David Bowie / Triptych Concerts & Tour Rehearsal 1976 / 2CD+1DVD

David Bowie / Triptych Concerts & Tour Rehearsal 1976 / 2CD+1DVD / Helden

Translated Text:
Boston Garden Boston MA USA March 17, 1976 & National Exhibition Centre Vancouver, Canada February 2, 1976. Digitally Remastered


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March 17, 1976 the Boston performances full inclusion in the high-quality sound.
From the Los Angeles performances February 9, 1976 in the bonus track.
DVD was recorded rehearsal in Vancouver February 2, 1976 on a pro-shot video

Bowie 1976 tour is the official name is referred to as “Isolar”. This tour with the album “Station To Station” is divided into two legs of North America and Europe, a total of 64 performances have been performed. Although other was not in place in the region Unfortunately, the time that it can not be said that good to poppy mentally, as a tingling sensation is full of tension that comes through the concert was well-honed, there is also a special tour for the mania. Following the 1978 tour there is also known as also in order to clearly distinguish from that entitled “Isolar II” and “The White Duke Tour,” “The Station To Station Tour”, or “The White Light Tour”.

Bowie costume in this tour is something really stylish and black of the best in the white shirt, to reveal the limb that lank, bewitching atmosphere appearance to sing by pinching with your fingers rather than the microphone with your hands, which was tinged with a dark shadow and brew. The looks specifically at the most beautiful aesthetic of time, this androgynous sex appeal would be what is referred to as Along with the heyday of Julie. In the concert of opening to the eerie beginning the way that such a scene is projected on the stage behind the screen to turn off the famous eye of the movie “Un Chien Andalou” by Salvador Dali. The production of other stage which was side-by-side over and over again a fluorescent lamp, which is also followed in 1978, and the other is quite simple, was the very stage to compete only in playing the song.

Although the set list of the concert was somewhat Kano turnover is not significant change through the tour, it had been nearly unified. So the album “Station To Station” even without the list is very long song, probably did not afford to flow the set list. Begin gravely played a dare distorted sound asked the guitar to the amplifier “Station To Station”, it begins without putting Kanpatsu “Safuragetto City”. MC is almost no, just go been promoted one after another song. Since the album “Station To Station” there is a magnificent image, such as “Safuragetto City” and “Fame”, it is also a performance of the impression and spacious largely in the same way singing songs of non-album songs.

Fourth song is a century masterpieces “Word On A Wing.” And this tour of this song has been played live, are limited, such as Storytellers much later, one of the few valuable live-take. Anyway, splendor of this “Word On A Wing” is beyond description. Although the Bowie of music are often those with such features, “Heroes,” Yea, rather than tracing a fixed melody in the lyrics, there is a basic riff, go Bowie is a freely feeling it in the back masterpieces often the style of music that sing to leave. And its features is that is emitting the effect to the fullest there so “Word On A Wing.” Unfortunately, the studio version that impressive piano not been used in the live, perfection of the song is no match to the studio version, but still melody of beauty, and is transmitted to enough of that charm of the song come. Put to the voice of Bowie, just words is a wonderful live version, such as if the fly in the sky has a feather.

Then in the “Stay” is played, to turn the atmosphere, to the fairly hard to strum the guitar back, Bowie sings sedately at one’s own pace. However, this is but it is also true for other songs as the atmosphere which covers the whole, it is where painfully have heard is a place to feel here and there the effect of the drag. The 1974 Diamond Dog tour was recorded “David Live” is, to back a band that does not say good also to compliment, but Bowie and emptily toward there is painfully how to sing in desperate are recorded Katsuaki , also mental state of Bowie has not been improved in this time, somewhere emptiness a lonely feeling has not been able to dispel.

“Queen Bitch” is an old nostalgic songs, but in keeping arrange much there is no sense of incongruity also been incorporated into the set list. All in that sense that it can be seen that have been replayed as the song of Bowie in 1976. But subsequently from the same “Hankidori” is “Life on Mars” is played, in this tour of the unique arrangement, not being played in full, and has a medley with “five years”. “Panic In Detroit” in between a long drum solo is inserted, indeed 10 minutes close length. Until the first half here. Many long songs, yet “Panic In Detroit” is there in the near 10-minute length, it can be said that this in a rich, fulfilling what you put in the return pleased even enough to finish the concert.

The second half begins with members introduction of the band. Here’s a wonderful Moe point. Bowie comes in the sound of still piano beautiful and Pororon from the middle of the members introduced. And the introduction of each member, the last in the “My Name Is David Bowie … Andisukou, CHANGES!” Drums at the same time and tell the self-introduction and Song Title Dan! When the one-shot, directing that roll into the intro of that song. But this flow is of very great Moe point. After the ponderous “Panic In Detroit”, or it would be what refreshing songs like cool breeze blows. Crisp tone of above all Bowie is surprised to be different from big atmosphere the previous Diamond Dog tour.

