Michael Schenker / Temple Of Rock In California / 1 DVDR

Michael Schenker / Temple Of Rock In California / 1 DVDR / Non Label

Translated Text:

Live At Marquee 15, Corona, California, USA On February 24th, 2012. NTSC

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In 2012 “TEMPLE OF ROCK” of the Michael Schenker, which started from February US tour, the pattern of the latest live recording with superb audience shot. Michael “TEMPLE OF ROCK”, which was announced in autumn last year is, M.S.G. Rather than in Michael’s solo, it was something like he has condensed the band and the essence of the carriers involved. Yet another of the cooperation the musicians Michael Voss and Doogie White, et al., Variety and SCORPIONS members such as further Herman Rareberu and Rudolf Schenker. Became the enhancement work to notify the “Michael Schenker alive and well!” To Mantenka. Robin McAuley, which had also participated in the album served as Michael’s partner in McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP. This time Michael is in performing the “TEMPLE OF ROCK” tour, Japan with Michael Voss, Deguy in Europe, decided to greet the robin as vocal in the United States tour, revived Robin and Michael of the combination to be a really first time in 20 years at the tour It then was.
The tour 9 performances eyes in this work, “February 24, Corona” masterpiece image that contains the performance. Stage is one pleasing plenty of full inclusion and are “Robin & Michael of reunion” almost from the left side of the front row in the audience shot of a strong force!

It became the site of this work “marquee 15”, the live house scale smallish venue. Sense of unity that amount stage and the audience is strong, the video is a strong force that members are dynamic to fill the screen. Of course, sound quality even in the best-in-class sound to taste the fresh sense of realism seems Kurabugigu to direct is also the best. “TEMPLE OF ROCK” other UFO, SCORPIONS, and also the music that has been the best selection from M.S.G., from members each of the play up to the outline of the entire performance, makes me plenty of Kikikoma.
Opening suddenly of what “Into The Arena”! The proximity of the stage and the audience (ie the camera), and most amazing de most recent first time a player approaching the front of the eye (think that you are only this regal shooting, this video or recording by the parties, shooting OK live it seems that it was). It is also impressive for Michael is playing throughout high spirits and happily through the live, play and was sprinkled with flashy action, “TEMPLE OF ROCK”, etc. pose the album jacket imitating, involuntarily fun also here that are watching become to become. Based Elliott Rubinson, drum in the tour of “IN THE MIDST OF BEAUTY” co-starred with Michael “Dean guitar” has served Pete Holmes, known in the career of BLACK ‘N BLUE. Keyboard and side guitar Wayne Findlay should say one arm of Michael. Each will let me hear the play that had breath and Michael. Although Robin that appeared from “Armed And Ready” was changed from what the ’90s looks, there is no decline of specks in the singing voice, Vaud Cali tion and performance seems to professionals rarity. The classic songs of MSG and UFO yelling sing once to is indeed the sense of stability, yet SCORPIONS number surprisingly not even hear tone of voice, such as Klaus Meine, “Lovedrive” and “Another Piece Of Meat” is unexpected addictive will remove the de liver so on.
Following the SCORPIONS song Robin from “TEMPLE OF ROCK” I was in charge of the vocal “Lover’s Sinfony” appeared. Since the singer in concert in Japan and Europe tour as described above is to change, this song is the only US tour, the live of a large listening stations. In addition to be played in the medley “Save Yourself” Surprise! “McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP” to become Robin and the combination revival of Michael since, there is no music to feel any more! ’90 Years at that time as it is, such as the feeling of Robin of vocals, Michael solo that dull is also great.
Points that do not miss listening to the popularity of the fan is high, “Rock My Nights Away” and “On And On” is also in the second half from the middle live. Since this is a classic of the UFO volley, lyrical “Love To Love”, a number of masterpieces such as hard at the Aktiv “Let It Roll,” “Lights Out,” “Natural Thing” is fun to play Michael to fully for us Mase. Rongusoro in Climax “Rock Bottom” of live is still of splendor!

Live the barrage of attractions, band unfolds the impassioned performance over the entire 18 songs. Be considered the compatibility of Robin and Michael, it is much too good of a singer only in this US tour is to substitute. 101 minutes of treasures to enjoy a high-quality image quality and sound quality. Definitely a fan must listen, must-have!

No stress in the best angle and sound ★, is a large masterpiece DVD title to enjoy the full-length live.

