Iron Maiden / Definitive Music Machine 1979/ 1CD+2Bonus CDR

Iron Maiden / Definitive Music Machine 1979/ 1CD+2Bonus CDR / Zodiac
Live at Music Machine, London, England 30th September 1979 Plus Bonus 2CDR “1979 Collection”

Play sample :

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Translated text:

The premier live album that can taste the “70’s IRON MAIDEN” before the debut. Untamed member, Tony Parsons & Doug Sampson was also enrolled in the super-precious recording is on permanent storage press CD appears!
Such a work is contained in ‘September 30, 1979 Music and Machine Performance’. Speaking of “1979 Music Machine”, recording on September 10 is a big staple, but this work is completely different live. It is an audience recording that took a hot topic on the topic of “The Best Sound of 1979” among the core makers with the LOW GENE Master who appeared in recent years. Suddenly in the 70’s, it is a member of the phantom, for those who have not pursued IRON MAIDEN before the debut, it may be “?” I will explain it in turn in order … …
Originally, the founder Steve Harris formed IRON MAIDEN on 25th December 1975 (there are also materials to be in May). I will start live activity the following year, but its lineup was far from MAIDEN we know. The basis based on the present was born after three people, Dave Murray and Paul Diano, got together in 1978. After that, I tried to debut while switching these drums with the second guitar with these three people as the core. The record of such a pre-debut era is extremely valuable. Because it is a good opportunity, let’s organize here.

● 1978
· December 31 “THE SOUNDHOUSE TAPES” session
● 1979
“Withdrawing from Paul Cairns → subscribing to Tony Parsons”
· September 10: Music · Machine ← Bonus CDR
· September 30: Music machine 【this work】
· October 5: Ruskin Arms ← Bonus CDR
· November 14 “FRIDAY ROCK SHOW” session
“Withdraw from Parsons”
· November “METAL FOR MUTHAS” session
· November “Burning Ambition” recording
“Sampson withdrawal → Dennis & Clive subscription”
● 1980
· January: “Virgin of Steel” started production

…… and it looks like this. From the earliest “THE SOUNDHOUSE TAPES” of the Diano era, fine recordings are taking place, but most of them are studio sessions (all of us can enjoy at our store “THE ULTIMATE COMPILATION 1978-1981 (Zodiac 167)”) . The live recording of the stage is only three “September 10, 1979” “September 30” “October 5”. This work is the live album of “September 30th” with the best sound among them.

【Ultimate 1979 Live Album】
That quality is exquisite. Although it is not a type that is called “just like a sound board” for vintage recording alone, firm sounds and singing voices of the core jump into the clear air feeling. Moreover, enthusiasm of the workplace does not come in between the performance. As the song starts, as if it were a Japanese performance, only the performance dominates everything, and you can fully taste the extreme metal. As a matter of fact, even with the above three types, “September 10” recordings are far away, and “October 5” recordings are explosive sounds. When this “September 10” recording appeared, maniacs all over the world stood darkly as “a recording that can finally hear properly” came out!
Moreover, this work is further polished to the ultimate form with a meticulous remaster. Actually, the published original sound is furiously late pitch and unstable. In addition, “Running Free” and “Iron Maiden” had cuts of missing recordings. Of course, this work correctly corrects the pitch (for this reason the total time is short, but this work is normal), and furthermore the cut / part was the same music machine show “September 10 Completion with recording. Unfortunately because the encore part was not recorded, it is unrecorded but you can enjoy the super valuable live of 10 songs.
And more than that sounds the whole story. Although the recording itself is the best in 1979, this work has updated its highest peak. Of course, I do not do soundless pressure creation like unreasonable anger, prepare each range, and pursue “ease of listening”. Increase the sense of transparency of the venue and improve the separation of each instrument. The distance got closer and closer, yet it finished in a sound that does not lose the sense of the original sound’s vintage.

【NWOBHM’s enthusiastic whirlpool in London】
When saying the splendor of the extremely early stage drawn with such sound! You can enjoy the early version of “Remember Tomorrow”, “Charlotte The Harlot”, “Phantom Of The Opera” that you could not hear even at studio sessions such as “THE SOUNDHOUSE TAPES” “FRIDAY ROCK SHOW” “METAL FOR MUTHAS”, “Prowler” Even if it is “Invasion”, the visionary Tony Parsons plays. The rhythm guitar is a little rock and roll style, and familiar masterpieces are heard completely differently.
And youthful momentum! Although the above studio session group was a performance of adult shame which makes it sure, this work is a genuine stage. Although it will not lead to a professional explosion like the first visit to Japan, passion which is cheerful towards debut is full open, Diano’s amazing shout is also incredible. Doug Sampson’s drum is somewhat unusual, but this uncanny is the taste of the very early MAIDEN. It fades in the debut work, the body odor of the NWOBHM band which has almost disappeared in “KILLERS” smells intensely.

