly. Please enjoy it by all means running at loud volume from the speaker!
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未だに驚くほど余韻が覚めないポールの2017年ジャパン・ツアーですが、オーディエンス録音ものが一段落してきたところで音源の流通やアイテムのリリースがネクスト・ステージへと突入。当店の各種ギフト・アイテムでも皆さまご存知かと思われますが、ここにきてIn Ear Monitorことイヤモニ音源やマトリクスなどが白熱してきました。中でもネットで公開されたキーボード担当ウィックスのイヤモニからキャッチされた武道館のIn Ear Monitor音源に話題が集中しているところでしょう。これまた当店がギフト・アイテムとしてリリース済な音源であり、さらにはYouTube上で簡単に見聞きできることから、既に楽しまれている方が多いかと思われます。
ただしこの音源ですが、気軽にクリアネス抜群な音源が聞かれる点が手放しで喜べる一方、In Ear Monitorという状況だからこその違和感がぬぐえないのも事実。その最大の原因はウィックスのモニターからキャッチした録音だったということ。音源を聞かれた方であれば、そのことは誰もが痛感されたはず。ウィックスが弾いたり、あるいは歌ったりすると、圧倒的に彼の音が演奏を支配してしまう。そもそもウィックス以外のメンバー、さらにはポールの声が彼の音に押しやられすぎですし、ウィックスが装飾に回ったアコースティック・チューンのパートですら、彼の音が一番目立つバランスというもの。とどめは「Hey Jude」の終盤や「Carry That Weight」になると、もはやウィックス熱唱状態(でもいい声してますよね笑)。

そんなバランスの偏りがある音源ながらも、先の理由から一時は当店も限定プレスCDでのリリースを検討していました。そんなタイミングでそれとはまったく別の武道館イヤモニ音源が提供されたのです。録音してくれたのは大ベストセラー「CLOSED SOUNDCHECK AT BUDOKAN 2017」と同一のコンサート・ワッチャーによるもの。そうです、またしても彼がやってくれました!
今回も当店の独自入手イヤモニ音源となる武道館のステージ本番の録音に関して、彼はラスティとブライアンのチャンネルをキャッチし、それを「CLOSED SOUNDCHECK~」と同様の手法にて今回もステレオ化。その結果、先に触れたウィックス・イヤモニ音源と比べて圧倒的に自然なアンサンブル。やはりギターが曲の骨となる演奏の方が多いので、こちらの方が俄然聞きやすいと感じられることでしょう。
ただし「Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five」、「Maybe I’m Amazed」、「Love Me Do」そして「Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!」にはブライアン側の録音にノイズが混入してしまったことから、同時に録音していたウィックスのパートにて補填。それでも通して聞いて違和感がまったくない仕上がりとなっており、例のウィックス・モニター音源よりも、はるかに豊かで自然な状態となっています。そして何よりも、その音源とは比べ物にならないほどポールの声が大きく捉えられているのが素晴らしい。これはポールの武道館コンサートであって「ウィックス・アット・ザ・武道館」ではないのです(笑)。とはいえ、あのウィックス音源にみられた独自の演奏バランスも非常に楽しめる(「Drive My Car」のバックコーラスとか)ものなのですが。
特に「In Spite Of All The Danger」を始めとしたアコースティック・バンドのアンサンブルではその差が歴然。さらにウィックス音源と比べ、より臨場感が伝わってくる仕上がりもまた今回の大きな魅力でしょう。細やかに広がるオーディエンス歓声のバランスと臨場感は、ちょうどZEPの929音源のそれを彷彿とさせるような状態。そういえば929音源も純然たるサウンドボードとは違った独自のシステムによる記録でしたよね。おかげでライブ終盤の「Hey Jude」の合唱ではステージ上の演奏と客席からの合唱にずれがみられるのもイヤモニ音源ならではの面白さ。ステージ上と客席の距離感というものをリアルに感じさせてくれます。

そして今回の限定プレスCDリリース、さらなる目玉は三枚目に収録された前日のリハーサル。そうです、ポール一行が武道館を借りて行った、あのリハ。既にこの日でジャパン・ツアーのグッズ販売が武道館周辺にて行われており、それ目当てで来た人々が漏れ出てくる音に驚かされたあのリハです。これに関しては、当店が「CLOSED SOUNDCHECK AT BUDOKAN 2017」のボーナスCD-Rでリリースした、会場外からのオーディエンスで垣間見られたモノ。あの「ピヨピヨ」と鳥がさえずる鳴き声や、思わぬ場面に遭遇して興奮を抑えながらテーパーが懸命に録音している様子が捉えられたあの音源。

その幻とも言えるリハに関しても、なんと今回のディスク3ではイヤモニ音源で聴くことができるのです!こちらも衝撃の完全初登場音源!無理もないことですが、前日に突如リハーサルが始まるというテーパーにとっても不測の事態から録音は「Here There And Everywhere」の頭からのスタート。おまけにコンサート本番やサウンドチェック・パーティと違い、公開を目的としない完全なるリハですので、録音もメンバーのマイクが演奏の音を拾い、それがイヤモニを介してキャッチされたというもの。ぱっと聞いた感じでは、それこそオーディエンス録音そのものといったバランスですが、当日の会場内に入ることは到底不可能ですし、何よりも現場でリハの事実を知った人だけが垣間見られた場面でした。

これまでポール2017年ジャパン・ツアーからトップ・アイテムばかりをリリースし続けてきた当店から、またしても驚愕の音源がリリース。武道館リハとステージ本番それぞれの独自入手の録音、特に本番のイヤモニ音源のバランスの良さは特筆もの。例えば「Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!」ではエンディングの賑やかさに埋もれがちなポールのベースラインまでもしっかりと聞き取れ、しかも彼の見事なプレイまでもじっくりと味わえてしまう。是非ともスピーカーから大音量で流して楽しんでください!

Disc 1 (62:56)
1. Intro. 2. A Hard Day’s Night 3. Jet 4. Drive My Car 5. Junior’s Farm 6. Let Me Roll It
7. I’ve Got A Feeling 8. My Valentine 9. Nineteen Hundred And Eighty-Five
10. Maybe I’m Amazed 11. We Can Work It Out 12. Every Night 13. In Spite Of All The Danger
14. Love Me Do 15. Blackbird 16. Here Today

Disc 2 (64:06)
1. Queenie Eye 2. Lady Madonna 3. I Wanna Be Your Man 4. Magical Mystery Tour
5. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! 6. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
7. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) 8. Back In The U.S.S.R. 9. Let It Be
10. Live And Let Die 11. Hey Jude 12. Yesterday 13. Hi, Hi, Hi
14. Golden Slumbers 15. Carry That Weight 16. The End

Disc 3(23:58)
Soundcheck at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 24th April 2017 (Original In Ear Monitor Recording)

1. Here There And Everywhere 2. Every Night 3. I’ve Just Seen A Face
4. Being For The Benefit Of Mr.Kite! 5. Golden Slumbers 6. Carry That Weight 7. The End

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