Guns N’ Roses / Robert Johns Home Videos 1989-1991 / 1DVDR

Guns N’ Roses / Robert Johns Home Videos 1989-1991 / 1DVDR / Non Label
Translated Text:
Rehearsal 1989 & Riverport Amphitheatre , Maryland Heights 2nd July 1981. Colour NTSC


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GUNS N ‘ROSES became to the “phenomenon” as the darling of the era. Private shot that reflects its true form is the gift-release decision. This work home video footage of that witnessed the behind-the-scenes of the 1989 – 1991 GUNS N ‘ROSES went repainted the world. Shot of the photographer Robert John. The cameraman is HOLLWOOD ROSE band from the era and Sekiri,: People, which is also known as the author of “GUNS N ‘ROSES THE PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY”. Just members and equivalent, at parties in the relationship who had penetrated deep inside more than that. It the sight he witnessed is jammed with plenty.
The video is, literally of “private-shot”. Original 5 people Jamuru appearance in the studio from landscape to rehearsal seriously, in a tour true face, just killing time, the historic to large riot, or the truth of the figure is even this! It projected a. It is really a variety of video is crowded but, for example, “Leaving Norway”. Although members who visited Norway is is to move is packed in a small car, stupid commotion while playing in the Viking Goods of Norway souvenir while drunk in there. Apparently, it seemed Vikings looked to James Hetfield (but why), I have LOL song Manet’s “Enter Sandman”. When I think so, sail fast in the hotel corridor or dancing Axl Rose of one pants ballet, slash between the stage-setting is on the audience and the stage in the bike (of course fail to get off the ground). Spread the surreal sight of rock star our stage clothes have caught on to the strap of the bus at the airport, knob to … (and the attendant the accelerator is disappearing riding on the conveyor belt to the other side of the rubber of the curtain in the baggage claim issued is). The other, you silly lock kids bare of everyday is projected from the next to the next.
Because personally a relationship photographer, plenty of off-scene. Idi – – Sutoradorin is (fail to get off the ground after all) she and playing on a motorcycle, challenged the accelerator is to buggy or (?). Axel is also the time to visit a military aircraft to interesting likely, aboard together. Of course, there is also a serious scene, compacted in the fractured accelerator cast the foot, and “how much move or …”, you can also sit in the room to make sure the officials (the AC / DC in the explosion in this scene It is over. no way, and sing in 2016 he himself would not have dreamed).
Further decisive of the GUNS N ‘ROSES history of major incident, the scene scene of “St. Louis large riots” of 1991. The beginning of the thing was that I found the audience during a performance, the accelerator had been photographed without permission of “Rocket Queen”. Axel but tells to stop the guards of the site, this security guard because it did not do anything to ignore the accelerator, jumped sharp was the accelerator is the audience (the guards?) Bash. The accelerator was back on stage “useless this! I return’ll” to the security guard I will end the show in Inokoshi with. Audience of was mad at this sudden show the end of the field. It escalated into a mob from large booing, dispatch also riot police. Injured 80 people, arrested 16 people, it would develop into a large riot that becomes the victim $ 1.2 million.
The has been recorded in this work, how this large booing is as developed into a riot. Sense of urgency of the staff of “absorbing it Yabee” in handy-camera video from the stage back are displayed on the ultra-realistic. At first, like a cup in the disappointed-noisy mood it will be thrown into the stage, it is which is the venue sounded a metal destruction sounds, metal chairs and iron pipe, until something like plate fluttering in the air. What is the announcement to be somehow appease, not only in exactly the opposite effect, Irimajiri is roar and scream rip silk, the staff to scramble and try Nigaso members. Furthermore, furious large crowd began climbing the stage, push back with water cannon …… trying to stop it. Among the quarrel of the water discharge vs chair attack continues, even be in danger in the guards, equipment also set will also be forced to leave and left everything but the kitchen sink. Exactly do you call a shambles …, battlefield like. Mood when you leave all at once at the discretion of the “It’s no good” is, to seem of troops to retreat in the war, hold out for the occasion, finally guts that reflects up to the audience to occupy the stage is that of the battlefield photographer.
Camera, but show us also the venue landscape that commotion was human paragraph, siren also at that time Romp in the city, flight sound of helicopters circling overhead. Then, the stage became a pile of rubble, as in front of the eye was attacked even in the tsunami or earthquake is projected. Including the expression of only no staff laugh without power at a loss, I site of the historic major incident unfolds in front of the eye.

