Metallica / Pre-Metallica Tapes 1982-1983 / 1CDR

Metallica / Pre-Metallica Tapes 1982-1983 / 1CDR / Non Label
Translated Text:
Early Demos of Trauma & Exodus, and Tour rehearsals of Metallica July 1983


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Dave Mustaine, very early METALLICA who left the historic footprints along with Ron Makugavu~ani. However, it does not go to the translation forget Cliff Burton, also Kirk Hammett of Ryohito! So, for our avid fan, special items that “Cliff entering of TRAUMA” and “Kirk entering of EXODUS” enjoy was also available. To listen Chug it is a great opportunity !!
The reason for appearing first, “Cliff containing TRAUMA”. Last year, album 3 track along with the recurrence of “SCRATCH AND SCREAM” is the official release (mania is here also check required!), But is also fresh in memory of, the 4 take you had been around earlier in this work total was summarized. The first compilation album of “METAL MASSACRE II” recording “Such A Shame”. In just a great sound Official take, I can enjoy the debut track of Cliff. Although the impact of NWOBHM ish time of slash / power metal band is thick, band and difference is still rhythm of Bonpyaku. Well AC / DC-ish groove parentheses, Cliff I will see that had early emerged. 3 songs subsequent songs of “DEMO I”. It is a pity the sound quality will fall with a jerk, but because it is a valuable “Cliff containing” even for free, and let’s not miss hearing also, even for one take!

Continues, “Kirk containing EXODUS”. Vocals, of course, is the late Paul Barofu. Songs to “1982 DEMO” and Raivudemo “DIE BY HIS HAND” of the first sound source, even outtakes “Impaler” of “DIE BY HIS HAND” also I added recording. EXODUS is stalwart in the Bay Area stalwarts that have been formed in faster than METALLICA. In addition, the side-by-side here (except for the “Impaler”, which is a remake) Since just non-album songs, it is valuable to Kiwamaru recorded even if disregarding the “METALLICA commenting”.
Band leader at the time in Kirk, these demo his NWOBHM hobby is out on the whole surface. On to know the music of the Kirk, is more than good sample METALLICA. In particular phrase of “Creeping Death” is the main “Die By His Hand” is must listen. Famous phrase is largely Fichua, and rather than to have been diverted to come up here, it is the level that you want would say even with the original song. Same riffs and deployment of “Trapped Under Ice” pops in “Impaler”, I find Maybe presence of Kirk you can put into the “RIDE THE LIGHTNING” is how large.

Thus TRAUMA, Cliff and Kirk to join in METALLICA through the EXODUS. As a final bonus, 2 people were also recorded METALLICA of freshly join. ‘If you have just produced the “EM ALL,” KILL with RAVEN KILL “‘ This is a rehearsal for the EM ALL FOR ONE” tour. Demo so far, but there was also something sound quality demanding, this rehearsal is a sound of high-quality sound and a strong force. That should be it, this “Seek & Destroy,” “Phantom Lord” is processed, which was recorded in the name of live in single “WHIPLASH” (single is a translation was fake live). In other words, it’s the imposing of official for recording! 1 take the last also been around as part of the “Tour Rehearsal 1983,” but its contents composer landscape. Lars is humming the riff as “Nanana? ♪”, guitar tracing it. The classic group of METALLICA is gradually made How do is the interesting take that sheer.
“McGOVNEY’S GARAGE 1982”, “NO LIFE ‘TIL MEGAFORCE” through the “KILL’ to follow and to EM ALL” arrived METALLICA. When listening to this work, its footprint is further spread, even transparent coming Bay Area scene at the time. Kano earth, metal, which could not be only in that era. !! That you gift to the hot longing can not forget the Shokei


デイヴ・ムステイン、ロン・マクガヴァニーと共に歴史的な足跡を残した極初期METALLICA。しかし、クリフ・バートン、カーク・ハメットの両人も忘れるわけにはいきません! そこで、熱心なファンの皆さまのため、“クリフ入りのTRAUMA”と“カーク入りのEXODUS”が楽しめるスペシャル・アイテムもご用意しました。一気聴きするには絶好のチャンスです!!
まず登場するのは、“クリフ入りTRAUMA”。昨年、アルバム「SCRATCH AND SCREAM」の再発に伴って3トラックが公式リリースされた(マニアはコチラも要チェック!)のも記憶に新しいですが、本作ではそれ以前から出回っていた4テイクを総まとめしました。最初はコンピレーション・アルバム「METAL MASSACRE II」収録の「Such A Shame」。オフィシャル・テイクだけに素晴らしいサウンドで、クリフのデビュー・トラックを楽しめます。当時のスラッシュ/パワーメタル・バンドらしくNWOBHMの影響が濃厚ですが、凡百のバンドと違うのはやはりリズム。AC/DCっぽいグルーヴがカッコ良く、クリフは早くから頭角を現していたのが分かります。それに続く3曲は「DEMO I」の全曲。音質がグッと落ちてしまうのは残念ですが、ただでさえ貴重な“クリフ入り”ですので、1テイクたりとも聞き逃すわけにはいきません!

続くは、“カーク入りEXODUS”。ヴォーカルはもちろん、故ポール・バーロフです。初音源の「1982 DEMO」とライヴデモ「DIE BY HIS HAND」を全曲、さらに「DIE BY HIS HAND」のアウトテイク「Impaler」も追加収録しました。EXODUSは、METALLICAよりも早くに結成されたベイエリア重鎮中の重鎮。しかも、ここに並んでいるのは(リメイクされた「Impaler」を除き)アルバム未収録曲ばかりですから、「METALLICAうんぬん」を度外視しても貴重極まる記録です。
当時のバンドリーダーはカークで、これらのデモも彼のNWOBHM趣味が全面に出ている。カークの音楽性を知る上では、METALLICA以上の好サンプルです。特に「Creeping Death」のフレーズがメインとなる「Die By His Hand」は必聴。かの有名フレーズが大きくフィーチュアされ、ここまで来ると流用されたと言うより、原曲とさえ言ってしまいたいレベルです。同じく「Impaler」にも「Trapped Under Ice」のリフや展開が飛び出し、「RIDE THE LIGHTNING」に置けるカークの存在がいかに大きいのかも分かります。

こうしてTRAUMA、EXODUSを経てMETALLICAに合流するクリフとカーク。最後のボーナスとして、2人が加入したてのMETALLICAも収録しました。「KILL ‘EM ALL」を製作した直後で、RAVENとの「KILL ‘EM ALL FOR ONE」ツアーのためのリハーサルです。ここまでのデモは、音質的に厳しいものもありましたが、このリハは高音質かつド迫力のサウンドです。それもそのはず、この「Seek & Destroy」「Phantom Lord」は加工され、シングル「WHIPLASH」にライヴと称して収録されましたもの(シングルは偽ライヴだったわけです)。つまり、堂々のオフィシャル用録音なのです! ラストの1テイクも「Tour Rehearsal 1983」の一部として出回っていますが、その中身は作曲風景。ラーズが「ナナナ?♪」とリフを口ずさみ、ギターがそれをなぞる。METALLICAの名曲群がどうやって作られていくのが透ける面白いテイクです。
「McGOVNEY’S GARAGE 1982」「NO LIFE ‘TIL MEGAFORCE」を経て「KILL ‘EM ALL」へと辿り着いたMETALLICA。本作を聴いていると、その足跡がさらに広がり、当時のベイエリア・シーンさえ透けてくる。かの地、あの時代にしかあり得なかったメタル。その熱い憧れを忘れられない諸兄に贈ります!!

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