Led Zeppelin / Kezar Stadium 1973 / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / Kezar Stadium 1973 / 3CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at Kezar Stadium, San Francisco, CA. USA 2nd June 1973

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After playing the Robert Plant, “Kazaa Stadium named after the Fillmore time since” It was the same San Francisco venue that I played in such a good feeling “. Rather than saying “QZER” to most maniacs, ZEP 1973 is a famous day which is like a liberal artifact. Its wonderfulness is the proof that it has performed nominally that many items have been released, starting with a famous name LP “PERSISTENCE” that has a nostalgic design.
As it says so, it seems that the situation was unexpectedly complicated when QZER became a CD item. “THE VIBES ARE REAL” with the fist of the QZER CD brought about problems with pitch and cut, and the artwork of red jacket was nothing clever. In the meantime, at the cassette · trade level of the time, the generation of low generation sound began to spread explosively, and the next generation Qesa CD overflowed about twenty years ago. It is “TAKKA TAKKA”, “WHO ‘S NEXT” and “BEST VIBES IN FRISCO”, this nostalgic item group.
After all, it is Qazaa of a masterpiece and a name sound source, even after that items continued to be produced, but the 21st century has reached the impact board of the sound board realization. However, this SBD has fallen as a record only of the end of the show after “Moby Dick”. Although the SBD of PA out which was excavated a lot from the 1973 US · tour is only incomplete at all, since the original is not a recording based on the release, this is the only choice.

Nonetheless, the outstanding clearness unique to SBD has its unappealing charm. However, the sound quality of the stereo / audience recording that let us know the wonderfulness of Qzaa more than before is attractive again. Therefore, items of packages which are good for these two sound sources are now mainstream.
In short, the value of the audience recording is not completely faded in the sense that the whole performance can be tasted. As a recording in the outdoor stadium in 1973, it boasts an exquisite on-screen sound image, among which the plant’s voices are captured with an amazingly large balance. However, as the precious sound source passed through the dubbing of the cassette, it became stingy, and the 90’s Qazaar CD mentioned earlier all received the impression of treble. Because the era is the era, it was a deterioration phenomenon that was not Equalize but Genie Failed.
This situation continued for a long time, but the shock upgrade which cleared the roughness peculiar to the kesaa audience until that time realized in the early 2010s. That is familiar version Krw_co transferred from master tape. It is just like a genetics cassette until now that a different dimension texture surprised ZEP mania all over the world. Upper feeling that applies exactly the expression that the corner was taken exactly. And this “MARY KEZAR” which combines this upgrade sound source and sound board has become the best of the new era. And Krw_co’s early upper version sound source release was QZER.

Nonetheless, this gift CD-R was released when we released “KEZAR STADIUM 1973” which our shop combined the version of the sound board which appeared on the net in touch with “Karw_co version” recently “Unaltered Sound” last year, it is new Despite having no part, it became a bestseller gift. If so, the release of “promotion” to limited press CD was also ant, but still it was hesitant because Qeda already had the best title.
Why is it released now? It is nothing other than obtaining the master CD-R of the SBD part. In other words, it became the capital of “LED FIVE” which released QZER SBD for the first time in the early 21st century and “THE VIBES ARE REAL” version of WATCHTOWER version. Of course it is not a copy of the route via the net.
However, if it says whether there is an upper part than the previous item, that is not it (bitter smile). The reason is that Qeda SBD benefited from the time when the trading media shifted to CD – R, and each was released with the same sound quality (except for equalization). Therefore, the SBD part of this time is exactly the same quality as the past item, it is the same content, but still it was a point I wanted to say that it is recording from the original master CD-R.

Above all it is the audience recording part. In this release we are perfectly adjusting pitch deviations and fluctuations that occurred in the best version Krw_co. To tell the truth, the biggest disadvantage of QZA Audience is basically the instability that the pitch is increased and fluctuates. This was the biggest disadvantage that had been sacrificed even by Kimojaka LP “PERSISTENCE” as well as most kaza objects released on CD. Especially when I came to the Qaza CD of the 90’s, this problem was all neglected playing state.
Even even “MARY KEZAR” which is the best in recent years, I can not correct this problem. In other words, it is nothing but a punctuation of the pitch fluctuation from the original Krw_co version. Prior to this big drawback and the serious situation, this time I will do a thorough adjustment of the pitch which is not at the time of gift release. Finally, it was decided that the best release of QZA Audience will be realized, finally able to hear the full story in a completely stable state.

