Deep Purple / Machine Head UK 8 Track Stereo Cartridge / 1CD

Deep Purple / Machine Head UK 8 Track Stereo Cartridge / 1CD / Non label

Translated text:
Taken from the original UK Pueple Records (EMI Records-The Gramophone Company Ltd) 8 track cartridge (8X2-TPSP 7504)

Click Image To Enlarge

Impact of ‘UK 8 TRACK’ which became a historic excavation again, again. Last year, a shock work “MADE IN JAPAN: UK 8 TRACK STEREO CARTRIDGE” which caused the highest peak sound that nobody knew, to have overtaken the long-time “exploration of the best name fame”. Not everyone imagined that the “UK board 8 tiger cartridge” was not only rash, but the sounds that updated the highest peaks there and another mix / take were asleep. It was exactly one piece to be the bone of the blue sky.
However, “MADE IN JAPAN” was not only released in “UK board 8 tigers”. This work is similarly 8 tiger of “MACHINE HEAD” released from “UK PURPLE RECORDS”. It is the studio best masterpiece of that impact work.
8 tiger cartridge which was proudly enclosed in a gold package printed as “The Biggest Sound Around”. I also posted pictures, but this is the actual thing. This work is a single CD that has been precisely CDized from this actual thing. It is the sound that is important, but the contents recorded are different before that. In analog LP and 8 tiger cartridge, the recording format and time are different, and the order of the songs has been greatly changed accordingly. First of all, let’s take a look at the overview.

And this way it is adjusted to fit in the scale of less than 10, and the reality of 1972 is floating in the splendor of dividing “Smoke On The Water” into two. In this work, we recorded a bonus “fixed version” which seamlessly reedited “Smoke On The Water” which was divided at the end, while converting the historical cartridge in-place to CD.
Well, then the main subject. It is essential sound, but this is a completely different thing. There seems to be no mix difference as when “MADE IN JAPAN”, but the feel is different as compared with it. Both the LP and the CD are different from the 8 trapeute unique sounds roaring, delicate to details. And it is wonderful natural sound “ringing” which can not feel the post-processing at all. It is vividly vintage “1972” while it has the luster of feeling, it is freshness that is unusually vivid.
Is it a bass especially shocking? For example, compared to the current 40th anniversary board (of course, the original MIX is) there is no sharpness of digital, but still beautiful baselines are emerging. In the part where “guitar and organ” unisons in “Highway Star”, even the 40th anniversary emphasizes the cord feeling and the contour becomes unclear, but this work knows that the line is clearer even in such a casual part. The attack sounds themselves are produced more gently at the 40th anniversary, and there is not such an intimidation in this work. Nevertheless, this work is brilliant. Of course, this beauty can be said not only in the base, but in all instruments and all parts. Although the rise of the sound is never sharp, it is clearly made, and the ringing is as vivid as to make it feel as far as “vibe”. Nevertheless, it is natural and it is filled with the realism of the sense of touch as well as “MADE IN JAPAN: UK 8 TRACK STEREO CARTRIDGE” ……… exactly. It is “MACHINE HEAD” that I have never heard before.
Not surprisingly, “Biggest Sound Around”, which is not as high as “MADE IN JAPAN” which was up to the mix difference in surprise, is a tremendous shock. The best “MACHINE HEAD” which I have never even known as a core mania until now shows up this week. A century daimyo board that is fascinated with a new look beyond the time of 45 years. Please be present at the time of this excavation by all means.

歴史的大発掘となった「UK 8 TRACK」の衝撃、再び。昨年、誰も知らなかった最高峰サウンドを現出させ、長年の“名盤最高峰の探求”に終始を打ってしまった衝撃作『MADE IN JAPAN: UK 8 TRACK STEREO CARTRIDGE』。“UK盤8トラ・カートリッジ”が激レアなだけでなく、そこに史上最高峰を更新するサウンドや別ミックス・テイクが眠っていたとは、誰も想像すらしていなかった。まさに青天の霹靂となる1枚でした。
しかし、“UK盤8トラ”でリリースされていたのは『MADE IN JAPAN』だけではありません。本作は、同じように“UK PURPLE RECORDS”からリリースされていた『MACHINE HEAD』の8トラ。あの衝撃作のスタジオ最高傑作版なのです。
誇らしげに「The Biggest Sound Around」と印刷されたゴールドのパッケージに封入されていた8トラ・カートリッジ。写真も掲載しておりますが、これがその現物なのです。本作は、この現物から精緻にCD化した1枚です。肝心なのはサウンドですが、それ以前に収録内容も違う。アナログLPと8トラ・カートリッジでは収録形式・時間が異なり、それに合わせて大幅に曲順が入れ替えられています。まずは、その概要を見てみましょう。


Highway Star
Smoke On The Water(Part 1)

Smoke On The Water(conclusion)

Space Truckin’
Pictures Of Home

Maybe I’m A Leo
Never Before

とこのように10弱の尺に入るように調整されており、「Smoke On The Water」を2分割する豪快さにも1972年のリアリティが浮かぶ内容です。本作では、歴史的なカートリッジ現物そのままにCD化しつつ、最後に分割された「Smoke On The Water」をシームレスに再編集した“fixed version”をボーナス収録しました。
さて、それでは本題。肝心要のサウンドですが、これがまったくの別物。『MADE IN JAPAN』の時のようなミックス違いはないようですが、それに匹敵するほど感触が違う。LPともCDとも違う8トラテープ特有の野太いサウンドが轟きつつ、ディテールまで繊細。そして、後出し加工がまったく感じられないナチュラルな“鳴り”が素晴らしいのです。何とも言えずヴィンテージな“1972年”感覚の艶やかさがありながら、異様なほどに鮮やかな鮮度なのです。
特に衝撃的なのは低音でしょうか。例えば、現行40周年盤(もちろん、オリジナルMIXの方です)と比べてみるとデジタルのメリハリはありませんが、それでも美しくベースラインが浮き立っている。「Highway Star」でギターとオルガンがユニゾンするパートなどでは、40周年盤でさえコード感重視で輪郭が不鮮明になりますが、本作はそんなさり気ないパートでもラインがクッキリと分かる。アタック音自体は40周年盤の方がド派手に演出されており、本作にはそんなわざとらしさはない。それにも関わらず、本作の方が鮮やかなのです。もちろん、この美しさはベースだけでなくすべての楽器・すべてのパートで言える。音の立ち上がりは決して鋭くないのにハッキリとしていて、鳴りは“ヴァイヴ”まで感じさせるほどに鮮明。それでいてどこまでも自然で、『MADE IN JAPAN: UK 8 TRACK STEREO CARTRIDGE』と同じく肌触り感覚のリアリズムに満ちている………まさしく。これまでに聞いたこともない『MACHINE HEAD』なのです。
びっくり度ではミックス違いまであった『MADE IN JAPAN』ほどではないにしろ、それでも未知なる「The Biggest Sound Around」は凄まじい衝撃。これまでコアなマニアでも存在すら知らなかった極上の『MACHINE HEAD』が今週、姿を現します。45年の時を超えて新たな表情で魅せる世紀の大名盤。ぜひ、この新発掘の時に立ち会ってください。


1. Highway Star 2. Smoke On The Water (part 1) 3. Smoke On The Water (conclusion)
4. Lazy 5. Space Truckin’ 6. Pictures Of Home 7. Maybe I’m A Leo 8. Never Before

Bonus Track
9. Smoke On The Water (fixed version)

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