David Bowie / Tokyo Dome 1990 / 6CD+ 1Bonus DVDR

David Bowie / Tokyo Dome 1990 / 6CD+ 1Bonus DVDR / Wardour

Translated Text:
Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 15th & 16th May 1990 Plus Bonus DVDR ” Complete Vision In Dome” Stereo SBD


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Bowie history, lined Zurarito the most luxurious Greatest Hits “SOUND + VISION TOUR 1990”. That is Made in Japan the exhaustive luxury press 6 Disc appeared was. Along with the formation of TIN MACHINE, but is a tour that took place in order to seal their own hit songs, the Japan tour was only two performances of “May 15, the 16th Tokyo Dome 1990”. This work is a vertex live set of the Tokyo Dome for two days as possible to draw by the best audience recording and stereo sound board recording of the world’s first appearance “Japan 1990”. So immediately, let’s start the introduction of each disk.

[Disc 1 & 2: Full AUD 15 May] The first appeared, first appearance record that contains the first day at Tokyo Dome. There was also a hot topic, “FIRST NIGHT AT DOME (Uxbridge 092)” in this day in the high-quality sound, but this work is quite another recording. Is a live album of all the world’s first published using the provided original master recordings from the person himself. Moreover, because the recording artist is at that time, the taper of the Takumi that has been touted as Japan’s premier. , Over a period from the late 70s to the ’80s, such as Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck and so on, who have been a myriad of names recorded in mono. The other day of release has been Bowie But “BUDOKAN 1978 (Wardour-177)”, is a taper that show off the tremendous recording technology.
In addition, this recording artist is also strong in the Tokyo Dome. Speaking at the time of the dome, a nefarious sound commonplace, of the order of “should it Kikere” is almost. “2 NIGHTS IN DOME” and so on of the “DOME ON WHEELS” and Mick Jagger of THE ROLLING STONES there in such a, a I virtuoso in virtuoso that has an ultra-high sound quality of unbelievably approximate Tokyo Dome . In fact, this work is also brilliant is clear and direct the musical sound to up to horrible. No, even in the modern advanced further the era, the sound is not early up here. Although extremely sound bad image and say Tokyo Dome, realistic clapping, there is no like Tokyo Dome likeness in addition to vast cheer spread behind. Perhaps I think was recorded in the upcoming PA, but Dokuria a direct feeling of reverberation zero, almost sound board. Although from a tape of the preservation state disk 2 is not without a slight deterioration at the beginning, until now “large masterpiece”, “large classic” has been to leave want the praise of the “FIRST NIGHT AT DOME” also out of the question to have , it is a super-sound standing in dimension that can not be reached to much. There was a lack of about 32 seconds by the tape change in the “Stay”, there is compensated from its outstanding. It has decided to enjoy seamless.

[Disk 3 & 4: Full AUD 16 May] Disk 3, 4 followed by a full recording of the second day with the same record at home. Here also, best of audience sound. When I listen to continue from the disk 1 and 2, such as sparkling, but I feel even audience recording likeness, or probably because it is rather than as the clearing of the fall, is musical tone is Nobutoku recorded. Invariably it sounds great to dive straight without of it being obstructed by the large cheer. “Is in the Tokyo Dome ultra-high-quality sound” is not a. It ignores what venue,’s the outrageous level. This day is a famous professional video shot by a certain public broadcasting stations, but in “Life On Mars?” Tape change part from after the show over the “Blue Jean” (14 seconds), was complemented by the sound board sound. There is only MC part, truly, but you know the difference between realistic cheers of the audience and the sound board, without a sense of discomfort in the thick musical tone. It is about whether the recording of this work is how excellent is relief.
Moreover, a the also happy different full concert from that of the first day. In fact, the first day of the poor condition of Bowie, with no encore concert had ended. In the disk 1 and 2, but also to upset the first time of Bowie there is also tremendous high-quality sound has been in relief, here is the stigma give up enthusiastically. The day before the round up, whether it was for the sake of completeness on this day, there is also broadcast “carry through any time by what!” Is spirit that a terrible gig.

[Disk 5 & 6: Full SBD May 16] Last disk 5, 6 refrain in is the full sound board Album of the second day. As also wrote earlier, but this live was also a television broadcast, it was shortened panel that has been edited to about 90 minutes. This disk 5, 6, unlike it, that was awakened from a broadcast editing before the original master. And say more, is a thing that has been recorded in real time in the midst of live. Because it is real-time recording, a matter of course be cut in the broadcast while the song between the MC and the “Fashion, Stay,” “Station To Station”, “Panic In Detroit” is also full recording to “Pretty Pink Rose”. I perfect live album of the day.
Its master, but has also been loved as a video title “COMPLETE VISION IN DOME”, this time pull the only voice from the original master, has undergone a carefully mastering. Perhaps because of the real-time recording, to organize the bass was too highlighted, optimized for modern audio. Taste of even super beautiful line recorded by speakers in headphones and finished with a balance which can taste plenty. In fact, this live album is exactly official album sensation. A gorgeous set list gorgeous sound color, is it just become “THE BEST LIVE OF BOWIE” 2-Disc.

