Caravan / Nine Feet Underground / 1CDR

Caravan / Nine Feet Underground / 1CDR / Windmill

Translated text:
Live at Palais Des Sports, Paris, France 13th December 1976



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Paris performances on 13th December 1976 were recorded as amazing high-quality audiences and recordings then. Only “A Very Smelly Grubby Little Oik” intro part is not recorded yet while the rest is full of perfect ensemble with full sound quality for about 75 minutes in full. Many of dense and too beautiful melody that has been exhaustively calculated floating in jazz chord progression, such as Groove sophisticated pleasant to the ultimate microphone and Richard begins to play, extremely performance that they do not have e no representation only charm is packed with Here. Also play this to the present performances in “Blind Dog At St.Dunstans” period, what Dave Sinclair participated impromptu in three songs, yet original member phase or later, that should was not playing “Nine Feet Underground”! The unique undulation of only this band which can be held for about 20 minutes here, the two keyboard · battle etc are just goose bumps. Here, the figure of the highest peak caravan of Canterbury which the performance content, sound quality, rare degree, all are superb.

1976年12月13日のパリ公演を当時としては驚異的な、ハイクオリティー・オーディエンス・レコーディングにて収録。”A Very Smelly Grubby Little Oik”のみイントロ部分が未収録ながらそれ以外は完璧なアンサンブルを完璧な音質で全編約75分たっぷりと。ジャズ的コード進行に浮遊する計算されつくされた緻密で美しすぎるメロディの数々、マイクとリチャードが弾き出す究極に心地よい洗練されたグルーヴなど、彼らでしか表現なしえない魅力がぎっしり詰まった至極のパフォーマンスがここに。またこの「Blind Dog At St.Dunstans」期における本公演には、なんと 3曲にデイヴ・シンクレアが飛び入り参加、しかもオリジナル・メンバー期以降、未演奏だったはずの”Nine Feet Underground”をプレイ!ここでの約20分に渡り繰り広げられるこのバンドだけが持つ特有のうねりや2人のキーボード・バトルなどはまさに鳥肌もの。演奏内容、音質、レア度、全てが極上のカンタベリーの最高峰キャラバンの姿がここに。

1. Memory Lain, Hugh 2. Headloss 3. Here I Am 4. All The Way 5. Nine Feet Underground 6. A Very Smelly Grubby Little Oik 7. The Love In Your Eye
Pye Hastings – Guitar, Vocals Geoff Richardson – Viola, Flute, Guitar Jan Schelhaas – Keyboards Mike Wedgwood – Bass, Vocals Richard Coughlan – Drums Special Guest : David Sinclair – Keyboards
(Live at Palais Des Sports, Paris, France 13th December 1976 )

Windmill 069

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