Emerson, Lake & Palmer / Detroit 1977 / 2CD

Emerson, Lake & Palmer / Detroit 1977 / 2CD / Virtuoso

Translated Text:
Live at Cobo Arena, Detroit, Michigan, USA 22nd July 1977


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ELP name board revival of! This work, in the audience album that contains the “July 22, 1977 Cobo Arena performances”, is a masterpiece in masterpiece of Kano “JEMS sound source”. This date and in the “JEMS” pin! Those who came with is, come to an avid collector. So, once the sound source was released from Amity label as “DETROIT WORKS”. “DETROIT WORKS” is, was a three epic filled with performances in 6CDR, it is album of the you press of above the highest sound quality and full-length record, “July 22” to re-master among them. even your most your opinion that it “was When the” DETROIT WORKS “by me whole press the”. However, the other two performances of “DETROIT WORKS” is slightly or have difficulty in terms of sound quality, I did not said that while no or …… sorry enough song “It’s perfect!”. And, that you say. So, the street! Press of been this work is proudly “It’s perfect!” And it’s a live album to stand tall with pride !! Honestly, “DETROIT WORKS” The only were six sets of the big game, serving the last three performances eyes become a full stomach before you get to the “July 22”, it seems people there were many that did not listen to concentrate on. The last is what not notice that the best sound, that best performance, it was also a waste source. In that sense, I would like to introduce this work as an independent press work.
And, exceptional fineness of texture of the sound during the preeminent. Also comparable to super masterpiece of Ramp ski collection “LEGACY (Virtuoso 099/100)”, even to thin to “DEFINITIVE WORKS LIVE 1977 (Virtuoso 191-194)” of the sound board (Which also absolute must listen!) Of splendor is. To tell the recording of trio band, ensemble is simple just to clear of the sound, but is not the sharpness of the outline is to match, this work is just 100 points. It is not doing the same year, the same also orchestra played at the venue, but said unless GX-1 resounds to mellow in play near the sound you do not think much of the large venue. Should truly say “JEMS”, … I mean downright frightening.
It it’s is played in beautiful recording, of 1977 having reached the height of mastery ELP. When referred to as “1977”, but is attention orchestra co-star, but the present work is only trio. It is the spree boiled to boil three people stood a large venue orchestra also fits easily into. Rather than its performance force barrel and odd, with a accelerator “Hoedown” tremendous and Gekiso of “Tarkus”! While taking the timing just wink a huge stage, will continue to sprint in a complex song trio. Moreover, despite the likely high-speed touch the Road Traffic Law, wow it because he never disturbed. Keith of judgment of finger, Greg British voice, until the clearance of Carl not roll …… all is everywhere smooth, like Choice of velvety. And, what if there high-quality sound that “JEMS” is proud of, it is not fully enjoy until the granularity of the each note.
Did not challenged in a storm of Raging New Wave, I do not know what is on fire in the ass in the orchestra tour of large deficit, sharpness and high tension, such as cut squarely in social conditions of “prog = dinosaur rock”. Suffering of yesteryear name band we, era that had been vagus, but in the work making was not a some exceptions ELP, once Once on stage, and rip without the slightest shake. For example ballad will or would a never who no three of tension is even this too! And I have been exploding with.
Not only playing, show of flow also really fun. It is originally band to stick to entertainment, but crammed tightly only delicious part to the axis a gem of arrangement of “Tarkus”, “Pictures At An Exhibition”, classic-representative song gorgeous of the lock picture scroll fed out one after another. 70s the first half of the improvisation dancing of course great I, but this show that “toy box turned upside down feeling” continues incessantly also by ish indeed ELP best! Show the last is, 2 volley led to bloom mad “Nutrocker” and “Pirates,” “Fanfare For The Common Man / Rondo”! While new song of four months from the time release, and conclude dramatic saving, to greet the majestic finale ….

’10 To debut at Emerson is “nice thought”, the UK progressive rock was in the entrance of the Passion of age. However, heroes who came running with fire this 10 years, was not put up large crowd with intense passion and even in this era. You studio record over, or on the other side of the chronology, or would have been able to imagine their appearance this about was lively? Right now, super masterpiece of Real audience to tell the three of truth that is going Tasso in extremity of skilled as performer’s. I will send in imposing the press 2CD.


