Bob Dylan / Gothenburg 2014 / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR

Bob Dylan / Gothenburg 2014 / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at Tradgardsforeningen, Gothenburg, Sweden 15th July 2014 Plus 1Bonus DVDR ” Gothenburg 2014 The Video” NTSC


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Dylan of this year gave a European tour followed in Japan tour that was extremely well received. Set list live it was a configuration featuring recent works album songs continue of course, but around the world to sudden change to the set list of classic large feature of the past as a suddenly live some were, including festival appearances it has surprised fans. Its deployment was happening in Europe tour last year, but it is what stunned fans also that the number has increased further this year. That the combination of rock-solid, is varied boldly set list at any time has been proven in this summer band and Dylan again.

Such a set list upheaval date, recorded performances of Gothenburg July 15 was one of the live plenty of masterpieces of the past. It’s a sound that has been gaining popularity among fans around the world because of the earlier, contact noise of the microphone is frequent in the right channel side in the first half of the live audience recordings in circulation currently played songs of the past further I have appeared in state of the accident say chat and excitement of the audience is raspy from it. Recording itself the original only boasts clearness and outstanding sound image on a very, can only say sorry state of the sound source.
However, as a result of thorough relaxation of the voice of the audience and remove noise from that classic barrage set after a long time, yet the sound quality itself that best, we are reborn (we’ve also adjusted the volume level) easy to listen at once to the state. Because it was the performance of the topic anyway, it is a point that I would like than to listen to those who Dylan fan you received the original sound source. It has been raised from the beginning or if there may be referred to major of major song in “Do not Think Twice, It’s All Right” of the first half in particular, it is can not be deleted out there (indeed more women are willing to sing in the second half …). I have deleted perfect noise entering several times since then.
Even so, the audience has been raised in that cavalcade of masterpieces. And I sing it’s a number vintage, such as before, but in the affairs songs of recent years, and start talking immediately such as “Cry A While” begins On the other hand, perhaps to around taper “shut up ! figure to note many times and “enough reflected Namidagumashiku. It was a situation that stressful supremely as a side to be recorded will be remembered. But playing itself had continued to be captured on that situation is also happening it was really fortunate.
Not just a barrage of classics anyway, and just interesting playing also be arranged that. It’s very good classic 1960s is of are summarized in a light generally arrange, but listen also boldness of arrangements from the recent works such as “Cry A While” and “Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Dum” does not hold the original form at all do not miss. It is not forbidden to give surprise that the upper atmosphere of the original is completely dispel the latter in particular, it has been played in arrangements surprisingly bright. Yet is (but was no complaint if it is playing “Like A Rolling Stone” in this) lineup of the strongest about not too much to say that the best board like the selection of masterpieces of the 1960s, only it even if the fan it will be satisfactory. But here is the best condition even Dylan, stunning sore singing as usual is handed down to the back of the band playing a rock-solid. Also played song selection also latest Rare LIVE fan best of such a world focused release is determined by the press CD limited.

 しかし久々の名曲連発セット、しかも音質自体は極上ということからノイズの削除と観客の声の緩和を徹底した結果、一気に聴きやすい(音量レベルも調整しています)状態へと生まれ変わっています。とにかく話題の公演でしたので、元の音源を入手されたディラン・ファンの方には聴き比べていただきたいポイントです。特に前半の「Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right」はメジャー・ソング中のメジャーということもあってか最初から盛り上がっており、後半では女性が熱唱してくれるほど(さすがにそこは削除できませんが…)。その後も何度か入るノイズは完璧に削除しています。
 それにしても名曲のオンパレードということで観客は盛り上がっています。先のようなビンテージなナンバーだと歌い出すのですが、一方で近年の曲、例えば「Cry A While」などが始まるとすぐにしゃべり始めるという有様で、恐らくはテーパーが周りに対して「shut up!」と何度も注意する姿は涙ぐましく映るほど。録音する側としてはこの上なくストレスを感じる状況であったことが偲ばれます。しかしそんな状況が起きても演奏自体がオンに捉えられ続けていたのは本当に幸いでした。
 何しろ名曲の連発というだけでなく、そのアレンジがまた面白い演奏ばかり。60年代の名曲は概して軽やかなアレンジにまとめられているのがとても良いのですが、近作からの「Cry A While」や「Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Dum」などがまったく原形を留めないアレンジの大胆さも聞き逃せません。特に後者はオリジナルのアッパーな雰囲気がすっかり払拭され、意外なほど明るいアレンジで演奏されていることに驚きを禁じ得ません。それでいて60年代の名曲のセレクションはまるでベスト盤といっても過言でないほど最強のラインナップ(これで「Like A Rolling Stone」が演奏されれば文句なしでしたが)であり、それだけでもファンであれば満足できることでしょう。しかしここでもディランは絶好調であり、盤石なバンドの演奏をバックに相変わらずの見事な歌いっぷりが伝わってきます。選曲も演奏も最高、そんな世界中のファンが注目した最新レア・ライブが限定のプレスCDにてリリース決定です。

