Dream Theater / A Dramatic Event In Nagoya / 2CDR

Dream Theater / A Dramatic Event In Nagoya / 2CDR / Shades

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Live At Aichi Prefeetural Art Theater, Nagoya, Japan 28th April 2012.

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In 2012, “A Dramatic Tour Of Events Japan”, tour the fourth day of April 28, Nagoya complete recording of a high-quality audience recording of the finest level across the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater performances in 2 hours 14 minutes. Previously recorded the first day in Osaka, which was released in by the same taper as “A DRAMATIC PLAY”, the original master sound source. Osaka performances board was also was a great sound, this Nagoya performances, the proximity of the sound, from the lack of muffled, are further recorded in high-quality sound from Osaka performances take, and finished on a single sheet of fan must-have. When listening to the MC or the like, but I know that there is a reasonable distance from the stage, and play begins, only to pop out direct and dynamic sound punchy tremendous, for us to surprise listeners. In the wall of intense sound, I felt a sense of separation of natural sound, a very good sound, such as a sample of the audience recording, fan is not very happy mistake. In particular, it has been recorded in intense sound the drum of Mike Mangini of new subscribers, including the sound of the assembly and intense bass drum of the delicate rhythm, all of which can be seen to take in hand, is a very good recording take. Scale of the sound, placement, orientation of the vocal, how penetration of reed instruments, all of them have become the ideal level balance position, the fan can be in many places of the climax, to experience the great excitement. Set, because it is substantially fixed, song selection, including, but not surprising such a listening station, anyway because the sound that is being recorded is great enough not extraordinary (especially drums), fans are must listen definitely. From complaints to the loud part, all of the parts were captured by the high-quality sound, is the definitive edition of the latest 2012 Nagoya performances live board.

★ is a review summary of beatleg magazine vol.144 (7 May issue 2012). In case you’re wondering.

“A Dramatic Event in Nagoya,” said board was recorded Nagoya performances as its name. Set list is exactly the same as in Osaka. Rather than, the set list was different at this time of 5 times of Japan tour only additional Shibuya AX performances, the other was exactly the same. Speaking further, it was conducted before Japan tour Indonesia, exactly the same in Korea performances. DREAM THEATER, but is to change the set list of the live on a daily basis was also one of the features, this change as soon as Mike Portnoy to think the music has left. Other members must have been greatly more troublesome. Etc. around the time of “Falling into Infinity”, but something that is nothing to the next in live was listening while excited or be played …. By the way, in the Shibuya AX Disc 2②, ③ is “Wait for Sleep? Far from Heaven” (both acoustic version), encore was “As I Am”. However, this also does not mean that special case, it is one of the set that was used in the European tour at the end of last year. And “As I Am” is also the song of Petrucci. Thoroughly, and not to say, it seems to want to eliminate the equivalent Portnoy color.
With regard to sound quality, since the standard level is cleared, it is possible to listen in peace. There is also trouble, such as made no sound on the keyboard Disc 1⑤, but will fully enjoy.

2012年「A Dramatic Tour Of Events Japan」より、ツアー4日目の4月28日、名古屋は愛知県芸術劇場公演を2時間14分に渡って極上レベルの高音質オーディエンス録音で完全収録。先にリリースされた初日大阪公演を収録した「A DRAMATIC PLAY」と同一のテーパーによる、オリジナル・マスター音源。大阪公演盤も素晴らしいサウンドでしたが、この名古屋公演は、音の近さ、篭りの無さから、大阪公演テイクより更に高音質で収録されており、ファン必携の1枚に仕上がっています。MC等を聴くと、ステージからそこそこの距離があることが分かるのですが、演奏が始まると、凄まじいばかりにダイレクトかつパンチの効いたダイナミックな音が飛び出し、聴き手を驚かせてくれます。強烈な音の壁の中に、自然な音の分離感が感じられ、オーディエンス録音の見本のような大変優れたサウンドに、ファンは大満足間違いありません。特に新加入のマイク・マンジーニのドラムが強烈なサウンドで収録されており、細やかなリズムの組み立てや強烈なバスドラの響きも含め、その全てが手に取るように分かる、大変優れた録音テイクです。音のスケール感、配置、ボーカルの定位、リード楽器の突き抜け方、それら全てが理想的なレベル・バランス・ポジションで鳴っており、ファンは各所の盛り上がりで、大いなる感動を体感することができます。セットは、ほぼ固定されているので、選曲も含め、驚くような聴き所はありませんが、とにかく録音されている音が尋常ではない程に素晴らしいので(特にドラム)、ファンは間違いなく必聴です。弱音からラウドパートまで、全てのパートを高品質な音像で捉えた、最新2012年名古屋公演ライブ盤の決定版です。

★beatleg誌 vol.144(2012年7月号)のレビュー要約です。ご参考まで。

『A Dramatic Event in Nagoya』は、その名の通り名古屋公演を収録した盤だ。セットリストは大阪公演と全く同じ。というよりも、今回の5回の来日公演でセットリストが違ったは追加の渋谷AX公演だけで、他は全く同一だった。更にいえば、日本公演前に行われたインドネシア、韓国公演でも全く同じ。DREAM THEATERはライヴのセットリストを毎日のように変更するのが特徴の一つでもあったが、その曲目を考えるMike Portnoyが脱退した途端にこの変化。他のメンバーはよっぽど面倒だったに違いない。『Falling into Infinity』の頃などは、ライヴで次ぎに何が演奏されるかワクワクしながら聴いていたものだが…。ちなみに、渋谷AXではDisc 2②、③が「Wait for Sleep?Far from Heaven」(共にアコースティック・バージョン)、アンコールが「As I Am」であった。しかしこれも特例というわけではなく、昨年末のヨーロッパ・ツアーで使われたセットの一つだ。そして「As I Am」もPetrucciの曲。徹底的に、とは言わないまでも、相当Portnoy色を排除したいように思える。
音質に関しては、標準的なレベルはクリアしているので、安心して聴くことができる。Disc 1⑤でキーボードの音が出なくなるなどのトラブルもあるが、充分に楽しめるだろう。

Disc 1(67:03)
1. Dream Is Collapsing(Hans Zimmer Cover) 2. Bridges In The Sky 3. 6:00
4. Build Me Up, Break Me Down 5. Surrounded 6. The Root Of All Evil 7. Drum Solo
8. A Fortune In Lies 9. Outcry

Disc 2(67:22)
1. MC 2. The Silent Man (Acoustic) 3. Beneath The Surface (Acoustic) 4. On The Backs Of Angels
5. War Inside My Head 6. The Test That Stumped Them All 7. Guitar Solo 8. The Spirit Carries On
9. Breaking All Illusions 10. Pull Me Under

James LaBrie – Vocal John Petrucci – Guitar John Myung – Bass Jordan Rudess – Keyboards
Mike Mangini – Drums, Percussion

Shades 498

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