2012年2月からスタートしたマイケル・シェンカーの「TEMPLE OF ROCK」アメリカツアーより、最新ライヴの模様が飛び切りのオーディエンス・ショットで収録。マイケルが昨年秋に発表した「TEMPLE OF ROCK」は、M.S.G.ではなくマイケルのソロ名義で、彼が関わったバンドやキャリアのエッセンスを凝縮したような内容でした。さらに協力したミュージシャンもマイケル・ヴォスやドゥギー・ホワイトらの他、さらにハーマン・ラレベルやルドルフ・シェンカーといったSCORPIONSメンバーと多彩。「マイケル・シェンカー健在!」を満天下に知らしめる充実作となりました。そのアルバムにも参加していたのがMcAULEY SCHENKER GROUPでマイケルの相棒を務めたロビン・マッコーリー。今回マイケルは「TEMPLE OF ROCK」ツアーを行うに当たって、日本ではマイケル・ヴォス、ヨーロッパではドゥギー、アメリカツアーではロビンをヴォーカルとして迎える事を決め、ツアーでは実に20年ぶりとなるロビンとマイケルのコンビネーションが復活したのです。

本作の現場となった“マーキー 15”は、ライヴハウス規模の小ぶりな会場。そのぶんステージとオーディエンスの一体感は強く、画面いっぱいにメンバーが躍動する映像はド迫力。もちろん音質も最高クラスで、クラブギグらしい生々しい臨場感をダイレクトに味わわせるサウンドも最高です。「TEMPLE OF ROCK」ほかUFO,SCORPIONS,そしてM.S.G.からベストセレクションされた楽曲も、メンバーそれぞれのプレイから演奏全体の輪郭に至るまで、たっぷりと聴き込ませてくれます。
オープニングは何といきなりの「Into The Arena」! ステージと観客(すなわちカメラ)の近さ、ほとんど目の前に迫るプレイヤーのド直近ぶりが凄い(これだけ堂々と撮影している事を考えると、本映像は関係者による収録か、撮影OKのライヴだったと思われます)。ライヴを通してマイケルが終始上機嫌で楽しそうに演奏しているのも印象的で、派手なアクションを交えたプレイや、「TEMPLE OF ROCK」アルバム・ジャケットを模したポーズなど、観ているこちらも思わず楽しくなってしまう。ベースは「IN THE MIDST OF BEAUTY」のツアーでもマイケルと共演した”ディーン・ギター”のエリオット・ルビンソン、ドラムはBLACK ‘N BLUEのキャリアで知られるピート・ホルムズが務めています。キーボード兼サイドギターはマイケルの片腕と言うべきウェイン・ファインドレイ。それぞれがマイケルと息のあったプレイを聴かせてくれます。「Armed And Ready」から登場するロビンはルックスこそ’90年代から変化したものの、その歌声には微塵の衰えもなく、プロフェッショナルらしいヴォーカリゼイションとパフォーマンスは絶品。かつて歌いこんだM.S.G.やUFOの定番曲はさすがの安定感ですし、さらにSCORPIONSナンバーでは意外にもクラウス・マイネのような声色も聴かせ、「Lovedrive」や「Another Piece Of Meat」は想定外のハマり具合にド肝を抜かれます。
SCORPIONS曲に続いては「TEMPLE OF ROCK」からロビンがヴォーカルを担当した「Lover’s Sinfony」が登場。前述したように来日公演やヨーロッパツアーではシンガーが交代するため、この曲はアメリカツアーのみで、本ライヴのは大きな聴き所。さらにメドレーで演奏される「Save Yourself」はサプライズ! ”McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP”以来となるロビンとマイケルのコンビ復活を、これ以上実感させる楽曲はない! ’90年当時そのままといった感じのロビンのヴォーカル、冴えたマイケルのソロも素晴らしいです。
ライヴ中盤から後半ではファンの人気が高い「Rock My Nights Away」や「On And On」も聴き逃せないポイント。これ以降はUFOのクラシックが連発され、叙情的な「Love To Love」、ハードでアクティヴな「Let It Roll」「Lights Out」「Natural Thing」など名曲の数々が、マイケルのプレイを存分に楽しませてくれます。ライヴのクライマックス「Rock Bottom」におけるロングソロは相変わらずの素晴らしさです!



1. Into The Arena 2. Armed And Ready 3. Lovedrive 4. Another Piece Of Meat 5. Lover’s Sinfony
6. Save Yourself 7. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie 8. Rock My Nights Away 9. Shoot Shoot
10. Too Hot To Handle 11. Love To Love 12. Let It Roll 13. Natural Thing 14. Lights Out
15. On And On 16. Rock Bottom 17. Attack Of The Mad Axeman 18. Doctor Doctor

Michael Schenker – Guitar Robin McAuley – Lead Vocals Elliot Rubinson – Bass
Wayne Findlay – Keyboards, Guitar Pete Holmes – Drums

COLOUR NTSC Approx. 101min.

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