David Bowie / The 1976 Tour Rehearsal Tape / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR

David Bowie / The 1976 Tour Rehearsal Tape / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR / Wardour

Translated Text:
Pacific National Exhibition Coliseum, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2nd February 1976  plus Bonus DVDR “1976 Tour Rehearsals The Film. SBD(BEST EVER)

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“ISOLAR 1976 TOUR” which announced “STATION TO STATION” and flew to the world as Thin White Duke Hou. The finest sound board album that contained the rehearsal through that appearance is on permanent preservation press 2CD.
It is contained in this work “Vancouver February 2, 1976”. It was also the first day of “ISOLAR 1976 TOUR”, but we conducted a rehearsal through the day for the final confirmation. Soundboard recording that recorded the pattern. It is the highest peak ever in that history.
As a matter of fact, this rehearsal is famous not only for sound but also for being photographed. Thin White Duke Hou’s appearance has become popular for many years as a valuable picture that can be seen in a multi-camera pro shot. This work is also the same soundboard sound as such a standard pro shot, but of course it is not just a sound drop. It is the highest peak master who carefully selected and supervised the global authority of Bowie research aiming at the ultimate form. In our shop, we have introduced various sound board titles with the cooperation of this researcher. “ROTTERDAM 1976 (Wardour-186)”, “MILTON KEYNES BOWL 1990 2ND NIGHT (Wardour-198)”, “LORELEY 1996 (Wardour-195)” including “HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1973 (Wardour-185)” of the Ziggy Stardust era “GLASTONSTONBURY FESTIVAL 2000 (Wardour-184)” “MONTREUX 2002 (Wardour-193)”, and so forth. Both are classic sound boards that leave their name in history, but they are masterpieces that exclude the liver with a high quality sound that exceeds the previous episode. If you listen to even one of them, you may have realized that deep knowledge and a certain eyes of a certain master. This work is also the latest work of such a “supervisor supervisor sound board”.
In fact, that sound is beyond preexisting, it’s wonderful that I have never heard any more. Currently, there are mostly originated from excessively processed “CAPTAIN ACID REMASTER” that is distributed, but the natural sounds quite different from it are beautiful, but the vividness is also great because it is masterful freshness even by excellent masterpieces. The performance and singing voice that grows without distortion or processing seems to shine brightly. Although the highest peak of the Pro shot version is also included in this work, a bonus is also attached, but it is preeminent rumbling with vivid edge and violent sound even compared with it. Ohno is supposed to be the same sound board, but it is a sound that makes you feel the delicacy that will impregnate your heart.
And the singing voice of Thin White Duke Hou drawn with that quality … …. To say the tour rehearsal, the stage is various. Some members who finally learned the songs began to adjust the sounds on a trial basis, but some performances like the actual number pop out. Of course, it is the latter that can be enjoyed as a music work, but this work is a good example. Anyway, this rehearsal is the day of the tour first day. As a result, the ensemble has already been finished as a kitchen and the final confirmation as to whether the details of the show are soaked in the body. As expected there is no enthusiasm for enthusiasts, but that is the masterpiece as a superb live album representing the very earliest of “ISOLAR 1976 TOUR”.
Meanwhile, the rehearsal unique mood spreads. For example, in the first track “Station To Station” it does not fit well with the chorus, the bowie smiles unexpectedly, and from “Five Years” it mistakes over and over again. Furthermore, between songs, we will glimpse the sound check, members and staff and meet the director’s face who gives instructions. It is precious and high quality one piece no matter how you listen.

It is one of the document · album which is a live arubu of Thin White Duke era and can attend to rehearsals that are precious. Despite being a large classic, the masterpiece of the highest sound board of the highest ever that the researcher selected carefully and supervised it with diligence. Please enjoy it with permanent preservation press 2CD altogether.