Just NWOBHM. That authorization. It surprises the world with “virgin of steel”, and continues to sweep the world for nearly 40 years afterwards, but this work is its fate of movement. It is also the highest peak live album of ’70s IRON MAIDEN’, but at the same time NWOBHM is also the document album that sets the scene which was burning the hotest. One piece that refined the cultural heritage to the ultimate quality more than the valuable lineup can hear. Please, enjoy with the permanent preservation press CD fully.

デビュー前となる“70年代のIRON MAIDEN”を味わえる最高峰ライヴアルバム。幻のメンバー、トニー・パーソンズ&ダグ・サンプソンも在籍していた超貴重録音が永久保存プレスCDで登場です!
そんな本作に収められているのは「1979年9月30日ミュージック・マシン公演」。“1979年ミュージック・マシン”と言えば、9月10日録音が大定番ですが、本作は完全な別ライヴ。近年になって登場したロウジェネ・マスターで、コア・マニアの間で「1979年のベスト・サウンド!」と話題を振りまいたオーディエンス録音なのです。いきなり70年代だの、幻のメンバーだの、デビュー前のIRON MAIDENを追及されていない方には「?」かも知れません。順番にかいつまんでご説明しますと……
そもそも、創始者スティーヴ・ハリスがIRON MAIDENを結成したのは1975年12月25日のこと(5月とする資料もあります)。翌年からライヴ活動を始めますが、そのラインナップは私たちの知るMAIDENとはかけ離れていました。現在に通じる基礎が生まれたのは、1978年にデイヴ・マーレイ、ポール・ディアノの3人が揃ってから。それ以降、この3人を核にしてセカンドギターとドラムを入れ替えながらデビューを目指していったわけです。そんなデビュー前時代の記録は極めて貴重。良い機会ですので、ここで整理してみましょう。

・9月10日:ミュージック・マシン ←ボーナスCDR
・9月30日:ミュージック・マシン 【本作】
・10月5日:ラスキン・アームズ ←ボーナスCDR
・11月14日『FRIDAY ROCK SHOW』セッション
・11月「Burning Ambition」録音

……と、このようになっています。ディアノ時代最古の『THE SOUNDHOUSE TAPES』以降、細かい録音が行われておりますが、そのほとんどはスタジオ・セッション(すべて当店の『THE ULTIMATE COMPILATION 1978-1981(Zodiac 167)』でお楽しみ頂けます)。ステージのライヴ録音は「1979年9月10日」「9月30日」「10月5日」の3本だけ。本作は、その中で最も音が良い「9月30日」のライヴアルバムなのです。

しかも、本作はさらに細心のリマスターで究極形に磨き上げ。実は、公開された原音は猛烈にピッチが遅く、しかも不安定。さらに「Running Free」と「Iron Maiden」には録音漏れのカットもありました。もちろん、本作では徹底的にピッチを正し(そのためにトータル・タイムは短くなっていますが、本作こそが正常です)、さらにカット・パートを同じミュージック・マシン公演だった「9月10日」録音で補完。残念ながらアンコール部分は録音されなかったので未収録ではありますが、10曲分の超貴重なライヴが堪能できるのです。

そんなサウンドで描かれる極初期ステージの素晴らしさと言ったら! 『THE SOUNDHOUSE TAPES』『FRIDAY ROCK SHOW』『METAL FOR MUTHAS』といったスタジオ・セッションでも聴けなかった「Remember Tomorrow」「Charlotte The Harlot」「Phantom Of The Opera」の極初期バージョンが楽しめますし、「Prowler」「Invasion」にしても幻のトニー・パーソンズが弾きまくる。そのリズム・ギターはややロックンロール調で、馴染み抜いた名曲達がまったく違って聞こえる。
そして、若々しい勢い! 上記のスタジオ・セッション群は確かめるような大人しめの演奏でしたが、本作は正真正銘のステージ。初来日のようなプロフェッショナルな爆走には至らないものの、デビューに向けて意気上がるパッションは全開で、ディアノの素っ頓狂なシャウトも初々しい。ダグ・サンプソンのドラムはやや野暮ったいですが、この野暮ったさこそが極初期MAIDENの味。デビュー作で薄れ、『KILLERS』ではほとんど消えかかっていたNWOBHMバンドの体臭が強烈に匂ってくるのです。

