Black Sabbath / Reunion In Seattle / 2DVDR

Black Sabbath / Reunion In Seattle / 2DVDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at Key Arena, Seattle, WA. USA 12th January 1999 . NTSC



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Decisive Video Footage than 1999 American tour of Reunion BLACK SABBATH that Ozzy Osbourne has returned an emergency stock from overseas! Phenomenal high-quality items that were taking advantage of the DVD2 Disc of large capacity, the release decision in the rainy day gift title! Tour the first half of the Seattle, Washington “Key Arena” this work was edited and re-configure multiple excellent audience shot that was recorded in concert, it will be a must-have must-see one for all of SABBATH fans!

In 1997 OZZFEST tour By realized the confluence of Tony Iommi and Ozzy, BLACK SABBATH will start moving to the reunion in a finally perfect the original lineup. Iommi in the UK of Birmingham in December of the same year, Ozzie, brings together four people of Geezer Butler and Bill Ward, the pattern of the live has been announced as the official work “REUNION”. In Europe tour that took place in 1998, although Bill Ward was not able to participate in causing the sudden poor physical condition, re-gathered original 4 people in the booking has been US tour from ’98 the end of the year through 1999 . From New Year’s Eve live in Phoenix, Arizona in 1998 December 31, 2008 (this pattern can be enjoyed at the “TOWARDS THE END OF CENTURY” of Shades label), we started the American tour by the true BLACK SABBATH. Seattle performance hit in the 7 performances eyes in this work, you can enjoy in a skillfully edited special video from multiple audiences shot.
This item as you can see also look at the track, made up by two of the DVD yet live video of 88 minutes. I place that is easily accommodated to DVD1 sheets would otherwise, a great image quality this video is that such delicate reproducibility to the resolution of the screen as well as excellent color development, superior to the video material known in the prior art in many respects I’m waiting. Be fit to DVD1 sheets is easy, but Now it will also be compressed this excellent video. This time does not dare compression order to enjoy as it is an excellent image of the original master to fans, has decided a special release of the two sets that can be directly recorded huge amount of data!

The video is mainly left to the stage hand side, it is captured to bird’s-eye view of the stage from the second floor seat of Giza closer, chasing Ozzy to move around to the right of the stage to the left, the figure of Iommi Weaving good a Hevirifu in dignity plenty to Katsuaki you have. Live “War Pigs” intro part immediately after the curtain what the camera is there is a slightly unstable, but the calm is the video from around the sing is Ozzy, you will enjoy the live with a sense of stability screen. Master Quality the screen that does not in any care, such as bleeding is natural color. Player of the contour also a very sharp, its clear of is definitely pro-shot class. The plurality of images are cross-fade to the natural, it does not feel at all uncomfortable feeling even when the screen is switched. So also are synchro to Burezu to screen sound, the fan should Hairikomeru to play not remember anything of stress (this is the hand to make a Will It is also great that you know your SABBATH live).
This work is amazing also the video, but the audio is more amazing. Performance of great power that has been housed in the amount of data or more CD tells to fan the heavy playing of the original SABBATH to direct. In the playback environment with excellent sound of this work, if the output from the speakers, you’ll immediately be climax of the live venue to knock out a hand to listen shook Bing the air! Base notes are also perfect score volume emitted from the Giza in “N.I.B.”. Guitar riffs and jazzy phrase of Iommi is, “Fairies Wear Boots” as to swing along with the unique drumming of Bill Ward also, let plenty of taste to those who see the unique glue. In pierce such a direct feeling a lot, you say that’s a big interest in live. In addition, this day Ozzy be the best condition, it is also happy to be able to observe he seems high tension performance carefully. Appearance to jump up and down on stage is also energetic, but the singing voice also’re out pretty well pleased, and let me hear the vocals, such as listen to the official work, even “After Forever” and “Into The Void”.
The beginning of the disk 2 “Snowblind” and “Dirty Women” is also not to be missed. Ozzy of magical song, such as deceive the hand to listen to the former, such as the latter also leading to the solo career of the ’80s, the number of classic revived in modern sound, and the originality that was extraordinary even heard in the sense of today I feel the Heaviness.
After this is barrage is classic group not be removed if the original SABBATH until the encore. Drifting smoke to produce the eerie song “Black Sabbath”, in the original organization is even impression, such as one in two songs pair to “Iron Man”, “Children Of The Grave”, a fan in the strong force of the non-stop press to turning! Last of the encore to “Paranoid”, 88 minutes of fierce Heaviness and excitement of wave attack. Fan is no longer in addition to bow down to the majesty of the original SABBATH!

The 1999 American tour, the tour premiere of rare songs packed in Phoenix, Arizona, enjoy high-quality sound “TOWARDS THE END OF CENTURY” (Shades) and, in the second half of the tour in the ultra-powerful stereo sound board of officials outflow pattern the representative was package “BOTTOMLESS PIT” (Import Title), you have a lot of good material from the past is known. However well the item to experience the striking realism and quality in the video title up to this point to assert that there was no up to now, this work will be be respected as one of the large classic among all the SABBATH mania future. Appropriate and appeared in the press DVD if the original, the original of the menu with – the highest quality Memorial title, fans, please do not miss it get us. Chance to put this work in hand is as long as this time!
オジー・オズボーンが復帰したリユニオンBLACK SABBATHの1999年アメリカツアーより決定的な映像素材が海外より緊急入荷! DVD2枚組の大容量を活かした驚異のハイクオリティ・アイテムが、まさかのギフト・タイトルでリリース決定です! ツアー前半のワシントン州シアトル”キー・アリーナ”公演において収録された複数の優良オーディエンス・ショットを編集・再構成した本作は、全てのSABBATHファンにとって必携必見の一本となるでしょう!

