Led Zeppelin / Listen To This Erik / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / Listen To This Erik / 3CD / Non Label

Translated Text:

Live at the Forum, Inglewood, CA. USA 21st June 1977

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Beyond the framework of ZEP ‘s live sound source, if you are a rock fan not a mania but once you’ve heard of those major audiences that you can think of as their major audiences recording on June 21, 1977, LA Forum’ s “LISTEN TO THIS EDDIE “. Today it is the penetration that allows you to communicate without saying the date. That was a great achievement for the best sound source that was recorded by Mike Millard at once. But this summer, suddenly another sound source on the day of Eddie appeared on the net.
Until now, the day of Eddie was excavated as a supplementary person of “Ten Years Gone” which cut in Millard recording, and “recorder 2” spreading over the last two decades exists. But it remained in circulation only for the same song part. Even listening to only the fragmentally used parts in each item is obviously a sound quality that is inferior to the Millard sound source and it seems to be the reason why it did not lead to circulation throughout the show. As a result, the excavation of “recorder 3” this time caused great reactions among maniacs all over the world.
In celebration of taper himself commemorating the lapse of 40 years since the show, I released an excerpt of the tape that I recorded on YouTube, where the inquiries rushed into the comment section. If too famous ZEP live another recording became excavated now, it is natural that maniacs have stopped silent.
As a result of this release, it was said that there were some people who actually contacted for the disclosure of the entire tape and contacted, but the taper “Gary B” which recorded this new source is reflected in the previous response and in September Show full length version again on YouTube. However, another day (the take of the familiar King dome in the video) was mixed in “Over The Top”, and an uploading beginner’s easy mistake occurred. So wisely he provided a sound source to JEMS. Uploading work from the master again realized, and even roughly pitch correction etc was carried out and it ended with publication on the net at the end of October without going through YouTube.

So we will realize the limited press release of this time, but the sound quality is not in the region of the Millard sound source which truly ranked A ranking. Whereas his recording was stereo, this is also a monophonic recording. It seems certain that the recording position was behind Mirard, especially the resolution of the kick that Bonzo releases is inferior to his sound source. However, it is easy to hear that it is not comparable with “recorder 2” of supplementary person who was a little distracting and slightly blurred in sound image, quality to be ranked to top rank without complain if from the whole tour in 1977.
On the contrary, there are not a few fans who knocked down even though it was not a mania, the experience of listening to Eddie ‘s day in a completely different sound field is really fresh! Especially the sound image is a well-balanced, clearly above this sound source even compared with our already released “DESTROYER II” which was a staple of the monaural and audience of the 77 year tour. Unlike Millard Recording, June 21, 1977, he told me plenty of LA’s ZEP’s heaviness.
Regarding the cut that occurred during the recording, it was more than the Millard sound source, in particular, “Guitar Solo” was not recorded at all, it was extremely painful that it extended to the beginning of “Achilles Last Stand” . As for the cut which originated with that part, obviously it is compensated by Millard sound source. His recording also had a cut just before “Achilles Last ~”, so only that part will be heard still. This neighborhood may be the difference from fans who tried to record the show which I saw in memory as much as Mirard which was supposed to complete in both sound quality and recording even at the time of 77 years.
On the other hand, except that “Ten Years Gone” was missing only in the beginning of the intro, the same song was recorded almost completely, which is a big advantage of this sound source. As mentioned earlier, since the Millard sound source has cut in the middle of the performance, it is fresh again that the performance can be heard almost completely without a middle cut in one source. Even more “recorder 2” was the sound quality that I did, so I can only bear in mind the greatness of the sound source this time. Although the number of cuts is different, the fact that Millard and this time Gary B cut with “Ten Years ~” and “Guitar Solo” is really interesting.

