Led Zeppelin / Boston 1973 / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Boston 1973 / 2CD / Non Label
Translated Text:
Live at Boston Garden, Boston, MA. USA 20th July 1973


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The 1973 American tour has been divided into two legs and it has been around for a long time to have nearly one month off. While the first leg from May to June progressed relatively smoothly with many smart nominations leading, the second leg in July was known to have progressed in the face of trouble. Everything on July 6th of the first day Plant was outraged from Chicago. Ironically, the appearance that the throat is feeling bad and singing is going to be painful will be recorded in Katsuaki at sound board recording. As a result, it has become a misery becoming a dawn, but after a while the tour will progress gently. There was a Seattle performance that was born there, on July 17, and it is also remembered that Sold Out was released from our shop containing audiences recorded versions.
However, on that day as if burned out, the days of plant harassment will start from here. In the next day “VANCOUVER 1973” released by our shop again, despite the fact that the show began with the usual tone, happening happens that the show is rounded up before the end of the show due to the modulation of the plant. In the first place, it is a hard schedule of Seattle from 17th to the Providence of 21th for 5 consecutive days, and there is not a good translation for the plant where throat condition was not satisfactory from the beginning of the second leg. Under such circumstances, in the Boston performance on the 20th, disasters will fall down not only to the plant but also to the entire ZEP.

In the first place there was good memories memorable for ZEP by the land called Boston. When I played at the Boston Tea Party in January 1969, there was an important stage that I kept playing for 4 and a half hours from so much excitement and I was convinced of the success of the group that was running out.
However, since the popularity of ZEP exploded and the site got bigger at a stroke, every time they played live in Boston, they changed into a strange thing. First of all, in 1970, a live performance was held with the Boston Garden ‘s excessive security guard. It was more decisive when I went live in the same place in 1971. Even then, the confusion that the security of the venue triggered was the start of the hands blown by the band below the plant, and the firecrackers rang. In addition, “Dazed And Confused” had a performance that was interrupted.
Although the Boston · Garden concert was held early in the 1972 American tour, unfortunately the sound source of this day has not been found. But from the later ZEP’s response to Boston, it can be imagined that this time it would not have been a peaceful show. It can be easily imagined that ZEP has also developed resistance to doing performances in Boston and Boston gardens alone even from the experience so far, but in 1973 tour won the huge popularity in America Was not it possible to translate Boston out?

However, the timing when the Boston performance in 1973 was held was too bad. Immediately after Vancouver where the plant has already lost its condition and the concert has been rounded up. Even from listening to the sound source actually released on this limited press CD, the condition of the plant is very bad from the opening. Although this sound source is a recording state of a sound image with a sense of distance, it still seems to be clearly showing the state of the plant that is in doubt. Perhaps I am feeling better than Chicago on 6th July? It seems to be so. The worse thing than at that time is that even the usual melody that the plant of the time 73 years was singing, I can not sing here. No, this is bad.

More bothersome is bad manners due to the audience gathered in the Boston garden where it can be said that it has reached its peak in a bad meaning. It was quite noisy in 71 years, but the level is likely to be an illusion that this day is already a riot. Ironically, I can not believe that this situation covered the plant malfunction. As soon as “Over The Hills And Far Away” is over, he urges attention towards too noisy audiences. It is quite a tense situation from where we can not always listen to “good evening!” Which always emanates from a plant.
Because of so much noise, we decided to omit “Misty Mountain Hop” and “Since I’ve Been Loving You” as early as the beginning of the show. Certainly it is difficult to play the latter of slow blues in this mess. However, on the other hand, maybe it was a good idea to go to ‘No Quarter’ where he can break for a long performance with several songs from plant malfunction.
The condition of the plant here is not good either. Despite being not a song that needs such a strong shout, he feels like finally singing. However, the person playing is glowing, and a tricky bargain of rhythm is heard between Paige and Bonzo. From around St. Paul on the 9th, Bonzo’s work on this song began to stand out, and there were two people ‘s performances that were further developed from there. If this is 75 or 77 years it is definitely stretched further.
Whether the plant’s break part brought after this song and “The Rain Song” midfield played out, “Dazed And Confused” clearly began to demodulate the plant and the performance’s voltage has risen at a stretch It is also an interesting place. I can not miss listening to the point that Paige and Bonzo’s play is flashing here as well. However, the audience has become more noisy than before, and the plant sangs while talking to “take it easy” before the “San Francisco” part begins.
The plant that demodulated to it also let me sing a song that was like a different person from the first half of the show at “Stairway To Heaven”. Even with such a singing, it is obvious that it was no longer possible to get a hand, and at the end “Moby Dick” was also blown away (it is natural that Bonzo did not want to play), at a stretch I headed to the live end. Interestingly, although the place where the performance is still very enthusiastic is still professional as expected, it can easily be imagined that it was full with the feeling that there are many more from members. There is no encore done, the firecracker from the audience expressing dissatisfaction responds in vain instead. Actually ZEP never did performances in Boston at the end this day.
In the case of
Although there are two kinds of audience recordings overnight in such a tense, this time it is released a sound source of Joe · Maloney which should be called “recorder 2”. It is a sound quality that clearness and realism stand out more than the degree of sound image on, and boasts ease of listening that does not compare with “recorder 1” which was circulating from before because of “ZEP VS BOSTON” for example. In that respect let’s say that the sound quality that stands out overwhelmingly from the speaker than the headphones.
Instead of applying equalization like past items in this release, we precisely adjusted the pitch that was high and the sound of the sound on the left channel that was periodically occurring due to tape degradation. With this, we are realizing ease of listening to the extent that it does not compare with past items while keeping the natural taste to the last. Just listening in this steady state, was the big noisy show in Boston such a funny content? There is no doubt that it will be reconfirmed. Please enjoy realistic documents of unique day even in the US · tour of 73 years!

