Deep Purple / Louder Than Everything 1972 / 2CD + Ticket & Programme Replica

Deep Purple / Louder Than Everything 1972 / 2CD + Ticket & Programme Replica / Darker Than Blue

Translated text:
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 17th August 1972


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Rock history shining brilliantly in the live album of the Daimyo album “LIVE IN JAPAN”. Even in Kano DEEP PURPLE’s first visit to Japan of the ultra-masterpiece produced the 1972, only it was in Tokyo, “August 17, 1972: Nippon Budokan” performance of the live album is the resurrection through the latest remastered.
To begin with, “What is the live album?”. Whether a live music was the theme of “work”, or tell the truth or “record” it is. The answer will of both correct answer. However, “LIVE IN JAPAN” was the ultra-name record as clearly “works”. Overdub you have any been as what not, but the Osaka twice + Tokyo once of 3 to select from performance, masterpiece in the masterpiece raised organize and polish precisely sound. However, on the other hand, I want to soak in “the truth of the record” precisely because it is extreme great performance. Highest peak audience album for it’s the this work. Although it is too late, but let’s look back the “miracle of the three-day” in the first visit to Japan.

– August 15, 1972: Osaka Festival Hall
– August 16, 1972: Osaka Festival Hall
– August 17, 1972: Nippon Budokan [this work]

All more than the first visit to Japan of legend. All three days will be recorded officially, the birth of “LIVE IN JAPAN” is edited from there. It means that changed the history. As its “truth of the record”, 3 performance 6 Disc that covers the audience recording of the large masterpiece “LIVE IN JAPAN COMPELETE (Darker Than Blue 044-049)” is also a well-known, there Nippon Budokan performances have been also recorded year. However, this work is of a subsequently appeared in quite another recording.
The emergence of this new recording was tremendous thing. After all, nearly 40 years from the first visit to Japan, audience recording of Nippon Budokan was not known only one type. Only recordings that have been recorded on the disk 5, and 6 of “LIVE IN JAPAN COMPELETE”. Moreover, the quality I leave one step than the Osaka two shows, we chatter of bass was also a harsh sound. However, suddenly two eyes made in 2011 that after 39 years from the first visit to Japan has been excavated. The sound was awakened from the kind of direct sucked master cassette air Tayutau the historic site, surpassing the already issued lightly, until now clear that comparable to Osaka the first day was the best sound of the Japan Tour. Moreover, Duration also much longer, also had been complete recording to legendary DJ even after the show of the tuning scene beginning. It was large excavation of earth-shattering in all aspects.
The new recording is released as “LOUDER THAN EVERYTHING ELSE (this board and the same title),” sold out in the blink of an eye discontinued. Compete for 1 and 2 also in our shop had become a “recurrence request is live album that does not constantly”. This time, we like that ultra-name board became revived after having been subjected to the most recent re-master. Here, you may want to honestly confess. Upon release this work, we certainly do the latest remastered. However, big is not changed. In our shop, for it is also the time of mastering has been to take care of the sound and the breath of the original recording, the original recording of this work was something stunning that not to tweak. It is not also impossible to finish in a strong force in forcibly to equalizing, but not crushed the subtleties of trivial play, impossible to improve while keeping the natural sound. Compared to listen to concentrate on the headphones, also felt the sound became a little bright, but the extent its fullest. More than that, it did not could be also that defile the master. That said, it does not change the fact that this work is the best ever board. Also in the sense that master the heights, even in the sense that to meet the recurrent request, it became the appearance of the same title, another artwork of press 2CD.
Such this work, just worthy to be called “masterpiece of record”. Even sound surface but is the highest peak that antagonize Osaka first day, also played on that great. But is the first concert in Japan for three days with miraculous great performance, in the last day of this work of, for the first time of tension is loose that Japan, plenty of goodness of the abandon of the last day unique. Official album “LIVE IN JAPAN” is, but I was made from the Nippon Budokan in order to have raked the great performance of each song and the two songs, “The Mule,” “Lazy” only of the recording, the goodness of glue that through the whole show in one ranking, the first I best and that is also said to be “a miracle in the miracle” in Japan.
(Supplemented by a tape change portion is also another record in the “Lazy”, seamless to have complete recording) such a great performance uncut burst through in the “listen” alone, but nice is, this work is “experience it more in amazing because possible “. Japan 3 performance first is for DEEP PURPLE, but the first meeting is for the audience. The impact has also been recorded Katsuaki, cut – immersed in just put yourself on the scene feeling. While it cheers also ultra-realistic to rush to every song, also heard leakage further real intention of the audience from there. For example, tweeted a “Child In Time” after the guitar solo of “Tagi, is the best,” “magnificent”, the drum solo of “The Mule” each other called it such as “huh tuning enhanced”. No way imagine that playing in front of the eyes are to be stored in the ultimate name board shining in rock history Danisezu, just Menkurai to earnestly exciting performance, I downright honest a naked air drifts.
Encore to drown in such a ferocious scene feeling. I hear voices shouting and vividly from the ferocious enthusiasm that whistling and screaming flurry “Fireball!”, Further legendary famous DJ of the comments full inclusion. Even in its outstanding but we listen to “Space Truckin ‘”, “Black Night” after the comments, further “Speed ​​King” is also included to the DJ re-appearance scene after the show in this work. Here in the comments let’s transcript.

