Jimmy Page With The Solid Ground Band / Crystal Bay 1991 / 2CD

Jimmy Page With The Solid Ground Band / Crystal Bay 1991 / 2CD / Wardour
Translated Text:
Live at Crystal Bay Club, Crystal Bay, Nevada, USA 29th May 1991 SBD


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After finishing activities accompanying the release of “OUTRIDER” in 1988, Jimmy Paige explored the next activity while working on ZEP’s remastering work, and as a result, it was planning to embark on the re-formation of Led Zeppelin. It jumped into the stage of Robert Plant at the 1990 Nebworth event, and showed a wonderful performance of “Wearing And Tearing” there as a hint to reunion. As it became obvious later, Paige seriously urged the plant to realize ZEP’s reunion, and the story was progressing to the point of choosing a drummer to replace Bonzo. However, due to the intention of the plant who wants to continue the solo career, the reunion will be frustrating, even on the contrary a decisive groove will be created between the page and the plant.
However, in 1991, the situation suddenly expanded, and a proposal from Geffen Records, which was a contract label at the time of “OUTRIDER”, will start a project that will later become a coverdale page. Two years later, Duo with David Coverdale who gives a big topic to the rock world is also a top secret matter at this point. In those Japanese music magazines of those days, Paige, which seemed not to be busy at all, was living in wealthy for ZEP’s album royalty … and so on. Paige staying in the United States with a meeting with the real coverdale and rehearsing jumped into Hakoban who was playing there as he went to Nevada ‘s club. It was Paige who had been daring to enter several stages from 1990 to 1991, including the previous Nebworth, among which the performance with this club became the longest performing time.

The actual state became clear The excerpts of several songs were recorded in the boot “GIG’N MAN” in the name of Paige, followed by the title “JIMMY PAGE AND SOLD GROUND” which used the picture of Nebworth for 90 years in Jacket It became familiar. It was only joining the performance of the amateur band which is the solid grand but it did not get much attention despite sound board recording. It was extremely high pitch that put a circle on it. It was inferred that the pitch of the SBD cassette recorded from the PA of the live house was uploaded via dubbing. It is a sound source that can also be said to be a daunting situation, now it has become a live sound source of Paige completely forgotten.
The sound source of the low generation to be released this time has also been circulating among traders before, but in the 21st century it is finally forgotten and there is a feeling of being forgotten, the release after a long time is realized by the limited press CD. It was the biggest neck in that release Adjust the pitch madness thoroughly. The state of relaxing jam at the club, which is completely different in dimension from the past release, came to be realistically transmitted for the first time.

The maximum appeal of this sound source is that it is unlikely that the club is stretching out and Paige is playing. From the announcement of the band, the page jumps in the second set of their stage. First we start with the slow blues he is good at. There, “I Can not Quit You Baby” The phrase repeated as saying again, Paige seems like a fish that got water. Naturally Paige, who wanted to play more blues, repeatedly plays the “Tea For One” phrase towards the band and urges the blues of minor key to play. Although the band somehow starts 3-code blues, their performance was not a minor, major, and more female vocalists sang songs by James Taylor’s “Steamroller”. Nevertheless, Paige continues to play the initial “Tea For One” phrase, and the performance was showing a disappointing aspect halfway.
It was a scene that Paige wanted to cry “Chi ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ろ ー!” In spite of it, but it was surprising that he or she had already heard and called before before going on stage, according to him was. In the first place, the slow blues played first was “Spider in (My) Your Web” by Ten Years After, and then James Taylor was played. As you can see from these songs, the band called Solid Ground seems to have been formed by members of the late 20s to early 30s, and the repertoire played is clearly behind Paige. In other words, the release which was recorded with the pitch in a much more precise state was revealed more than the generation in which the tape was dubbed, it was a generation gap between band members and Paige.

Interestingly, after this I can hear how to talk about the songs played between band members and page, but apparently Paige who saw them as outdoors such as Maddy Waters and Otis Rush’s blues and their As a compromise rock ‘n’ roll “Johnny B. Goode” will be played. However, it may be from “Solid Ground” members that it was “a song that Michael J. Fox played in the movies” rather than chuck berry (laugh).
And as for the first release in this release, it is recorded as accurate pitch, and it is a format that spans two disks. In the second one, it is also interesting that ZEP will be playing a number of rock and rolls that had been incorporated into the “Whole Lotta Love” medley at the American tour in 1972. First of all, it is “Slow Down”, but now the bass player does not know the song, unfortunately the bassist does not play that riff, and additionally it does not stop at break and so on, this time I’m listening to it ” It is enough to get thrust in and say “Uoo!
Still, since the whole performance is up tempo, it will be like a performance like “ZEP’s ‘Rock And Roll’ that raised the key. Actually Paige also plays a regular phrase used in “Rock And Roll”. When the number “Louie, Louie” asked at the other 72 years America tour starts, the sense of unity of the whole band will be dramatically increased. From there there is a smooth transition to “Wild Thing” and “Hang On Sloopy”, and both male and female vocalists are doing great. Yes, as you can see from these repertoires they were just party bands in a typical American club. It is a reason why I can not play blues (laugh). But Paige was surprised to see him playing with a good mood all the while. A rare sound board recording that fills in the blank period of his activity of 1991 will be released for the first time in a while, and finally released as the best version!
1988年の「OUTRIDER」リリースに伴う活動を終えたジミー・ペイジはZEPのリマスター作業の一方で次なる活動を模索した結果、レッド・ツェッペリンの再結成へ乗り出そうと画策。1990年のネブワース・イベントでロバート・プラントのステージに飛び入りし、そこで「Wearing And Tearing」の素晴らしい演奏を披露したことも、再結成への伏線として行われたものでした。後で明らかになったようところでは、この時期ペイジは本気でZEPの再結成を実現すべくプラントを口説いており、ボンゾに代わるドラマーの選定というところまで話が進んでいました。しかしソロ・キャリアを継続させたいプラントの意思によって再結成は頓挫、それどころかペイジとプラントの間に決定的な溝が出来てしまう結果となってしまうのです。

