Michael Schenker Group / MSG Tape One Studios Cassette Tape / 1CD

Michael Schenker Group / MSG Tape One Studios Cassette Tape / 1CD / Zodiac

Translated text:

Taken From The Original “Tape One Studios” Cassette Tape Belonged To Cozy Powell.


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Volley the rare sound of hard rock mania coveted than “Cozy Tapes” series, a new definitive source I can do it! Studio album the only Cozy Powell and Michael Schenker has played “MSG”: from (Dai mythology), rare version of the official final version “brink” is Kisekinohakkutsu! Based on (which is type in simple and “MICHAEL SCHENKER” on the label) “TAPE ONE STUDIOS” cassette tape of London Cozy was owned, and digitized directly in the equipment of professional use in this work. Natural sound of the studio as it is, and then highlights in his true, a large masterpiece album that remains in metal history. Picks Metal mania must listen must-have of all is the complete limited stock decision here in the press CD from overseas!

Michael Schenker of 1980 that you want to leave even the SCORPIONS it returns one o’clock and UFO, started his solo career and long-awaited. In Japan at that time, I was proud not as good as Richie Blackmore, his enormous popularity. Was to consolidate its popularity, was a co-star with Cozy Powell none other. Album “THE MICHAEL SCHENKER GROUP” Schenker: After the announcement of (Dai God), and that it won the Cozy of RAINBOW leave immediately after I was remarkably improved also the power of the band not only popular. “Drum Hero” and “Guitar Hero” this is relative composition is, let the enthusiastic fans of Japan in the first visit to Japan concert in August 1981.
In the form preceding the first visit to Japan, the band had embarked on the production of a new studio album between February-July ’81 years. Needless to say what this album is a masterpiece of Schenker is “MSG”. In addition to the functional beauty and melodic beauty, such as full, also has explosive power and dynamic heroic, co-star of Cozy and Schenker, has been loved as a masterpiece of your metal / hard rock now.
However, even in such a masterpiece, sound-making and production is has been talked about as a Negative one element from that time. In addition to the conflict with Cozy in rehearsal and direction of the album, Ron Nevu~ison that was responsible for the Produce, was supposed to finish and compact sound image of the finished work as well (such as was conscious of airplay on the radio) it has been organized. There is also a problem specific schedule that was before the first concert in Japan and the circumstances of the record company, the album release in the “Sound of radio-directed” after all. Evaluation were obtained in the name board from the goodness of music, but Cozy is about were stating “Those who repeat the mix is good” and even for this work. Reason alone, Schenker and other Cozy, if mania love …… metal and what was great and sound album that the band members had been heard in the studio of “MSG” originally, also, violently how on earth, once or would not be had wished to hear it?
Sound source that has been excavated from this time “Cozy Tapes” is a single thin that anyone of such a mania dreamed to “the truth of the album!” If playing a disc, drum Cozy is echoed in loud and dynamic, to wage a battle with the guitar sharp Schenker. Contrasting the sound of the final version that was too organized, in truth this sound like feel of the studio live fresh even drifting what, it was a “MSG”!

Marked “MICHAEL SCHENKER” on the label, master that was used this time, “TAPE ONE STUDIOS” cassette tape of London. Deterioration or partial tape hiss from is seen slightly, but you can enjoy a full-length in a state of good in more than sufficient as a rough mix sound source.
8 songs that have been housed in the “MSG”, recorded content can be found in the arrange track order same as finished version, almost the same. But music here is supposed to be confident “Differences of Sound” at the moment when I heard. Treble is emphasized, for the finished version was brighter light texture slightly, from the beginning part of the first track “Ready To Rock”, the sound source is to deploy a strong force sound profound and natural! Guitar Schenker is Issen, the drum intro of Cozy is roaring is supposed to remember the joy mania that Kikikon the finished version and about, surprise. But “Attack Of The Mad Axeman”, the tone of frequency range, (must listen to the guitar solo part and middle especially) that has poured plenty of music to the damp, such as drip in to have a certain thickness. Also singing of Gary Barden, in this wet sound, attractive bass stands out even more in that he has the original.
Rhythm count by Cozy can take to hear from the beginning and the song “On And On”, “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie” is great listening place, especially in the sound source. Deployment thrilling tension and drifting to the song is also like listening in front of the studio live recording of one-shot deal though. Drum Cozy impress upon him that one after another guitar playing Schenker Saewataru, a heavy blow also unfolds like a front of though. It would be real thrill this rough sense, of, “Cozy Tapes” what is vivid, such as whether to realism in the studio!
Continues “But I Want More”, “Never Trust A Stranger” (here also count into the beginning) followed, supreme masterpieces of “Looking For Love” explodes melodious! Guided by count of Cozy, figure the whole band is push forward in top gear at once is really unbearable! It is the thing if you listen to this song sound hate liven up even on a song deployment tinged shadow, in the thick sound that embodies the dynamism of the lock, remarks Cozy that said, “should re-mix” is also called Unazukeru ! Of the main last until “Secondary Motion”, hand does not release the ears for a moment to listen, and will have to listen through at once!

