Deep Purple / The End – New / 2CD

Deep Purple / The End – New / 2CD / Darker Than Blue

Translated Text:
Live at Koseinenkin Kaikan, Osaka, Japan 29th June 1973


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Phase 2 DEEP PURPLE of glory, lord board of legendary matches and last night “” THE END “” is reprinted in the latest remastered. So, Ian Gillan was muttered as “This is the last night (snip) … the end”, a concert of legendary. Second Japan tour last day is “June 29, 1973 Osaka Welfare Pension Hall”.
Recording of this day is known from the analog era, it has many of its outstanding title is competing for the seat of the large classic over the years. And that put an end to the conflict “” THE END “(DTB 031/032)”. There were drawbacks to the various already issued (pitch deviation or sound out) without any, I was proud of the sound of clear is called up as “like a sound board”. In addition because it was reprinted not even divulge one sound the sound that had been sealed in the master cassette, large cheer to extend to 5 minutes and 40 seconds leading up to the MC of the legend, recording until the show announcement. Exactly it is a no daimyo board nothing more than “decision board”, I think that many people of your memory that it has caused a shock with the appearance.
This work, re-raised the Daimyo board again from the cassette master, which was finished with the latest remastering. The original release board’ve had digitized the natural sound of the cassette as it is, this time I asked for perfection as a “work”. To say and also, we do not do fancy equalizing, etc., such as of course detract from the natural feeling. Although there were powerful in the sound of the cassette master second half live (Disc 2), first half (Disc 1) is a little high fall slightly compared to it, partially rectangular channel was also weaker part. Therefore, it adjusted so as to be evenly felt the whole live, to change the bass and treble in the balance to raise with a jerk. And it was at once listen Toseru as in inferior unexpected force in the second half. If the original “further upgrade! Already issued is not required !!” but is the place to be touted as, I do not say so. Degree of completion as certainly the “live album to enjoy listening”, it continues to maintain but is above those of this work, so the air sucked cassette master himself, which is sealed in the original “” THE END “” to say, to the present day Since the value of the sound is not Yuraga any.
Kanwakyudai. Then live recorded sound with enhanced further perfection is quite Memorial ones. After all, since the person who everyone has been aware of the “This at last”, live music was muffled of that spirit I have full force of Forrest Gump. Defeat play longer than usual in the guitar solo of “Highway Star”, Richie to hear the poetic sentiment full of solo intro of “Smoke On The Water”, and to it respond flexibly Ian Paice, in “Space Truckin ‘”, “Zarathustra is nuclear talks Ki “not only the” Sunshine Of Your Love “riff and” Happy Birthday (birthday of the day Pace) “and so on, Jon Lord to feed the always colorful phrase than ever, the” Space Truckin ‘ Roger Glover to Todorokaseru ferocious bass solo in “. And, it is Guillain say the. It can no longer sing with emotion from the “Smoke On The Water” in the early, or skip the harsh screaming to spit out the jammed voice ………. Here and there, there is also a song guitar solo becomes uncertain, it is by no means a perfect concert, the dreadfulness also danger also, and I too what playing because special overnight.
It is to symbolize the special night, the last of the legendary MC. Or large riot of Budokan that not what has crossed my head, audience seeking an encore even more than 5 minutes in the atmosphere is extraordinary while raising the screaming that is similar to scream. Before such a fan who, alone stand Guillain. Here, he put the feelings of many thoughts, you made a speech that remains in rock history. Here, let’s write the full text.

“All I want to say to …. all of you, is thank you very much, you’ve been great. Thank you for everything you’ve given us in Japan. And thank you, really you’re the representatives of the whole world as far as we’re concerned. Thank you and God bless you for everything you’ve ever given us. Um, this is the last night. The end. God bless’ em. Thanks a lot. Goodnight. ”

“To everyone, want to say thank you to everyone. You guys is the best. I do Japanese fans are grateful for all that was us to us. Really, you guys I’m representative of the world of fan . in all of the memories of the Japanese fans, the blessing of gratitude and God. So, I’m a last tonight. It ”s the end. I really thank you. Goodbye (paraphrasing) ”

Last concert in rock history is in the myriad, there are also many that record. However, many of the person who is not aware of the “last”. You can disagreement after the tour, you can conflict and around the album production, you can got there on accident. Under such circumstances, the performance of this work is full of consciousness of the “Today is the last” definitely. Even if there was no last Guillain of words, I music is telling his feelings eloquently. And that has made the live music, the second phase of DEEP PURPLE was the incarnation and the founder of none other than the royal road hard rock. The enthusiastic performance and farewell to remain in the lock history, live album taken recorded in superb sound. Daimyo recording that must be handed down forever, is the revival of here dignified.