Bowie concert in Japan in history the most luxurious show of, only slightly twice. The whole picture is a live set that was fully drawn at the best of audience and stereo sound board. Also in quality surface, even in music surface, more luxurious Made in Japan is impossible. “Listen to great music in great sound”, faithful to the large base of this music, yet 6 Disc that has been knitted pulled attention to thorough. Bowie had left in Japan, of light shining music jewelry box. Big one that polished the treasure to the limit, Please enjoy plenty.

ボウイ史上、もっとも豪華なグレイテスト・ヒッツをずらりと並べた“SOUND+VISION TOUR 1990”。そのライヴ・イン・ジャパンを完全網羅した豪華プレス6枚組の登場です。TIN MACHINEの結成に伴い、自らのヒット曲を封印するために行われたツアーですが、その日本公演は「1990年5月15日・16日東京ドーム」の2公演だけでした。本作は、その東京ドーム2日間を世界初登場の極上オーディエンス録音とステレオ・サウンドボード録音によって描ききる“Japan 1990”の頂点ライヴセットです。それでは早速、各ディスクのご紹介を始めましょう。

まず登場するのは、東京ドーム初日を収めた初登場録音。この日には高音質で話題となった「FIRST NIGHT AT DOME(Uxbridge 092)」もありますが、本作はまったくの別録音。録音者本人から提供されたオリジナル・マスターを使用した全世界初公開のライヴアルバムです。しかも、その録音家というのが当時、日本随一と謳われた匠のテーパー。、70年代後半から80年代にかけ、エリック・クラプトンやジェフ・ベック等々など、無数の名録音をモノにしてきた方。先日リリースされたボウイの「BUDOKAN 1978(Wardour-177)」でも、その凄まじい録音技術を見せつけたテーパーです。
しかも、この録音家は東京ドームにも強い。当時のドームと言えば、極悪なサウンドが当たり前で、「聴ければいい」程度のものがほとんど。そんな中にあってTHE ROLLING STONESの「DOME ON WHEELS」やミック・ジャガーの「2 NIGHTS IN DOME」等々、おおよそ東京ドームとは思えないほどの超・高音質を実現してきた名手中の名手なのです。実際、本作も恐ろしいまでにクリア&ダイレクトな楽音が鮮烈。いや、さらに時代の進んだ現代であっても、ここまでのサウンドはそうそうない。東京ドームというと極めて音響の悪いイメージですが、リアルな手拍子、背後に広がる広大な声援以外に東京ドームらしさがまるでない。恐らくはPAの間近で録音されたのだと思いますが、残響ゼロのドクリアなダイレクト感は、ほぼサウンドボード。テープの保存状態からディスク2冒頭にわずかな劣化もなくはないものの、これまで「大傑作」「大定番」の賞賛を欲しいままにしてきた「FIRST NIGHT AT DOME」を持ってしても問題外、遙かに到達し得ない次元に立つスーパー・サウンドです。「Stay」でテープチェンジによる32秒ほどの欠けがありましたが、そこは既発から補填。シームレスでお楽しみいただけるようにいたしました。

続くディスク3・4は、同じ録音家による2日目のフル録音。こちらもまた、極上のオーディエンス・サウンド。キラキラと輝くようなディスク1・2から続けて聴くと、オーディエンス録音らしさも感じますが、それはクリアさが落ちると言うよりは、楽音が野太く録られているからでしょうか。相も変わらず大歓声に邪魔されることのなく真っ直ぐに飛び込む素晴らしいサウンド。「東京ドームにしては超高音質」ではありません。どんな会場かを無視しても、とんでもないレベルなのです。この日は某公共放送局によるプロショット映像が有名ですが、「Life On Mars?」終演後から「Blue Jean」にかけてのテープチェンジ部分(14秒間)では、そのサウンドボード音声で補完しました。MC部分だけあって、さすがにリアルな声援のオーディエンスとサウンドボードとの違いは分かりますが、太い楽音には違和感なし。本作の録音がいかに優れているのかが浮き彫りになるほどです。