This work, from such STATION TO STATION TOUR, are fully recorded in 1976, March 17, high-quality audience recording the Boston performances. Even though the audience recording in a very high sound quality, it would be to say that the sound source to be representative of the tour. As in Los Angeles performances of the later, less because even full inclusion in the high-quality sound, is intended to be positioned as a new classic title that combines sound quality and content.

It should be noted that eight songs from the 1976 February 9, Los Angeles concert as a bonus track has been recorded after the main. Unfortunately, although the loss performance of this day is not left only this eight songs, the sound quality is wonderful no less to the main part of Boston, it is possible to enjoy the highlights of the concert in high-quality sound.

[DVD] This tour but I started from Vancouver February 2, 1976, the final rehearsal is being carried out in the very same day. It may be said Generalprobe, are doing the rehearsal almost put the meaning of a full set of production just like the final confirmation. The state that is completely recorded in professional shot a DVD that corresponds to the disk 3. In full outflow the video, although the poor camera work, valuable tour rehearsal pro shot and voice that has been recorded in the sound board, moreover, which is the final Generalprobe of the day the first day. In this tour of the stage, which did not listen only with only the sound up to now, what has been played on earth in any situation, it is that can see it in the actual video. For example, non-Kyooto in the intro of “Station To Station” of the opening is like have distorted deliberately close the guitar to the amplifier, of the video unique fun can be. No doubt that would stare into beautiful Bowie figure with a slimming. In sometimes smile, sometimes seriously, it is quite impressive that are seriously singing close to the production. Yet one of the features, in the this tour of a fixed set list, had been put in an irregular manner set list “Sister Midnight” has also been played in rehearsal. Probably it was probably determined that premature still maturity of performance at this point is to play in front of the audience on stage low.

Helden latest of label, from the tour due to the 1976 station-to-station, complete recording of a high-quality Boston performances March 17, 1976. In addition to the bonus tracks add recorded eight songs to remain in Los Angeles performances February 9, 1976. Disc 3 is a DVD, pre-production of the rehearsal of the first day of February 2, Vancouver performances, through practice also say that rehearsal is completely reproduce the set list, complete recording of the Generalprobe a professional shot the video and sound board sound source. Even though the 1976 tour of the highest peak has become a set it is not an exaggeration. Permanent preservation firmly press platen of the beautiful picture disc specification.


ボウイ1976年のツアーは正式名称を「Isolar」と言う。アルバム『Station To Station』に伴うこのツアーは北米と欧州の2つのレグに別れ、合計64公演が行なわれた。残念ながらその他の地域では行なわれなかったが、精神的にけして良好とは言えない時期の、研ぎ澄まされたヒリヒリする感覚が伝わってくる緊張感あふれるコンサートとして、マニアにとっては特別なツアーでもある。次の1978年のツアーが「Isolar II」と題されたことから明確に区別するために「The White Duke Tour」や「The Station To Station Tour」、または「The White Light Tour」とも別称がある。


コンサートのセットリストは幾分かの入れ替わりはあったものの、ツアー通して大幅な変更はなく、ほぼ統一されていた。それでなくてもアルバム『Station To Station』は長大な曲が並び、セットリストを流動させる余裕はなかったのだろう。ギターをアンプに寄せて敢えて歪んだ音を奏で重々しく始まる「Station To Station」、間髪入れずに始まる「サフラゲット・シティ」。MCはほとんどなく、曲だけが次々に進められていく。アルバム『Station To Station』が雄大なイメージがあるから、「サフラゲット・シティ」や「フェイム」など、アルバム収録曲以外の曲も同様に大きくゆったりとした印象を受ける演奏であり歌唱である。

4曲目は世紀の名曲「Word On A Wing」である。この曲がライヴ演奏されたのは本ツアーと、かなり後になってStorytellersなど限られており、数少ない貴重なライヴ・テイクである。とにかく、この「Word On A Wing」の素晴らしさは筆舌に尽くしがたい。ボウイの楽曲にはこのような特徴を持つものが多いが、「Heroes」しかり、決まったメロディを歌詞でなぞるのではなく、基本的なリフがあり、それをバックにボウイが自由に感情の赴くままに歌うというスタイルの曲に名曲が多い。そしてその特徴が最大限に効果を発しているのが「Word On A Wing」なのである。残念ながらスタジオ・バージョンのあの印象的なピアノはライヴでは使われておらず、曲の完成度はスタジオ・バージョンにかなわないが、それでもメロディの美しさ、曲の持つ魅力というのは充分に伝わってくる。ボウイの声に乗せて、まさに言葉が羽を持ち空に飛び立つかのような素晴らしいライヴ・バージョンである。