ELPの名盤復活! 本作は、「1977年7月22日コボ・アリーナ公演」を収めたオーディエンス・アルバムで、かの「JEMS音源」の傑作中の傑作です。この日付と「JEMS」でピン!と来られた方は、熱心なコレクターでいらっしゃる。そう、かつてAmityレーベルから「DETROIT WORKS」としてリリースされた音源。「DETROIT WORKS」は、3公演を6CDRに封入した大作でしたが、その中でも最高音質・全長録音の「7月22日」をリマスターして上でプレス化したアルバムなのです。「だったら『DETROIT WORKS』を丸ごとプレスしてくれよ」というご意見もごもっとも。しかし、「DETROIT WORKS」の他2公演は、若干音質面で難があったり、曲足りなかったり……残念ながら「完璧だ!」とは言えなかったのです。と、言うことは。そう、その通り! プレス化された本作は堂々と「完璧だ!」と胸を張れるライヴ・アルバムなのです!! 正直なところ、「DETROIT WORKS」は6枚組の大物だっただけに、最後の3公演目たる「7月22日」にたどり着く前にお腹いっぱいになり、集中して聴けなかった方も多かったようです。その最後こそがベスト・サウンド、ベスト・パフォーマンスということに気づかれず、もったいない音源でもあった。その意味でも、本作を独立のプレス作品としてご紹介したいのです。
そして、そのサウンドのキメの細かさは抜群中の抜群。ランピンスキー・コレクションの超名作「LEGACY(Virtuoso 099/100)」にも匹敵し、サウンドボードの「DEFINITIVE WORKS LIVE 1977(Virtuoso 191-194)」にさえ肉薄する(どっちも絶対必聴!)素晴らしさなのです。トリオバンドの録音というと、アンサンブルがシンプルだけに音のクリアさ、輪郭の鋭さが勝負になるわけですが、本作はまさに100点満点。同年・同会場でオーケストラ共演も行っているわけですが、言われなければそれだけの大会場とは思えない劇近サウンドでGX-1が芳醇に鳴り響く。さすが「JEMS」というべきか、なんとも恐ろしいというか……。
それはそれは美しい録音で奏でられるのは、熟達の極みに達した1977年のELP。「1977年」というと、オーケストラ共演が注目されますが、本作はトリオだけ。オーケストラもスッポリ入る大会場をたった3人で沸かしに沸かしまくるのです。その演奏力たるや半端ではなく、加速装置の付いた「Hoedown」「Tarkus」の凄まじい激走! 巨大なステージを目配せだけでタイミングを取りつつ、複雑な曲で爆走していくトリオ。しかも、道交法に触れそうなハイスピードにもかかわらず、決して乱れないのだから凄い。キースの指さばき、グレッグのブリティッシュ・ヴォイス、カールの隙間ないロール……すべてがどこまでも滑らかで、まるで上等なビロードのよう。そして、「JEMS」が誇る高音質あってこそ、その1音1音のきめ細かさまで存分に味わえるわけです。
演奏だけでなく、ショウの流れも実に楽しい。もともとエンターテインメントにこだわるバンドですが、美味しいパートだけをギュッと詰め込んだ「Tarkus」「Pictures At An Exhibition」の珠玉のアレンジを軸に、名曲・代表曲が次々と繰り出される豪華絢爛のロック絵巻。70年代前半のインプロ乱舞ももちろん素晴らしいのですが、この“オモチャ箱ひっくり返し感”が絶え間なく続くショウも実にELPらしくて最高! ショウのラストは、狂い咲く「Nutrocker」に導かれた「Pirates」と「Fanfare For The Common Man/Rondo」の2連発! 当時リリースから4ヶ月の新曲ながら、ショウをドラマティック締めくくり、堂々のフィナーレを迎える……。

エマーソンが「ナイスの思想」でデビューを飾って10年、英国プログレは受難の時代の入り口にありました。しかし、この10年をひた走ってきた英雄たちは、そんな時代にあっても激烈なパッションで大観衆を沸かしていた。あなたはスタジオ・レコードごしに、あるいは年表の向こう側に、これほど生き生きした彼らの姿を想像できていたでしょうか? 今まさに、実演家として熟練の極みに達そうとしている3人の真実を伝えるリアル・オーディエンスの超傑作。堂々のプレス2CDでお送りします。

Disc 1(67:15)
1. Karn Evil 9 1st Impression Part 2 2. Hoedown 3. Tarkus 4. Take A Pebble
5. Piano Concerto No.1 1st Movement 6. Still…You Turn Me On 7. Knife Edge
8. Pictures At An Exhibition 9. C’est La Vie

Disc 2(48:27)
1. Lucky Man 2. Tank 3. Drum Solo 4. Nutrocker 5. Pirates 6. Fanfare For The Common Man incl. Rondo

Virtuoso 239/240

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