最後に控えるディスク5・6は、その2日目のフル・サウンドボード・アルバムです。先ほども書いた通り、このライヴはテレビ放送もされましたが、それは約90分に編集された短縮盤でした。このディスク5・6は、それとは異なり、放送編集前のオリジナル・マスターから起こされたもの。もっと言うと、ライヴの真っ最中にリアルタイムで録画されたものなのです。リアルタイム録画ですから、当然のことながら放送ではカットされた曲間MCや「Fashion、Stay」「Station To Station」「Panic In Detroit」「Pretty Pink Rose」までもフル収録。当日の完璧なライヴアルバムなのです。
そのマスターは映像タイトル「COMPLETE VISION IN DOME」としても愛されてきましたが、今回はそのオリジナル・マスターから音声だけを引き出し、ていねいにマスタリングを施しました。リアルタイム録画のせいか、強調されすぎていた低音を整理し、現代オーディオに最適化。ヘッドフォンでもスピーカーでも超美麗なライン録音の旨みがたっぷりと味わえるバランスに仕上げました。実際、今回のライヴアルバムは、まさにオフィシャル・アルバム感覚。ゴージャスなセットリストをゴージャスなサウンドが彩る、まさに“THE BEST LIVE OF BOWIE”な2枚組になっているのです。


Live at Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 15th May 1990

Disc 1 (57:47)
1. Ode To Joy Intro 2. Space Oddity 3. Changes 4. TVC 15 5. Rebel Rebel 6. Be My Wife
7. Ashes To Ashes 8. Starman 9. Fashion 10. Life On Mars? 11. Blue Jean 12. Let’s Dance
13. Stay 14. Member Introduction 15. China Girl

Disc 2 (38:28)
1. Sound And Vision 2. Ziggy Stardust 3. Station To Station 4. Young Americans 5. Panic In Detroit
6. Suffragette City 7. Fame 8. Heroes

Live at Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 16th May 1990

Disc 3 (57:37)
1. Ode To Joy Intro 2. Space Oddity 3. Changes 4. TVC 15 5. Rebel Rebel 6. Be My Wife
7. Ashes To Ashes 8. Starman 9. Fashion 10. Life On Mars? 11. Blue Jean 12. Let’s Dance
13. Stay 14. Member Introduction 15. China Girl

Disc 4 (61:41)
1. Intro. 2. Sound And Vision 3. Ziggy Stardust 4. Station To Station 5. Young Americans
6. Suffragette City 7. Fame 8. Heroes 9. Panic In Detroit 10. Pretty Pink Rose
11. Modern Love 12. The Jean Genie 13. Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide

Live at Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 16th May 1990

Disc 5 (55:54)
1. Space Oddity 2. Changes 3. TVC 15 4. Rebel Rebel 5. Be My Wife 6. Ashes To Ashes
7. Starman 8. Fashion 9. Life On Mars? 10. Blue Jean 11. Let’s Dance 12. Stay
13. Member Introduction 14. China Girl

Disc 6 (62:39)
1. Sound And Vision 2. Ziggy Stardust 3. Station To Station 4. Young Americans
5. Suffragette City 6. Fame 7. Heroes 8. Panic In Detroit 9. Pretty Pink Rose
10. Modern Love 11. The Jean Genie 12. Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide

David Bowie – vocals, guitar, saxophone Adrian Belew – guitar, backing vocals
Erdal Kizilcay – bass guitar, backing vocals Rick Fox – keyboards, backing vocals
Michael Hodges – drums



David Bowie / Complete Vision In Dome / 1Single DVDR / Non label

Translated Text:

Live at Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 16th May 1990 PRO-SHOT(New Picture Label). Pro-Shot



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Greatest Hits tour at once played the hit song “SOUND + VISION TOUR 1990”. The Tokyo Dome 2 performance was covered in only the finest recording “TOKYO DOME 1990” is a very Bowie unprecedented gorgeous live set. However, if this 6 Disc say whether all of the vertex record, is not the case. Only one remaining vertex record, it is the best of full pro shot.
But was mentioned in the main part of the commentary, this work is the press DVD that contains the pro-shot video of the second day Tokyo Dome, “May 16, 1990”. This live is famous video that was televised in certain public broadcasting, this work is about 90 minutes of difference from the television broadcast, those that live was recorded in real time done have the Tokyo Dome. Soredakeni, five songs that have been cut in the broadcast “Fashion, Stay,” “Station To Station”, “Panic In Detroit” between “Pretty Pink Rose” and songs scene, about two hours and even more was recorded completely to the state of the venue after the show the full-length version of that span. By “Space Oddity” is from before rust at the beginning is the same as the TV broadcast version, later,’s the one who fully enjoyed the concert full length in perfect professional shot without leaking even playful MC.
Its Duration alone is astounding, but even more surprising is quality. Because it is real-time recording in the field, is the image quality and sound quality that exceeds the mere air check. There is also the same angle as the television broadcast, but the editing and camera work, and even more different to the mix of voice. It is astounding professional shot with at all. In fact, the shock at the time of the first appearance terribly, also from the magazine “to be surprised at all, as the image quality Quality think that it is a direct recording from the broadcast for the master,” “video, saying voice with completely Official and firm the contents of the much also not exaggeration, “” not ashamed just to complete the name, “” certainly one that established as a staple in the future “, acclaimed that did his words were received.
In this work, which was further digital mastering the startle master. Screen more contours of a person exhilarating, I more clear voice was finishing the ultimate version shining. This version is had been long received great popularity as a press DVD “COMPLETE VISION IN DOME”, of course it is not going to come out, such as those that exceed the real-time recording in the field, it continues to reign in the highest peak of 1990 I have.
Hit Parade to be displayed in its quality it is, just gorgeous. Greatest hits of each era is popping out from the next to the next, tremendous also playing team in which the Kano Adrian Belew led. Not only skillful, blockbuster concert unfolds not even arrange a blitz the original song. Tokyo Dome, but there were two shows, the first day of the physical condition of Bowie Omowashikunaku, rainy day ends with “Heroes”. On the second day on which there is also a TV recording, spirit of just the day before the stigma give up it comes through relentlessly. Then, Bowie is also that it is no longer subjected to the concert of the stadium scale,’s the one seen plenty in history highest quality the last figure to be filled with the maximum scale venue in hit songs.