続いて演奏される「Stay」では、雰囲気を一転させ、かなりハードにギターをかきならすバックに対し、ボウイは悠然とマイペースで歌っている。しかし、これは全体を覆う雰囲気として他の曲にも言えることだが、ドラッグの影響をそこかしこに感じさせるところが聴いていて痛々しいところである。1974年のダイアモンド・ドッグ・ツアーを収録した『David Live』は、お世辞にも上手いと言えないバンドをバックに、空虚に向かってボウイが必死で歌う痛々しい様子が克明に記録されているが、この時期においてもボウイの精神状態は改善されておらず、どこか空虚で淋しい感じが払拭できないでいる。

「Queen Bitch」は古い懐かしい曲だが、このセットリストに組み込まれても違和感がないくらいアレンジが溶け込んでいる。そういった意味ではすべてが1976年のボウイの曲として再演されているのがわかる。同じ『ハンキードリー』から続いて「火星の生活」が演奏されるが、このツアー特有のアレンジで、フルに演奏されず、「5年間」とメドレーとなっている。「Panic In Detroit」は合間に長いドラムソロが挿入され、実に10分近い長さ。ここまでが前半になる。長い曲が多く、しかも「Panic In Detroit」が10分近い長さとあって、これでコンサートが終わっても充分に満足して帰路につける濃厚で充実した内容であるといえる。

後半はバンドのメンバー紹介から始まる。ここが素晴らしい萌えポイントなのだ。ボウイがまだメンバー紹介をしている途中からポロロンと美しいピアノの音が入ってくる。各メンバーの紹介をして、最後に「マイ・ネーム・イズ・デイヴィッドボウイ・・・アンディスコゥ、チェンジズ!」と自己紹介と曲名を告げると同時にドラムスがダン!と一発、あの曲のイントロになだれ込むという演出。この流れが非常に素晴らしい萌えポイントなのだ。重々しい「Panic In Detroit」の後に、涼風が吹き込むような何と爽やかな曲であろうか。何よりボウイのすがすがしい口調が前回のダイアモンド・ドッグ・ツアーと大きく雰囲気が異なるのに驚かされる。

本作は、このようなSTATION TO STATION TOURから、1976年3月17日ボストン公演を高音質のオーディエンス録音で完全収録している。オーディエンス録音といっても非常に高音質なもので、ツアーを代表する音源と言ってよいだろう。後述のロサンゼルス公演のように、高音質でも完全収録というのは少なく、音質と内容を兼ね備えた新たな定番タイトルとして位置づけられるものである。


このツアーは1976年2月2日バンクーバーから始まったのだが、そのまさに当日に最終的なリハーサルが行われている。ゲネプロといってもよく、ほぼフルセットを本番さながらに最終確認の意味を込めてリハーサルを行なっている。その様子をプロショットで完全収録しているのがディスク3に相当するDVDである。完全流出映像で、カメラワークに乏しいものの、プロショットかつ音声はサウンドボードで収録されている貴重なツアー・リハーサル、しかも初日当日の最終ゲネプロである。今まで音だけでしか聴けなかったこのツアーのステージで、いったいどのような様子で演奏されていたのか、それを実際の映像で見ることが出来るのである。例えばオープニングの「Station To Station」のイントロにおける不協音はギターをアンプに近付けてわざと歪ませているなど、映像ならではの楽しみが出来る。痩身で美しいボウイの姿に見入ってしまうこと間違いない。時に笑顔で、時にシリアスに、かなり本番に近い真面目に歌っているのが印象的である。さらに特長のひとつとしては、固定されたセットリストのこのツアーにあって、イレギュラー的にセットリストに入れられていた「Sister Midnight」もリハーサルで演奏されている。おそらくこの時点ではまだ演奏の成熟度が低くステージで客席の前で演奏するのは時期尚早と判断したのであろう。



01. Station To Station
02. Suffragette City
03. Fame
04. Word On A Wing
05. Stay
06. Waiting For The Man
07. Queen Bitch
08. Life On Mars?
09. Five Years
10. Panic In Detroit
11. Changes

01. TVC 15
02. Diamond Dog
03. Rebel Rebel
04. The Jean Genie

05. Waiting For The Man
06. Word On A Wing
07. Stay
08. TVC 15
09. Panic In Detroit
10. Fame
11. Changes
12. Diamond Dog

The National Exhibition Centre Vancouver, Canada February 2, 1976

01. Station To Station
02. Suffragette City
03. Waiting For The Man
04. Word On A Wing
05. Stay
06. TVC 15
07. Sister Midnight
08. Life On Mars?
09. Five Years
10. Panic In Detroit
11. Fame
12. Changes
13. The Jean Genie
14. Queen Bitch
15. Rebel Rebel
Helden. DEN-22/23/24

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