1973年のアメリカ・ツアーは二回のレグに分かれて間に一か月近いオフが設けられるほど長期に渡っています。5月から6月にかけてのファースト・レグはスマートな名演が多く生み出されて比較的スムースに進行したのに対し、7月のセカンド・レグはトラブルに見舞われながら進行したことで知られています。何しろ初日の7月6日シカゴからしてプラントが絶不調。喉の調子が悪く、歌うのが苦しそうな様子は皮肉にもサウンドボード録音にて克明に記録されてしまいます。結果として惨憺たる幕開けとなってしまったのですが、その後しばらくはツアーが穏やかに進行します。そこで生まれた名演が7月17日のシアトル公演であり、オーディエンス録音バージョンを収録した当店からのリリースがSold Outしたことも記憶に新しいところではないでしょうか。
ところが、その日でまるで燃え尽きてしまったかのように、ここからプラント受難の日々が始まるのです。これまた当店がリリースした翌日の「VANCOUVER 1973」では、ショーがいつもの調子で始まったにもかかわらず、プラントの変調によってショーが終盤に差し掛かる前で切り上げられてしまうというハプニングが起きています。そもそも17日のシアトルから21日のプロヴィデンスまでは5日連続というハードなスケジュールであり、セカンド・レグの開始当初から喉の調子が思わしくなかったプラントにとってよい訳がありません。そうした状況の中で20日のボストン公演において、プラントはもとよりZEP全体にも災難が降りかかってしまいます。

ところがZEPの人気が爆発して会場が一気に大きくなってからというもの、彼らがボストンでライブをやる度に厄介ごとへと豹変していってしまいます。まず1970年はボストン・ガーデンの過剰警備に手を焼きながらライブが行われました。それ以上に決定的だったのは71年に同所でライブを行った時のこと。またしても会場の警備が巻き起こした混乱にプラント以下のバンドが手を焼かされたに始まり、爆竹は鳴りまくり。おまけに「Dazed And Confused」では演奏が中断させられてしまうほどの有様でした。


それ以上に厄介なのが、悪い意味で頂点に達したと言えるボストン・ガーデンに集まったオーディエンスによるマナーの悪さ。71年も相当に騒がしい状態だったのですが、この日はもう暴動かと錯覚しそうになるようなレベル。皮肉なことに、この状況によってプラントの不調がカバーされたのではないかと思えてなりません。彼は「Over The Hills And Far Away」が終わるやいなや、あまりにも騒がしいオーディエンスに向かって注意を促しています。いつものプラントなら必ず発する「good evening!」が一切聞かれないところからの、かなり緊迫した状況が伺えます。
あまりの騒がしさから、ショーの序盤にて早くも「Misty Mountain Hop」と「Since I’ve Been Loving You」を省くという決断が下されてしまいます。確かにスロー・ブルースの後者をこの混乱の中で演奏するのは難しい。しかし一方でプラントの不調からも数曲飛ばして長い演奏で彼が休憩できる「No Quarter」に向かったのは得策であったのではないでしょうか。
この曲や「The Rain Song」の中盤以降にもたらされたプラントの休憩パートが功を奏したのか、「Dazed And Confused」からはプラントが明らかに復調し始め、演奏のボルテージが一気に上がっているのも面白いところ。ここでもペイジやボンゾのプレイが閃きを見せている点も聞き逃せません。とは言っても観客はそれまで以上に騒がしくなってしまい、プラントは「San Francisco」パートが始まる前にたまらず「take it easy」と語り掛けながら歌っています。
それに復調したプラントは「Stairway To Heaven」でもショー前半とは別人のように気合の入った歌を聞かせてくれました。そんな熱唱をもってしても、もはや手の付けられない状況となったのは明白で、遂には「Moby Dick」も飛ばされてしまい(ボンゾが演奏したがらなかったとしても当然のことかと)、一気にライブ終盤へと向かってしまいました。面白いことに、それでも演奏は非常に気合が入っているところがさすがはプロといったところなのですが、メンバーからするともうたくさんだ、という気持ちで一杯だったことが容易に想像できてしまう。アンコールが行われることはなく、代わりに不満を表わすオーディエンスからの爆竹が空しく鳴り響く。実際にZEPはこの日を最後にボストンで公演を行うことは二度となかったのです。

そんな緊迫の一夜は二種類のオーディエンス録音が存在するのですが、今回リリースされるのは「recorder 2」と呼ぶべきジョー・マロニー録音の音源。音像のオンな度合よりもクリアネスと臨場感が際立つ音質で、例えば「ZEP VS BOSTON」などで以前から出回っていた「recorder 1」とは比べ物にならない聴きやすさを誇ります。その点においてはヘッドフォンよりもスピーカーからの再生が圧倒的に引き立つ音質だと言っておきましょう。
Disc 1 (50:17)
1. Intro. 2. Rock and Roll 3. Celebration Day 4. Black Dog 5. Over the Hills and Far Away
6. MC 7. No Quarter 8. The Song Remains the Same 9. The Rain Song

Disc 2 (68:22)
1. MC 2. Dazed and Confused 3. Stairway to Heaven 4. Heartbreaker 5. Whole Lotta Love

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