● After “Space Truckin ‘”
“Apparently, sleep a grand applause .DEEP PURPLE!”

● After the “Black Night”
“Very much, thank you. Please, a more grand concert .DEEP PURPLE! DEEP PURPLE! It should be noted that the line of DEEP PURPLE from tomorrow, uh, already today, the last of the last of the concert. Tokyo this concert and I decided to, finally Japan and another farewell. Therefore the concert a fantastic tonight, and I continued to play to reluctantly likely, perhaps, should be able to do another one song .DEEP PURPLE! ”

● “Speed ​​King” after the show
“You end the concert of .DEEP PURPLE Thank you for your support of very much very much. Thank you very much!”

This work to end with the audience is blurt out “Assuge” “Oh tired.” Time of legendary shining brilliantly in rock history, this one Tachiaeru to its last moment. Nippon Budokan, which is known as a great performance also the first visit to Japan of the miracle. Document and ultra-name record of album that can be plenty of experience in the sound to update its highest peak. This weekend, is the imposing of reprint.

With a replica of the concert ticket ★. (The ticket May 16 (the fire), scheduled performance date before the postponement is printed.)

★ further with a replica of the 1972 Japan tour of the concert program of all 24 pages. (Special Contribution by the time of the music critic in the brochure “or show any performance deployment! DEEP PURPLE” “” Deep Purple “and watch the America concert,” “Deep Purple miscellaneous thoughts”, “waiting for was” Deep Purple “” and the like have been published. Ending New Rock “impact of the ad,” “now, the impact of the purple explodes in front of the eyes!”, and the like, also attract the eye exciting catch copy seems at that time.)
ロック史に燦然と輝くライヴアルバムの大名盤『LIVE IN JAPAN』。かの超傑作を生み出した1972年のDEEP PURPLE初来日でも、唯一の東京公演だった「1972年8月17日:日本武道館」公演のライヴアルバムが最新リマスターを経て復活です。
そもそも「ライヴアルバムとはなにか?」。生演奏を題材にした“作品”なのか、それとも真実を伝える“記録”なのか。その答えはどちらも正解なのでしょう。ただ、『LIVE IN JAPAN』は、明らかに“作品”としての超名盤でした。オーバーダブこそないとされてはいますが、大阪2回+東京1回の3公演からセレクトし、精緻に音を整理・磨き上げられた名作中の名作。しかし、その一方、極限的な名演であるからこそ“真実の記録”にも浸りたい。そのための最高峰オーディエンス・アルバムが本作なのです。今さらではありますが、初来日の“奇跡の3日間”を振り返ってみましょう。

