Led Zeppelin / Memphis 1970 / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Memphis 1970 / 2CD / Non Label
Translated Text:
Live at Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, TN. USA 17th April 1970

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Recently the value of handling for ZEP Live sound source has changed. It was a welcome situation that the treble-emphasis type equalization which should also be said to be an equalizer war about 15 years ago from now is a welcome situation, but it is also different if it is natural if it is anything anything natural Is not it … the idea that is born in recent years. For example, if it is a superb audience recording like a sound source recorded by Mike Millard, it is better to be natural. However, audience recording that does not reach the level to that level is rough in the 1970s. Most of such sound sources may be concerned about hiss noise, or there may be room for improvement, such as narrow recording ranges.
It is not the Memphis performance in 1970 that the top of the audience recording that captured such ZEP’s live performance. The best performance is listened to, but the sound quality is …. Although it is a level that you can listen adequately, everyone thinks that “If the sound was a bit better,” the recording state. Rather than an analog tick, the expression “old-fashioned” simply came. Thanks to the fact that the item has not been released in recent years though it is a masterpiece, maybe the situation speaks eloquently of the position of the Memphis show. I can listen, but it sounds awful.
Because of that, Memphis performance in ZEP tone generator remaster mania was not quite a subject, but again Liliondendron did it. It is thought that his remastered based on the 2nd Gen. sound source was proposition in Memphis’s performance was to reduce the “narrow range of feeling quirky texture” and “grand hiss noise”. By raising the clearness of the “old-fashioned sound” touched earlier, we have made a change to a state with a good prospect. And also greatly reduced the hiss noise which became big stress on listening.
Although it was better to shed from the speaker than to listen with headphones originally, Memphis which had the impression of a high source of the threshold separately from the performance content so far made it much easier to hear. However, there is no excessive equalization feeling at all. Memphis who got up to unexpected happening and became hyperthermic performance became easier to listen to here.

And in the 70th year Memphis speaks of the famous “LIVE FILE” the day when it received the admiration of “the biggest performance in Spring America · Tour”. In America in the spring of 1970 when the impression originally intended for mania is strong, when saying the scream of the plant of this day is spectacular. From the unique opening of this period “We’re Gonna Groove” the plant is doing great. The fun of “Heartbreaker” starting with a spacious intro using echo is unique in this period. To say it to anything “Since I’ve Been Loving You” is a different loose and different plant songs than Copenhagen which will be released at the same time this time! Moreover, it is also attractive that the sound of the page guitar is heard with a very on balance.
And anyway the live late final “How Many More Times” is amazing. Paige puts in all the phrases that he was good at this time, such as Jeff Beck Group’s “Rice Pudding” and Ravel’s “Bolero”. The performance lasts for nearly 30 minutes, but as the plant sits here, singing out the deceased Chuck Berry ‘s “Memphis Tennessee”, the venue will heat up, the venue will bear the proof, the audience will attend the audience The fuss who makes up the struggle. Prior to this confusion the manager developed Peter Grant in the stage sleeve to develop a gun to the promoter.
Although we appreciate that the plant that saw it pleads to sit in the audience, at first it did not receive the spectators at first, misunderstood and it got exciting. Under such circumstances I managed to resume playing and this time, as Elphis’s “That’s Alright” singing out at Memphis connected, the situation is not improved at all. At the end of the second interruption the audience finally grasped the seriousness of the things, eventually the situation will head towards convergence. Still the plant’s scream remained intense and the show ended with forced termination to “Whole Lotta Love” on this day due to too much excitement + time over.
The sense of presence in the latter half of the live where the word “just one touch” fits perfectly well is transmitted firmly. When releasing on this limited press CD carefully adjusts up to delicate pitch madness which was happening in “Thank You” and “Whole Lotta Love”. A definitive edition of the disturbing novels that shows the frightfulness of ZEP a lot in 70 years has appeared!

その為かZEP音源リマスター・マニアの中でもメンフィス公演がなかなか題材とならなかったのですが、再びLiliondendronがやってくれました。2nd Gen.音源を元にした彼のリマスタリングがメンフィス公演で命題としていたのは「レンジが狭くこもり気味な質感」と「盛大なヒスノイズ」の軽減にあったのだと思われます。先に触れた「古臭い音」のクリアネスを上げてくれたことで、かなり見通しが良い状態へと変化を遂げました。そしてリスニング上における大きなストレスと化していたヒスノイズに関しても見事に軽減。

そして70年のメンフィスといえば名著「LIVE FILE」において「春のアメリカ・ツアーにおける最大の名演」という称賛を受けた日。元々マニア向けな印象が強い70年春のアメリカにおいて、この日のプラントのスクリームの壮絶さと言ったら。この時期ならではのオープニングである「We’re Gonna Groove」からしてプラントは絶好調。エコーを使ってスペイシーなイントロから始まる「Heartbreaker」の面白さもこの時期ならでは。それに何と言っても「Since I’ve Been Loving You」では今回同時リリースとなるコペンハーゲンとはまた違ったルーズで激しいプラントの歌が最高!さらにペイジのギターの音が非常にオンなバランスで聴かれるのも魅力かと。
そして何と言ってもライブ終盤の「How Many More Times」が凄い。ペイジはジェフ・ベック・グループの「Rice Pudding」やラヴェルの「Bolero」といった、この時期に彼が得意としたフレーズをすべてつぎ込んでくれます。その演奏は30分近くにも及ぶのですが、プラントがご当地ソングということから、先頃亡くなったチャック・ベリーの「Memphis Tennessee」を歌い出すと会場がヒートアップ、会場は証明が付くわ、観客は総立ちになる派の大騒ぎ。この混乱を前に舞台袖でマネージャーのピーター・グラントがプロモーターに銃を突きつけられるという事態に発展。
それを見たプラントが観客に座るよう哀願するものの、最初は観客も真に受けず、演出か何かだと勘違いして大盛り上がり。そんな状況で何とか演奏を再開、今度もメンフィスつながりでエルヴィスの「That’s Alright」歌い出してしまったものだから、ちっとも事態が改善されません。二度目の中断でようやく観客も事の重大さを把握したのか、ようやく事態が収束へと向かいます。それでもプラントのスクリームは強烈なままですし、盛り上がりすぎ+時間オーバーによってこの日は「Whole Lotta Love」までの強制終了にてショーは終わりとなりました。
正に一触即発という言葉がぴったりと当てはまるライブ後半の臨場感もしっかりと伝わってくる。今回の限定プレスCDでのリリースに当たっては「Thank You」と「Whole Lotta Love」で起きていた微妙なピッチの狂いまで丁寧にアジャスト。70年ZEPの凄まじさをまざまざと見せつける波乱の名演の決定版が登場です!

Disc 1 (58:07)
1. Taper’s Comments 2. Intro. 3. We’re Gonna Groove 4. Dazed and Confused 5. Heartbreaker
6. Bring It On Home7. White Summer / Black Mountain Side
8. Since I’ve Been Loving You

Disc 2 (76:21)
1. Organ Solo 2. Thank You 3. What Is and What Should Never Be 4. Moby Dick
5. How Many More Times 6. Whole Lotta Love 7. Taper’s Comments

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