Led Zeppelin / Seattle 1973 Master Reels / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / Seattle 1973 Master Reels / 3CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at Seattle Center Coliseum, Seattle, WA. USA 17th July 1973


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Last week Following the great performance in Vienna in a great performance that our shop has released, we will release the ZEP live recordings of 73 years. However, this time released a great performance and name sound source from the US tour at the limit of the press CD. The singled out was standing in the July 17 Seattle, Center Coliseum performances. So, without a mania Speaking of 1973 in Seattle, the name sound source seems to be whether you know if the person who was to some extent listen to the live sound of the ZEP. What to say to those also for his tell the 73-year splendor of US tour by the era of the LP name board “V1 / 2 PERFORMED LIVE IN SEATTLE” much earlier than the official. There was also one of the trio was released alongside now TMOQ that became a legendary label is a “BONZO’S BIRTHDAY PARTY” and “THREE DAYS AFTER”.
How can the feel the limit of LP item in that was not possible now and become completely recorded even live any title, was the most average quality audience recording of the former, the sound quality is good stereo sound quality than it while the last line, which has become a live second half only such also recorded by the recording tape of the problem, unlike the latter who had mixed also blueberry Hill sound source, should Mania were many Ai聴 the stereo recording on a sound image in a very clear . Moreover, the difference between those two titles, the only “Rock And Roll” live the first half, starting from that who has recorded, but what was there also thankful that me convey the actual US tour atmosphere realistic. Let’s recap what there from Seattle of the sound source is how have been released.

Say when the 73-year tour of was released in on-time of time in reverse is only those three pieces, for several years until the appearance is official “THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME”, who convey the pattern of the same tour the it was also a valuable presence. Moreover, under the name of again and greet the era of the CD “V1 / 2”, have now been excavated is the same day of the sound board recording shocked the mania around the world. After all, it Seattle concert that has been accustomed to hear in the audience recording until now has been promoted to a stretch of the sound board clearness. Although this sound source was also there in the incomplete recording, it was a big charm that had been recorded in the playing order of the live unlike the LP era.
However, in up to both concerts complete recording, absolutely beyond. Had been excavated as the savior for this situation is recording a second audience. First source as the sound image of TMOQ is not turned on, a bonus I had difference that mono sound quality is in, but still enter the category sufficiently high-quality sound is as audience recording of the 1973 tour, past more than anything two types of sound source in by me firmly captured the second half live that has not been heard of me to reveal the whole picture of the last great performance serving Seattle performances, it is what had a great significance. On the contrary, those that surprise because he had me recorded until the venue announcement in the previous appearance member of ZEP.
Higher still worth of being recorded the whole concert, as the wake of the release, such as “GRANDILOQUENCE” of “SEATTLE DAZE” and ANTRABATA of IQ label, it will be that many of the titles produced. However, none of this is also unnecessary loss of because it was based on the deviation and Gene dropped cassette of the pitch, and had problems such as equalization. Hybrid item that combines the sound source and the sound board in the meantime has become the mainstream of the new century, the release of second-source alone will get stuck. There was aggravated is, would be master excavation of the first source by JEMS was realized a few years ago. Come to become clear whole picture of this sound source, after all I’ve did not complete recording of the concert was revealed, master unique advantage of TMOQ source of ancient is large, and up the mania around the world It was what was said. Moreover, this sound source and is GRAF ZEPPELIN version of “V1 / 2” has recently release was based on the sound board, the called the reputation among enthusiasts is probably or still fresh in memory.

This second source that had been left behind by a change in this situation. While is a period of time in advance touted as in the previous, the presence of the item that was recorded by the preceding reason has become a rarity. Despite JEMS to First source the same time in the bonus was let flow through the master to this source, it has hidden in the full shade by the master advent of the second source.
Although the items after a long time by was recorded a second source of JEMS version from EAT A PEACH label earlier this year to surprise “PERFORMED LIVE IN SEATTLE” has appeared, is that there tends to equalize in GODFATHER-based label has been subjected calamity, and it will be much trouble impaired goodness of the original sound. Hiss is amplified, does not offer the overall finish discomfort equalize drifts. In this study is to realize the release of the items that our shop is taking advantage of the goodness of itself JEMS master.
Without applying the equalization. Before release, thoroughly brush up on issues such as the adjustment of the missing part and pitch. The blank from the first of the pre-curtain announcement to ZEP appearance, patch in the sound source that what was completely monaural sound board. For further second source is the biggest drawback “No Quarter” late from for some time deficit, rather than make up for the past from the only first source in the same way as the “COMPLETE SEATTLE”, this time the patch did on monaural it since it was, will a sense of discomfort can be said is that it far from easy to hear finish listening to a that at once reduced natural. Stop firmly adjust even the pitch that has been dropped in the second half live part. And very natural sound quality more than anything. So far for the mania that has been Ai聴 a second source, and promise the finish to Korezo referred to as the definitive edition!

