Led Zeppelin / Destroyer First Gen Reels / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / Destroyer First gen Reels / 3CD / Non  Label

Translated Text:

Richfield Coliseum, Cleveland, Ohio, USA 27th April 1977.


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In the direction of “this week our shop is to release is” DESTROYER “” … most of Mania Come to think of it, would that it get to understand what it means in a moment. It much, even in the inside of this title ZEP live sound source, ultra-popular live recordings that would float only in the content and age title. 1977 tour of the typical sound board sound source of what can be called a classic in the classic. In fact without a ZEP mania, I only asked if those who have been collect the lock of the rare sound source as “DESTROYER”, that it is intended to refer to the ZEP, this also should be understood. In the live sound source release of ZEP, there is a monument that Osaka 929. Therefore, “DESTROYER” does not mean that the outflow sound board sound source release the first issue of the ZEP live. This and even more things that are in Japan. However, a 71-year BBC and 929 sound board sound source since that had spread benefited from the radio sound source from earlier, and yet (929 and difference) sound board recordings ZEP side had been recorded from the mixing desk for recording in that appeared in, this “DESTROYER” was a very innovative release.
Especially of analog LP era, the impact that this sound source was released was too large. Even without going up to the complete recording, you sound board sound source Mise met with full picture of the 1977 tour is me I’m to be released … to admire the ZEP enthusiasts around the world, and reign to the classic seat in the twinkling of an eye . It is well-known among enthusiasts, but first appeared boxed item called “European Destroyer”, then is what the copy machine has been produced many from the United States district. From ZEP mania of Japan, than the original “European”, to then, such as three pieces set picture board set using was released from the United States, “SWEET JERRY ROLL” and black-and-white photos, towards it of copy machines, but rather you might be familiar.
Surprisingly, with respect to the CD album “DESTROYER” release, a long time that the definitive edition did not appear even if the now is reflected as a fond memory. Release initially called the topic as much greater than the sound quality of the LP era Scorpios board, not to violent cut between songs, was the state that the non-recorded “Over The Top” drum solo of Bonzo. Then also, such as the item was recorded from the sound source to be inferior sound quality for a while to drum solo, which is also a nostalgic thing But, after all the end of the century the Cobra board that Yobe as the first definitive edition has appeared is in the “DESTROYER” CD When I was approached. Given that this was about the classic sound, it would say that it was still surprising situation.

Upon entering the 21st century, that the sound of the whole picture and identity has been revealed, the point of the next generation “DESTROYER” release will be poured into the natural of and generation of low sound quality. As sound board sound source from a large number of performances ZEP live mixing desk that has been excavated in this until the time had proved, only without the premise of the release, was recorded for the mixing check of records and staff of this hand sound source, because that is in the defect where the chief was commonplace. Recording of the “The Song Remains The Same” and “Rock And Roll” the first half of the missing parts have been left from the original in that is “DESTROYER” sound source. Sonaruto is why there is only a point of view is switched to release stuck to the purity of the sound source.
Black-and-white jacket “DESTROYER” that our shop has been released about ten years ago in such a natural state, yet from that cut of details such as applied at the time of the sound source distribution it was also based on the sound source, which remained at a minimum, of mania I have called a big topic between. However, when the 21 century first decade is over, now and more natural in the state is referred to as “1st generation”, literally Roujene version that sound quality has been improved appearance, it has become the original press CD release of this limited It was it a sound source is. If ZEP mania would have heard even more than once, the 77-year tour sound board sound source, worthy to be called the ultimate version!
There is only thing truly “1st generation”, Womi taste in this version of the natural there is something really wonderful. There is a sound board sound source of Nowadays 77-year tour was blessed item number has been released situation, close to the balance of the instrument as compared to their natural state, it may not be overly fluent texture, in classic There while would point currently being re-evaluated. Recording of the nature, but balance that basically habit’s the trend of the sound board sound source of this hand, Even so, listen to the ease of “DESTROYER” There are things that still stand out. It is all the more look better by Roujene state. That is the time of release.

