Neil Young With Booker T And The MGS / Torhout Rock Festival 1993 Betacam SP Master / 1DVD

Neil Young With Booker T And The MGS / Torhout Rock Festival 1993 Betacam SP Master / 1DVD / Non Label

Live at Torhout Rock Festival, Torhout, Belgium 3rd July 1993

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Neil Young made a world tour in 1993 according to Bucker · T · And · MGs back. Neil who liked MG’s for the first time at the Bob Dylan 30th Anniversary Concert of the previous year, Neil who liked the MGs at the moment immediately showed themselves to carry out the tour and was a big topic at the time. Among them, from the European tour in summer, a picture that is representative of 1993 was leaked. It was the Belgian Torhout festival which appeared on July 3. Pro shot video recorded by one camera by the staff of the event, not in the direction of Neil. Aside from the shooting state called Pro Shot, the sound quality of the stereo sound board recording of the video feed was excellent and the existence became clear by the CD, and the name board such as “SEPARATE WAYS” and “THE SOUTHERN MAN” at that time was It has been created. After a while the image body also circulated, reigning to the image representing the MG’s tour in 1993.
It can be said that it is the image of the DVD as it strikes it, and it is a thing that the MATERPORT label released the video with DVD – R about 15 years ago from now, it received high evaluation from mania. At that time the release was DVD based on the tape copied from the master’s video and the sharp image quality gave a shock to the extent of “Standing the store’s monitor in front”. After that Scorpio released a press DVD version of the same video, the position of the final version of this video has changed but both of them have disappeared from the market for a long time in 2018, after a long absence this good pro shot The image will be released.
Of course it’s not a mere recurrence to release it for a long time, but also on the limited press DVD. This time, it realized the DVD directly from the original Betacam · videotape which recorded the pattern of the stage. Speaking of Betacam, a tape for broadcasting stations that can record rich information. To support it, this video has been familiar to maniacs as an image with superior image quality since the time it was circulated in the video in the mid 1990’s, but the quality of recording from this master tape is brilliant. Upper feeling that you can be confident that it is the best quality ever since the stage of the color bar projected before shooting of the stage. Whether it is a monotone picture of one camera, one angle, but still the secret to make us feel good enough is that its good image quality is a major factor.

It’s a summer festival on this day, so it’s a few songs less than regular stages, for example “(Sitting On) The Dock Of The Bay” etc is not being played, but still MG’s tour in 1993 It is proud of enough content to represent. It’s been 25 years since this tour, but as I looked at it again, I realized that Neil and MGs were still fuming each other. Especially when it comes to the crazy hose number including “Like A Hurricane”, I can not deny the hardness of the performance. This was pointed out from that time, but a dilemma that plays without play with the craftsman musicians become prominent in those songs. Moreover, even the long number like “Down By The River” does not share solo between Neil and Steve Cropper, the point which was dedicated to Neil’s back and forth better or worse makes me feel unsatisfactory.
Members other than Cropper went on to play again with Neil after this, but that has become a form to prove the bad compatibility between him and Neil. It is difficult to coexist with a guitarist with strong individuality like Neil and a craftsman type musician like Cropper. Separate Ways “which was added to the live repertoire for the first time on this tour by such a Cropper showed his main character. Here the cropper is playing the lead over the full story, and interlude etc let me tell you the best play which is a tremendous aspect of using telecass. Moreover, it is Elly where this picture captures the scene where he takes a solo properly. That’s why I do not get tired of having a single camera.
More noteworthy is the base play that the deceased Donald · Duck · Dan told at “Southern Man” now. In the album ‘AFTER THE GOLD RUSH’, the CSNY band ‘s Greg Leaves’ black bass player was playing, but the play Duck Dunn plays here is something that makes the studio version remarkably exactly There is. Duck Dunn’s play brought a new life to the song just because the rich baseline like the original was not wanted when the crazy hose, the trans band, etc. played the same song It will be a highlight.
As for the unreleased track “Live To Ride” played only at the stage of 1993, it is an atmosphere (lol) that makes music and intro want to thrust as if “Like An Inca” as it is … so it ended only on stage Although it is a convincing unpublished song that it has gone. It is valuable that it can be seen and shot with Pro Shot video and the best sound board recording. And it is natural that the audience will show excitement to classic songs of the past year, and you can not miss the sense of reality that a big cheer will come about when “Harvest Moon” released in the previous year starts. Although it is a position of a new song at the time, it shows the moving scene that you understand that you were receiving support from the fans as soon as possible. While a professional shot video of one camera, the classic images that captured the unique sight of these unique 1993 years will be released for a while, yet in the best condition!

