Bob Dylan / The Freewheelin Bob Dylan Radio Station Disc Stereo / 1CDR

Bob Dylan / The Freewheelin Bob Dylan Radio Station Disc Stereo /1CDR / Non Label

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The Freewheelin ‘Bob Dylan” Test pressings and promotional albums for radio station, Columbia CS 8786(Stereo )April 1963.


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THE Freewheelin ‘BOB DYLAN (STEREO) (Special Bonus CDR) – BOB DYLAN Test pressings and Promotional Albums for radio Station, Columbia CS 8786 (stereo) April 1963 stereo panel also exist of course in the early promo “THE FREEWHEELIN ‘of BOB DYLAN” and then, but this has become an ultra-rare item of the highest peak among the items that there is a number of Dylan. This place I tried recording from the promo of the original mania, but (it is promo recovered when you get down to it) the board of condition good about the difference between mono board is not found here since, You can ask the state that has a hard time suppressing THE Freewheelin ‘BOB DYLAN (STEREO) (Special Bonus CDR) – BOB DYLAN Test pressings and Promotional Albums for radio Station, Columbia CS 8786 (stereo) April 1963 stereo panel also exist of course in the early promo “THE FREEWHEELIN ‘of BOB DYLAN” and then, but this has become an ultra-rare item of the highest peak among the items that there is a number of Dylan. This place I tried recording from the promo of the original mania, but (it is promo recovered when you get down to it) the board of condition good about the difference between mono board is not found here since, You can ask the state that has a hard time suppressing the scratch noise. Be able to listen in stereo mix can not be heard only in this promo for sure and “Rocks And Gravel” and “Talking John Birch Paranoid Blues” It’s a attractive, compared with mono because previous equalize feeling not deny (It is not in excess of course) It has become the finish. It from being inferior in front of taste Uomi of mono press only in the 1960s it is also true. and it was with that where it is included as a bonus CD-R for the first release for stereo promo. It is rare to be able to taste the sound source stereo mix of the promo version completely different from the contents again. Do not miss the first release by all means worth! (45:24)

「THE FREEWHEELIN’ BOB DYLAN」の初期プロモにはもちろんステレオ盤も存在しますが、こちらはディランの数あるアイテムの中でも最高峰のウルトラ・レア・アイテムとなっています。こちらもマニアがオリジナルのプロモ盤からの収録を試みたのですが、こちらはモノ盤と違い程度の良いコンディションの盤が見つからなかった(元はと言えば回収されたプロモ盤です)ことから、スクラッチノイズを抑えることに苦労した様子が伺えます。確かにこのプロモ盤でしか聞くことが出来ない「Rocks And Gravel」や「Talking John Birch Paranoid Blues」をステレオ・ミックスで聴くことが出来るのは魅力的なのですが、先の理由からモノと比べてイコライズ感が否めない(もちろん過剰ではないのですが)仕上がりとなってしまいました。それが60年代のモノ・プレスならではのウォーミーな味わいの前では劣ってしまうのも事実です。そこでステレオ・プロモ盤に関しては初回リリースのボーナスCD-Rとして付属させることとなりました。やはり内容がまるで違うプロモ・バージョンのステレオ・ミックスが味わえるレア音源です。初回リリース分を是非ともお見逃しなく!


1. Blowin’ In The Wind 2. Rocks And Gravel (solid road) 3. Let Me Die In My Footsteps 
4. Down The Highway 5. Bob Dylan’s Blues 6. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
7. Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right 8. Rambling, Gambling Willie 9. Oxford Town 
10. Corrina, Corrina 11. Talking John Birch Paranoid Blues 
12. Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance 13. I Shall Be Free 

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