『STATION TO STATION』を発表し、Thin White Duke侯となって世界に飛び立った“ISOLAR 1976 TOUR”。その通しリハーサルを収めた極上サウンドボード・アルバムが永久保存プレス2CDで登場です。
本作に収められているのは「1976年2月2日バンクーバー」。“ISOLAR 1976 TOUR”の初日でもありましたが、その最終確認のために当日も通しリハーサルを実施。その模様を記録したサウンドボード録音。その史上最高峰盤なのです。
実のところ、このリハーサルは音声だけでなく、撮影されたことでも有名。Thin White Duke侯の姿をマルチカメラのプロショットで観られる貴重映像として長年人気となってきました。本作もそんな定番プロショットと同じサウンドボード音声なのですが、もちろんただの音落としではありません。ボウイ研究の世界的権威が究極形を目指して厳選・監修した最高峰マスターなのです。当店では、これまでもこの研究家の協力を得てさまざまなサウンドボード・タイトルをご紹介してきました。ジギー・スターダスト時代の『HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1973(Wardour-185)』をはじめ、『ROTTERDAM 1976(Wardour-186)』や『MILTON KEYNES BOWL 1990 2ND NIGHT(Wardour-198)』『LORELEY 1996(Wardour-195)』『GLASTONSTONBURY FESTIVAL 2000(Wardour-184)』『MONTREUX 2002(Wardour-193)』等々など。いずれも歴史に名を残す大定番サウンドボードでありながら、既発を超えるハイクオリティ・サウンドでド肝を抜いた名作ばかり。この中の1本でもお聴きになった方なら、その深い知識と確かなマスターの選択眼を実感されたのではないでしょうか。本作は、そんな“研究家監修サウンドボード”の最新作でもあるわけです。
実際、そのサウンドは既発を超えつつ、これ以上を聴いたことがない素晴らしさ。現在、流通しているのは過剰に加工された『CAPTAIN ACID REMASTER』を起源とするものがほとんどですが、それとはまったく異なるナチュラルな鳴りが美しく、それでいて絶品のマスター鮮度だからこその鮮やかさも素晴らしい。歪みも加工もなく伸びる演奏と歌声は、キラキラと輝くようです。本作には、プロショット版の最高峰もボーナス付属いたしますが、そちらと比較しても鮮やかなエッジと抜けの良い鳴りがバツグン。大元は同じサウンドボードのはずなのですが、心に染み渡るような繊細さを感じさせるサウンドなのです。
そして、そのクオリティで描かれるThin White Duke侯の歌声……。ツアーのリハーサルと言うと、その段階はさまざま。曲をやっと覚えたメンバーが試しに音を合わせはじめたものもあれば、本番さながらの演奏が飛び出すものもあります。もちろん、音楽作品として楽しめるのは後者なわけですが、本作はその好例です。なにしろ、このリハーサルはツアー初日の当日。それだけにアンサンブルはすでにキッチリと仕上げられており、ショウの細部が身体に染み込んでいるかの最終確認。さすがに観客の熱狂は存在しませんが、それこそ“ISOLAR 1976 TOUR”の極初期を代表する極上のライヴアルバムとして十二分の名作なのです。
その一方で、リハーサルならではのムードも滲む。例えば、1曲目「Station To Station」では途中でコーラスと上手く合わず、ボウイも思わず笑ってしまいますし、「Five Years」ではミスったところから何度かやり直す。さらに曲間ではサウンドチェックやメンバー、スタッフと打ち合わせをしたり、指示を出す現場監督の顔まで垣間見せる。どのように聴いても貴重でハイクオリティな1枚なのです。

Thin White Duke時代のライヴア・ルバムであり、貴重極まるリハーサルに同席できるドキュメント・アルバムでもある1本。大定番でありながら、研究家が丹精を込めて厳選・監修した史上最高峰のサウンドボード大傑作。永久保存プレス2CDで存分にお楽しみください。


Disc 1(47:41)
1. Station To Station 2. Suffragette City 3. Waiting For The Man 4. Word On A Wing
5. Stay 6. TVC 15 7. Sister Midnight

Disc 2(40:46)
1. Life On Mars? 2. Five Years #1 3. Five Years #2 4. Five Years #3 5. Panic In Detroit
6. Fame 7. Changes 8. The Jean Genie 9. Queen Bitch 10. Rebel Rebel

The Raw Moon Band:
David Bowie: Vocals Carlos Alomar: Rhythm Guitar Dennis Davis: Drums / Percussion
George Muray: Bass Stacey Heydon: Lead Guitar Tony Kaye: Keyboards / Synthesizers




David Bowie / 1976 Tour Rehearsals The Film / 1DVDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at PNE Coliseum, Vancouver, Canada 2nd February 1976 PRO-SHOT

