Led Zeppelin / Houston & Denver 1973 / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Houston & Denver 1973  / 2CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Sam Houston Coliseum, Houston, Texas, USA 16th May 1973 & Denver Coliseum, Denver, Colorado, USA 25th May 1973 STEREO SBD

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The 1973 American tour receives the impression that the sound board recorded via PA Out is very blessed, but its appearance can roughly be divided into two phases. Originally started with the 1989 Condor CD, the sound source released by the girls’ music of 1991 and a label calling for a flying disc. Upgrading of those sound sources was realized in the latter half of the 1990s. The second phase is a number of sound board recordings that appeared at a stroke in 2002.
The background of the excavation of these two periods is clearly different while recording from the same tour. The first stage excavation is a time of various ways of the US · tour in 73 years, and there are also many longer sound sources recorded from the opening of the show. On the other hand, those who discovered in 2002 had many biased recordings at the end of the show, more than anything from the first leg of America / Tour. Also in the “KEZAR STADIUM 1973” which was released last week, it also made sound board recording only of the end of the show, realizing recording from the master CD-R which was also used in the beginning of 2002.

And this time we will release soundboard recording that appeared in 2002, but they also made it possible to record from the original master CD-R. Although it is a two-piece set, irregular contents such as the last part of each show is recorded on each disk. Why is there such a sound source in the recording state?
Originally sound board recording from PA Out is a recording which does not originally have an official release purpose, and it is completely different from multitrack recording for live / album sound quality balance as well. The reason for the existence of this recording, it exists because staff and band members have asked for recording to check sound and play. In other words, there are many cases that you do not keep in mind the complete recording of the show.
From the beginning it was whispered from the beginning that the first phase 73 years soundboard recording was an outflow from Page direction. In contrast, in the case of 2002, “Moby Dick” is often recorded at the end of the show and in many cases. Although it seems to have been found in this, the sound source which was circulated in 2002 is that Bonzo asked for recording, that is, it was an outflow from his route. For example, “Moby Dick” was very long in Qazar last week, Bonzo was going to show long drum solo from the beginning and probably asked the cassette to record from the PA out. By the way, familiar with “DESTROYER” 77 years Cleveland is said to be an outflow from the route in the direction of the plant.

It is obvious that Houston’s performance recorded on the first disc even in the two-piece release to be released this time was recorded by Bonzo’s request because “Moby Dick” was recorded firmly. However, unlike Qazar, it is fortunate that the drum solo was completed in about 15 minutes (laugh). Recording on this day itself started from “Stairway To Heaven”, but Paige ‘s play was unusual, even in America / Tour, First Leg. Because of that, the guitar solo is not quite clear at all, and it makes me smile to pull the tail down to the theme phrase of “Moby Dick”.
It was a plant that saved me there as if I thought that the show would end with a mild condition. In the middle of “Whole Lotta Love” medley, he brought me to a rare development to sing “Going Down” and gave my performance incandescent. THREE DAYS AFTER “in the United States” Going Down “in the United States is famous LA forum on June 3, but revealed the fact that this pattern was officially launched in the US by sound board recording It was the sound source of the shock that took us.
To tell the truth, there was an audience recording before the SBD, but the distorted sound quality over the whole story is a state that makes it possible to say “to hear it is pain” on a fan site, only at the CD-R level It was a natural sound source that there were no items. More than that, details of the performance was not transmitted, and most of them were surprised by the “Going Down” deployment for the first time in this SBD. In addition, even after “Moby Dick”, rare scenes introducing Mick · Hinton where plant is Bonzo’s Lodi were also caught.

