David Bowie / Rotterdam 1976 / 2CD

David Bowie / Rotterdam 1976 / 2CD / Wardour

Translated Text:
Live At The Ahoy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 13th May 1976 STEREO SBD


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Is the name board “STATION TO STATION” appearance of superb sound board album era. Of this work has been recorded, “May 13, 1976 in Rotterdam (Netherlands) performance.” “ISOLAR 1976 TOUR” until May 18 days from February 2, 1976, but was around the North America and Europe in all 64 performances of three months and a half, if it were contained in this work, the 61 performances eyes falls is a show of late.
“Isolar 1976 Tour” say and Nassau performances from the analog era is the large classic sound board, but this Rotterdam performances also been known for a long time as a fan club for the sound board, it was a popular thing to listen longer than Nassau performances. But is there was also some of its outstanding, recently track a large number of master excavated. Most of the topics already issued in the “Life On Mars?” Has been cut has recorded the “Five Years,” “Panic In Detroit”, is a master of songs other than “Queen Bitch”, which seems to have not been recording listen abroad It has has become.
However, this work is not a copy. Now, what has become a hot topic in the overseas processing sound of How can that has been loudly equalizing, this time, succeeded in obtaining the original source master in its own route. This work,’s the first published is natural sound generous master Quality version for the first time in the world. Bowie researcher who provided the master also “now, has been around for a master’m such things is bad. Actually better sound. It knows I want to,” but had to say that, in fact, the natural sound is really really great . Existing airport of course good freshness to much than the master that is currently topic, clear is also uneven. Muffled feel lost at all, direct sound of the desk direct sound board unique is as sparkling. Because the original master there was a deviation in pitch and stereo feeling I did not go to mean that “absolutely do not put your hands”, paying close attention to the mastering, natural that the original master have sound the was important to finish.
Then the sound of the finished this work, Zhuo direct sound board unique “ear feeling” is more vivid. There was a zero distance sensation from already issued, natural feeling of this work is to jump over to more time in close contact with the Bowie. “Official-class” to be called, but it’s also in the rough mix, vividness of That’s why even in the finest quality, stereo feeling to be flashy to pan to the left and right, no Ttara vividness of Bowie singing voice to be inserted in the ear! To think that it was whispered gently in my ear, passion a lot of screaming coming jump in your head. When introducing the desk direct sound board, but it may be written as “ears as if rammed the plug”, this work is like for myself feeling exerted singing as if it had turned to the microphone.
To be drawn “STATION TO STATION” splendor of the era in its quality. Singing voice of the era that had been longing to Seoul is the best over the whole volume, but especially listen also Nanoha of, it would be “Panic In Detroit” of up to 11 minutes. “ISOLAR 1976 TOUR” improvisation is Eraku thrilling that continues to be the centerpiece of. Even more than the uplifting feeling of intro, sore climax of toward the end from the middle is the best. Bowie finished the tour in 5 days after this gig, moved to Berlin. From September it is not to rush into production of “LOW”, but the scat which can be called “one of the conclusion” that he has reached just before entering the so-called “Berlin era” is bursting at the ear.

There is no “Queen Bitch” what of recording leakage, but one taste with plenty name record “STATION TO STATION” era in desk direct sound board. While yearning to black music, to know their own limits had been pursuing a “black music that can be in their own”, Bowie at the time. And, already finished the Germany tour, the European tour of “Berlin” in the mind might have Tomo’ Saishuban. The singing voice of this era, is a live album that can be closest approach as if it were playing in the brain. Master quality that exceeds all its outstanding, please enjoy all means to fully.


名盤『STATION TO STATION』時代の極上サウンドボード・アルバムの登場です。本作が記録されたのは「1976年5月13日ロッテルダム(オランダ)公演」。“ISOLAR 1976 TOUR”は1976年2月2日から5月18日まで、3ヶ月半の全64公演で北米とヨーロッパを回りましたが、本作に収められているのは、その61公演目にあたる末期のショウです。
“Isolar 1976 Tour”というとアナログ時代からナッソー公演が大定番サウンドボードですが、このロッテルダム公演も以前からファンクラブ向けサウンドボードとして知られ、ナッソー公演よりも長く聴けることで人気でした。それだけにいくつかの既発もありましたが、最近になって曲数の多いマスターが発掘。ほとんどの既発ではカットされてきた「Life On Mars?」「Five Years」「Panic In Detroit」を収録しており、録音されなかったと思われる「Queen Bitch」以外の全曲が聴けるマスターが海外で話題になっているのです。
そうして完成した本作のサウンドは、卓直結サウンドボードならではの“耳元感”が一層鮮やか。既発からしてゼロ距離感覚ではありましたが、本作のナチュラル感はさらに時間まで飛び越えてボウイに密着。「オフィシャル級」と呼ぶには荒っぽいミックスでもあるのですが、だからこその生々しさも極上で、左右へ派手にパンされるステレオ感、耳に流し込まれるボウイの歌声の生々しさったらない! 優しく耳元で囁かれたかと思うと、情熱たっぷりの叫びが頭の中に飛び込んでくる。卓直結サウンドボードを紹介する際、「耳にプラグを突っ込んだかのような」と書くことがありますが、本作はまるで自分自身がマイクになったかのように歌いかけられる感覚なのです。
そのクオリティで描かれる『STATION TO STATION』時代の素晴らしさ。ソウルに憧れていた時代の歌声は全編にわたって最高ですが、特に聴きものなのは、11分に及ぶ「Panic In Detroit」でしょう。“ISOLAR 1976 TOUR”の目玉であり続けたアドリブがえらくスリリング。イントロの躍動感もさることながら、中盤から終盤にかけての盛り上がりっぷりは最高です。このライヴの5日後にツアーを終えたボウイは、ベルリンに移住。9月からは『LOW』の制作に突入するわけですが、いわゆる“ベルリン時代”に入る直前の彼が到達した“ひとつの結論”ともいえるスキャットが耳元で炸裂するのです。

録音漏れの「Queen Bitch」こそありませんが、名盤『STATION TO STATION』時代を卓直結サウンドボードでたっぷりと味わえる1本。黒人音楽に憧れつつ、自身の限界を知って「自分にできる黒人音楽」を追求していた、当時のボウイ。そして、すでにドイツ公演を終え、心の中に“ベルリン”が灯っていたかも知れないヨーロッパツアーの最終盤。そんな時代の歌声に、脳内再生されるかのごとく最接近できるライヴアルバムです。あらゆる既発を超えたマスター・クオリティ、ぜひ存分にご堪能ください。

Disc 1 (55:49)
1. Station To Station 2. Suffragette City 3. Fame 4. Word On A Wing 5. Stay
6. Waiting For The Man 7. Life On Mars? 8. Five Years 9. Panic In Detroit

Disc 2(28:18)
1. Member Introduction 2. Changes 3. TVC 15 4. Diamond Dogs 5. Rebel Rebel
6. The Jean Genie

David Bowie – Vocals Carlos Alomar – Guitar Stacy Heydon – Guitar Dennis Davis – Drums
Tony Kaye – Keyboards George Murray – Bass



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