Kingdom Come / Nagoya 1989 / 2CDR

Kingdom Come / Nagoya 1989 / 2CDR / Shades

Translated text:
Live at Nagoya-shi Kokaido, Nagoya, Japan 11th January 1989

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KINGDOM COME who was annoyed as “the return of LED ZEPPELIN” and declared a shock debut. A valuable original recording that recorded its first visit to Japan is out.
There are many people who have bitter smile just by looking at their name. German singer, Rennie Wolf was formed after STONE FURY. Despite being found in the specialty of GEFFEN record A & R John Carodner, a demonstration of “Get It On” secretly recorded was leaked. Well, it was broadcasted on the radio, and the band’s unknown media cried out as “a mysterious band” or “ZEP reunion?” The topic called a hot topic and the debut work “KINGDOM COME” became a hit to jump into the 12th place in the United States, but the disappointment of “Is not it ZEP ZEP? It has evolved into a worldwide furious bashing. Nonetheless, it is impossible for the Band of the band to write and read new songs that are real ZEP. Moreover, in fact “KINGDOM COME” was recorded plenty of Melodious HR numbers from STONE FURY as well, and it was finished in a majestic masterpiece of majestic without even a monomane.
It was about 10 months after the shock debut that the opportunity for the first visit to KINGDOM COME came. One big countdown event where BON JOVI is main, “HEAT BEAT LIVE ’89 BIG EGG” was announced, and KINGDOM COME also participated with RATT and Britney Fox. Each band participating in this event carries out a separate Japan tour. What is engraved in this work, “January 11, 1989: Nagoya city public hall” performance. It’s that audience recording. Let’s confirm the position of the show here at the tour schedule of the time.

● 1988
· December 31: Tokyo Dome (HEAT BEAT LIVE ’89)
● 1989
· January 1: Tokyo Dome (HEAT BEAT LIVE ’89)
· January 5: Yokohama Cultural Gymnasium
· January 9th: Osaka Health Pension Center
· January 11: Nagoya City Auditorium 【this work】
· January 12: Nakano Sanguraza

Over, all six performances. The Nagoya performance of this work was the 3rd schedule of the 3rd schedule after having done the year-end and New Year event at Tokyo Dome. This work which contained such a show is a very clear audience recording. Directly CD has been converted from valuable original cassettes that have been handed down by the recordingist himself, and the ultimate Genes’ freshness is the best. Above all, there is a clear sense of air. It is not a type that is wrong with the soundboard, but the performance and singing voice arrive straight. The audience also gave applause gigantically among the songs, but I am watching it carefully as if I’d like to quote while playing. Whether the direction of the microphone changes or there is not a part that becomes somewhat unstable, it is a vivid recording that only the performance is illuminated from the dark.
A show drawn with such a sound is an evidence property that overturns “underestimation” with sound. Even a tight ensemble is amazing, but again Renee’s vocal is intense. This is already amazing. The voice quality and singing similar to Robert Plant became a hot topic, but the sexy and glittering singing voice even at the live stage is overwhelmingly overwhelmingly saying as album …… The tension that puts the audience in front of me is drawing out the paraphrase until terrible, and I do not show any signs of falling as much as I can with it. Moreover, plenty of Improvise that sex appeal only to this student. Screaming and whispering, yet he is pulling up the beauty of the melody beyond the studio. Although the audience at the scene does not think unexpectedly “it is terrible, thin but … ….”, it shows us the first real singer that is completely different in dimension from just a similar entertainer.
The set in which such a singing voice is written is also too high. As mentioned earlier, “KINGDOM COME” is the first song of the new song “Stargazer” “Perfect ‘O'” “Who Do You Love” that will be recorded on “IN YOUR FACE” “Overrated” will be shown as soon as possible. That alone is full of stomach, but STONE FURY super classic “Break Down The Walls” not to mention Todome! It is a masterpiece of Melodic HR Akira who plants like voice resembles completely while being completely different from the ZEP route. Whether that live version can be enjoyed with a wonderful clear sound … ….
Just indeed it is the best for this show ‘KINGDOM COME’ + α ‘s show, but this work is also delicious in realistic workplace sense. When I get between songs, I can hear a casual surprised voice to witness, and it is also transmitted that I was full of female customers, unexpectedly. Especially interesting is MC of “Living Out Of Touch”. Although a greeting-like story after the performance comes in, apparently there was a presentation of bouquets here. Rennie thanked happily and said, “We are not BON JOVI but KINGDOM COME, okay? Oh no, oh no, I love BON JOVI, I do not have anything else. He is very cool. , They do not do it in such a hall, “he says while blowing out himself. As mentioned above, this visit to the main is a countdown event by BON JOVI. Although it is also hooked on it, it seems that Lenny was surprised by the large number of female customers.

Anyway, KINGDOM COME live album that is precious. This is exhausted. Although it is a band that has not left a full-fledged live board even in the official, I can experience the grandiose season at each heyday (with a sense of Japanese air) with a wonderfully realistic sound. Moreover, the content is like Melodic · Rock which proves that criticism of Pakuri was completely wrong. It was marginalized in the era, 29 years have passed under underestimate, but it is about time to be overturned. This work is a masterpiece live album suitable for it.