Although the Denver performance recorded on the second disc appeared in 2002 as a shorter soundboard recording, the audience recording was still unexplored on this day, and despite its incomplete recording state It is a sound source that has not faded. Bonzo owned PA out recording cassette but even “Moby Dick” it is not surprising that it is not recorded, but perhaps this day I wanted to check my own play from “Heartbreaker” to “Whole Lotta Love” I may have done it.
However, what stands out through the sound source is Johnsy’s hyper bass play than Bonzo. It is a recording of PA out, but since it is in the final stage of the show, it is a tremendousness that is transmitted only because his base is firmly heard. Still, the deployment itself of “Whole Lotta Love” is a standard pattern in the United States of America for 73 years, so you will be reminded how Houston was special. The final “Communication Breakdown” is a sizzling shout of the plant that changed the way of singing in both shows, but among them, thrilling is singing “The Crunge” on the way in Denver.

Both of these two incomplete SBDs were released as “GOING DOWN” from the WATCHTOWER label at the time of 2002. However this time, since it is recorded again from the master CD-R of those days, both sound sources are recorded for a while longer than the WATCHTOWER board (hereinafter referred to as the already-to-be-released board). Especially in Houston, since one note of the guitar issued by Paige is caught immediately after the start of recording, the difference is unexpected though it is a moment. Besides, since the already-released platform was released in the era of equalization, the guaranteed sound quality has been changed. In that respect, this time we recorded with the natural sound quality as it is from the master CD – R, so you will be able to feel the difference in texture clearly.
However, let’s say that it is the sorrow of the CD-R media in the beginning of the 21st century, the degradation occurred in the master CD-R obtained this time at the “Heartbreaker” of Denver causing aging due to aging. Although it is a weak noise, we are adjusting perfectly these points by compensating the pre-launch board with pinpoints.
And although both sound sources are incomplete in only the last stage of the show, each one hears a high-tension performance, and also it can enjoy a natural sound unlike the already-released board. It is now supposed to have many of those who do not have a pre-launch date in 2002 or have never heard of it, rather it will be a release that is suitable for a new era. This is Bonzo Master!

★ In the same project there is “Going Down” by Watch Tower, but this time there is a long part, the sound is also natural. (The sound quality of the WT board is large and equalized.)

これら二期の音源発掘の背景には、同じツアーからの録音ながら明確な違いが見られます。第一期発掘の方は73年アメリカ・ツアーの多岐に渡った時期であり、しかもショーのオープニングから録音された収録時間の長めな音源が多い。それに対し2002年発掘の方はショー終盤に偏った録音が多く、何よりもアメリカ・ツアーのファースト・レグからに限られていた。そんな中から先週リリースされた「KEZAR STADIUM 1973」にもショー終盤のみのサウンドボード録音を、2002年当初にも使われていたマスターCD-Rからの収録を実現させたところ。

第一期の73年サウンドボード録音はペイジ方面からの流出だということが当初から囁かれていました。それに対し2002年の場合はショー終盤でなおかつ「Moby Dick」が収録されている場合が多い。これで見当ついたかと思われますが、2002年に出回った音源はボンゾが録音を依頼した、つまり彼のルートからの流出だったということ。例えば先週のケザーにおいて「Moby Dick」は非常に長尺であり、ボンゾは当初から長いドラム・ソロを披露するつもりでPAアウトからカセットに録音を依頼したのでしょう。ちなみに「DESTROYER」でおなじみ77年クリーブランドはプラント方面のルートからの流出だと言われています。

今回リリースする二枚組でも最初のディスクに収録されたヒューストン公演は「Moby Dick」がしっかりと録音されていることからも、ボンゾの依頼によって録音されたことは明白。ただしケザーと違ってドラム・ソロが15分程度で済んだのはリスナーにとっては幸いというもの(笑)。この日の録音自体は「Stairway To Heaven」からスタートしていますが、ペイジのプレイがアメリカ・ツアー、ファースト・レグの中でも珍しいくらいに不調。そのせいでギター・ソロがまったく冴えず、さらには「Moby Dick」のテーマ・フレーズまで尾を引いてしまうのに苦笑させられます。
このまま冴えない調子でショーが終わってしまうのかと思いきや、そこを救ってくれたのがプラント。「Whole Lotta Love」メドレーの最中で「Going Down」を歌い出すというレアな展開へと持ち込んで演奏を白熱させてくれたのです。73年アメリカでの「Going Down」と言えば「THREE DAYS AFTER」こと6月3日のLAフォーラムが有名ですが、それ以前にこのパターンをアメリカで披露していた事実をサウンドボード録音で明らかにしてくれた衝撃の音源でした。
実を言うとSBD以前からオーディエンス録音が存在していたのですが、全編に渡って歪んだ音質がファンサイトをして「聞くのが苦痛」と言わしめる状態であり、CD-Rレベルでしかアイテムが存在しないのも当然な音源だったのです。それ以上に演奏のディティールが伝わらず、このSBDで初めて「Going Down」展開に驚かされたマニアがほとんどであったことでしょう。さらには「Moby Dick」終了後にプラントがボンゾのローディであるミック・ヒントンを紹介するレアな場面までも捉えられていたのです。