And what to say even if splendor of the concert of the day, it is in the strong of outstanding plant. Originally the second leg of the US tour, as typified by the first day of Chicago, was upset noticeable time of his voice. But had to show much of the demodulation compared to Chicago in Buffalo of the 15 days it was prior to the concert in Seattle, but still clearly unsatisfactory when compared to this time in Seattle. However, probably because there was a moving day of the day in between, the plant is the voice of the sharp is different suddenly from opening here in Seattle. Clearly strong plant that rode the wave also peaked early through “Since I’ve Been Loving You” from “Misty Mountain Hop”, then also show off a wonderful singing voice in “Stairway To Heaven” and “Whole Lotta Love”. By such his hard work, the same as in the corner of the ZEP Seattle legendary continue to create a great performance is what this day makes with the LA Forum.
And we have been glimpses of the “The Ocean” (muffled sound that occurs from the middle of the performance but also to eliminate), the slightly tired of Angkor to say is, what to foresee the upset again fallen plant after the next day Yes you. So, where in the next day in Vancouver it is well known that it has evolved into a situation that live shortened due to bad condition of his throat. The only sound that the great performance of the plant was Mise revved up makes us hear the full-length concert in a single source to there, appeared the definitive item is finally!


先週当店がリリースした名演中の名演ウィーンに続き、73年のZEPライブ音源をリリースいたします。ただし今回はアメリカ・ツアーからの名演かつ名音源を限定のプレスCDにてリリース。白羽の矢が立ったのは7月17日のシアトル、センター・コロシアム公演。そう、1973年のシアトルと言えばマニアでなくとも、ある程度ZEPのライブ音源を聴かれた方ならご存知かと思われる名音源。何といってもLPの時代には名盤「V1/2 PERFORMED LIVE IN SEATTLE」によって73年アメリカ・ツアーの素晴らしさをオフィシャルよりもずっと先に伝えてくれたもの。今や伝説的なレーベルと化したTMOQが「BONZO’S BIRTHDAY PARTY」と「THREE DAYS AFTER」と並んでリリースした三羽烏の一つでもありました。
今となってはどのタイトルもライブを完全収録できていなかった点においてLPアイテムの限界を感じさせたのですが、もっとも平均的なクオリティのオーディエンス録音だった前者、音質はそれより良好なステレオ音質ながらも録音テープの問題によってライブ後半のみな収録となってしまった挙句、ブルーベリーヒル音源も混ざっていた後者たちと違い、非常にクリアーでオンな音像のステレオ録音を愛聴したマニアは多かったはず。しかもそれら二タイトルと違い、唯一「Rock And Roll」から始まるライブ前半を収録してくれたことで、実際のアメリカ・ツアーの雰囲気をリアルに伝えてくれた点もありがたい存在だったものです。そこからシアトルの音源がどのようにリリースされてきたのかをおさらいしてみましょう。