That is what I say, but with regard to Qazaa, the basic audience recording can be overwhelmingly enjoyable. Because of the ZEP of 73 years who was in the extreme of the intrinsic rock and roll · life, it is not from the usual night, but has committed a misfortune that it is delayed by two hours to the afternoon show which is still bright within. In addition, the partition of the show is Bill · Graham. It was ZEP, which gave him a cumbersome audience, but as soon as I got up to the stage and started playing, the engine was in full swing, so I was surprised.
It was Bonzo that shone the best in the stage on this day. It is obvious even at the scene where the opening “Rock And Roll” goes to the ending only when it hits a bus drum. There is no doubt that it will be shrunk just by this. However, at the stage of this song, Johnsy’s ringing sound in the venue is weak, and it can be said that this is a peculiar phenomenon in 73 years. Fortunately, from his second song “Celebration Day” his bass gets turned on as well, but for Johnsy who makes a mistake in the composition of the song, he can clearly hear rare mistakes as well.
A great plant throughout the whole thing that makes the live of this day wonderful over Bonzo. As in the previous year, I could not compete with my ability to scream, I got a balance and I seemed to be able to sing powerfully as my voice changed.
On the other hand, Kazaa Audience had a problem that almost no “Moby Dick” was recorded, but in reality it was the length of fear of 30 minutes (bitter smile), so many people feel that it is rather easy to hear . On the contrary, in a form that can be fucked by the best bonzo (as you can see by looking at the picture on the day) Paige who is a white-minded Cos heard a wonderful play Did not have the bargaining of “Dazed And Confused” There is.

It is that SBD part, but honestly I myself can not enjoy as much as Qazaa’s audience. After all it is because the balance peculiar to the recording from the PA out can not deny the excitement of the day and the excitement of the day. However, the fact that SBD’s recording on this day began with “Moby Dick” is very interesting. Originally unrelated to the release, members and staff are the sound source to be recorded from the PA to the cassette as a record to the last. It means that it was recorded from “Moby Dick”, which was recorded in the cassette at the request of Bonzo.
Even he can guess that he would have asked for sounds on this day that he was planning to show longer drum solos than usual. Among the photos of the day being left, plants and Johnsy, and even those who join Bill Graham and who look at the stage can be caught, the real figure of the plant waiting for a turn Although it is left, these are likely to have been taken during “Moby Dick”.
It is certain that the material value of SBD is high in that it was able to capture such a long play. There is also a similar merit that the announcement after the performance by Graham is recorded longer than the audience recording. And this part was recorded again from the master CD – R, and audience recording person realized recording in perfect state in every meaning. This is the new best version of the day that will enter the best 3 in the US · Tour in 73 years!

★ ★ The version recorded with perfect pitch is the first in history. The audience is Krw_co. The soundboard comes from CDR of its own.

★ The audience of Disc 1/2 corrected 40 to 60% higher pitch of semitone of Krw_co version. In the sound board of Disc 3, the second half corrected the pitch which is about 20% lower than the semitone.

★ Disc 1/2 adjusted the middle to high range, made the performance clearer and multiplied equalization to improve separation.

そう言いつつケザーがCDアイテムになると意外なほど込み入った状況が続いていたように思えます。ケザーCDの先鞭をつけた「THE VIBES ARE REAL」はピッチやカットの問題ありまくりリリースでしたし、赤いジャケのアートワークが何とも冴えなかった。それからしばらくして当時のカセット・トレードのレベルではロージェネレーションな音源が爆発的に広まり始めたことを受け、今から二十年ほど前には次世代ケザーCDが溢れ返ったものです。それが「TAKKA TAKKA」、「WHO’S NEXT」そして「BEST VIBES IN FRISCO」といった、これまた懐かしいアイテム群。
何しろ名演かつ名音源のケザーです、その後もアイテムは生み出され続けましたが、21世紀を迎えて衝撃のサウンドボード発掘が実現しています。ところがこちらのSBDは「Moby Dick」以降のショー終盤のみの収録という落ちが付きました。1973年アメリカ・ツアーから多く出土したPAアウトのSBDはどうにも不完全なものばかりですが、何せ元がリリースを前提とした録音ではないのだから、こればかりは仕方がない。