Seriously overlaying the rehabilitation appearance, Sebastian Bach and Jamuru figure, laughing while playing figure and the scourge of large riot,. All of which was the identity of the “phenomenon”. Even lock history Standing in rarely seen monsters beside, large masterpiece of private video that happen to be the same room, the same site. Just more than that will fulfill the desire of the fan, one that also is surging to lock itself had “power”. This weekend, we will deliver to you your hand.
時代の寵児として“現象”とまでなったGUNS N’ ROSES。その真の姿を映し出したプライベート・ショットがギフト・リリース決定です。本作はGUNS N’ ROSESが世界を塗り替えていった1989年~1991年の舞台裏に立ち会ったホームビデオの映像集。撮影したのは、カメラマンのロバート・ジョン。このカメラマンはHOLLWOOD ROSE時代からバンドと関り、『GUNS N’ ROSES: THE PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY』の著者としても知られる人物。まさにメンバーと同等、時にそれ以上に内部に深く入り込んでいた関係者中の関係者。その彼が目撃した光景がたっぷりと詰まっているのです。
その映像は、文字通りの“プライベート・ショット”。オリジナルの5人が真剣にリハーサルする風景からスタジオでジャムる様子、ツアー中の素顔、ただの暇つぶし、歴史的な大暴動まで、真実の姿がこれでもか!と映し出されるのです。本当にさまざまな映像がひしめくのですが、例えば「Leaving Norway」。ノルウェイを訪れたメンバーが小さな車に詰め込まれて移動するのですが、そこでは酔っ払いながらノルウェイ土産のバイキング・グッズで遊びながらバカ騒ぎ。どうも、バイキングがジェイムズ・ヘットフィールドに見えたらしく(なぜだ)、「Enter Sandman」の歌マネで大爆笑しているのです。そうかと思うと、ホテルの廊下ではパンツ1枚のアクセル・ローズがバレエを踊っていたり、ステージ・セッティングの合間にスラッシュが客席やステージ上を自転車で快走(当然コケる)。空港ではステージ衣装のロックスターたちがバスのつり革につかまっているシュールな光景が広がり、手荷物受取所ではアクセルがベルトコンベアーに乗ってゴムのカーテンの向こうへ消えていく……(そして係員につまみ出される)。もう、おバカなロックキッズ丸出しの日常が次から次へと映し出されるのです。
さらに決定的なのがGUNS N’ ROSES史の一大事件、1991年の“セントルイス大暴動”の現場シーン。ことの始まりは「Rocket Queen」の演奏中、アクセルが無断で写真撮影していた観客を見つけたことでした。アクセルは現場の警備員に止めさせるよう指示しますが、この警備員はアクセルを無視して何もしなかったため、キレたアクセルが客席に飛び込んで(警備員を?)殴りつける。ステージに戻ったアクセルは警備員に「この役立たず!俺は帰るぞ」と言い残してショウが終わってしまうのです。この突然のショウ終了に怒ったのが現場の観客たち。大ブーイングから暴徒へとエスカレートし、機動隊も出動。負傷者80名、逮捕者16名、120万ドルの被害となる大暴動に発展してしまうのです。


1. Rehearsal 1989 ※スタジオリハ
2. Duff tells a joke ※コメント映像
3. GNR Canada customs ※空港の風景?日付入りホームビデオ91/6/6
4. Axl gets a new toy ※バギーでひっくり返るアクセル
5. GNR Skid Row jamming backstage ※セバスチャンバックとParanoid
6. Leaving Norway ※小さな車の移動、ヘッドフィールドの歌マネ爆笑
7. Axl does ballet on a day off ※ホテルの廊下でパンツ1枚で踊るアクセル
8. Izzy’s R&R ※犬とバイク
9. Izzy & Duff warming up ※ドラムで遊ぶダフ
10. This is how Axl surfs! ※空港の荷物受け取り上で流れていくアクセル
11. Slash brings his bike out on tour ※会場を自転車で走るスラッシュ、コケる
12. Axl in World War II plane ※軍用機を探索するアクセル
13. Axl gets in the ring early ※ギプス、爆音のHighway To Hell、Touch Too Much
14. Going through customs in Sweeden ※空港のバス、ロック衣装でつりかわ
15. The St. Louis riot – Part 1 (Riverport Amphitheatre, Maryland Heights 2nd July 1991) ※大暴動
16. The St. Louis riot – Part 2 and aftermath (Riverport Amphitheatre, Maryland Heights 2nd July 1991) ※大暴動

COLOUR NTSC Approx.74min.


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