その実態が明らかとなったはペイジ名義のブート「GIG’N MAN」に数曲の抜粋が収録され、さらに続いて90年ネブワースの写真をジャケに使った「JIMMY PAGE AND SOLD GROUND」というタイトルで知れ渡りました。もっともソリッド・グラウンドというアマチュア・バンドの演奏に加わっただけに過ぎず、サウンドボード録音ながらも大した注目を浴びることはありませんでした。それに輪をかけたのが極端に高いピッチ。いかにもライブハウスのPAからカセット録音したSBDがダビングを経由してピッチが上がってしまったことが推測されたもの。こうした二重苦な状態とも言える音源です、今ではすっかり忘れ去られたペイジのライブ音源と化してしまいました。

この音源最大の魅力は、クラブでいつになく伸び伸びとペイジが弾きまくっていることでしょう。バンドのアナウンスからすると、彼らのステージのセカンド・セットにおいてペイジの飛び入りが実現。まずは彼が得意とするスロー・ブルースから始まります。そこでは「I Can’t Quit You Baby」再びと言わんばかりのフレーズ連発、ペイジはまるで水を得た魚のよう。当然もっとブルースが演奏したくなったペイジはバンドに向けて「Tea For One」フレーズを連発し、マイナー・キーのブルースの演奏を促します。バンドも何となく3コードのブルースを始めるものの、彼らの演奏はマイナーではなくメジャー、おまけに女性ボーカリストが歌い出したのはジェームス・テイラーの「Steamroller」。にもかかわらずペイジは当初の「Tea For One」フレーズを弾き続けており、演奏は途中までちぐはぐな様相を呈していました。
思わずペイジが「ちーがーうーだーろー!」と叫んでもおかしくない場面だったのですが、ステージに上がる前で既に聞こし召したのか、彼からメジャーに合わせてあげたのは意外でした。そもそも最初に演奏されたスロー・ブルースがテン・イヤーズ・アフターの「Spider in (My)Your Web」ですし、次に演奏されたのはジェームス・テイラー。これらの選曲からも解るように、このソリッド・グラウンドというバンドは当時20代後半から30代前半のメンバーによって結成されていたらしく、演奏されるレパートリーは明らかにペイジより後の世代。つまりピッチが格段に正確な状態で収録された今回のリリースで明らかになったのは、テープがダビングされたジェネレーション以上に、バンドメンバーとペイジのジェネレーション・ギャップだったのです。

面白いことに、この後バンドメンバーとペイジの間で演奏する曲を協議する様子が聞き取れるのですが、どうやらこいつらにマディ・ウォーターズやオーティス・ラッシュのブルースなど問題外だと察したペイジと彼らの妥協案としてロックンロール「Johnny B. Goode」が演奏されます。しかし、これとてソリッド・グラウンドのメンバーからすればチャック・ベリーと言うよりも「マイケル・J・フォックスが映画で弾いていた曲」だったのかもしれません(笑)。
そして今回のリリースに当たっては初めて正確なピッチで収録された結果として、二枚のディスクをまたぐフォーマットとなっています。二枚目ではこれまた面白いことに、ZEPが72年のアメリカ・ツアーで「Whole Lotta Love」メドレーに組み入れていたロックンロールがいくつも演奏されていることでしょう。まずは「Slow Down」なのですが、今度は困ったことにベーシストが曲を知らないのでしょう、あのリフは弾かない、おまけにブレイクで止まらないなど、今度は聴いているこっちが「ちーがーうーだーろー!」と突っ込みたくなってしまうほど。
それでいて全体の演奏はアップテンポなので、まるで「キーを上げたZEPの’Rock And Roll’」のような演奏となってしまいます。実際にペイジも「Rock And Roll」で用いていた定型フレーズをビシバシ弾いている。もう一つの72年アメリカ・ツアーで聞かれたナンバー「Louie, Louie」が始まると、バンド全体の一体感が俄然高まります。そこから「Wild Thing」や「Hang On Sloopy」への移り変わりもなめらかですし、男女二人のボーカリストも絶好調。そう、こうしたレパートリーからも解るように彼らは典型的なアメリカのクラブにおけるパーティー・バンドに過ぎなかったのです。どうりでブルースが弾けない訳だ(笑)。しかしペイジは終始ご機嫌な様子でプレイしてみせたのだから驚き。1991年という彼の活動の空白期を埋めるレアなサウンドボード録音が久々に、しかもようやくのベスト・バージョンとしてリリースされます!

Disc 1 (45:03)
1. Introduction 2. Spider in Your Web 3. Steamroller 4. Johnny B. Goode
5. Hound Dog / Blue Suede Shoes 6. Smokin’ Again

Disc 2 (36:41)
1. Introduction 2. Slow Down 3. Old Time Rock ‘n’ Roll 4. Kansas City
5. Louie, Louie / Wild Thing / Hang On Sloopy / Member Introduction

Solid Ground Band:
Chris Schauer – Drums Rene Best – Guitar, Vocal Debbie McIntyre – Vocal

Special Guest:
Jimmy Page – Guitar





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