Another attraction is that it is more attractive to the presence than the Millard sound source. Certainly his sound source is of a different quality and there is no complaints about the recording which intensively captured the performance rather than the surrounding sound. However, it is also a big appeal of the sound source of this time that the enthusiasm of the LA audience who was in front of one generation’s prestigious performance in the LA forum loved by ZEP can be felt in real. It happened to have ZEP fans of enthusiastic women in the vicinity, and it has turned into a really exciting event.
“Battle Of Evermore” which opens the curtain of an acoustic set, and even “Bonzo’s” Over The Top “are enthusiastic as the introduction begins and there is something funny. It is natural that this enthusiasm is obvious because it has been showing all that much performance. This realistic feeling is also fresh, and it is not a disgusting balance that makes it stress on listening.
And beside female fans beside the taper, the voice of the fans who are excited by the height of another tension is also caught, apparently this person is thought to be a friend of Gary B. According to what he testified when releasing the sound source this time the friend’s name is Eric. Although I came to see the day of Eddie with Gary B on the LA Forum, he kept leaping all the time because he kept dragging his upper drugs before the start of live, leaving the other side recording, he returned to his sanity He said that it was the next day. It is an anecdote that seems to be a rock concert of America in the 70’s, but it was my friend and an American who saw the 77 year tour with MSG in fact was also a testimony that the drag was awesome at the venue.
So the title named “LISTEN TO THIS ERIK” was the title … The most troublesome problem with this sound source is that the pitch gradually drifts from the guitar solo of “Stairway To Heaven”. Probably it is inferred that it is a trouble of the recorder’s battery being run out. Of course, this release also precisely adjusts it. At the time of publication, even JEMS even solved the trouble that passed through. First appearance of the classic Eddie’s Day Since it is another sound source, many items may be produced from now. But this item will be the only thing that adjusted this problem. Dare to say, this is the decision board of Eddie new sound source!

ZEPのライブ音源という枠を超え、マニアでなくともロックファンなら一度は聞いたことがあるのではと思えるほどメジャーな彼らのオーディエンス録音と言えば1977年6月21日、LAフォーラム公演の「LISTEN TO THIS EDDIE」。今では日付を挙げなくともエディーと言えば通じてしまう浸透ぶり。それは一重にマイク・ミラードによって録音された最高の音源の功績が大きかった。ところが今年の夏、突如としてエディーの日の別音源がネット上に姿を現したのです。
これまでエディーの日はミラード録音でカットが入ってしまった「Ten Years Gone」の補填要員として発掘され、ここ二十年の間で広まった「recorder 2」が存在しています。しかしそれは同曲パートのみの流通に留まりました。各アイテムにおいて断片的に使われたパートだけを聞いてみてもミラード音源より大きく劣る音質であることは明らかであり、それがショー全体の流通につながらない原因だったと思われます。それだけに今回の「recorder 3」発掘は世界中のマニアの間に大きな反響を起こしました。
この公開をきっかけとして実際にテープ全体の公開を求めてコンタクトを取ってきた人物が何人かいたとのことですが、今回のニューソースをレコーディングしたテーパー「GaryB」は先の反響を受けて9月に全長版を再びYouTube上にて披露。ところが「Over The Top」に別の日(映像でおなじみキングドームのテイク)が混ざってしまうなど、アップロード初心者的イージーミスが発生。そこで賢明にも彼はJEMSに音源を提供。改めてマスターからのアップロード作業が実現、さらには大まかながらもピッチ補正などが行われた上で10月末にYouTubeを介さずにネット上で公開と相成りました。

