Ozzy Osbourne / Ozzmosis Demos / 1CD

Ozzy Osbourne / Ozzmosis Demos / 1CD / Zodiac

Translated Text:

Unreleased Studio Demo tracks Recorded in London 1992 STEREO SBD


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The other day, Ozzy Osbourne was butyrate or the “shock of once in ’10” to the underground world of metal sound source in the “BARK AT THE TOKYO”. This time, the demonstration, including a large amount of emergency unreleased tracks have been unearthed! You have no make over “only verse” such as “practice of riff” Having said that demo, firm up guitar solo arrangements and the sound source supermarket “almost finished”! Sound off master cassette straight in the finest, surely it …… and would be more than lightly the impact of husband was “once a decade” of “BARK AT THE TOKYO”.
Demonstration of this time which was recorded in London in 1992 for “OZZMOSIS”. You despise the “not amusing, or osmosis …” or is, mind too early! Ozzy at that time period was addicted to making music and a variety of song writer for the advantage of the fact retirement declaration. “OZZMOSIS” was the album (Ozzy himself admits) over-production of Michael Beihon is dull Unfortunately, the worry is nothing in this work. And earnestly to write to one’s heart’s content is released from the image of “Madman” “classic and unknown” has been flooded!
Now, …… to hear one song each

1. Feels So Good To Be Bad
Unreleased song suddenly. It is up number and jab of light feeling, but the melody of Ozzy mark plentiful. Light drum is like demo, a great degree of perfection chorus was also over-dub, it is one song chest swells to enhance the first time of this work.

2. Denial
Are also included in the “OZZMOSIS”, co-composer of Ozzie and Mark Hudson / Duane Baron. If you sharpen the heavy makeup of over-produced, it is a song that surprised and what was a good song so far. I feel the poetry raw and to know just a regular album, enters firmly dubbing of keyboard and chorus, it is primary to take crying guitar solo is also transmitted to the direct.

3. Too Far Gone
Unreleased good glue intro riff sounding oriental cake to ear. The demo’s were recorded and it will be two years before the collaboration with Steve Vai, but it might also be that it was inevitable. That …… I wanted you recorded in “OZZMOSIS” by all means.

4. Ghost Behind My Eyes
Songs of Mark Hudson and Duane Baron / Ozzy of “OZZMOSIS” collecting again. However, unlike the album, I am finished in a refreshing ballad. This is Ozzy you have a “declaration” human, “Madman de” in the “NO MORE TEARS”, but it was contorted in a style that is Suriyo~tsu the times demanded in the “OZZMOSIS” “Ozzie of the Sabbath”, “king of darkness”. So, what this demo would be nice to say “ideal situation in the original.” Excellent take music Ozzy you have awakened to the songwriting in “NO MORE TEARS” is aimed glimpse. Centerpiece of this work is the number of previously unreleased songs, but the demonstration of regular song is also interesting in the highest!

5. Frustrated Yes I’m Hated
Unreleased track of up-tempo cut to skip lightly. As long as you adopt this kind of song, “OZZMOSIS” would have been to “NO MORE TEARS 2”. The high degree of perfection sprinkled also talks like announcement, but “another twist” if it has come up in a simple configuration, it is a song that seems to shine live.

6. Dream For Tomorrow
Korezo, ultra classic of this work up to! Absolutely, and shalt not miss! It is a ballad that Shimiwataru warm heart pop even while surprise to peaceful intro, but vaguely melancholy that there is scratching the chest. It is far from the image “Emperor of darkness”, but I’m a luxury which only …… If you want to unreleased songs about this?
Who among those who are reading this, you like the announcement in 2007 of “Nightmare” Eh …… or will come How much? “I do not know like that song?” I’m sorry to hear that. Please search on Youtube right now. Lyricism of this song is comparable even to that famous tune. Masterpieces to be officially released with the re-recorded officially now!

7. Say Yeah Yeah
Unreleased mid to turn, disturbing guitar riff led. THE BEATLES favorite Ozzy will appear and disappear in the rust.