栄光の第2期DEEP PURPLE、最後の夜を収めた伝説の大名盤「”THE END”」が最新リマスターで復刻です。そう、イアン・ギランが「This is the last night(中略)…the end」とつぶやいた、あの伝説のコンサート。2回目のジャパンツアー最終日「1973年6月29日・大阪厚生年金会館」です。
この日の録音はアナログ時代から知られ、長年にわたって数々の既発タイトルが大定番の座を競ってきました。その争いに決着をつけたのが「“THE END”(DTB 031/032)」。さまざまな既発にあった欠点(ピッチが狂いや音切れ)もなく、「まるでサウンドボード」とまで言われるクリアさのサウンドを誇っていました。さらにはマスターカセットに封入されていたサウンドを1音も漏らさず復刻したため、伝説のMCに至るまでの5分40秒にも及ぶ大歓声、終演アナウンスまで収録。まさに“決定盤”以外の何物でもない大名盤であり、登場と共に衝撃を巻き起こしたことをご記憶の方も多いことと思います。
本作は、その大名盤を再びカセットマスターから起こし直し、最新リマスタリングで仕上げたもの。オリジナル・リリース盤はカセットのナチュラルなサウンドをそのままにデジタル化いたしましたが、今回は“作品”としての完成度を求めました。とは言っても、もちろんナチュラル感を損なうような派手なイコライジング等は行っておりません。カセットマスターのサウンドはライヴ後半(Disc 2)には迫力があったものの、前半(Disc 1)はそれに比べるとややハイ落ち気味で、部分的に方チャンネルが弱くなるパートもありました。そこで、ライヴ全体を均一に感じられるように調整し、重低音と高音をグッと引き上げるバランスに変更。後半に劣らぬ迫力で一気に聴き通せるようにしたのです。本来であれば「さらにアップグレード! 既発は不要!!」と喧伝するべきところですが、そうは申しません。たしかに「聴いて楽しむライヴアルバム」としての完成度は、本作の方が上ですが、だからと言ってオリジナル「”THE END”」に封入されたカセットマスター自身が吸い込んだ空気、現代まで保ち続けたサウンドの価値は少しも揺らがないのですから。
閑話休題。そうして一層完成度を高めたサウンドで記録されたライヴは、極めてメモリアルなもの。なにしろ、本人たち全員が「これで最後」を自覚していますから、その気迫のこもった生演奏は一期一会の迫力に満ちているのです。「Highway Star」のギター・ソロでいつもより長く弾き倒し、「Smoke On The Water」のイントロで歌心あふれるソロを聴かせるリッチー、それに柔軟に応えるイアン・ペイス、「Space Truckin’」で「ツァラトゥストラはかく語りき」だけでなく「Sunshine Of Your Love」のリフや「Happy Birthday(この日はペイスの誕生日)」等々、いつにも増して多彩なフレーズを繰り出すジョン・ロード、その「Space Truckin’」で猛烈なベースソロを轟かせるロジャー・グローヴァー。そして、なんと言ってもギランです。序盤の「Smoke On The Water」から感極まって歌えなくなったり、詰まった声を吐き出すように苛烈な絶叫を飛ばしたり………。ところどころ、ギター・ソロがあやふやになってしまう曲もあり、決して完璧なコンサートではありませんが、その凄味も危うさも、あまりにも特別な一夜だからこその演奏なのです。

“All I want to say to…. all of you, is thank you very much, you’ve been great. Thank you for everything you’ve given us in Japan. And thank you, really you’re the representatives of the whole world as far as we’re concerned. Thank you and God bless you for everything you’ve ever given us. Um, this is the last night. The end. God bless ’em. Thanks a lot. Goodnight.”


ロック史にラスト・コンサートは無数にあり、その記録も数多くあります。しかし、その多くは本人たちが「最後」を自覚していない。ツアーの後で仲違いしたり、アルバム制作を巡って対立したり、不慮の事故に遭ってしまったり。そんな中で、本作のパフォーマンスは間違いなく「今日が最後だ」の意識にあふれている。もし最後のギランの言葉がなかったとしても、音楽がその想いを雄弁に語っているのです。そして、その生演奏を行っているのが、他でもない王道ハードロックの創始者にして権化だった第2期DEEP PURPLE。ロック史上に残る熱演と別れを、極上のサウンドで記録しきったライヴアルバム。永遠に語り継がれなければならない大名録音、ここに堂々の復活です。

Disc 1 (41:21)
1. Intro. 2. Highway Star 3. Smoke On The Water 4. Strange Kind Of Woman 5. Child In Time

Disc 2 (45:27)
1. Lazy 2. Drum Solo/The Mule 3. Space Truckin’ 4. Applause
5. Ian Gillan Closing Speech

Ian Gillan – Vocal Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Roger Glover – Bass
Jon Lord – Keyboards Ian Paice – Drums

Darker Than Blue. DTB 201/202

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