David Bowie / Slinky Secrets / 2CD

David Bowie / Slinky Secrets / 2CD/ Wardour
Translated Text:

Elstree Studios, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, UK 8th-11th November 1995 STEREO SBD The 1995 ‘1.Outside’ Tour Rehearsal Tapes (UPGRADE)


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A superb rehearsal album is appearing. What is engraved in this work is the era of “1.OUTSIDE” created with Brian Eno. It is a set of two pieces with the stereo sound board recording of the tour · rehearsal set as the main, and the best live recording on the bonus track.
First of all, we have to introduce rehearsal sound sources of shock than anything else. This recording has recently appeared in the world as an analog board “SLINKY SECRETS”, and made maniacs turbulent. It shook the collector with tremendous high quality sound, but this work is not an analog raising. In our shop, we have been introducing Bowie’s sound board album by top vertex quality board. We have delivered with a quality that surpasses our predecessor, with the power and supervision of the worldwide authority of Bowie research, using the top masters backed by solid selection eyes and huge knowledge. This work is the latest bullet of the series. What a wonderful opportunity, we offered a master who became the grandson of the analog board that surprised the world mania.
That’s why its quality is top. It is not the vertex of this sound source. There are countless soundboard sound sources that are officially / unofficially present, even among all vertices. It is no longer possible to declare it as “official class” lightly. Rather, it is a tremendous quality to be compared with the official studio work.
Music drawn with that quality is also not free things. As for the rehearsal album, the performance itself is often Gudaguda, no matter how good the sound is, and it is not unusual that tour rehearsals are not able to remember the songs in particular. It is natural that you do not have the audience in front and who will not listen to it. However, this work is a little bit different. That has something to do with the time when this work was recorded. Let’s explain from the outline of “OUTSIDE TOUR 1995” here.

· September 1995 – October: North America (27 performances)
“November 8 – 11, 1995: Rehearsal” ← ★ Coco ★
· November – December 1995: UK (16 performances)
· January – February 1996 – Europe # 1 (23 performances)
· June 1996: Japan (7 performances)
· June 1996 – July: Europe # 2 (20 performances)

This is the whole of the world tour. “November 8th – 11th, 1995” in which this work was recorded is a rehearsal prepared in preparation for the coming “UK leg” after the tour has already begun and plenty of “North American legs” have passed. Especially on the first day of the rehearsal “November 8” has appeared in “TOP OF THE POPS”, almost ready. It was a remembrance rehearsal of a band already satisfied enough already. So, its performance is perfect. It is slightly different from the excitement in front of the audience, but the steel wall ensemble boasts a perfection degree that does not leak water. That steel wall performance “just” can be completely immersed in the whole body.
What can be shown with that performance is “live performance version 1.OUTSIDE”. Indeed, of the 17 songs (18 takes) played in this work, about half are “1.OUTSIDE” and 4 songs are also presented from the “Berlin trilogy”. You can taste that unique and unique world. It is a live performance album that does not have rehearsals at all, but it is the words of Bowie that rehearsal comes to the contrary. Between songs (even songs on occasion) skip instructions to the band and be responsible for the field command. That voice is also directly pushed into the brain by a direct sound board. It is an ultra superb album that you can meet not only the performance / singing voice but also the “bowie of the back stage”.

Although it is such a superb rehearsal, it is somewhat shorter than the usual live, about 101 minutes. Still it is enough, but for our customers our authorities also offered a superb bonus track. It is 8 ultra-superb audience recordings of the first day of the North American tour preceding the rehearsal “September 12, 1995 Hartford Performance” and one soundboard “My Death” of “New York York September 18, 1995”.
The former point is NINE INCH NAILS. “OUTSIDE TOUR 1995” is also a topic when NINE INCH NAILS was appointed to the undercard, and the Bowie stage also co – starred with NINE INCH NAILS for the first 5 songs. It was a composition that snow falls to the main part of the Bowie as it is. The Hartford performance of this work contains the first co-performing part. Of course, not only preciousness but also quality is super class. It is a tremendous recording without strangeness even after following the finest stereo sound board.
And the final New York performance is “My Death” played by pianist, Mike Gerson and only two people. This is a genuine official stereo stereo sound board which was also released on official website. Although it was a band performance at the rehearsal, Bowie sings off with a ride on the search of a dignified piano. In this way, you might think that it is “Audience and sound board, etc., a strange mix bonus” by only idiots. However, if you actually hear what this bonus is great for you, you will understand. It directs the moving finale so much.