ニール・ヤングは1993年にブッカー・T・アンド・MGズをバックに従えてワールド・ツアーを行いました。前年のボブ・ディラン30周年記念コンサートで初めて相まみえたMGズを気に入ったニールが、さっそく彼らを従えてツアーを実行してみせたことが当時は大きな話題を呼んだものです。中でも夏のヨーロッパ・ツアーからは1993年を代表するほどの映像が流出。それが7月3日に出演したベルギーのトルホウト・フェスティバル。ニール方面ではなく、イベントのスタッフによって一台のカメラで収録されたプロショット映像がそれ。この映像はプロショットという撮影状態もさることながら、ビデオフィードのステレオ・サウンドボード録音の音質が素晴らしかったことからCDによって存在が明らかとなり、当時「SEPARATE WAYS」や「THE SOUTHERN MAN」といった名盤が生み出されています。しばらくして映像本体も流通し、1993年のMGズ・ツアーを代表する映像へと君臨しました。

この日はサマフェス出演ですので通常のステージと比べて数曲少なく、例えば「(Sitting On) The Dock Of The Bay」などが演奏されていない点は惜しまれますが、それでも93年のMGズ・ツアーを代表するには十分な内容を誇るもの。このツアーから早くも25年もの歳月が経過しましたが、改めて観るとニールとMGズがお互いにまだ手探りの段階であったことを痛感させられます。中でも「Like A Hurricane」を始めとしたクレイジー・ホースナンバーになると演奏の硬さが否めません。これは当時から指摘されていたことですが、職人ミュージシャンを従えたことで遊びの無い演奏がそれらの曲で顕著となってしまうジレンマ。さらに「Down By The River」のような長尺ナンバーでもニールとスティーブ・クロッパーの間でソロを分け合うことなどなく、良くも悪くもニールのバックに徹していた点も物足りなさを感じさせます。
クロッパー以外のメンバーはこの後もニールと再度の共演を果たしたのですが、そのことが図らずも彼とニールの相性の悪さを証明する形となってしまいました。ニールのような個性の強いギタリストとクロッパーのような職人タイプのミュージシャンの共存は難しい。そんなクロッパーが本領を発揮したのがこのツアーで初めてライブ・レパートリーに加えられた未発表曲の「Separate Ways」。ここでは全編に渡ってクロッパーがリードを弾いており、間奏などは正にテレキャス使いの面目躍如たる最高のプレイを聞かせてくれます。しかも彼がソロを撮る場面などをちゃんと捉えてくれるのがこの映像のエライところ。だからこそワンカメラでも見飽きないのですね。
さらに注目すべきは、今は亡きドナルド・ダック・ダンが「Southern Man」で聞かせたベースプレイ。アルバム「AFTER THE GOLD RUSH」ではCSNYバンドのグレッグ・リーブスという黒人ベーシストが弾いていましたが、ダック・ダンがここで弾いているプレイは正にスタジオ・バージョンを彷彿とさせるようなものとなっているのです。クレイジー・ホースやトランス・バンドなどが同曲を演奏した際にオリジナルのような豊かなベースラインは望むべくもなかっただけに、ダック・ダンのプレイが曲に新たな命を吹き込んでくれた点も見どころでしょう。
93年のステージだけで演奏された未発表曲「Live To Ride」は曲調やイントロが「Like An Inca」そのままじゃないか…と突っ込みたくなる雰囲気(笑)ですので、ステージでの披露だけに終わってしまったのも納得な未発表曲ではありますが。それがプロショット映像かつ最高のサウンドボード録音で見聞きできるのは貴重。そして往年の名曲にオーディエンスが盛り上がりを見せるのは当然として、前年にリリースされた「Harvest Moon」が始まると大きな歓声が巻き起こる臨場感も見逃せません。当時の新曲という位置でありながら、早くもファンの支持を受けていたことが解る感動的な場面が映し出される。ワンカメラのプロショット映像ながら、こうした1993年ならではの光景をしっかりと捉えて見せた定番映像が久々に、なおかつ最高の状態でリリースされます!


1. Pre-Show Music 2. Intro. 3. Mr. Soul 4. The Loner 5. Southern Man 6. Helpless
7. Like A Hurricane 8. Love To Burn 9. Separate Ways 10. Powderfinger
11. Only Love Can Break Your Heart 12. Harvest Moon 13. The Needle And The Damage Done
14. Live To Ride 15. Down By The River 16. All Along The Watchtower

Neil Young – vocals, guitar, harmonica, piano Booker T. Jones – organ, synthesizer, vocals
Steve Cropper – guitar Donald Duck Dunn – bass Jim Keltner – drums
Astrid Young – backup vocals Annie Stocking – backup vocals


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