まさにNWOBHM。その権化。『鋼鉄の処女』で世界を驚かせ、その後40年近くも世界を席巻し続けるわけですが、本作はその胎動なのです。“70年代のIRON MAIDEN”の最高峰ライヴアルバムでもあるわけですが、それと同時にNWOBHMがもっとも熱く燃えさかっていた現場に立てるドキュメント・アルバムでもある。貴重なラインナップが聴ける以上の文化遺産を究極クオリティに磨き上げた1枚。どうぞ、永久保存プレスCDで存分にお楽しみください。


1. Introduction 2. Wrathchild 3. Sanctuary 4. Prowler 5. Remember Tomorrow
6. Running Free 7. Transylvania 8. Invasion 9. Charlotte The Harlot
10. Phantom Of The Opera 11. Iron Maiden

Steve Harris – Bass Dave Murray – Guitar Tony Parsons – Guitar
Doug Sampson – Drums

Zodiac 329


Iron Maiden / 1979 Collection / 2CDR / Non Label

Live at Music Machine, London, England 10th September 1979 & Live at Ruskin Arms, London, England 5th October 1979

Click Image To Enlarge


Main press CD is the decision board of the live album which becomes the highest peak before major debut. Although I mentioned in that commentary, Tony Parsons & Doug Sampson was in 1979 when there were 3 stage records in total. So we have prepared a bonus that can complete the collection at once.
Such a work is contained in 2 performances. “September 10, 1979 Music Machine Performance” and “Ruskin Arms Concert on October 5, 1979”. Both are vintage audiences known for a long time, but this work set the highest peak master. The masterpiece that can not be heard with the main press CD as well is the decision board of the mountain rank. Let’s introduce each disc individually.

【Disk 1: September 10, 1979 Music Machine Performance】
First of all, it is an audience recording famous as “MUSIC MACHINE of 1979” from long ago. It is a live performance at the same venue 20 days before main press press CD. Such a work flowing out is a vintage sound that will overwhelm the historical mood. It was neatly used just for complementing the main press CD, and the musical tones are comfortable and comfortable. Various versions such as re-master by mania have been on the market only since representing 1979 for a long time, but this work is the longest among them and contains the “THE EARLIEST DAYS 1979” version which has the best sound.
The live unfolded with that sound is delicious 3 songs + 3 Dave Murray guitar solos that can not be heard on the main press press CD. Moreover, the three songs are “Another Life” “Innocent Exile” “Drifter”. Already since “Parsons & Sampson” era “KILLERS” number was also playing a lot.

【Disk 2: Ruskin Arms Performance on October 5, 1979】
Disk 2 on behalf of the main press press CD will be recorded after 5 days. This is also a famous recording from a long time ago, but the use master of this work appeared only recently. It is the highest peak digitized directly from the 1st Genes · cassette excavated by the prestigious “Krw_co”.
That sound is really fresh. As we used the “THE EARLIEST DAYS 1979” previously, we did not make a big upgrade as we used a carefully selected master, and it did not turn into a slightly explosive sound recording. However, the freshness unique to 1st Gen is certainly felt, the transparency of air feeling is still the best this work. Originally a powerful thick core was a delicious recording, but its power and sound are transmitted to Vivid to detail.
And this disc is also the longest record of “IRON MAIDEN in the 1970s”. Not to mention the main press press CD, I can listen to ‘The Ides Of March’, ‘Strange World’ and ‘I’ve Got The Fire’ longer than Disk 1. With “Strange World” in particular, it covers all the debut work “Virgin of Steel”. It can also be enjoyed as a precious member of the Daimyo board & developing version. Also pointed out that “The Ides Of March” is taken up from this period. Although the former member Thunderstick brought it to SAMSON, it is a song that was previously announced under the name of “Thunderburst”, but it was still showing off at the live show before SAMSON announced (June 1980). It is also historical evidence.
Parsons’ guitar solo is more precious than that. In Disk 1, Murray took the solo immediately after “Innocent Exile”, but in this work Parsons first played solo, and then Murray followed the solo battle. IRON MAIDEN is a rare solo time, but Parsons’ solo is correctly only for this work, it is a super valuable scene here only.