この状況は長きに渡って続く結果となったのですが、それまでのケザー・オーディエンス特有の粗さを一掃してくれた衝撃のアップグレードが2010年代早々に実現。それがおなじみKrw_coによるマスターテープからトランスファーされたバージョン。それまでのジェネ落ちカセットとはまるで別次元な質感は世界中のZEPマニアを驚かせてくれたのです。まさに角が取れたという表現がピッタリと当てはまるアッパー感。そしてこのアップグレード音源とサウンドボードを組み合わせた「MARY KEZAR」が新時代のベストとなりました。そしてKrw_coによる初期のアッパー版音源公開がケザーだったのです。

にもかかわらず、当店が昨年Krw_coバージョンに近年「Unaltered Sound」との触れ込みでネット上に現れたバージョンのサウンドボードを組み合わせた「KEZAR STADIUM 1973」をギフトCD-Rをリリースしたところ、取り立てて目新しい部分がなかったにもかかわらず、ベストセラー・ギフトとなってしまいました。そうなれば限定プレスCDへの「昇格」リリースもアリだった訳ですが、それでもケザーに関しては既にベストなタイトルが存在していたことから躊躇していたのです。
それが今になってリリースされる理由?それはSBDパートのマスターCD-Rを入手したことに他なりません。つまり21世紀初頭に初めてケザーSBDをリリースした「LED FIVE」やWATCHTOWER版「THE VIBES ARE REAL」の大本になったもの。もちろんネットを介したルートのコピーではない。

それどころか近年のベストである「MARY KEZAR」ですら、この問題を直しきれていない。つまり元のKrw_coバージョンからしてピッチの変動をおざなりにしていたことに他ならないのです。この大きな欠点と由々しき事態を前に、今回はギフト・リリース時にはない徹底したピッチのアジャストを敢行。遂に、ようやく全編を完全に安定した状態で聞けるケザー・オーディエンスのベスト・リリースが実現することになりました。

この日のステージで一番の輝きを放っていたのはボンゾ。それはオープニング「Rock And Roll」がエンディングに向かうところでバスドラを連打する場面だけでも一目瞭然。これだけでシビれてしまうこと間違いなし。しかし、この曲の段階では会場に鳴り響くジョンジーのベース音が弱く、これは73年特有の現象だと言えるでしょう。幸いにも2曲めの「Celebration Day」から彼のベースもグッとオンになるのですが、そのせいで同曲の構成を間違えるというジョンジーにしては珍しいミスも明瞭に聞き取れてしまいます。
一方でケザー・オーディエンスは「Moby Dick」がほとんど収録されていないという問題がありましたが、実は30分にも及ぶ恐怖の長さ(苦笑)でしたので、むしろ聞きやすいと感じる人も少なくないはず。逆に絶好調のボンゾに煽られる形で(当日の写真を見れば解るように)白ずくめなコスのペイジが素晴らしいプレイを聞かせた「Dazed And Confused」の駆け引きがSBDで味わえないのが何とも惜しいところではあります。

そのSBDパートですが、私自身はケザーのオーディエンスほど楽しめないのが正直なところ。やはりPAアウトからの録音特有のバランスがこの日の躍動や会場の興奮を伝えきれていない感が否めないからです。しかし、この日のSBDの録音が「Moby Dick」から始まっているという事実はとても興味深い。元々リリースとは無縁の、メンバーやスタッフがあくまで記録としてPAからカセットに録音される音源です。それが「Moby Dick」から録音されたということ、それはボンゾの要請によってカセットに録音されたのではないかということ。
彼としても、この日はいつもより長いドラム・ソロを披露するつもりがあったことから音を頼んだであろうことが推測されるのです。残されている当日の写真の中には、プラントとジョンジー、さらにはビル・グレアムまで加わってステージを見つめる三人の姿が捉えられたり、極めつけは正座(笑)して出番を待つプラントの姿まで残されていますが、これらは「Moby Dick」の最中に撮られた可能性が高いと思われます。





Audience Recording (Reel Master)

Disc 1 (62:33)
1. MC Intro #1 2. MC Intro #2 3. Rock And Roll 4. Celebration Day 5. Black Dog
6. Over The Hill And Far Away 7. Misty Mountain Hop 8. Since I’ve Been Loving You
9. No Quarter 10. The Song Remains The Same 11. The Rain Song

Disc 2(78:31)
1. Dazed And Confused 2. Stairway To Heaven 3. Moby Dick 4. Heartbreaker 5. Whole Lotta Love
6. Communication Breakdown 7. The Ocean 8. Announcement

Soundboard Recording

Disc 3(62:08)
1. Moby Dick 2. Heartbreaker 3. Whole Lotta Love 4. Communication Breakdown
5. The Ocean 6. Announcement 7. Final Announcement

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