Marillion / Welcome To The Garden Party Milton Keynes 1986 / 3CD

Marillion / Welcome To The Garden Party Milton Keynes 1986 / 3CD / Zodiac

Translated Text:
Milton Keynes Bowl, UK 28th June 1986


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Masterpiece and famous historical name recording of the master craftsman “Crazy S.” world is reprinted raised glossy polish.
Etc. any number of masterpiece, masterpiece Kano master craftsman, what is referred to as a “masterpiece” is very small. Preferences and show the meaning of the band, although the opinion by sound nuances and so on is broken, are roughly the candidate is decided. ‘Of ROSES “” DO NOT FUCKIN’ GUNS N coming out of the dead KILL EACH OTHER “(ZODIAC 112)”, Freddie Mercury last performance QUEEN “KNEBWORTH 1986 (Wardour-153)”, the heyday of accept ultra-high matches in the sound quality “WAR COMMANDER” (LANGLEY DELUXE 008) “, and is a place, such as ultra-masterpiece of the same period TWISTED SISTER” COME OUT aND PLAY iN NOTTINGHAM (ZODIAC 129) “. If the person who was to listen to even one of them, I think that was not the feelings, such as shaken the soul to great performance to be drawn in the absence of the ordinary extraordinary high quality. However, side by side with these ultra-masterpiece group is praised as a “masterpiece” transcendence recording is another one. That is the true character of this work.
Hero of such a masterpiece, MARILLION. Released a story historical masterpiece of the album “MISPLACED CHILDHOOD”, it is Odeiensu album when he was a large bird in the celebration of the British rock that was collected about 4 million people “WELCOME TO THE GARDEN PARTY”. The recording went out into the world in 2008 as the “WELCOME TO THE GARDEN PARTY (Uxbridge 029)”, which has received rave reviews. I at that time was the CDR release of the limited, very quickly sold out out of print. Also from the magazine it was about praise “the Marillion of the golden age in the superb sound quality that seems to be whether the sound board and enjoyable Tabburi,” “inspiring, Ascension, fainting of joy” that did their words and were received.
Not lie lie to the words of this magazine, direct musical tone is truly sound board class. Roar in glossy thick even in the bass, which is a weakness of the open-air venue, it is fully captured delicious only vivid sense of an open-air taste “reverberation zero”. Of course, the edge also becomes also a glossy FREE shipping the words of the “official-class audience” without hesitation sound. On the contrary, it, such as that has been picked up not remain one because it has been too detailed, clearly recorded, in the super-clear until the noise on-site PA was issued at the beginning of the show. Here, the “Eh? Noise?” And think the also will some people. So, here is this work maximum points. This work is of such transcendence recording is not exaggerated also “masterpiece of the master craftsman,” but, PA noise you’ve picked up in transcendence recording because had been seen here and there. This is also We are still in the truth of the scene, this time the noise one one carefully removed (noise that may affect the tone you may leave some). I was realized did not “completely musical tone” give even be field.
Then revived was …… of the great “master craftsman masterpiece of”. The only words have been exhausted at the time of the original sound, what beauty that have no idea what may be epithet. Until now disappear noise that has been caught in the ear at every moment, smooth as velvet, glossy, bright sound you wrap around the heart.
And, MARILLION the case for heyday drawn in its sound. 1 year from the release of large masterpiece “MISPLACED CHILDHOOD”, big game and medium-sized band was not unanimously considered only the United States invasion and loudly played fantastic progressive rock from GENESIS to “1986”. First of all, this “WELCOME TO THE GARDEN PARTY” was a pure British chic and the combined events. Other Irish rising star MAMA’S BOYS also look at the performer, British savvy friend MAGNUM, net British symbol JETHRO TULL, and Gary Moore was awakened home Love in “Out In The Fields”. Anymore, but it is a line-up that invites the UK fan of goose bumps just mentioned one set one set name,’s the golden age MARILLION that was followed by a such heroes. While laid ultra-name board the “MISPLACED CHILDHOOD” completely reproduced in the middle do, decisive show sandwiching an ultra-classic of the “SCRIPT FOR A JESTER’S TEAR” “FUGAZI” is, “to listen to respond,” Sorry is a raw gentle word like. It is, of course, name board reproduce itself is not enjoy any official of editing live album “THE THIEVING MAGPIE”, the real thrill of the burst through the production of 100% due to “official-class audience” do not take the comparison with the editing board work . In this work, in order to cherish the feeling of air and seamless “MISPLACED CHILDHOOD” reproduction flowing beautifully, we dare do in three sets.
Dense feeling of being is “pure British” divergence from this work. It also helped the audience gathered in the scene. As mentioned earlier, the line-up this event to hit the soul of British rock fans. In other words, it was no event of use other than the UK fan. Only to gather the audience it also’s the Tokuno. Of course, “the official class audience” more than you are chanted, but is no fuss, such as to create a stain on a beautiful musical sound, downright wonderful large chorus sing at important points of the song. Nobutoku also, big chorus that does not pollute the beauty of the melody speck. 40,000 of the chorus is accurate to single word of the lyrics, sing with clean pure British English. Fantasy feeling of MARILLION are you a live album that was reborn in the dimension of spectacle.