To begin with, in why “DESTROYER” ZEP live sound source history, do you have can become a first-life outflow sound board sound source? In the era of the LP, will ZEP side is owned by, is what has been considered as if it were a sound source was miraculously outflow from the live sound source archive. Having said that, does not or stolen so easily sound source. The real place “DESTROYER” is in July that became current and a popular presence as a professional shot video of the 77-year tour in Seattle, when the decided video recording at the Kingdome, which was provided as material towards the camera crew I was. Indeed, the staging is get to know the long 77-year tour, these sound source is speculated that it was the best. In other words, thus sound source that was passed to the outside of the human from the archive was the result of the outflow through the grapevine.
Thus widespread sound source, but it is the translation that has created a myriad of items up to the present, especially LP and CD early from the fact that decent items of 77-year tour has fallen is limited, the sound is good but playing-definition the lacking “DESTROYER”, has become the thing to produce the image of. It is the single, it was due to the time of “DESTROYER” non-state release was not only about LA performances on June 21 and 23 days. That tour the first half of the “DESTROYER” and (eventually) tour “Eddie” and the extremes of “badge holder” status from the second half of the LA performances became. I would have said that misunderstanding was born from there.

Fortunately, it also has come so the standing position of the image and sound of “DESTROYER” by the excavation of the current large amount of sound board sound source is evaluated correctly. In other words, the June performances are those that capture the appearance of ZEP earnestly jump in Rashiku temptation of many LA cocaine (especially Bonzo), those 77-year tour was aimed initially, or the 77-year normal business the first time in the tour that was “DESTROYER”. Sound board sound source of the subsequent excavation has been run Dover and MSG leading to the current was “reasonable engine fully open feeling.” I also long time ago to say nuclear is what has been done by the gas just to Kirekire performance of “Eddie”, but now am very Ai聴 the “DESTROYER” make me hear in a natural excitement and calmness of the tour first half unique .
Among them, Bonzo of this day has me decided Bishibashi such “medicine smell” is not, in the more good feelings listening to sharp drumming along with the natural sense of groove as LA. Certainly though it was intense Bonzo of LA that was including the “Eddie”, because live drum is too noticeable, not what was praised never as a balance of music. Rather, the aim is 77-year tour, the they are going to clear the stout sense of groove would be “DESTROYER”. On the other hand, but from this tour is Paige that roughness of the play began to surface, but still fierce phrase of unevenness in the “Stairway To Heaven” and “Rock And Roll” of this day is due to the guitar connection-related trouble are those, it is a happening rather than a miss is handed down through the clearness of the sound board sound unique. In support it, in the “Trampled Underfoot” in the last of his inspired the brilliant play has been heard.
And unlike many excavated sound board sound source in recent years, it is only artificiality are two songs of them worrisome of balance, but overall it is very easy to hear the state, the fact that even “DESTROYER” big attraction of the sound board unique. And combine also this state is referred to as Roujene, I record the name of the sound source by far the “Toseru listen in peace” in the in the live sound source of a lot of 77-year tour in the best state. Once firmly to hold off until the change of the pitch that has been found here and there in the live final stage and was Mise to adjust, even more. Oh yeah, because it is ultra-classic sound of ZEP live that would through just say that too “DESTROYER”, I forgot to say that the bottom line. This live for has been recorded is Cleveland on April 27, 1977!


特にアナログLPの時代、この音源がリリースされた衝撃はあまりにも大きかった。完全収録とまでは行かなくとも、1977年ツアーの全貌を収めてみせたサウンドボード音源がリリースされるだなんて…世界中のZEPマニアを感嘆させ、瞬く間に定番の座へと君臨したのです。マニアの間ではよく知られているところですが、まず「ヨーロピアン・デストロイヤー」というボックス入りアイテムが登場し、その後はアメリカ方面からコピー盤が数多く輩出されたものです。日本のZEPマニアからすると、オリジナルの「ヨーロピアン」よりも、その後にアメリカからリリースされた「SWEET JERRY ROLL」や白黒写真を使った三枚組ピクチャー盤セットといった、それのコピー盤の方に、むしろ馴染みがあるかもしれません。
意外なことに、CD盤「DESTROYER」リリースに関しては、長いこと決定版が現れなかったことも今となっては懐かしい思い出として映ります。リリース当初はLP時代の音質を大きく上回るとして話題を呼んだスコルピオ盤は曲間のカットが激しいに及ばず、ボンゾの「Over The Top」ドラム・ソロを未収録という状態でした。それからしばらくしてドラム・ソロを音質が劣る音源から収録したアイテムなども、これまた懐かしいものですが、結局のところ「DESTROYER」CDにおける最初の決定版と呼べたコブラ盤が登場したのは世紀末が近づいた頃。これほどの定番音源だったことを考えると、やはり意外な状況だったと言えるでしょう。