Further in this work, (the label referred to as “MSG The 81 Selection”) than, further here also Cozy ownership “Maxell UD XL1 C60” cassette tape and “Attack Of The Mad Axeman”, “On And On”, “But I Want Add recorded demo / rough mix sound of More “. Both are alternate takes from the sound source in the main, is a valuable material that can be glimpse of the construction process of the song (unfortunately only “On And On”, takes about 40 seconds piecemeal). Once, these are things that have been recorded rare recordings collection of Cozy in the “ALIVE IN STUDIO 2”, but The film also after about 10 years sold out out of print, one of the sound source recurrence request of mania was high. The listen again here is a word of! “Happy”.

To go to elucidate while enjoying the sound of one, the (true form) or the back of the name record that has not known it, or did not listen to absolutely would otherwise. Fun collectible item is precisely this. It would have listened to more bored if rock fans also “MSG”, it may feel at different again if after this work, may enjoy interesting again.
The people of mania, I think when you play this work, and I would like you to listen to full length while closing your eyes once if you can help it. While imagining the figure of Schenker and Cozy in the studio, Please enjoy the drama of all eight songs (bonus 3 take in addition)! Paired 2014 version of the simultaneous release as “ASSAULT ATTACK DEMOS”, this film is ultra rare recordings of Michael Schenker Group stamps. A fully qualified press CD of permanent preservation version, is in stock decision here from overseas!

 ハードロック・マニア垂涎のレア音源を連発する”コージー・テープス”シリーズより、新たなる決定的音源が登場です! マイケル・シェンカーとコージー・パウエルが共演した唯一のスタジオ・アルバム『MSG』(邦題:神話)より、公式完成版”一歩手前”のレア・バージョンが奇跡の発掘! 本作ではコージーが所有していたロンドンの”TAPE ONE STUDIOS”カセットテープ(ラベルに”MICHAEL SCHENKER”とシンプルにタイプされたもの)を元に、プロユースの機材でダイレクトにデジタル化。メタル史上に残る大傑作アルバムを、スタジオそのままのナチュラルなサウンド、真の姿で浮き彫りにします。全てのメタル・マニア必聴必携の一本が、海外よりプレスCDでここに完全限定入荷決定です!

 UFOそして一時復帰したSCORPIONSをも脱退し、満を持してソロ・キャリアをスタートさせた1980年のマイケル・シェンカー。その当時の日本において、彼はリッチー・ブラックモアにも劣らない、絶大な人気を誇っていました。その人気を確固たるものにしたのが、他ならぬコージー・パウエルとの共演でした。シェンカーはアルバム『THE MICHAEL SCHENKER GROUP』(邦題:神)の発表後、RAINBOW脱退直後のコージーを獲得した事で、人気のみならずバンドの実力をも格段に向上させたのです。この”ギター・ヒーロー”と”ドラム・ヒーロー”が相対する構図は、1981年8月の初来日公演で日本中のファンを熱狂させました。
 今回”コージー・テープス”から発掘された音源は、そんなマニアの誰もが夢見た”アルバムの真実”へと肉薄する一本です! ディスクを再生すれば、コージーのドラムがダイナミックかつラウドに響き渡り、シェンカーの鋭いギターとバトルを繰り広げる。整理されすぎた完成版のサウンドとは対照的な、生々しいスタジオ・ライヴのような感触すら漂うこのサウンドこそ、真実の『MSG』だったのです!