“LED ZEPPELINの再来”と騒がれ、衝撃のデビューを飾ったKINGDOM COME。その初来日を記録した貴重なオリジナル録音が登場です。
その名を見ただけで苦笑いが浮かぶ方も多いことでしょう。ドイツ人シンガー、レニー・ウルフがSTONE FURYに続いて結成した名バンド。GEFFENレコードの名物A&Rジョン・カロドナーに見出されたものの、密かにレコーディングされていた「Get It On」のデモが流出。あろうことかラジオで放送され、バンド名も知らぬメディアが「謎のバンド!」「ZEP再結成か!?」と騒ぎ立ててしまった。話題が話題を呼び、デビュー作『KINGDOM COME』は全米12位に飛び込むヒットになったものの、「なんだZEPじゃなかったのか」の落胆がいつしか偽物呼ばわりに転化。世界的な猛烈バッシングへと発展してしまったのです。とは言え、本物のZEPと見紛う新曲を書くのも演るのも凡百のバンドには不可能。しかも、実際にリリースされた『KINGDOM COME』にはSTONE FURY譲りのメロディアスなHRナンバーもたっぷりと収録され、モノマネ抜きにも堂々の大名盤に仕上がっていました。
そんなKINGDOM COMEに初来日のチャンスが訪れたのは、衝撃デビューから約10ヶ月後のこと。BON JOVIがメインを張る一大カウントダウン・イベント“HEAT BEAT LIVE ’89 IN BIG EGG”が発表され、RATTやブリトニー・フォックスと共にKINGDOM COMEも参加したのです。このイベントに参加したバンドは、それぞれ個別のジャパン・ツアー実施。本作に刻まれているのは、そのうち「1989年1月11日:名古屋市公会堂」公演。そのオーディエンス録音なのです。ここで、当時のツアー日程でショウのポジションを確認しておきましょう。

・12月31日:東京ドーム(HEAT BEAT LIVE ’89)
・1月1日:東京ドーム(HEAT BEAT LIVE ’89)
・1月11日:名古屋市公会堂 【本作】

そんな歌声が綴るセットも最高すぎる。『KINGDOM COME』の名盤ぶりは先述しましたが、その全曲を演奏し、その上で『IN YOUR FACE』に収録されることになる新曲「Stargazer」「Perfect ‘O’」「Who Do You Love」「Overrated」が早くも披露される。それだけでもう、お腹いっぱいですが、トドメはもちろんSTONE FURYの超名曲「Break Down The Walls」! ZEP路線とはまったく違いながらプラント似の声が似合いまくるメロディックHR畢生の名曲。そのライヴバージョンが素晴らしいクリア・サウンドで堪能できようとは……。
まさしく本生版『KINGDOM COME』+αのショウだけでも最高ですが、さらに本作はリアルな現場感も美味しい。曲間になると目の当たりにする絶唱に驚く声も聞こえますし、思いの外、女性客でいっぱいだったことも伝わる。特に面白いのは「Living Out Of Touch」語のMC。開演後の挨拶的な語りが入るのですが、どうやらここで花束の贈呈があったらしい。レニーは嬉しそうに礼を言いつつ「俺達はBON JOVIじゃなくKINGDOM COMEだぜ? 大丈夫? あ、いや俺はBON JOVIが大好きだよ。他意はないって。彼はとてもクールさ。でもさ、彼らはこういうホールじゃやらないよね」などと、自分で吹き出しながら語るのです。上記したように、この来日のメインはBON JOVIによるカウントダウン・イベント。それに引っかけてもいるわけですが、レニーにとっても女性客の多さは驚きだったのでしょう。

とにもかくにも、貴重極まるKINGDOM COMEのライヴアルバム。これに尽きます。オフィシャルでも本格的なライヴ盤を残していないバンドなのに、その全盛期の本生を(それも日本の空気感ごと)素晴らしくリアルなサウンドで体験できる。しかも、その中身はパクリ批判がまったくもって筋違いだったことを証明するようなメロディック・ロック極み。時代に翻弄され、過小評価のまま29年が経ってしまったわけですが、そろそろ覆されて良い頃。本作は、それに相応しい傑作ライヴアルバムなのです。

Disc 1 (58:27)
1. Introduction 2. Shout It Out 3. Living Out Of Touch 4. Pushin’ Hard 5. Now Forever After
6. Keyboard Intro. 7. 17 8. Stargazer 9. Perfect ‘O’ 10. Guitar Solo
11. What Love Can Be 12. Loving You 13. Hideaway

Disc 2 (37:46)
1. MC 2. Who Do You Love 3. Get It On 4. Drum Solo/Get It On 5. Break Down The Walls
6. Overrated 7. The Shuffle

Lenny Wolf – Vocals Danny Stag – Guitar Rick Steier – Guitar Johnny B. Frank – Bass
James Kottak – Drums

Shades 954

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