Michael Schenker Group / Destroy Sendai 1984 / 2CD

Michael Schenker Group / Destroy Sendai 1984 / 2CD / Zodiac

Translated Text:
Live at Miyagi Kenmin Kaikan, Sendai, Japan 15th January 1984


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Is a new excavation of Kinney made the original cassette! If it were contained in this work, Sendai performances was the visit to Japan of M.S.G.3 th “BUILT TO DESTROY JAPAN TOUR 1983”, “1984 January 15: Miyagi Prefectural Civic Centre”. This tour is tremendous which vertical the archipelago in all 12 performances, was that reach the very top in Japan history of Michael Schenker. First, let’s review the position of this work from its schedule.

– January 11: Yokohama Cultural Gymnasium (bonus CDR)
– January 12, 2011: Hiroshima postal savings
– January 13: Fukushima Sun Palace
– January 15: Miyagi Prefectural Civic Centre [this work] – January 17, 18 days: Hokkaido welfare pension
– January 20, 2011: Osaka Castle Hall
– January 21: Shibuya Public Hall
– January 22, 2011: Nagoya City Auditorium
– January 23, 2011: Nippon Budokan
– January 25, 2011: Shizuoka Civic Cultural Hall
– January 27, 2011: Nagoya City Auditorium

Sendai performances, all 12 4 performances eyes during the performance of this manner, in the present work. Of from this tour Osaka Castle “EVE OF DESTRUCTION (ZODIAC 026)”, Shibuya Public Hall of “PRINCE DAKKAR (Calm & Storm 011)”, “THE MOVING ELEMENT (Shades 360)” of Nippon Budokan, Nagoya “SYSTEMS NEVER FAILING (Langley-276) “, etc., but there was a variety of masterpiece press CD, Sendai’s performance has been appeared in the first-ever.
In addition, it had a record of such first Sendai, Kano Kinney. This work is the gem turned into CD from the Kinney made the original cassette to direct. Sound anxious, just Kinney Magic. You wince moment in great cheer to fly out Ya to play, but the emergency performance starts, the thick of a tone that not even the great cheer things roar. What it is was the Flying V is Michael’s wonderful to say, the sweet tone, also picking the sharp brilliant. Kick off and in the name Installation “Captain Nemo”, clapping that was aligned with the Bishitsu is liven up the beautiful phrase while become a part of the rhythm. Band as well, the entire venue is praise the united Flying V, it pours sweet and sharp guitar tone to meet it. Such atmosphere, we recordings of balance. Of course, beautiful is not the only guitar in the clear. Japan to time Gary became skillfully in Baden, this year of MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST even revived the rhythm of Chris Glen and Ted McKenna, also colorful Andy Nye vivid. Even in M.S.G. history, the most stable and had ensemble enters the fine, it sounds to enjoy on to a fine.
Is to be drawn in such a sound, it has been followed since 1979 reached the point of “original M.S.G.”. The way, but there was also greeted Derek St. Holmes at the request of the record company, I thought immediately leave. Michael and Gary of the duo formed members, THE SENSATIONAL ALEX HARVEY structure ally rhythm Corps support of BAND is exactly impregnable. Breathing There is only five who were also sprinkled Andy has been both also act more than one full year is also down pat. The overall feeling is also appear in the set list, the best song of “God (Arrow Flying came back),” “myth”, “Without fight only” is Zurari. I think many people think of the three vertices of Michael, but because the carefully selected set you make me at once hear in this 100% of the raw performance, you can not have intends nasty.
Vertex of these “original M.S.G.” era, but was enough to be enjoyed in a variety of its outstanding, this work is rare Sendai performances. MC as well, sprinkled with “Sendai” in the lyrics, even in the song, such as “Attack Of The Mad Axeman”, not listen only in this work, you first listen to performance in this film is jammed full eye. Furthermore Sendai feeling cheers of plenty. Compared to Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka, but is a land tour to Japan itself of outside sauce is limited include, but climax only in the chance of a lifetime, Utaimakuru hot frenzy. As mentioned earlier, what although Mio of Flying V is never disturbed even if the fuss, it hot behind closed doors feeling was Fujikoma in the space of about 1,500 seats! Its climax the way also, uniquely Japanese. If the concert of Europe and the United States, but is a place to become a screaming covered in about Voruteji increases, Japan’s audience continues to tick the orderly rhythm without getting tired trying to layer a much song. Convey the enthusiasm and praise by the size of the hand-clapping to the band, 1,500 chorus that arise when it comes to rust as possible to sing and tightly. I enthusiasm of precisely because Sendai popular heyday is swirled in behind closed doors.

32 years of when flows excavated Kinney of the original master. Was flowing out from the cassette, it was enthusiastic and sweet tone that did not listen only on the day of the site. Real experience who had been thought to not only remaining in the distant memory of, phantom of Sendai performances. It is a gem of a live album that will tell the truth to leave at the time. Indeed, a large excavation that was beyond time and space. This weekend, will deliver to you your hand.