A rehearsal that you can meet precious and field director Bowie. In addition to the main tone generator that drew it with a super high-grade stereo sound board, the best album with ‘ELSIDE TOUR 1995’ even early highlights arranged for bonuses. It is a masterpiece that condensed the delicious part of “OUTSIDE TOUR 1995” into one piece. One of the rare qualities in the 90’s Bowie. Please, please appreciate plenty.
まずは、何よりも衝撃のリハーサル音源についてご紹介しなければなりません。この録音は近年になってアナログ盤『SLINKY SECRETS』として世に現れ、マニアを騒然とさせたもの。凄まじいまでのハイクオリティ・サウンドでコレクター諸氏を揺さぶったのですが、本作はそのアナログ起こしではありません。当店では、これまでもボウイのサウンドボード・アルバムを頂点クオリティ盤でご紹介して参りました。ボウイ研究の世界的権威に強力と監修を賜り、確かな選択眼と膨大な知識に裏打ちされた頂上マスターを使用し、既発を凌駕するクオリティでお届けしてきました。本作は、そのシリーズの最新弾。なんと、世界のマニアを驚かせたアナログ盤の大元になったマスターをご提供いただいたのです。
そのクオリティで描かれる音楽がまた、タダものではない。リハーサル・アルバムというと、いかに音が良くてもパフォーマンス自体がグダグダなことが多く、特にツアーリハーサルは曲を覚え切れていないことも珍しくない。観客を前にせず、誰に聴かせるわけでもないのですから当然です。しかし、本作はひと味違う。それは、本作が録音された時期にも関係があるのです。ここで“OUTSIDE TOUR 1995”の概要からご説明しましょう。

《1995年11月8日-11日:リハーサル》 ←★ココ★

これがワールドツアーの全容。本作が録音された「1995年11月8日-11日」というのは、すでにツアーが始まって「北米レッグ」をたっぷりと巡った後、来る「UKレッグ」に備えてのリハーサル。特にリハ初日である「11月8日」には“TOP OF THE POPS”にも出演しており、ほぼ準備万端。すでに十分にこなれたバンドの念押しリハだったのです。ですから、そのおパフォーマンスは完璧。さすがに観客を前にしたエキサイトメントとはちょっと違いますが、鉄壁のアンサンブルは水も漏らさぬ完成度を誇っている。その鉄壁演奏“だけ”に全身で浸かりきれるわけです。

そんな極上リハーサルですが、通常ライヴに比べるとやや短く、約101分です。それでも十分なのですが、当店のお客様のため、権威は極上のボーナストラックもご提供くださいました。リハーサルに先立つ北米ツアーの初日「1995年9月12日ハートフォード公演」の超極上オーディエンス録音8曲と、「1995年9月18日ニューヨーク公演」のサウンドボード1曲「My Death」です。
前者のポイントはNINE INCH NAILS。“OUTSIDE TOUR 1995”は、前座にNINE INCH NAILSが起用されたことでも話題になり、ボウイのステージも冒頭5曲はNINE INCH NAILSと共演。そのままボウイの本編へと雪崩れ込む構成でした。本作のハートフォード公演は、その一発目となる共演パートを収録しているわけです。もちろん、貴重度だけでなくクオリティも超一級。極上ステレオサウンドボードに続いても違和感のない凄まじい録音です。
そして、最後のニューヨーク公演はピアニスト、マイク・ガーソンと2人だけで奏でる「My Death」。こちらは公式サイトでも公開された正真正銘オフィシャル級の極上ステレオ・サウンドボード。リハーサルではバンド演奏でしたが、こちらは凛としたピアノの調べに乗せてボウイが切々と歌う。こうして駄文だけでは「オーディエンスやらサウンドボードやら、妙に混ぜたボーナスだな」と思われるかも知れません。しかし、このボーナスが素晴らしいことは、実際に耳にしていただければご理解いただけるでしょう。それほどまでに感動的なフィナーレを演出してくれるのです。

貴重で現場監督でもあるボウイに出逢えるリハーサル。それを超上級ステレオ・サウンドボードで描いたメイン音源に加え、“OUTSIDE TOUR 1995”でも初期のハイライトをボーナスに配した極上盤。“OUTSIDE TOUR 1995”の美味しいところを1本に凝縮した大傑作です。90年代のボウイでも類い希なるクオリティの1本。どうぞ、たっぷりとご賞味ください。

Elstree Studios, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, UK 8th-11th November 1995

Disc 1 (74:34)
1. The Motel 2. Look Back In Anger 3. The Hearts Filthy Lesson 4. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)
5. The Voyeur Of Utter Destruction (As Beauty) 6. I Have Not Been To Oxford Town 7. Outside
8. Andy Warhol 9. The Man Who Sold The World 10. Boys Keep Swinging 11. Strangers When We Meet
12. I’m Deranged 13. Breaking Glass 14. We Prick You

Disc 2 (72:46)
1. Nite Flights 2. My Death 3. DJ #1N4. DJ #2

David Bowie with Nine Inch Nails
Meadows Music Theatre, Hartford, CT. USA 12th September 1995

5. Subterraneans 6. Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) 7. Reptile 8. Hallo Spaceboy
9. Hurt 10. The Voyeur of Utter Destruction (As Beauty) 11. The Hearts Filthy Lesson
12. Breaking Glass

David Bowie with Mike Garson
The Grand Ballroom, Manhattan Center, New York, NY. USA 18th September 1995
Benefit for The Joseph Papp Public Theater

13. My Death



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