そこで今回の限定のプレスCDリリースが実現するのですが、さすがに音質は特上Aランクだったミラード音源の域には及びません。彼の録音がステレオだったのに対し、こちらはモノラル録音でもある。録音ポジションがミラードよりも後ろだったことも確かなようで、特にボンゾが放つキックの解像度は彼の音源より劣ってしまう。しかし音像が遠くてちょっとぼやけ気味だった補填要員の「recorder 2」とは比べ物にならないほど聞きやすく、1977年ツアー全体からすれば文句なしに上位へランクされるべきクオリティ。
それどころかマニアでなくとも聞き倒したファンは少なくないであろう、エディーの日をまったく違った音場で聞く体験は実に新鮮!特に音像は上々なバランスといえ、77年ツアーのモノラル・オーディエンスの定番だった当店リリース済の「DESTROYER II」と比べても今回の音源の方が明らかに上。ミラード録音とは違った77年6月21日LAのZEPのヘヴィネスをたっぷりと伝えてくれます。
録音の間に生じたカットに関してはミラード音源よりも多く、中でも「Guitar Solo」が一切収録されておらず、それが「Achilles Last Stand」の出だしにまで及んでしまったのは痛恨の極みでしょう。その部分を始めとして生じたカットに関しては当然ながらミラード音源にて補填。彼の録音も「Achilles Last~」直前にカットが生じていたことから、その部分のみが未だに聞かれないということになるでしょう。この辺りは77年当時でも音質と収録の両方で完全を期していたミラードと比べ、いかにも自分が観たショーをメモリー的に録音しようとしたファンとの違いかもしれません。
一方で「Ten Years Gone」がイントロの序盤だけ欠けていたことを除けば、同曲がほぼ完全に収録されているのが今回の音源の大きなアドバンテージ。先にも触れたようにミラード音源は演奏の途中でカットが入ってしまったので、こうして中間のカット無しで演奏がほぼ完ぺきにワンソースで聞けるのがまた新鮮。ましてや「recorder 2」がああした音質でしたので、なおさら今回の音源の偉大さを痛感させられるばかり。カットの数こそ違うものの、ミラードも今回のGaryBも「Ten Years~」と「Guitar Solo」でカットが生じた事実は実に面白いですよね。

彼女はアコースティック・セットの幕を開ける「Battle Of Evermore」、さらにはボンゾの「Over The Top」などもイントロが始まると大熱狂しており、何とも微笑ましいものがあります。何しろあれだけの演奏を見せつけられているのだから、これくらいの熱狂が当然というもの。この臨場感も実に新鮮であり、しかもリスニング上のストレスになってしまうような嫌味なバランスではありません。
そこで名付けられたのがこの「LISTEN TO THIS ERIK」というタイトルだったという…この音源で一番厄介なトラブルは「Stairway To Heaven」のギターソロから徐々にピッチが狂ってしまう点。おそらくはレコーダーの電池が切れかけていた故のトラブルだと推測されます。もちろん今回のリリースに当たってはそこも緻密にアジャスト。公開時にJEMSですらスルーしていたトラブルを解消してみせました。定番エディーの日の初登場別音源ということから、これから多くのアイテムが生み出されるかもしれません。しかしこの問題をアジャストしてみせたのは本アイテムだけになることでしょう。あえて言わせてください、これがエディー新音源の決定盤だと!

Disc 1 (70:03)
1. Intro
2. The Song Remains The Same
3. Sick Again
4. Nobody’s Fault But Mine
5. Over The Hills And Far Away
6. Since I’ve Been Loving You
7. No Quarter ★12:16 – 12:45 補填

Disc 2 (53:29)
1. MC ★1:36 – 最後まで 補填
2. Ten Years Gone ★0:00 – 0:07 補填
3. The Battle Of Evermore
4. Going To California
5. Black Country Woman
6. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
7. White Summer / Black Mountain Side
8. Kashmir

Disc 3 (74:56)
1. MC
2. Over The Top
3. Heartbreaker ★3:09 – 4:58 / 5:10 – 最後まで補填
4. Guitar Solo ★全部補填
5. Achilles Last Stand ★0:00 – 0:48 / 8:53 – 10:48 補填
6. Stairway To Heaven ★10:22 – 10:36 補填
7. Whole Lotta Love
8. Rock And Roll ★3:58の現象は既発も一緒。

★ Missing parts · Unrecorded parts are compensated with Millard sound source.

★ The new sound source of this time was almost identical in pitch, but the problem is that the second half of Stairway To Heaven slowly falls to about 100% of the semitone. Of course, this part has been fixed.


★今回の新音源はピッチは殆ど合ってましたが、Stairway To Heaven 後半3分間は徐々に低くなり半音の100%程度まで落ちるのが問題。この部分は勿論、修正済。

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