Michael Schenker Group / Nagoya 1983 / 2CD

Michael Schenker Group / Nagoya 1983 / 2CD / Zodiac

Translated Text:
Live at Nagoya-shi Kokaido, Nagoya, Japan 15th January 1983

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Leaving now M.S.G. the great performance in Japan, which he realized at the beginning of the year 35 years ago. The best live album comes in press 2CD.
It is included in this work “January 15, 1983: Nagoya city public hall” performance. It is a scene of the second Japan tour. The one who came with the pin at “Nagoya in 1983!?” Is a maniac. We have archived in numerous masterpieces at our shop only during the heyday, but this Nagoya show has never been before. No, not limited to our shop, it is a phantom shaw where little record was known. First of all, let’s organize the schedule and collection of January 1983.

· January 13: Fukuoka Sun Palace Hall “GOD RETURNS DEFINITIVE MASTER”
· January 15: Nagoya City Auditorium 【this work】
· January 17: Kyoto Kaikan “KYOTO 1983”
· January 18th: Osaka Health Pension Center “OSAKA 1983 1ST NIGHT”
· January 19th: Osaka Health Pension Center “OSAKA 1983 2ND NIGHT”
· January 20: Tokyo · Nippon Budokan “BURNIN ‘WITH DESERT FIRE”
※ Note: Only for masterpieces on each day.

Over, all six performances. We have introduced the best recordings of most of the shows, such as the vertex work of the stereo sound board “GOD RETURNS DEFINITIVE MASTER (Langley Deluxe 015)” and Daimyo Board “KYOTO 1983 (Zodiac 198)”, but only Nagoya was. With this work “1983 Japan Collection” will be perfect.
However, such rarity alone will not be a permanent preservation press. The greatest taste of this work is in its intense sound. Directly CD-converted the original master cassette of our shop, but the flowing out from it is an unusual audience sound. Until now, the crown of the customer record was “KYOTO 1983”, but it is a wonderful thing that can not be caught on that famous board. It is a bit of a slight audience recording that picks up the venue acoustics, but its clearer detail and detailed detail escape barefoot for Sogo somewhat line recording as well. Directly a feeling that is superb than anything else. I do not feel the distance at all, and Flying V is crying in front of my eyes. Moreover, even a slight acoustic sound rolls in a good direction, and it is more sweet to a toneful tone, and it gives a tremble sound, even though it does not hide one crush of neck bend.
Of course, it is not just Flying V. Every hammering sound is beautiful enough for the drums to see the structure of the kit, and the bass is vibrancy with rich gorilla feeling vibrancy on the waveform level. The keyboard of Andy Nai and the outline of the obphrase also gently crawl, and you can taste the slightly covered code feeling. Gary Burden’s singing voice is also reality and massiveness that is aligned with flying V, and it is super clear even until breathing that becomes rough in MC. Even listening while concentrating on each of the five people, it is a sound that can concentrate on one sound. As a matter of fact, there is a tape change of about 27 seconds in the second half of “Lost Horizons” (complemented by a masterpiece “KYOTO 1983”), and after a solo solo finish at the final “Rock Bottom”, it is somewhat unstable Although it is becoming, there are not any disadvantageous disadvantages besides that. The best feeling that I can not imagine first appearing roughly follows a sense of stability as well.
What is drawn with such a superb sound is just a celebrated M.S.G. Although it will be the first visit to Japan that cozy · Powell accompanied by flashy, it is a very narrow focused ensemble that “Mr. Flying V is the leading role”, a mature performance that took the opportunity, and the first visit to Japan Gary Burden’s passionate returning the stigma of … … all of which are transcending the first visit to Japan. Of course, the set also “Purity 100% Schenker” selected from the early three golden sheets before the pop color blurs out, “Ulcer” “Desert Song” of “Apocalypse” “Rock You To The Ground” Even the first visit to Japan We also exhibited plenty of “Bijou Pleasurette” and “Looking For Love” that I could not listen to. Especially “Looking For Love” does not quite play “myth” even though it is one of the best super-famous songs, but it makes me listen at the god tone of the great heyday. Naturally, the audience at the scene was delighted. Though it tends to hide in the extremely thick performance sound, the chorus of “Looking for love !!” is firmly inhaled.
Although such a beauty point could be tasted in each performance of 1983, the document of Nagoya performance that listens for the first time as for this work is brilliant. It is unusual for member introductions Michael is in a good mood and it is thought whether introducing “This is Gary !!”, Michael fails to enter at the beginning of “Bijou Pleasurette”. Such a mistake is somewhat funny, the more expressive Michael ‘s expression seems to emerge, the mood filled with the best performance and wearing is emanating from the full story.

Nagoya performance in the golden period finally saw the sun. It is a gem that contains a phantom show that I could not imagine even if I wanted to listen to it with a superb sound. Original miracle master who has been doing for over 35 years. Japan in 1983 is perfect now. It is finally open to the public!