IRON MAIDEN of 1979 which had not been working yet, but all the songs of ‘Virgin of Steel’ overturned history. It is a set that can complete the highest peak of such precious stage record at once. Quality is the main press CD is the top, but there are two sets of famous songs over the top. Please take this opportunity to fully appreciate them who were standing in the middle of NWOBHM.


まず登場するのは、古くから「1979年のMUSIC MACHINE」として有名なオーディエンス録音。本編プレスCDの20日前にして、同じ会場でのライヴです。そんな本作から流れ出るのは、ヒストリカルなムードにむせ返るようなヴィンテージ・サウンド。本編プレスCDの補完にも使用されただけに端正であり、楽音がクッキリと心地良い。古くから1979年を代表してきただけにマニアによるリマスター等、さまざまなバージョンが出回っていますが、本作はその中でももっとも長く、サウンドも良い『THE EARLIEST DAYS 1979』バージョンを収録しています。
そのサウンドで繰り広げられるライヴは、本編プレスCDでも聴けない3曲+デイヴ・マーレイのギターソロが美味しい。しかも、その3曲とは「Another Life」「Innocent Exile」「Drifter」。パーソンズ&サンプソン時代からすでに『KILLERS』ナンバーも大量に演奏していたわけです。

そのサウンドは実に瑞々しい。以前ご紹介した『THE EARLIEST DAYS 1979』でも厳選マスターを使用していたために大幅アップグレードとはならず、やや爆音気味の録音に変わりない。しかし、1stジェネならではの鮮度は確かに感じられ、空気感の透明度はやはり本作こそがベスト。もともと力強い極太の芯が美味しい録音ではありましたが、そのパワー・サウンドがディテールまでビビッドに伝わってくるのです。
そして、このディスクこそが“70年代のIRON MAIDEN”最長の記録でもある。本編プレスCDはおろか、ディスク1よりも長く「The Ides Of March」「Strange World」「I’ve Got The Fire」も聴ける。特に「Strange World」があることで、デビュー作「鋼鉄の処女」全曲が網羅。大名盤の貴重メンバー&発展途上バージョンとしても楽しめる。また、この時期から「The Ides Of March」を取り上げていることもポイント。元メンバーのサンダースティックがSAMSONに持ち込み、「Thunderburst」の名で先に発表してしまったいわく付きの曲ですが、やはりSAMSONが発表する(1980年6月)前からライヴで披露していた。その歴史的な証拠でもあるわけです。
それ以上に超貴重なのがパーソンズのギター・ソロ。ディスク1では「Innocent Exile」後にすぐマーレイがソロを執りましたが、本作ではまずパーソンズがソロを弾き、その後をマーレイが継ぐソロ・バトルとなっている。ただでさえソロタイムが珍しいIRON MAIDENですが、パーソンズのソロは正しく本作だけ、ここだけの超貴重なシーンなのです。

歴史をひっくり返した『鋼鉄の処女』全曲が揃いつつ、まだ制作に取りかかっていなかった1979年のIRON MAIDEN。そんな貴重なステージ記録の最高峰を一挙にコンプリートできるセットです。クオリティ的には本編プレスCDこそが頂点ではありますが、それ以上の名曲が山盛りの2枚組。どうぞ、この機会にNWOBHM真っ直中に立っていた彼らをたっぷりとご堪能ください。

Disc 1(62:38)
Live at Music Machine, London, England 10th September 1979

1. Wrathchild 2. Sanctuary 3. Prowler 4. Remember Tomorrow 5. Another Life
6. Running Free 7. Transylvania 8. Invasion 9. Charlotte The Harlot
10. Phantom Of The Opera 11. Iron Maiden 12. Innocent Exile 13. Dave Murray Guitar Solo
14. Drifter

Disc 2(71:15)
Live at Ruskin Arms, London, England 5th October 1979

1. The Ides Of March 2. Wrathchild 3. Sanctuary 4. Prowler 5. Remember Tomorrow
6. Running Free 7. Another Life 8. Transylvania 9. Strange World 10. Invasion
11. Charlotte The Harlot 12. Phantom Of The Opera 13. Iron Maiden 14. Innocent Exile
15. Tony Parsons Solo 16. Dave Murray Solo 17. Drifter 18. I’ve Got The Fire

Paul Di’Anno – Vocal Steve Harris – Bass Dave Murray – Guitar
Tony Parsons – Guitar Doug Sampson – Drums

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