Chicago / Providence 1975 / 2CDR

Chicago / Providence 1975 / 2CDR / Uxbridge
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Live at Providence Civic Center, Providence, RI. USA 17th August 1975

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In 1975, from the US tour of Chicago who released the eighth album “Chicago VIII”, the Providence performances of August 17 were recorded for about 2 hours with ultra high-quality audience recording. The recording person is Dan Lampinski, a superb live sound source that will make the Chicago fans all over the world recorded with high-quality sound among his recorded take. The first piece is Anyway You Want of blues tone by Peter Cetera in the beginning of a new work, the second piece is Women Do not Want To Love Me by Robert Lamb pen from the previous work “VII”, Terry from the new work again in the third song · Oh from Cath, Thank You Great Spirit and the early stage can enjoy the number that seems to be the 1975 tour. It is a live at the time when it was 8 members and officially welcomed Brazilian Lauder · D · Oliveira as a percussion, and he also listens to percussion play of Lauryl’s Santana River. In the fifth song, James Pankow from the new work delivers a tasty Brand New Love Affair, Parts I & II. In the first half, there are people who are talking around the recorder around the recorder, and there are parts that are frustrated by the poor manners of the audience, but the audience also gradually focuses on listening to the splendid performances full of the band ‘s excitement You can hear from the sound. From there, Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is ?, Just You ‘n’ Me, Call On Me and hit songs are played continuously, making the audience very enthusiastic. The suite Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon played in the midfield directs the show peak (So Much To say, there is a tape change cut at So Much To Give.) The latter half of the show is a series of songs, a final stage, Danny and Laugeille Following the Latin rock style drums & percussion solo by Old Days by James, a hit single from the new album, will be showcased. In addition, the Beatles’ cover Got To Get You Into My Life was played excellently and pounding the audience into the crucible of excitement. The last great circle “25 Or 6 To 4” is a spectacular performance recorded with the best sound and you can fully enjoy the excitement of great excitement. A 2 hour show full of versatile listening is exceptional! Recording is stable all the time, it is only saying that it is swamp stone lump pinning ski recording, contents, sound quality, value, which one is a superlative one piece. The title of the nominated recommendation representative of the tour in 1975 appears. Performance

★ It is a review summary of beatleg magazine vol.126 (January 2011 issue). For your information.

Two pairs that recorded the performance at the Providence Civic Center on August 17, 1975 in Chicago. While recording audiences, it’s a tremendous quality sound that I do not believe was recorded 35 years ago. It is said that it is a recording by the famous taper Dan Lampinski, but as audience recording of this era it can be said that it is a masterpiece fighting one or two. Although there is a reverberation that recalls the Budokan in terms of sound image, the wraparound of the low region is kept to a minimum and the extension of the high region is wonderful. Usually, when there is an obstacle in front of the telecoat, usually it will be muffled, but this work can be heard with a good missing sound with no veil. It is a quality that I can think only by recording a microphone stand at the audience seat. Well, although it is the key performance, Chicago is also the time when we released “Chicago VIII”, and in the history it is the peak of the band. All the albums to be released were first place and the concert was always full. Unlike other bands in Chicago, since the representative songs are not a hit song, the songs from the album will also be played by Jean Jean and playing the ensemble “Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon” dramatically for nearly 13 minutes It smells like the early psychedelic · rock-like atmosphere remnant as Punpun. Chicago is a reward for the interplay which is the most an instrumental band and it makes me forget even that it is quite a vocal song, and because of the addition of percussion of Santana band’s Laudier · d · Oliveira, It has turned into a sound. Anyway, I just gotta sprinkle performance that I just need to put on myself for the performance full of power. Chicago won the first nationwide nationwide in ‘Love Farewell’ the following year, but it is amazing that the veteran who does not feel it at all is terrible and it is also interesting that even that Peter Cetera does not have a turn. Rock fans as well as Chicago fans are full of sounds to listen to. I will not listen to this music without listening to it.

★ It is a masterpiece sound source of Dan · Lampinski recording, which was released in 2010 and has gained popularity from fan · media. Even in the beatleg magazine review, it was written that “I will not be able to talk about music without listening to it!”