8. Oh No the Bitch Won’t Go
About even more than “Party With The Animals”, unreleased track of up-tempo and fun light. Increments of fine guitar is impressive, but, what why where there is no metallic is has become unpublished. It is enough to can say pop many of phrase that is unforgettable if I listened once.

9. My New Rock And Roll
One song reminiscent of “I became a dead issue too? Unavoidable” and truly. Of course, it does not mean as unfinished song. Simple, it is a song terribly uninteresting. In other words, Ruhodo, unreleased of other great and it says so honestly! I.

10. Perry Mason
Ultra classic demo version that you act on behalf of collaborative work with Zack Wilde & John Paderu the “OZZMOSIS”. Guitar Dohevu~i improbable to Zach other than terrible here. It is different though from the finished version from decoration or solo, but the goal is the finish that looks already. Synth ending wonderful. It is a take it and earn the power of the other songs from the very beginning, but different is transmitted clearly.

11. Old L.A. Tonight
This is also co-writing of Zack Wilde & John Paderu Ozzy. It was an emotional ballad also in the final print, but this finish feel even naivete. The arrangement as if to reject the over-produced, you can feel painfully the real intention of Ozzy said, “is not ‘s the man who piss standing in Alamo, it should be stored as a songwriter alone” he said. It is a superb take of this also must listen. Guitar? Will not only Zach It’s play of this (laughs).

12. See You On The Other Side
Arrangement that was Fichua the horn and female chorus. It is close to the official box “PRINCE OF DARKNESS”, but it is a long, long recording about 30 seconds from there. Unfortunately, there is no so good sound to it.

It will be the way people hear of “OZZMOSIS” changes Once you experience this work. This is Ozzy be mistaken “song not write” and “not read music” and from the confession “(although the one manipulating the Moog in the Sabbath) does not play the instrument” by himself, but the melody humming instrument a weak point as well Charles Chaplin you spun also won the “Academy composition Award”. “OZZMOSIS” did not become what the masterpiece as a result, but the composer the first time this season, I feel a relentlessly funny wards work Melo ability to be referred to as a “genius melody maker”.
As it is the only original cassette, sometimes ballads like continue, Kyoku-jun is not an orderly flow, such as the original album. However, the excitement of one take per terrible. You try build up non-album song was officially announced “Living With The Enemy,” “Aimee”, “Voodoo Dancer,” “Back On Earth” along with such as “Walk On Water” and “phantom album of Ozzy” in line with the aesthetics of your We recommend you to take. Sound and complete enough it is possible, I have all The album!
Written only as “London recording of 1992” in the original master, performers also writer of each song is also unknown. It is one piece that is mysterious, but the “voice that” unmistakable hear, hear from here is that melody. The person who has loved the history of Ozzy, what for those who can not forget his melody, a big historical excavation to want you to listen by all means. Emergency release determined by the permanent press CD specification of course of course!

先日、「BARK AT THE TOKYO」でメタルのアングラ音源界に“10年に一度の衝撃”をブチかましたオジー・オズボーン。今回は、まさかの未発表曲を大量に含むデモが発掘されました! デモとは言っても「ヴァースだけ」「リフの練習」のような作りかけは一切なく、アレンジやギターソロまでしっかりした“ほとんど完成”なスーパー音源! マスターカセット直落としのサウンドも最高級で、まさか“10年に一度”だったハズの「BARK AT THE TOKYO」の衝撃を軽く超える事になろうとは……。
 今回のデモは「OZZMOSIS」のために1992年のロンドンで録音されたもの。「なんだよ、オズモシスか……」などと侮るのは、気が早すぎる! 当時のオジーは引退宣言を逆手にとって多彩なソングライターと曲作りにハマッていた時期。残念ながら「OZZMOSIS」は(オジー自身も認める)マイケル・ベイホーンのオーバープロデュースが冴えないアルバムでしたが、本作にその心配は皆無。“マッドマン”のイメージからも解放されて思う存分に書きまくった“知られざる名曲”が溢れだしています!

