Iron Maiden / The Earliest Days Vol 3 / 3CDR

Iron Maiden / The Earliest Days Vol 3 / 3CDR / Non Label

Translated text:
Music Machine, London, England 30th September 1979 , De Montford Hall, Leicester, England 13th March 1980 & Hammersmith, London, England 15th March 1980.


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Introducing the final chapter of the popular “THE EARLIEST DAYS” series! Although we have send you a valuable source to debut “steel of virgin” pre-release of the very initial theme, in addition to the undercard 2 performances of “BRITISH STEEL TOUR 1980” of this time JUDAS PRIEST, in 1979 newly discovered It is the first series of three sets, including one performance.
Disc 1 first appeared, suddenly the highlight in the audience recording of “1979 September 30, music machine performance”, phantom initial members of, Doug Saunpuson & Tony Parsons era. Series is also in the first series, but was two shows introduce the live of 1979, this is 1979, three eyes of the master. In fact, we have very early IRON MAIDEN record is often a place iffy, confuse the collector. In the past also is up rumors of recording such as “1978, December 31, 2008”, “1979 October 10”, “1980, February 10 – March 14 – March 16” was the date mistake or, the natural disappearance or ……. This recording is also there had been rumors,’s the one that the perception of the new excavation has been spread to the collectors in recent years. There is short compared to the series first of two shows, amazing thing is sound! In number one sound of undisputed in the 1979 recording, which greatly exceeded the first of two shows. And say Saunpuson & Parsons era, even in the official is “BBC RADIO ONE” has been excavated, but there is only studio live. Short and to say is do not listen to the BBC, “Wrathchild”, “Prowler”, “Remember Tomorrow”, “Invasion,” “Charlotte The Harlot,” “Phantom Of The Opera” is also plenty to listen best recording.
Disk 2 – 3 continues, after the change in Clive Bar & Dennis Stratton, is a two performances as support of “BRITISH STEEL TOUR 1980” of JUDAS PRIEST. And roughly organize the time series and ……

– December 1979: Clive & Dennis join
– January 1980: “steel of virgin” production
– 1980 February: “METAL FOR MUTHAS” tour
– March 1980: Support for “BRITISH STEEL TOUR 1980”
– April 1980: “steel of virgin” is released and major tours start

…… It had become such flow. Series in the second series, “METAL FOR MUTHAS TOUR” but we sent a live show, disk 2, 3 of this work is March. While raising created a Kano historic debut “steel of virgin”, it was still the general release is only single “RUNNING FREE”. “Finally it’ll sally forth!” Is why it is possible to enjoy the IRON MAIDEN full of mettle that.
First disc 2 is “1980 March 13, Leicester performances”. JUDAS PRIEST of support in all 19 performances, this work is around 7 performances eyes. Its sound is intended to listen to as a “valuable source”, good enough even the entire series. There is also set is short for support, it is one for the honest collection. However, the tension of the state-of-the-art MAIDEN that was watching every night up close JUDAS PRIEST, which showed the “steel God declared” to Mantenka is intense, you know well that the fresh figure among the hardened sound image is vigorously balloon.
Disk 3 of decorate the last in the series final chapter is, “1980 March 15, London show” after two days. Support That said, is a record of finally MAIDEN that stepped on the stage of the name of the venue “Hammersmith Odeon” of tradition. We have a great audience recording, good beyond comparison with disk 2. While full of vintage sense also musical tone in vivid, up spirit in the traditional venue enthusiastic performance has been vacuum-packed in the sound transmitted tightly. The contents of the live also nice, there is also a time that night before the launch of truly debut album, it has been offered at even playing. Although we are not the first time know the live music of IRON MAIDEN in the single “SANCTUARY” B-side and “LIVE !! + ONE”, has already completed is that the world, remains of that dazzling heat 9 songs (about 50 minutes) a run through …. Even if you listen for the first time, it is the one to be attacked by a ferocious nostalgia.

After one month from this live, Kano Daimyo album “steel of virgin” has shocked the whole world, has finally legend begins. The impact debut “before” to have been spelled in the best version of the total audience recording “THE EARLIEST DAYS” series is also completed in this time. As in the disk 1 of this work, until a new excavation and confirmation is made, there are no plans of “VOL.4”.
Beginning from the time that solidified the decision to become a semi-pro from local weekend band, “steel of virgin” until the night before Todorokasu a name in the world. Transmitted to the current, all of the road that revolutionary of steel is walked. Love them, you gift to the people of all the mania that has been escort over life.