Disc 1(44:28)
1. Intro 2. Watching The River Flow 3. Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right 
4. Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues 5. To Ramona 6. The Levee’s Gonna Break 
7. Shelter From The Storm 8. Cry A While 9. Girl Of The North Country 

Disc 2 (62:29)
1. Summer Days 2. Desolation Row 3. Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Dum 4. Lonesome Day Blues 
5. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall 6. Thunder On The Mountain 7. Ballad Of A Thin Man 
8. All Along The Watchtower 9. Blowin’ In The Wind 

Bob Dylan – Vocal, Piano, Harp Tony Garnier – Bass George Recile – Drums
Stu Kimball – Guitar Charlie Sexton – Guitar
Donnie Herron – Banjo, Violin, Electric Mandolin, Pedal Steel, Lap Steel


Bob Dylan / Gothenburg 2014 The Video / 1DVDR / Non Label

Translated text:
Live at Tradgardsforeningen, Gothenburg, Sweden 15th July 2014


Click Image To Enlarge


Sweden July 15 is recorded in the audience shot video outdoor concert that was held in Gothenburg from 2014 European tour. Included on playing song order a variety of video of the day, which is up to You Tube. Suddenly, Dylan began a ferocious shot ban appeal, or to stand four around his microphone set, you can put a large number of mirror on the stage, Dylan getting off the stage if someone took a picture: “If the European Tour settlement that voice say. it was threatened by “the (7/11 Norway) to come hear. Or because of that, the video of the concert is not up to much You Tube. Fans say also feel intimidated … I think in a lot of is to upload even take a stage artist is annoying so far. (Photography, but has been up well enough and only in Gothenburg) because it is, those that have been recorded here, there is almost no close-up video like no other artist in the most’re taken from a long distance. I can see no stress in its own way still sound so we entered the beautiful. I think that it becomes a valuable video evidence of the actual concert has been carried out in this wind. You can see the figure of Dylan singing and is surrounded by four microphones certainly in Girl Of The North Country is taking from the front. Ballad Of A Thin Man is you can see how the singing from the side and grabbed the microphone leftmost towards (singing in four still is … himself in hard to sing). Although it is the contents of the great difference was recorded is just up the video professional shot-clad, and Hyde Park performances of Neil of simultaneous release, but as a valuable record of the 2014 Gothenburg performances, and please enjoy this This Well I think. Original menu with.

2014年ヨーロッパ・ツアーから7月15日のスウェーデンはヨーテボリで行われた野外ライヴをオーディエンスショット映像で収録。You Tubeにアップされた当日の各種映像を演奏曲順に収録。ヨーロッパ・ツアーで突如、ディランが猛烈な撮影禁止アピールを始め、マイクセットを自分の周りに4本立たせたり、ステージ上に鏡を多数置いたり、「もし誰かが写真を撮ったらステージを降りるとディランに脅された。」(7/11ノルウェイ)と言う声まで聴こえてくる始末。そのせいか、You Tubeにもコンサートの映像があまり上がっていません。ここまでアーチストが煩いとステージを撮ってもアップロードするのが気が引ける・・・と言うファンも多いのではないでしょうか。(ヨーテボリに限っては写真は結構アップされていますが)ですので、ここに収録されているものも、遠目から撮っているのが殆どで他アーチストのようなクローズアップ映像は殆どありません。それでも音声は綺麗に入っていますのでそれなりにストレスなく見れます。実際のコンサートがこんな風に行われていた貴重な映像証拠になると思います。正面から撮ってるGirl Of The North Countryでは確かに4本のマイクに囲まれて歌ってるディランの姿を確認できます。Ballad Of A Thin Man は向かって一番左のマイクを掴んで横から歌ってる様子が見れます(やはり4本の中で歌うのは本人も歌いにくいのでは・・・)。プロショット張りのアップ映像ばかりが収録された、同時リリースのニールのハイドパーク公演とはえらい違いの内容ではありますが、まぁこれはこれで2014年ヨーテボリ公演の貴重な記録として、お楽しみ頂きたいと思います。オリジナル・メニュー付き。

1. Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right2. Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues 3. To Ramona 
4. Shelter From The Storm 5. Girl Of The North Country 6. Desolation Row 
7. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall 8. Ballad Of A Thin Man 9. All Along The Watchtower 

Bob Dylan – Vocal, Piano, Harp Tony Garnier – Bass George Recile – Drums
Stu Kimball – Guitar Charlie Sexton – Guitar
Donnie Herron – Banjo, Violin, Electric Mandolin, Pedal Steel, Lap Steel

COLOUR NTSC Approx. 46min.

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