・1月15日:名古屋市公会堂 【本作】
・1月17日:京都会館 『KYOTO 1983』
・1月18日:大阪厚生年金会館 『OSAKA 1983 1ST NIGHT』
・1月19日:大阪厚生年金会館 『OSAKA 1983 2ND NIGHT』
・1月20日:東京・日本武道館 『BURNIN’ WITH DESERT FIRE』

以上、全6公演。ステレオサウンドボードの頂点作『GOD RETURNS DEFINITIVE MASTER(Langley Deluxe 015)』や大名盤『KYOTO 1983(Zodiac 198)』など、ほとんどのショウを極上録音をご紹介してきましたが、名古屋だけはなかった。本作を持って“1983年ジャパン・コレクション”が完璧になるのです。
しかし、そんな珍しさだけでは永久保存プレスとはならない。本作最大の旨みは、その強烈なサウンドにあるのです。当店発掘のオリジナル・マスター・カセットをダイレクトにCD化したのですが、そこから流れ出てきたのは絶品すぎるオーディエンス・サウンド。これまで客録の頂点作は『KYOTO 1983』だったわけですが、あの名盤にも引けを取らない素晴らしさ。ほんのり極わずかに会場音響も拾っているオーディエンス録音には違いないのですが、そのクリアさ、ディテールの細やかさはそんじょそこらのライン録音も裸足で逃げ出す。何よりも素晴らしいのはダイレクト感。距離をまったく感じさせず、すぐ目の前でフライングVが泣きじゃくっているのです。しかも、極わずかな音響が良い方向に転がり、ネックベンドの軋み1つ隠さないくせに、切ないトーンに一層甘く、トロける鳴りを与えてくれるのです。
もちろん、フライングVだけじゃない。ドラムはキットの構造まで目に浮かぶほどあらゆる打音が美しく、ベースはゴリゴリ感も豊かなヴァイヴも波形レベルの鮮やかさ。アンディ・ナイのキーボードもオブリフレーズの輪郭もキリッと経ち、うっすらと被せるコード感もキッチリ味わえる。ゲイリー・バーデンの歌声もフライングVと並ぶリアリティと図太さで、MCで荒くなる息づかいまで超鮮明。5人それぞれに集中しながら聴いても、1音1音にまで集中できるサウンドなのです。実のところ、テープチェンジで「Lost Horizons」後半の27秒ほどカット(名作『KYOTO 1983』で補完しています)があり、最終「Rock Bottom」で白熱のソロを終えた後でやや不安定になったりもするのですが、それ以外に欠点らしい欠点がまるでない。おおよそ初登場とは思えない極上ぶりが安定感もバツグンに続くのです。
そんな極上サウンドで描かれるのは、まさしく絶頂M.S.G.の大名演! 派手さで言えばコージー・パウエルが同行した初来日となるわけですが、「ミスター・フライングVこそが主役」という焦点の絞られたアンサンブル、場数を踏んだからこその成熟した演奏、そして初来日の汚名を返上するゲイリー・バーデンの熱唱……そのすべてが初来日を超越している。もちろん、セットもポップ色が滲む前の黄金の初期3枚からセレクトされた“純度100%シェンカー”で、『黙示録』の「Ulcer」「Desert Song」「Rock You To The Ground」、初来日でも聴けなかった「Bijou Pleasurette」「Looking For Love」もたっぷり披露。特に「Looking For Love」は『神話』でも屈指の超名曲にも関わらずなかなか演奏してくれないわけですが、それを大全盛期の神トーンで聴かせてくれる。当然、現場の観客は大喜び。極太の演奏音に隠れがちなものの、「Looking for love!!」の大合唱もしっかりと吸い込まれています。
こうした美点は1983年の各公演でも味わえましたが、本作はやはり初めて聴く名古屋公演のドキュメントが鮮烈。メンバー紹介では珍しくマイケルが上機嫌で「This is Gary!!」と紹介したかと思えば、「Bijou Pleasurette」の冒頭でマイケルが入り損ねる。そんなミスもなんだか微笑ましく、照れるマイケルの表情が浮かんできそうなほど、絶好調の演奏と履きに満ちたムードが全編から発散されているのです。



Disc 1(59:42)
1. Intro. 2. Ulcer 3. Cry For The Nations 4. Attack Of The Mad Axeman 5. Rock You To The Ground
6. Bijou Pleasurette 7. Victim Of Illusion 8. Member Introduction 9. Into The Arena
10. Desert Song 11. Courvoisier Concerto 12. Lost Horizons 13. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Disc 2(36:54)
1. Looking For Love 2. Armed And Ready 3. Doctor Doctor 4. Are You Ready To Rock 5. Rock Bottom

Michael Schenker – Guitar Gary Barden – Vocal Chris Glen – Bass Ted McKenna – Drums
Andy Nye – Keyboards


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