二枚目のディスクに収録されたデンバー公演はさらに短いサウンドボード録音として2002年に登場しましたが、この日は未だにオーディエンス録音が発掘されておらず、その不完全な録音状態にもかかわらず価値が色褪せていない音源なのです。ボンゾ所有のPAアウト録音カセットながら「Moby Dick」すら録音されていないのが驚きですが、もしかしたらこの日は「Heartbreaker」から「Whole Lotta Love」にかけての自身のプレイをチェックしたくて録音を依頼したのかもしれません。
しかし音源を通して際立っているのはボンゾよりもジョンジーのハイパーなベース・プレイ。PAアウトの録音ですが、ショー終盤ですので彼のベースがしっかりと聞き取れる状態だからこそ伝わってくる凄まじさ。それでいて「Whole Lotta Love」の展開自体は73年アメリカのスタンダードなパターンですので、いかにヒューストンが特別であったのかを思い知らされます。最後の「Communication Breakdown」はどちらのショーでも歌い方を変えたプラントの堂々たるシャウトが冴えわたっていますが、中でもデンバーでは途中で「The Crunge」を歌い出しているのがスリリング。

これら二つの不完全なSBDはどちらも2002年当時にWATCHTOWERレーベルから「GOING DOWN」としてリリースされたもの。しかし今回は当時のマスターCD-Rから改めて収録しているので、どちらの音源も若干ながらWATCHTOWER盤(以下既発盤と称します)よりも長く収録されています。特にヒューストンでは録音開始直後にペイジが発したギターの一音が捉えられているので、一瞬でありながらも違いは歴然。それに既発盤はイコライズ全盛の時代にリリースされていましたので、案の定音質が変えられてしまっている。その点、今回はマスターCD-Rからそのままのナチュラルな音質で収録しましたので、質感の違いもはっきりと実感してもらえることでしょう。

★同じ企画ですと Watch Towerの「Going Down」がありますが、今回の方が長い部分が有り、音も自然です。(WT盤は音質が大きくイコライズしてある。)


Disc 1(60:21)
Live at Sam Houston Coliseum, Houston, Texas, USA 16th May 1973

1. Stairway To Heaven
2. Moby Dick
3. Heartbreaker
4. Whole Lotta Love
5. Communication Breakdown

1trk 0:00 – 0:028 (2.8秒)
1trk 0:028 – 0:05はWT盤はフェードインしてある。
5trk 3:55 – 3:57の無音(テープは走ってる)部分。
5trk 4:20~WT盤はフェードが始まり、今回盤の最後の0.6秒はWT盤には入っていない。

Disc 2(26:29)
Live at Denver Coliseum, Denver, Colorado, USA 25th May 1973

1. Heartbreaker
2. Whole Lotta Love
3. Communication Breakdown

1trk 0:00 – 0:005 (0.5秒) ★実際はフェードインがキツイのでチューニングの音が1.5秒多く入っていない感じです。
1trk 0:005 – 0:035 はWT盤はフェードインしてある。
3trk 4:16~ WT盤はフェードアウトが始まり、今回盤の最後の1.3秒はWT盤には入っていない。


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