1. Feels So Good To Be Bad

2. Denial

3. Too Far Gone

4. Ghost Behind My Eyes
 再び「OZZMOSIS」収録のマーク・ハドソン&デュアン・バロン/オジーの曲。ただし、アルバムとは違って、爽やかなバラード調に仕上がっています。「NO MORE TEARS」で“脱マッドマン”、“人間宣言”をしたオジーですが、「OZZMOSIS」では時代が求める“暗黒の帝王”、“サバスのオジー”にすり寄った作風にねじ曲げられていました。そう、このデモこそが「本来のあるべき姿」と言っていいでしょう。「NO MORE TEARS」でソングライティングに目覚めたオジーが目指した音楽が垣間見える絶品テイク。本作の目玉は未発表曲の数々ですが、正規曲のデモも最高に面白いのです!

5. Frustrated Yes I’m Hated
 軽快にカッ飛ばすアップテンポの未発表曲。こういう曲を採用していれば、「OZZMOSIS」は「NO MORE TEARS 2」になっていたでしょう。アナウンスっぽい語りも交えて完成度は高いものの、シンプルな構成に「もうひと捻り」が思いついていたら、ライブ映えしそうな曲です。

6. Dream For Tomorrow
 これぞ、本作最大の超名曲! 絶対、聞き逃すべからず! ピースフルなイントロに驚きつつもポップで心に暖かく染み渡るバラードですが、そこはかとなく漂う哀愁が胸をかきむしる。“暗黒の帝王”イメージとはかけ離れていますが、これほどの曲を未発表にするとは……どれだけ贅沢なんだ!?
 これを読んでいる方の中で、2007年発表の「Nightmare」が好きな方はどれくらいいらっしゃるでしょうか……え? 「そんな曲知らない」? いけませんね。今すぐYoutubeで検索してください。この曲のリリシズムは、あの名曲にさえ匹敵します。今すぐ正式に再録音をして公式リリースすべき名曲!

7. Say Yeah Yeah
 一転、不穏なギターリフが主導するミッドの未発表曲。サビではオジーのTHE BEATLES好きが見え隠れします。

8. Oh No the Bitch Won’t Go
 「Party With The Animals」さえ超えるほど、軽快で楽しいアップテンポの未発表曲。細かいギターの刻みが印象的ですが、メタリックさがないところが未発表になった所以でしょうか。一度聴いたら忘れられないフレーズの数々はポップと言ってもいいほどです。

9. My New Rock And Roll

10. Perry Mason

11. Old L.A. Tonight
 これもオジーとザック・ワイルド&ジョン・パーデルの共作。完成版でも感動的なバラードでしたが、こちらは素朴ささえ感じさせる仕上がり。オーバープロデュースを拒絶するかのようなアレンジには、「アラモに立ち小便した男じゃなく、ひとりのソングライターとして記憶されたい」と言ったオジーの本音が痛いほど感じられる。これまた必聴の絶品テイクです。ギター? こんなの弾けるのはザックしかいないでしょう(笑)。

12. See You On The Other Side
 女声コーラスやホーンをフィーチュアしたアレンジ。公式ボックス「PRINCE OF DARKNESS」に近いですが、あちらより30秒ほど長い長い収録です。残念ながら、これだけは音があまり良くありません。

 曲順はオリジナルカセットそのままだけに、バラードが続くような事もあり、オリジナル・アルバムのような整然とした流れではありません。しかし、1テイクごとの感動は凄まじい。公式発表されたアルバム未収録曲「Living With The Enemy」「Aimee 」「Voodoo Dancer」「Back On Earth」「Walk On Water」などと共に、あなたの美学に沿った「オジーの幻アルバム」を作り上げみるのはいかがでしょうか。それが可能なほどの完成度とサウンドが、本作にはそろっているのです!


1. Feels So Good To Be Bad ★未発表曲 
2. Denial 
3. Too Far Gone ★未発表曲
4. Ghost Behind My Eyes 
5. Frustrated Yes I’m Hated ★未発表曲
6. Dream For Tomorrow ★未発表曲 
7. Say Yeah Yeah ★未発表曲 
8. Oh No The Bitch Won’t Go ★未発表曲 
9. My New Rock And Roll ★未発表曲 
10. Perry Mason 
11. Old L.A. Tonight 
12. See You On The Other Side



Zodiac 070

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