大好評「THE EARLIEST DAYS」シリーズの完結編が登場です! デビュー作「鋼鉄の処女」リリース前の極初期をテーマに貴重音源をお送りしてきましたが、今回はJUDAS PRIESTの“BRITISH STEEL TOUR 1980”の前座2公演に加え、新たに確認された1979年の1公演を含むシリーズ初の3枚組です。
まず登場するディスク1は、いきなりのハイライト「1979年9月30日ミュージック・マシン公演」のオーディエンス録音で、幻の初期メンバー、ダグ・サウンプソン&トニー・パーソンズ時代。シリーズ第1弾でも1979年のライヴを2公演ご紹介しましたが、これは1979年3本目のマスター。実は、極初期IRON MAIDENの記録はあやふやなところが多く、コレクターを混乱させてきました。これまでも“1978年12月31日”・“1979年10月10日”・“1980年2月10日・3月14日・3月16日”といった録音の噂が上がっては日付間違いだったり、自然消滅したり……。この録音も存在は噂されていましたが、近年になってコレクターに新発掘の認知が広がってきた1本なのです。シリーズ第1弾の2公演に比べると短めではありますが、驚異的なのはサウンド! 1979年録音では文句なしのナンバー1サウンドで、第1弾の2公演を大きく超えている。サウンプソン&パーソンズ時代というと、オフィシャルでも「BBC RADIO ONE」が発掘されていますが、あれはあくまでスタジオライヴ。短いとは言っても、BBCでは聴けない「Wrathchild」「Prowler」「Remember Tomorrow」「Invasion」「Charlotte The Harlot」「Phantom Of The Opera」もたっぷり聴けるベスト録音です。
続くディスク2・3は、クライヴ・バー&デニス・ストラットンに交代後、JUDAS PRIESTの“BRITISH STEEL TOUR 1980”のサポートとしての2公演です。時系列を大ざっぱに整理しますと……

・1980年2月:“METAL FOR MUTHAS”ツアー
・1980年3月:“BRITISH STEEL TOUR 1980”のサポート

……このような流れになっていました。シリーズ第2弾では、“METAL FOR MUTHAS TOUR”のライヴをお送りしましたが、本作のディスク2・3は3月。かの歴史的デビュー作「鋼鉄の処女」を創りあげながら、まだ一般リリースされたのはシングル「RUNNING FREE」のみ。“いよいよ打って出るぞ!”という気概に溢れるIRON MAIDENを楽しむことができるわけです。
まずディスク2は「1980年3月13日レスター公演」。JUDAS PRIESTのサポートは全19公演で、本作は7公演目にあたります。そのサウンドは“貴重音源”として聴くべきものであり、シリーズ全体でも今ひとつ。サポートのためにセットが短いこともあり、正直なところコレクションのための1枚です。しかし、満天下に“鋼鉄神宣言”を示したJUDAS PRIESTを毎晩間近で観ていた新鋭MAIDENのテンションは強烈で、固まった音像の中でも瑞々しい姿が勢いよく吹き出しているのがよく分かります。
シリーズ完結編の最後を飾るのディスク3は、2日後の「1980年3月15日ロンドン公演」。サポートとは言え、ついに伝統の名会場“ハマースミス・オデオン”のステージを踏んだMAIDENの記録です。こちらは素晴らしいオーディエンス録音で、ディスク2とは比較にならないほど良好。ヴィンテージ感覚に溢れながらも楽音はビビッドで、伝統会場で意気上がる熱演がキッチリ伝わるサウンドで真空パックされています。ライヴの内容も素晴らしく、さすがにデビューアルバムの発売前夜という時期でもあり、演奏もこなれてきている。私たちはシングル「SANCTUARY」B面や「LIVE!! +ONE」でIRON MAIDENの生演奏を初めて知ったわけですが、すでにあの世界が出来上がっており、あの眩しい熱さのまま9曲(約50分)を駆け抜ける……。初めて聴く方でも、猛烈な懐かしさに襲われる1枚です。

このライヴから1ヶ月後、かの大名盤「鋼鉄の処女」が全世界に衝撃を与え、ついに伝説は始まりました。その衝撃デビュー“以前”を全オーディエンス録音のベストバージョンで綴ってきた「THE EARLIEST DAYS」シリーズも今回で終了です。本作のディスク1のように、新たな発掘・確認がなされるまで、「VOL.4」の予定はありません。

Disc 1(44:51)
Live at Music Machine, London, England 30th September 1979

1. Intro. 2. Wrathchild 3. Sanctuary 4. Prowler 5. Remember Tomorrow 6. Running Free
7. Transylvania 8. Invasion 9. Charlotte The Harlot 10. Phantom Of The Opera
11. Iron Maiden

Disc 2(45:11)
Live at De Montford Hall, Leicester, England 13th March 1980

1. Sanctuary 2. Wrathchild 3. Prowler 4. Remember Tomorrow 5. Running Free
6. Transylvania 7. Phantom Of The Opera 8. Iron Maiden 9. Drifter

Disc 3(49:40)
Live at Hammersmith, London, England 15th March 1980

1. Intro. 2. Sanctuary 3. Wrathchild 4. Prowler 5. Remember Tomorrow 6. Running Free
7. Transylvania 8. Phantom Of The Opera 9. Iron Maiden 10. Drifter

Paul Di’anno – Vocal Steve Harris – Bass Dave Murray – Guitar
Tony Parsons – Guitar (on Disc 1) Dennis Stratton – Guitar (on Disc 2-3)
Doug Sampson – Drums (on Disc 1) Clive Burr – Drums (on Disc 2-3)

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