“British rock”. What a sound of fascination. While increments of the glory shining brilliantly on the history, it was now gone away to the other side of the fog lock. “WELCOME TO THE GARDEN PARTY” is, perhaps it was such British rock of the last moment shine. Age the whole world was staring at the United States, I love the “home country the United Kingdom seems to rock”, the band had stuck, people were gathered together space. Sound of the site, is a set of three that polished the master sound sucked directly vibe to the limit.
In the masterpiece of renowned master craftsman “Crazy S.” in the world, great board of the live album to convey the British shine. “British rock”, who this word is felt special, one that I would like you to feel what those who become How hot is breast without trying. This weekend, we will deliver such to you of your hand.

世界の名匠“Crazy S.”の最高傑作と名高い歴史的名録音が艶やかに磨き上げられて復刻です。
かの名匠の名作・傑作は数あれど、「最高傑作」とまで呼ばれるものは極わずか。バンドの好みやショウの意義、サウンド・ニュアンス等々によって意見は割れるものの、おおよそ候補は決まっている。死者の出たGUNS N’ ROSESの『”DON’T FUCKIN’ KILL EACH OTHER”(ZODIAC 112)』、フレディ・マーキュリーのラストパフォーマンスQUEEN『KNEBWORTH 1986(Wardour-153)』、アクセプトの絶頂期を超高音質で収めた『WAR COMMANDER』(LANGLEY DELUXE 008)」、更には同時期のTWISTED SISTERの超傑作『COME OUT AND PLAY IN NOTTINGHAM(ZODIAC 129)』といったところです。このうちの1本でもお聴きになった方なら、普通ではない異常なハイクオリティで描かれる名演に魂を揺さぶられるような想いをされたのではないでしょうか。しかし、こうした超名作群と並べて「最高傑作」と讃えられる超絶録音がもう1本ある。それが本作の正体なのです。
そんな傑作の主人公は、MARILLION。ストーリーアルバムの歴史的傑作『MISPLACED CHILDHOOD』をリリースし、約4万人を集めたという英国ロックの祭典“WELCOME TO THE GARDEN PARTY”で大トリを務めた際のオーデイエンス・アルバムです。この録音は2008年に『WELCOME TO THE GARDEN PARTY(Uxbridge 029)』として世に出て、大絶賛を受けたもの。当時は限定のCDRリリースだったのですが、あっと言う間に完売・廃盤。専門誌からも「感激、昇天、失神の喜び」「サウンドボードかと思われる極上の音質でマリリオンの全盛時代をたっぶりと楽しめる」と言葉を尽くした賞賛が寄せられたほどでした。