逆に言うと73年ツアーのオンタイムな時期にリリースされたのはそれら三枚だけであり、オフィシャル「THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME」が登場するまでの数年間、同ツアーの模様を伝えてくれた貴重な存在でもあったのです。しかもCDの時代を迎えると再び「V1/2」の名の下、今度は同日のサウンドボード録音が発掘されて世界中のマニアに衝撃を与えています。何しろ、今までオーディエンス録音で聴き慣れてきたシアトル・コンサートが一気にサウンドボードのクリアネスへと昇格したのです。こちらの音源もまた不完全収録ではあったものの、LP時代と違ってライブの演奏順に収録されていたという点も大きな魅力でした。
やはりコンサート全体を収録しているという価値は高く、IQレーベルの「SEATTLE DAZE」やANTRABATAの「GRANDILOQUENCE」のようなリリースをきっかけとして、多くのタイトルが生み出されることになります。しかし、どれもこれもピッチの狂いやジェネ落ちカセットを元にしたが故の不要な欠損、そしてイコライズといった問題を抱えていました。そうこうしている内にこの音源とサウンドボードを組み合わせたハイブリッド・アイテムが新世紀の主流となってしまい、セカンド・ソース単体のリリースは滞ってしまいます。そこに追い打ちをかけたのが、数年前に実現したJEMSによるファースト・ソースのマスター発掘でしょう。この音源の全貌が明らかになってみれば、結局コンサートを完全収録していなかったことが明らかとなったのですが、いにしえのTMOQソースのマスターならではのアドバンテージは大きく、世界中のマニアをアッと言わせたものでした。しかも、この音源とサウンドボードを元にしたGRAF ZEPPELIN版「V1/2」が先頃リリースされ、マニアの間で評判を呼んだのは記憶に新しいところかと思われます。

意外なことに今年に入ってEAT A PEACHレーベルからJEMSバージョンのセカンド・ソースを収録した「PERFORMED LIVE IN SEATTLE」によって久々にアイテムが登場したものの、GODFATHER系レーベルにありがちなイコライズが施されたことが災いし、せっかく原音の良さが損なわれてしまいます。ヒスノイズが増幅され、全体的にイコライズの違和感が漂う仕上がりはいただけません。そこで今回は当店がJEMSマスターそのものの良さを生かしたアイテムのリリースを実現させます。
リリースに際してはイコライズを施すことなく、欠損部分やピッチのアジャストといった問題を徹底的にブラッシュアップ。まず開演前のアナウンスからZEP登場までの空白には、何とサウンドボードを完全モノラル化させた音源でパッチ。さらにセカンド・ソース最大の欠点である「No Quarter」終盤からしばらくの欠損に関しては、過去の「COMPLETE SEATTLE」のようにただファースト・ソースから補うのではなく、今回はそれをモノラル化した上でパッチしたことから、違和感が一気に減った自然で聴きやすい仕上がりが聴きどころだと言えるでしょう。とどめはライブ後半パートで下がっていたピッチまでもしっかりアジャスト。それに何よりも音質がとてもナチュラル。これまでセカンド・ソースを愛聴してきたマニアにとっては、これぞ決定版と呼ぶに仕上がりを約束します!

そして何といってもこの日のコンサートの素晴らしさ、それは際立ったプラントの好調にあります。元々アメリカ・ツアーのセカンド・レグは初日のシカゴに代表されるように、彼の声の不調が目立つ時期でした。シアトルの前のコンサートだった15日のバッファローでもシカゴに比べれば格段の復調を見せていましたが、それでも今回のシアトルに比べると明らかに物足りない。しかし間に一日の移動日があったからでしょう、ここシアトルでのプラントはオープニングから声のキレが俄然違います。はっきり好調の波に乗ったプラントは「Misty Mountain Hop」から「Since I’ve Been Loving You」にかけて早くもピークを迎え、その後も「Stairway To Heaven」や「Whole Lotta Love」において素晴らしい歌声を披露。そうした彼の頑張りによって、LAフォーラムと同じように名演を生み出し続けたZEPシアトル伝説の一角はこの日が成すもの。
とは言ってもアンコールの「The Ocean」(演奏の中盤から起きる音のこもりも解消させています)では若干の疲れが見え隠れしており、翌日以降に再度陥ったプラントの不調を予見させるものがあります。そう、翌日のバンクーバーでは彼の喉の不調が原因でライブ短縮という事態に発展したことはよく知られるところ。そこまでプラントが張り切ってみせた名演を単一ソースでコンサートの全編を聴かせてくれる唯一の音源、その決定版アイテムがようやく登場します!

Disc 1 (53:16)
1. Intro 2. Rock And Roll 3. Celebration Day 4. Black Dog 5. Over The Hills And Far Away
6. Misty Mountain Hop 7. Since I’ve Been Loving You 8. No Quarter

Disc 2 (63:12)
1. MC 2. The Song Remains The Same 3. The Rain Song 4. Dazed And Confused 5. Stairway To Heaven

Disc 3 (63:10)
1. MC 2. Moby Dick 3. Heartbreaker 4. Whole Lotta Love 5. The Ocean

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