 今回用いられたマスターは、ラベルに”MICHAEL SCHENKER”と記された、ロンドンの”TAPE ONE STUDIOS”カセットテープ。テープ由来のヒスノイズや部分的な劣化は若干認められるものの、ラフ・ミックス音源としては充分以上に優良な状態で全編を楽しめます。
 収録内容は『MSG』に収められた8曲が、完成版と同じ曲順、ほぼ同様のアレンジで確認できます。しかしここでの楽曲は聴いた瞬間に「サウンドの違い」を確信できるはず。高音域が強調され、明るくもやや軽い質感だった完成版に対し、本音源は1曲目「Ready To Rock」の冒頭部分から、ナチュラルかつ重厚なド迫力サウンドが展開するのです! シェンカーのギターが一閃し、コージーのドラムが轟くイントロは、完成版を聴き込んだマニアほど驚き、かつ喜びを覚えるはず。「Attack Of The Mad Axeman」でも、確かな太さを持つ中音域の音色が、滴るような湿り気を楽曲へたっぷり注ぎ込んでいます(特に中盤とギターソロ部分は必聴)。ゲイリー・バーデンの歌唱も、このウェットなサウンドでは、彼が本来持つ中低域の魅力がより一層際立ちます。
 コージーによるリズム・カウントが曲冒頭で聴き取れる「On And On」そして「Let Sleeping Dogs Lie」は、本音源でも特に大きな聴き所。曲に漂う緊張感やスリリングな展開は、まるで一発勝負のスタジオ・ライヴ・レコーディングを目の前で聴くようでもある。冴え渡るシェンカーのギター・プレイ、重い一撃を次々と叩き込むコージーのドラムも、まるで目の前のように繰り広げられます。このラフな感覚、スタジオに臨場するかの如き生々しさこそ、”コージー・テープス”の醍醐味でしょう!
 続く「But I Want More」と、メロディアスな「Never Trust A Stranger」(こちらも冒頭にカウント入り)に続き、至高の名曲「Looking For Love」が炸裂! コージーのカウントに導かれ、バンド全体が一気にトップギアで突き進む姿は本当に堪らない! 陰影を帯びた曲展開をいやが上にも盛り上げる音色、ロックのダイナミズムを体現するような分厚いサウンドでこの曲を聴けば、「ミックスをやり直すべきだ」と言ったコージーの発言も頷けるというものです! 本編ラストの「Secondary Motion」まで、聴き手は一瞬も耳を離せず、一気に聴き通してしまうでしょう!

 さらに本作では、こちらもコージー所有の”Maxell UD XL1 C60″カセットテープ(ラベルに”MSG The 81 Selection”と表記)より、「Attack Of The Mad Axeman」と「On And On」さらに「But I Want More」のデモ/ラフミックス音源を追加収録。いずれもメインの音源とは別テイクで、曲の構築過程を垣間見られる貴重な素材です(残念ながら「On And On」のみ、断片的な約40秒のテイク)。これらはかつて、コージーのレア音源集『ALIVE IN STUDIO 2』に収録されていたものですが、同作も完売・廃盤から約10年を経ており、マニアの再発リクエストが高かった音源のひとつ。ここで再び聴けるのは「嬉しい!」の一言です。

 マニアの皆さんには、本作を再生する時、できる事なら一度は目を閉じながら全編を聴いて頂きたいと思います。スタジオにおけるコージーとシェンカーの姿を思い浮かべながら、全8曲(加えてボーナス3テイク)のドラマをどうぞお楽しみください! 本作は同時リリースの2014年版『ASSAULT ATTACK DEMOS』と対を成す、マイケル・シェンカー・グループきっての超レア音源。永久保存版の完全限定プレスCDで、海外よりここに入荷決定です!

1. Ready To Rock 2. Attack Of The Mad Axeman 3. On And On 4. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
5. But I Want More 6. Never Trust A Stranger 7. Looking For Love 8. Secondary Motion

Original Demos 1981
Taken from the original Maxell UD XL1 C60 “MSG/The 81 Selection” belonged to Cozy Powell

9. Attack Of The Mad Axeman 10. On And On 11. But I Want More 

Zodiac 074

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