21世紀に入ると、音源の全貌や素性が明らかとなったことで、次世代「DESTROYER」リリースのポイントは音質のナチュラルさやジェネレーションの低さへと注がれます。この頃までに多数の公演が発掘されたZEPライブのミキシング卓からのサウンドボード音源が証明していたように、あくまでリリースを前提とせず、記録やスタッフのミキシング・チェック用に録音されたこの手の音源、欠損部がどこかしらにあるのが当たり前だったからです。つまり「DESTROYER」音源における「The Song Remains The Same」や「Rock And Roll」前半の欠損部分というのは録音が元から残されていない。そうなると音源の純度にこだわったリリースへと視点が切り替わるしかない訳です。
そんな中で当店が十年ほど前にリリースした白黒ジャケ「DESTROYER」はナチュラルな状態、しかも音源流通時に加わったような細部のカットも最小限に留まった音源を元にしていたことから、マニアの間で大きな話題を呼びました。しかし、21世紀最初の十年が終わると、今度は「1st generation」という状態でよりナチュラルかつ、音質が向上した文字通りのロウジェネ・バージョンが登場、それが今回の限定のプレスCDリリースの元になった音源なのです。ZEPマニアならば一度ならずとも聞いたであろう、77年ツアーのサウンドボード音源、究極のバージョンと呼ぶにふさわしい!
さすがに「1st generation」だけのことはあり、今回のバージョンのナチュラルでウォーミーな味わいは本当に素晴らしいものがあります。今でこそ77年ツアーのサウンドボード音源は多数アイテムがリリースされている恵まれた状況ではありますが、それらと比べて楽器のバランスが自然な状態に近く、過度にペラペラな質感でないことも、定番でありながら現在再評価されるポイントでしょう。録音の性質上、基本的にクセのあるバランスがこの手のサウンドボード音源の傾向なのですが、それにしても「DESTROYER」の聴きやすさは今なお際立ったものがあります。それがロウジェネ状態によってなおさら引き立つ。それが今回のリリースなのです。


中でもこの日のボンゾはLAのような「薬臭さ」がなく、聴いていて気持ちがいいほどにシャープなドラミングをナチュラルなグルーブ感と共にビシバシと決めてくれています。確かに「エディ」を始めとしたLAのボンゾは強烈だったけれども、ドラムが目立ちすぎるライブというのは、音楽のバランスとしては決して褒められたものではない。むしろ77年ツアーが目指した、どっしりとしたグルーブ感を鮮明に伝えてくれるのは「DESTROYER」でしょう。一方でこのツアーからはプレイの粗さが表面化し始めたペイジですが、それでもこの日の「Stairway To Heaven」や「Rock And Roll」におけるムラの激しいフレーズはギター接続関連のトラブルに起因しているものであり、ミスというよりはハプニングであることがサウンドボード音源ならではのクリアネスを通して伝わってきます。それを裏付けるように、ラストの「Trampled Underfoot」では彼の奮起した見事なプレイが聴かれました。


Disc 1 (59:26)
1. The Song Remains The Same 2. Sick Again 3. Nobody’s Fault But Mine 4. In My Time Of Dying
5. Since I’ve Been Loving You 6. No Quarter

Disc 2 (44:36)
1. Ten Years Gone 2. The Battle Of Evermore 3. Going To California 4. Black Country Woman
5. Born-Y-Aur Stomp 6. White Summer 7. Black Mountain Side 8. Kashmir

Disc 3 (61:30)
1. Over The Top 2. Guitar Solo 3. Achilles Last Stand 4. Stairway To Heaven
5. Rock And Roll 6. Trampled Underfoot

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