Click Image To Enlarge

Despite being not a show, it is a rehearsal through Vancouver which is also one of the representative sound boards of “ISOLAR 1976 TOUR”. This volume press 2CD is a superb sound board album that updates the highest peak ever. Although I mentioned in commentary of such main part, originally this rehearsal is famous as a pro shot image. So, we also prepared the best version of the video edition as a bonus.
That’s why this work is a master class quality version of a large standard pro shot. It is a classic image that has long been loved as an “ISOLAR 1976 TOUR’s only full pro shot”, and it is one of the highest peaks at that time. As expected it is not compared with the digital image quality of recent years only for film images 40 years ago, but its master freshness is exquisite. No noise or distortion, color keeps natural color, vivid coloring is beautiful. The sound is superior to the many original CDs, although it is not as good as the noisy sound of the main press press 2CD.
And the Bowie world in the “STATION TO STATION” era drawn with its quality is great. After all, this era has little record including audience shots. Even just being able to see the appearance of Thin White Duke at a full scale of one and a half hours is amazing, because it can be watched with a pro shot of a multi camera.
And, despite the rehearsal, the angle captured by the multi camera is wonderful. Besides upgrading the bowie, in solo it makes a big picture of each member kitty and editing is also a splendid one with professional specifications. It probably did not feel like releasing it, but it is surprising that the photographer who was photographed elaborately by rehearsal so far was surprised. Of course, although there is no audience, the bowie floating in the stage lighting sings as well as the actual stage, and the players are full of spirit. While it seems to be a concert video with no audience scenes, you can also witness a realistic arrangement to discuss between songs.

An incandescent rehearsal that gives you a glimpse into the tension and passion of the first day, “Now, to the world tour!” It is a valuable video that not only makes us peek at the “far side” of this press press 2CD but also is a professional shot representing “ISOLAR 1976 TOUR”, direct experience to the back stage. One valuable piece to meet Thin White Duke. Please, please enjoy plenty in conjunction with the press 2CD of the highest peak quality ever in history.

本番のショウではないにも関わらず、“ISOLAR 1976 TOUR”の代表サウンドボードのひとつでもあるバンクーバーの通しリハーサル。本編プレス2CDは、その史上最高峰を更新する極上のサウンドボード・アルバムです。そんな本編の解説でも触れましたが、本来このリハーサルはプロショット映像として有名。そこで、ボーナスとして映像編の最高峰版もご用意いたしました。
というわけで、本作は大定番プロショットのマスタークオリティ・バージョン。古くから“ISOLAR 1976 TOUR唯一のフル・プロショット”として愛されてきた定番映像であり、その現在最高峰となる1枚です。さすがに40年前のフィルム映像だけに近年のデジタル画質とは比較になりませんが、そのマスター鮮度は絶品。ノイズも歪みもなく、カラーも自然な色をキープしており、鮮やかな発色が美しい。音声は本編プレス2CDの突き詰めた美音には及ばないものの、数々の既発CDよりも素晴らしいナチュラル・サウンドです。
そして、そのクオリティで描かれる『STATION TO STATION』時代のボウイ世界こそが素晴らしい。なにしろ、この時代はオーディエンス・ショットも含めてほとんど記録がない。Thin White Dukeの姿を1時間半のフルスケールで見られるだけでも凄いのに、しかもマルチカメラのプロショットで観られるのですから……。

「いざ、ワールドツアーへ!」という初日の緊張感や情熱まで垣間見える白熱のリハーサル。本編プレス2CDの“向こう側”を覗かせてくれるだけでなく、“ISOLAR 1976 TOUR”を代表するプロショットであり、裏舞台までダイレクトに体験できる貴重映像です。Thin White Dukeに出逢える貴重な1枚。どうぞ、史上最高峰クオリティの本編プレス2CDと併せてたっぷりとご堪能ください。

1. Station To Station 2. Suffragette City 3. Waiting For The Man 4. Word On A Wing 5. Stay
6. TVC15 7. Sister Midnight 8. Life On Mars? 9. Five Years #1 10. Five Years #2 11. Five Years #3
12. Panic In Detroit 13. Fame 14. Changes 15. The Jean Genie 16. Queen Bitch 17. Rebel Rebel


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