・1972年8月17日:日本武道館 【本作】

以上が伝説の初来日のすべて。3日間とも公式に録音され、そこから編集されて『LIVE IN JAPAN』が誕生。歴史を変えたわけです。その“真実の記録”として、3公演のオーディエンス録音を網羅した6枚組の大傑作『LIVE IN JAPAN COMPELETE(Darker Than Blue 044-049)』も有名で、そこにも日本武道館公演は収録されていました。しかし、本作はその後に登場したまったくの別録音なのです。
この新録音の登場は凄まじいものでした。なにしろ、初来日から40年近く、日本武道館のオーディエンス録音は1種類しか知られていなかった。『LIVE IN JAPAN COMPELETE』のディスク5・6に収録された録音だけ。しかも、そのクオリティは大阪2公演よりも一歩譲り、低音のビビリも耳障りなサウンドだったのです。ところが、初来日から39年経った2011年になって突如の2本目が発掘された。歴史的現場にたゆたう空気を直接吸い込んだマスター・カセットの現物から起こされたサウンドは、既発を軽々と凌駕し、これまで日本公演の最高峰サウンドだった大阪初日にも匹敵するクリアさ。しかも、収録時間も遥かに長く、冒頭のチューニング・シーンも終演後の伝説的なDJまでもが完全収録されていた。すべての面で驚天動地の大発掘だったのです。
その新録音は『LOUDER THAN EVERYTHING ELSE(本盤と同題)』としてリリースされ、瞬く間に完売・廃盤。当店でも1・2を争う“再発リクエストが絶えないライヴ盤”となっていました。今回、そんな超名盤が最新リマスターを施したうえで復活となったのです。ここで、正直に告白した方が良いでしょう。本作をリリースするにあたり、確かに最新リマスターを行いました。しかし、大きくは変わっていません。当店では、マスタリングの際にも元録音の鳴りや息遣いを大事にしているのですが、本作の元録音は手を加えさせない見事なものだった。無理にイコライジングしてド迫力に仕上げることも不可能ではありませんが、些細な演奏の機微をつぶさず、ナチュラルな鳴りをキープしたままで向上させることは不可能。ヘッドフォンで集中して聴き比べれば、やや鮮やかになったサウンドも感じられますが、その程度が精一杯。それ以上は、マスターを汚すことにもなりかねなかったのです。とは言うものの、本作が史上最高盤であることには変わりない。高みを極める意味でも、再発リクエストにお応えする意味でも、プレス2CDの同タイトル・別アートワークでの登場となりました。
そんな本作は、まさに“記録の最高傑作”と呼ぶに相応しい。サウンド面でも大阪初日と拮抗する最高峰ですが、その上に演奏も素晴らしい。初来日公演は3日間とも奇跡的な名演ですが、最終日の本作では、初めての日本という緊張感がほぐれ、最終日ならではの思い切りの良さもたっぷり。公式盤『LIVE IN JAPAN』は、1曲毎の名演をかき集めたために日本武道館から2曲「The Mule」「Lazy」だけの収録となりましたが、ショウ全体を貫くノリの良さはピカイチで、初来日でもベストとも言われる“奇跡の中の奇跡”なのです。
そんな名演をノーカットの一気貫通(「Lazy」でのテープチェンジ部も別録音で補完し、シームレスに完全収録しています)で“聴ける”だけでも素晴らしいのですが、本作はそれ以上に“体験”できるから凄い。DEEP PURPLEにとっては日本3公演目ですが、観客にとっては初対面。その衝撃も克明に記録されており、まさに現場に身を置く感覚で浸りきれる。1曲ごとに沸き上がる喝采も超リアルですが、さらにそこから観客の本音も漏れ聞こえる。例えば、「Child In Time」のギターソロの後で「ターギ、最高です」「見事」とつぶやかれ、「The Mule」のドラムソロでは「チューニング高めだよね」等と評しあう。まさか目の前の演奏がロック史に輝く究極の名盤に収められるとは想像だにせず、ただひたすらエキサイティングな演奏に面食らい、なんとも素直で丸裸の空気感が漂うのです。
そんな猛烈な現場感に溺れるのががアンコール。口笛と絶叫が飛び交う猛烈な熱狂の中から生々しく「Fireball!」と叫ぶ声も聞こえ、さらに伝説的な有名DJのコメントも完全収録。既発でも「Space Truckin’」「Black Night」後のコメントが聴けましたが、本作ではさらに「Speed King」終演後のDJ再登場シーンまでも収録。ここでそのコメントも書き起こしておきましょう。

●「Space Truckin’」後
「どうも、盛大な拍手をね。DEEP PURPLE!」

●「Black Night」後
「どうも、ありがとうございます。どうぞ、より盛大なコンサートを。DEEP PURPLE! DEEP PURPLE! なお、DEEP PURPLEの一行は明日から、えー、もう今日、一番最後の演奏会。東京のこの演奏会を最後にしまして、いよいよ日本ともうお別れ。従って大変に今晩の演奏会を、名残惜しそうに演奏を続けまして、多分、もう1曲やってくれるはずです。DEEP PURPLE!」

●「Speed King」終演後
「どうも大変なご声援ありがとうございました。DEEP PURPLEの演奏会を終わります。ありがとうございました!」



★更に全24ページの1972年日本ツアーのコンサート・プログラムのレプリカ付き。(パンフレットには当時の音楽評論家による特別寄稿「いかなる演奏展開を見せるか!DEEP PURPLE」「“ディープ・パープル”アメリカコンサートを観戦して」「ディープ・パープル雑感」「待っていた“ディープ・パープル”」等が掲載されています。巻末広告では「衝撃のニュー・ロック」「いま、目の前で炸裂する紫の衝撃!」等、当時らしい刺激的なキャッチコピーも目を惹きます。)


Disc 1 (52:29)
1. Intro. 2. Highway Star 3. Smoke On The Water 4. Child In Time 5. The Mule
6. Strange Kind Of Woman

Disc 2 (52:30)
1. Lazy 2. Space Truckin’ 3. Black Night 4. Speed King 5. Outro.

Ian Gillan – Vocal Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Roger Glover – Bass
Jon Lord – Keyboard Ian Paice – Drums

Darker Than Blue 237/238

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