Boston / Heaven On Earth In Texas / 2CD

Boston / Heaven On Earth In Texas / 2CD / Zion

Translated Text:
Live at Allen Event Center, Allen, Texas, USA 18th June 2014 .


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The booking a concert more than 60 times to early June to September, currently, of Boston North American tour dared in the latest ultra-high quality sound source appeared in the press CD again. There is also the pleasure of bonus footage was recorded in the highest quality tour the first day of Hollywood performance “HEAVEN ON EARTH IN FLORIDA” and good of its contents, it is not well received, but this film should be called the scale-up version just thing. This volume CD completely record in the best audience recording hit the 10 th concert tour, the performances of Allen Dallas, Texas suburb of June 18. The Hollywood performances Similarly, thick, close, recorded in high-quality sound enhancement. This also uses a master who appeared by way of the net, but compared to the original sound source, I fix sound quality, we have achieved a substantial upgrade. And that would listened in admiration think of “audience recording also … came up here,” and as usual, the best sound quality board of verbatim. The direct sound crisp treble as a symbol of high-quality digital recording in recent years, surprisingly. You can see the part that sound slightly changes in 10 seconds stand 1 minute of Rock & Roll Band in the first song, but there is no drawback to say at all Other than that, you can enjoy the show in the sound of the highest quality . Cheers or suffered in its own way between songs of MC part, etc., it is not to feel the feeling of air in the hall, but surprised as soon as the music started anyway, direct sound is to start out clear and surprisingly will be. (Muffled = is not any) of that in the dry, while here to issue a wall of intense sound, sound is organized tightly enough odd It is really amazing. There are several places also part first half, the sound is subtly (is subtle really) like to change, but that sort of thing is no longer in the middle, and Yuki improved further and go listen to the sound quality to boot, late from midfield, you can use the sound of the highest level of all time, and enjoy the latest live in Boston full of overwhelming sense of scale. Boston Japan tour 35 years is scheduled for October. Feeling that fans got “HEAVEN ON EARTH IN FLORIDA” consider “Nope If there is one piece of the preparation of the concert” is also no not Ka straw, far owned by press CD still amazing recording thing that I want to. The band dynamic sound and attract powerful a great deal of audience in the ensemble of iron-clad and singing voice, outstanding presence of Tommy Dekaro to serve the vocals on behalf of Brad Delp since 2008 and guitar playing, phantasmagoric Tom Schultz , you would be able to enjoy sound ultra-clear as the ultimate not considered any more, all of them. The Doobie Brothers has served as a curtain raiser in Boston this day, I think have been a night unbearable to love 70s. Than ZION label continue to provide high-quality sound of American rock, a new definitive edition of Boston is determined by the limited release press CD.

6月から9月上旬にかけて60回を超えるコンサートをブッキングし、現在、北米ツアー敢行中のボストンの、最新超高音質音源がまたもやプレスCDで登場。ツアー初日ハリウッド公演を極上音質で収録した「HEAVEN ON EARTH IN FLORIDA」はその内容の良さ、そしてボーナス映像の楽しさもあって、好評なわけですが、本作はまさにそのスケールアップ・ヴァージョンと言うべきもの。本編CDはツアー10公演目にあたる、6月18日のテキサス州ダラス郊外のアレン公演を極上オーディエンス録音で完全収録。ハリウッド公演同様に、太く、近く、充実の高音質で収録。こちらもネットを経由して登場したマスターを使用していますが、元音源に比べて、音質は整え、相当なグレードアップを実現しました。例によって「オーディエンス録音もここまで来たか・・・」と感嘆の思いで聴き入ってしまうような、言葉通りの最高音質盤。近年の良質なデジタル録音を象徴するようなトレブルの効いた、驚くほどにダイレクトな音像。一曲目のRock & Roll Bandの1分10秒台で微妙に音が変化するパートが確認できますが、それ以外は全くと言って欠点がない、最高級のサウンドでショウを楽しむことができます。MC部分等の曲間でそれなりに歓声が被ったり、会場の空気感を感じたりするわけですが、とにかく音楽がスタートした途端に、驚くほどにクリアーでダイレクトなサウンドが飛び出してくるのに驚かされます。音が異様なほどにドライで、ここまで強烈な音の壁を発しながら、きっちりと整理されている(=籠りが一切無い)のは本当に凄いです。前半、音が微妙に(本当に微妙ですが)変化するようなパートも数か所ありますが、途中からそういったことはなくなり、おまけに音質は聴き進むと更に向上してゆき、中盤から後半にかけては、空前絶後の最高レベルのサウンドで、圧倒的スケール感に満ち溢れたボストンの最新ライヴを楽しむことができます。10月には35年ぶりの日本ツアーが予定されているボストン。「HEAVEN ON EARTH IN FLORIDA」を手に入れたファンが「コンサートの予習には1枚あればいいや」と思う気持ちもわらかなくもないですが、ここまで凄い録音はやはりプレスCDで所有したくなるもの。トム・シュルツの変幻自在のギタープレイ、そして2008年以来ブラッド・デルプに代わってのボーカルを務めるトミー・デカーロの存在感抜群の歌声、そして鉄壁のアンサンブルで聴衆を大いに魅了するパワフルかつダイナミックなバンドサウンド、その全てを、これ以上は考えられない程の究極のウルトラ・クリアーなサウンドで堪能することができるわけです。この日はドゥービー・ブラザーズがボストンの前座を務めており、70年代好きには堪らない夜だったのではないでしょうか。アメリカン・ロックの良質な音源を提供し続けるZIONレーベルより、ボストンの新たな決定版が限定プレスCDでリリース決定です。

Disc 1 (47:00)
1. Intro 2. Rock & Roll Band 3. Smokin’ 4. Feelin’ Satisfied 5. Last Day Of School 
6. Life, Love & Hope 7. Peace Of Mind 8. It’s Been Such A Long Time 9. Cool The Engines 
10. Surrender To Me 11. Don’t Look Back 12. Something About You 

Disc 2 (59:08)
1. Amanda 2. The Launch 3. More Than A Feeling 4. Guitar Solo 5. A New World 6. To Be A Man
7. Walk On Medley 8. Foreplay / Long Time 9. Band Introductions 10. I Think I Like It 11. Party

Tom Scholz – guitar, bass, keyboards, percussion, backing vocals
Tommy DeCarlo – lead vocals, keyboards, percussion David Victor – guitar, vocals
Gary Pihl – guitar, keyboards, backing vocals Kimberley Dahme – guitar, backing vocals
Tracy Ferrie – bass, backing vocals Jeff Neal – drums, percussion, backing vocals


Zion -049

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