1975年、8枚目のアルバム「Chicago VIII」をリリースしたシカゴのUSツアーより、8月17日のプロビデンス公演を約2時間に渡って超高音質オーディエンス録音で完全収録。録音者はダン・ランピンスキーで、彼の録音テイクの中でも特に高音質で収録された、世界中のシカゴ・ファンを狂喜させるであろう絶品のライブ音源です。一曲目は新作の冒頭を飾るピーター・セテラによるブルース調のAnyway You Want、2曲目は前作「VII」よりロバート・ラムのペンによるWomen Don’t Want To Love Me、3曲目には再び新作からテリー・キャスのOh, Thank You Great Spiritと序盤から1975年ツアーらしいナンバーを楽しむことができます。ブラジル人のラウヂール・ヂ・オリヴェイラをパーカッションとして正式にメンバーへ迎え、8人編成となった時期のライブであり、ラウヂールのサンタナばりのパーカッションプレイも耳をひきます。5曲目には新作からのジェイムズ・パンコウによる味わい深いBrand New Love Affair, Parts I & IIを披露。前半、インスト部分でレコーダーの周りで会話したりしている人がいたり、観客のマナーの悪さに辟易する部分もありますが、バンドの放つ熱気溢れる見事な演奏に、観客も次第に集中して聴き入る様子が音から伺うことができます。そこからDoes Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? 、Just You ‘n’ Me、Call On Me とヒット曲を連続演奏し、観客を大いに熱狂させます。中盤で演奏される組曲Ballet For A Girl In Buchannonは堂々とショウピークを演出(So Much To say, So Much To Giveでテープチェンジのカットがあります。)ショウ後半は代表曲連発、終盤、ダニーとラウヂールによるラテンロック風のドラム&パーカッション・ソロに続いては、新作からのヒットシングルであるジェイムズ作のOld Daysが披露されます。更にビートルズのカバーGot To Get You Into My Lifeが豪快に演奏され観客を興奮のるつぼに叩き込みます。ラストの大団円「25 Or 6 To 4」は壮絶な演奏が最高のサウンドで収録されており大盛り上がりの演奏をたっぷりと堪能することができます。多彩な聴き所に満ちた2時間のショウはまさに圧巻!録音は終始安定しており、流石ランピンスキー録音と言うしかない、内容・音質・価値、どれをとっても最上級の一枚。1975年ツアーを代表する大推薦のタイトルが登場です。演奏

★beatleg誌 vol.126(2011年1月号)のレビュー要約です。ご参考まで。

シカゴの1975年8月17日のプロヴィデンス・シヴィック・センターでのパフォーマンスを記録した2枚組。オーディエンス録音ながら、35年も前に録音されたとは思えない驚異的なクォリティの高いサウンドだ。有名なテーパーのダン・ランピンスキーによる録音だということだが、この時代のオーディエンス録音としては一、二を争う傑作だといえるだろう。音像的には武道館を想起させる残響があるが、低域の回り込みは最小限にとどめており、高域の伸びやかさが素晴らしい。通常、テレコの前に遮蔽物があると、たいていはこもってしまうのだが、本作はそのベールが一切ない抜けの良い音で聴くことができる。客席にマイクスタンドを立てて録音したとしか思えないクォリティである。さて、肝心の演奏だが、シカゴはちょうど『シカゴVIII』をリリースした時期でもあり、歴史上はバンドの絶頂期にあたる。出すアルバムは全て1位となり、コンサートは常に満員であった。シカゴの場合は他のバンドと違い、代表曲=ヒット曲という図式ではないので、アルバムからの曲もジャンジャン演奏されるし、組曲「Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon」を堂々と13分近く演奏するなど、初期のサイケデリック・ロック的な雰囲気の名残をプンプンと匂わせている。シカゴはインスト・バンドと言わんばかりのインタープレイの応酬で、すっかりヴォーカル曲だということさえ忘れさせてくれるし、サンタナ・バンド出身のラウヂール・ヂ・オリヴェイラのパーカッションが加わったことで、一気に黒人音楽的なサウンドに様変わりしている。とにかくパワー溢れる演奏にただひたすら身を乗せるしかないパフォーマンスにクラクラしてしまう。シカゴは翌年「愛ある別れ」で初の全米No.1を獲得するのだが、それを全く感じさせないベテランぶりが凄いし、あのピーター・セテラでさえ出番が少ないというのもなんだか面白い。シカゴ・ファンならずともロック・ファンは必ず聴くべきサウンドが満載である。これを聴かずして音楽は語れないだろう。


Disc 1
1. Anyway You Want 2. Women Don’t Want To Love Me 3. Oh, Thank You Great Spirit 4. Poem 58
5. Brand New Love Affair, Parts I & II 6. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?
7. Just You ‘n’ Me 8. Call On Me 9. Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon : – Make Me Smile
– So Much To say, So Much To Give – Anxiety’s Moment – West Virginia Fantasies – Colour My World
– To Be Free – Now More Than Ever

Disc 2
1. Long Time No See 2. Beginnings 3. Never Been In Love Before 4. A Hit By Varese 5. Once Or Twice
6. Saturday In The Park 7. (I’ve Been) Searchin’ So Long 8. Mongonucleosis 9. Drum Solo
10. Old Days 11. Got To Get You Into My Life 12. 25 Or 6 To 4

Peter Cetera – Bass, Vocals Terry Kath – Guitar, Vocals Robert Lamm – Keyboards, Vocals
Lee Loughnane – Trumpet, Vocals James Pankow – Trombone Walter Parazaider – Woodwinds
Danny Seraphine – Drums Laudir de Oliveira – Percussion

Dan Lampinski Masters Collection

Uxbridge 307

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