As a matter of fact, “COMPLETE VISION IN DOME” is discontinued in one of the very popular. Currently, we do not remain. If the original, but to the bonus a DVDR of the same content’s the Jodo, main press 6CD is too too Ketteiban to do so. Therefore, to the customers of the collection it is the ultimate, this time newly dared to re-press in the DVD of the picture design. It has decided to be a bonus. It finished just of Bowie was fully filled in admirably the Tokyo Dome brave figure, one serving the best version to the full version. By all means, the there is no ultimate experience that more than to forever, please enjoy a press DVD to remain forever.

大ヒット曲を一気に演奏するグレイテストヒッツ・ツアー“SOUND + VISION TOUR 1990”。その東京ドーム2公演を極上録音だけで網羅した「TOKYO DOME 1990」は、まさにボウイ史上空前のゴージャスなライヴセットです。しかし、この6枚組が頂点記録の総てかというと、そうではない。ただ1つ残った頂点記録、それは極上のフルプロショットです。
本編の解説でも触れましたが、本作は東京ドーム2日目「1990年5月16日」のプロショット映像を収めたプレスDVDです。このライヴは某公共放送でもテレビ放送された有名映像ですが、本作は約90分のテレビ放送とは違い、ライヴが行われていた東京ドームでリアルタイムに録画されたもの。それだけに、放送ではカットされた5曲「Fashion、Stay」「Station To Station」「Panic In Detroit」「Pretty Pink Rose」や曲間シーン、さらには終演後の会場の様子まで完全に収録した約2時間に及ぶ全長版。冒頭の「Space Oddity」がサビ前からというのはテレビ放送版と同じですが、それ以降、お茶目なMCさえも漏らすことなくコンサート全編を完璧なプロショットで収めきった1本なのです。
本作では、その驚愕マスターをさらにデジタル・マスタリングしたもの。より人物の輪郭が浮き立つ画面、よりクリアな音声が輝く究極バージョンに仕上げたのです。このバージョンはプレスDVD「COMPLETE VISION IN DOME」として長らく大好評を受けておりましたが、もちろん現場でのリアルタイム録画を超えるものなど出てくるはずがなく、1990年の最高峰に君臨し続けているのです。

実のところ、「COMPLETE VISION IN DOME」は大好評のうちに廃盤。現在は、残っておりません。本来であれば、同内容のDVDRをボーナスにするのが常道なのですが、そうするには本編プレス6CDはあまりにも決定盤すぎる。そこで、お客様のコレクションを究極にして頂くべく、今回は新たにピクチャーデザインのDVDで再プレスを敢行。ボーナスとすることにいたしました。完成したばかりの東京ドームを見事に埋めきったボウイの勇姿、その完全版にして最高版たる1枚。ぜひ、未来永劫に超えるものがない究極体験を、永遠に残るプレスDVDでお楽しみください。

1. Space Oddity 2. Changes 3. TVC 15 4. Rebel Rebel 5. Be My Wife 6. Ashes To Ashes
7. Starman 8. Fashion 9. Life On Mars? 10. Blue Jean 11. Let’s Dance 12. Stay
13. Member Introduction 14. China Girl 15. Sound And Vision 16. Ziggy Stardust
17. Station To Station 18. Young Americans 19. Suffragette City 20. Fame
21. Heroes 22. Panic In Detroit 23. Pretty Pink Rose 24. Modern Love
25. The Jean Genie 26. Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide

David Bowie – Vocals, Sax & Guitar Adrian Belew – Guitar, Vocal Erdel Kizilcay – Bass
Rick Fox – Keyboards Michael Hodges – Drums


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