この専門誌の言葉に嘘偽りはなく、ダイレクトな楽音は真にサウンドボード級。野外会場の弱みである重低音でさえ艶やかで極太に轟き、野外の旨みである「残響ゼロ」のビビッド感だけを美味しく捉えきっている。もちろん、エッジも鳴りも艶やかで、躊躇なく「オフィシャル級オーディエンス」の言葉を贈れるサウンド。それどころか、あまりに詳細・鮮明に録音されているため、ショウの冒頭で現場PAが発したノイズまで激クリアに1つ残らず拾っていたほどなのです。ここで「え? ノイズ?」と思われた方もいらっしゃるでしょう。そう、ここが本作最大のポイント。本作は「名匠の最高傑作」も大袈裟ではない超絶録音なのですが、超絶録音ゆえに拾ってしまったPAノイズが散見していた。これも現場の真実ではあるのですが、今回はそのノイズを1つひとつ丁寧に除去(楽音に影響しかねないノイズはいくつか残してあります)。現場ですらあり得なかった“完全楽音”を実現したのです。
そして、そのサウンドで描かれるのが全盛期のMARILLION。大代表作『MISPLACED CHILDHOOD』のリリースから1年、大物・中堅バンドがこぞってアメリカ侵攻しか考えていなかった“1986年”にGENESIS由来の幻想プログレッシヴ・ロックを高らかに奏でている。そもそも、この“WELCOME TO THE GARDEN PARTY”は、純英国の粋を集めたイベントでした。他の出演者を眺めてもアイルランドの新星MAMA’S BOYS、ブリティッシュ通の友MAGNUM、純英国の象徴JETHRO TULL、そして「Out In The Fields」で母国愛に目覚めたゲイリー・ムーア。もう、1組1組名前を挙げただけで英国ファンの鳥肌を誘うラインナップですが、そんな英雄たちを従えた黄金期MARILLIONなのです。超名盤『MISPLACED CHILDHOOD』完全再現をド真ん中に据えつつ、『SCRIPT FOR A JESTER’S TEAR』『FUGAZI』の超名曲で挟み込む決定的なショウは、「聴き応え」などという生やさしい言葉では済まない。もちろん、名盤再現自体はオフィシャルの編集ライヴ盤『THE THIEVING MAGPIE』でも味わえるわけですが、本生100%の「オフィシャル級オーディエンス」による一気貫通の醍醐味は、編集盤作品とは比較になりません。本作では、美しく流れる空気感とシームレスな『MISPLACED CHILDHOOD』再現を大切にするため、あえて3枚組にいたしました。

「ブリティッシュ・ロック」。何という魅惑の響きでしょう。歴史上に燦然と輝く栄光を刻みながら、今や霧の向こうに去ってしまったロック。“WELCOME TO THE GARDEN PARTY”は、そんな英国ロック最期の輝きだったのかも知れません。全世界がアメリカを見つめていた時代、“母国イギリスらしいロック”を愛し、こだわっていたバンド、人々が一堂に会した空間。その現場のサウンド、ヴァイヴを直接吸い込んだマスター・サウンドを極限まで磨き上げた3枚組です。
世界に名だたる名匠“Crazy S.”の最高傑作にして、英国の輝きを伝えるライヴアルバムの大名盤。「ブリティッシュ・ロック」、この言葉が特別に感じられる方、どうしようもなく胸が熱くなってしまう方にこそ感じていただきたい1本。今週末、そんなあなたのお手元へお届けいたします。

Disc 1 (37:43)
1. Intro. 2. Garden Party 3. Freaks 4. Assassing 5. Chelsea Monday 6. Script For A Jester’s Tear

Disc 2 (43:55)
Misplaced Childhood
1. Pseudo Silk Kimono 2. Kayleigh 3. Lavender 4. Bitter Suite 5. Heart Of Lothian 6. Waterhole
7. Lords Of The Backstage 8. Blind Curve 9. Childhoods End? 10. White Feather

Disc 3 (43:19)
1. MC 2. Forgotten Sons 3. Incubus 4. Fugazi
5. Market Square Heroes incl. She Loves You, Let’s Twist Again

Fish – Vocal Steve Rothery – Guitar Mark Kelly – Keyboards Pete Trewavas – Bass & Vocal
Ian Mosley – Drums

Special Thanks. Crazy S.


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