キニー製オリジナル・カセットの新発掘です! 本作に収められているのは、M.S.G.3回目の来日となった“BUILT TO DESTROY JAPAN TOUR 1983”の仙台公演「1984年1月15日:宮城県民会館」。このツアーは全12公演で列島を縦断する凄まじいもので、マイケル・シェンカーの来日史上でも頂点を極めるものでした。まずは、その日程から本作のポジションを確認してみましょう。

・1月15日:宮城県民会館 【本作】

このように本作の仙台公演は、全12公演中4公演目。このツアーからは大阪城の『EVE OF DESTRUCTION(ZODIAC 026)』、渋谷公会堂の『PRINCE DAKKAR(Calm & Storm 011)』、日本武道館の『THE MOVING ELEMENT(Shades 360)』、名古屋の『SYSTEMS NEVER FAILING(Langley-276)』など、さまざまな傑作プレスCDがありましたが、仙台公演が登場したのは史上初です。
しかも、そんな初仙台を記録していたのは、かのキニー。本作は、そのキニー製オリジナル・カセットからダイレクトにCD化した逸品なのです。気になるサウンドは、まさにキニー・マジック。再生するや飛び出す大歓声に一瞬ひるみますが、いざ演奏が始まるとその大歓声をものともしない極太の楽音が轟く。なんと言っても素晴らしいのがマイケルのフライングVでして、その甘いトーン、ピッキングのキレも鮮烈。名インスト「Captain Nemo」で幕を開けるや、ビシッと揃った手拍子がリズム隊の一部と化しながら美麗フレーズを盛り上げる。バンドだけでなく、会場全体が一丸となってフライングVを賛美し、それに応えるように甘く鋭いギタートーンが降り注ぐ。そんな雰囲気、バランスの録音なのです。もちろん、クリアに美しいのはギターだけではない。来日する度に巧くなっていったゲイリー・バーデン、今年のMICHAEL SCHENKER FESTでも蘇ったクリス・グレン&テッド・マッケンナのリズム隊、カラフルなアンディ・ナイも鮮やか。M.S.G.史上でも、もっとも安定していたアンサンブルが微に入り、細に入って楽しめるサウンドなのです。
そんなサウンドで描かれるのは、1979年から続いてきた“オリジナルM.S.G.”の到達点。途中、レコード会社の要請でデレク・セント・ホルムズを迎えたこともありましたが、案の定すぐに脱退。結成メンバーのマイケル&ゲイリーのコンビを、THE SENSATIONAL ALEX HARVEY BANDの盟友リズム隊が支える構造はまさに鉄壁。アンディも交えた5人も丸1年以上も行動を共にしてきただけあって呼吸もバッチリです。その総括感はセットリストにも現れており、『神(帰ってきたフライング・アロウ)』『神話』『限りなき戦い』のベストソングがズラリ。この3枚をマイケルの頂点と考える方も多いと思いますが、その厳選セットを本生100%のパフォーマンスで一気に聴かせてくれるのですから、悪かろうはずがないのです。
こうした“オリジナルM.S.G.”時代の頂点は、さまざまな既発でも十分に楽しめましたが、本作はレアな仙台公演。MCはもとより、「Attack Of The Mad Axeman」など曲中でも歌詞に「Sendai」を交え、本作でしか聴けない、本作で初めて聴くパフォーマンスが目一杯に詰まっているのです。さらに仙台感たっぷりなのが歓声。東名阪に比べ、外タレの来日公演自体が限られる土地ですが、それだけに千載一遇のチャンスとばかりに盛り上がり、歌いまくる狂乱が熱い。先述の通り、どんな大騒ぎになってもフライングVの美音が妨げられることはないものの、約1,500席の空間に封じ込まれた密室感の熱いこと! その盛り上がり方もまた、日本ならでは。欧米のコンサートであれば、ヴォルテージが上がるほどに絶叫まみれになるところですが、日本の観客はいくら曲を重ねようと飽きることなく整然とリズムを刻み続ける。手拍子の大きさで熱狂と賞賛をバンドに伝え、サビになると沸き起こる1,500人のコーラス隊もキッチリと歌いきる。人気絶頂期の仙台だからこその熱狂が密室に渦巻いているのです。


Disc 1(47:38)
1. Intro. 2. Captain Nemo 3. Rock My Nights Away 4. Are You Ready To Rock
5. Cry For The Nations 6. On And On 7. Attack Of The Mad Axeman 8. Member Introduction
9. Into The Arena 10. Courvoisier Concerto 11. Lost Horizons 12. Rock Will Never Die

Disc 2(34:55)
1. I’m Gonna Make You Mine 2. Systems Failing 3. Still Love That Little Devil
4. Armed And Ready 5. Rock Bottom 6. Doctor Doctor/Thank You Jam

Michael Schenker – Guitar Gary Barden – Vocal Chris Glen – Bass Ted McKenna – Drums
Andy Nye – Keyboards


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