1997年のOZZFESTツアーでトニー・アイオミとオジーの合流が実現した事で、BLACK SABBATHは遂に完全なるオリジナル・ラインナップでの再結成へと動き出します。同年12月にイギリスのバーミンガムではアイオミ,オジー,ギーザー・バトラーそしてビル・ワードの4人が結集し、そのライヴの模様は公式作品「REUNION」として発表されました。’98年に行われたヨーロッパツアーでは、ビル・ワードが急な体調不良を起して参加できなかったものの、’98年末から’99年にかけてブッキングされた全米ツアーではオリジナルの4人が再集結。’98年12月31日のアリゾナ州フェニックスでの大晦日ライヴ(この模様はShadesレーベルの「TOWARDS THE END OF CENTURY」で楽しめます)より、真のBLACK SABBATHによるアメリカツアーがスタートしました。本作ではその7公演目に当たるシアトル公演を、複数のオーディエンス・ショットから巧みに編集されたスペシャルな映像で満喫できます。

映像は主としてステージに向かって左手側、ギーザー寄りの二階席からステージを俯瞰するように捉えており、舞台を右に左に動き回るオジー、上手で威厳たっぷりにヘヴィリフを紡ぐアイオミの姿を克明に追いかけています。ライヴ開演直後の「War Pigs」イントロ部分こそカメラが若干不安定ではありますが、オジーが歌いだす辺りから映像は落ち着き、安定感のある画面でライヴを楽しめるようになります。その画面はナチュラルな発色はにじみなど一切気にならないマスター・クオリティ。プレイヤーの輪郭も大変にシャープで、そのクリアさは間違いなくプロショット級です。複数の映像はナチュラルにクロスフェイドされ、画面が切り替わる際も違和感は全く感じません。音も画面へブレずにシンクロしているので、ファンは何のストレスも覚えず演奏へ入り込めるはずです(これは作り手がSABBATHライヴを心得ている事も大きいのでしょう)。
本作は映像も凄いですが音声はもっと凄い。CD以上のデータ量で収められた大迫力の演奏は、オリジナルSABBATHのヘヴィな演奏をダイレクトにファンへ伝えます。本作のサウンドを優れた再生環境で、スピーカーから出力すれば、たちまちライヴ会場の盛り上がりが空気をビンビン震わせて聴き手をノックアウトするでしょう! 「N.I.B.」でギーザーが発するベースノートはボリュームも満点。アイオミのギターリフとジャジーなフレーズが、ビル・ワードの個性的なドラミングと共にスウィングするような「Fairies Wear Boots」も、独特なノリを観る者にたっぷり味わわせます。突き刺さるようなダイレクト感たっぷりで、ライヴ中の大きな見どころだと言えます。さらにこの日はオジーも絶好調で、彼らしいハイテンションなパフォーマンスをじっくりと観察できるのも嬉しいです。ステージで飛び跳ねる姿もエネルギッシュですが、歌声もなかなか良く出ているのは嬉しく、「After Forever」や「Into The Void」でも公式作品で聴けたようなヴォーカルを聴かせてくれます。
ディスク2の冒頭「Snowblind」そして「Dirty Women」も見逃せません。オジーの呪術的な歌が聴き手を惑わすような前者、’80年代のソロ・キャリアにも通じる後者など、現代のサウンドで蘇ったクラシックの数々は、今日の感覚で聴いても並外れたオリジナリティとヘヴィネスを感じさせます。
この後はアンコールまでオリジナルSABBATHならば外せない名曲群が連発されます。漂うスモークが曲の不気味さを演出する「Black Sabbath」、オリジナル編成では2曲ペアでひとつのような印象すらある「Iron Man」・「Children Of The Grave」まで、ノンストップのド迫力でファンを押し捲ります! ラストのアンコール「Paranoid」まで、88分間が壮絶なヘヴィネスと大興奮の波状攻撃。ファンはもはやオリジナルSABBATHの威厳にひれ伏すほかありません!

この’99年アメリカツアーは、アリゾナ州フェニックスにおけるレア曲満載のツアー初演を高音質で楽しめる「TOWARDS THE END OF CENTURY」(Shades)や、関係者流出の超迫力ステレオ・サウンドボードでツアー後半の模様をパッケージした「BOTTOMLESS PIT」(Import Title)を代表に、過去から多くの優良素材が知られています。しかし映像タイトルでここまで際立ったリアルさとクオリティを体感させるアイテムはこれまで無かったと断言して良く、本作は今後全てのSABBATHマニアの間で大定番の一本として尊重される事でしょう。本来ならばプレスDVDで登場して然るべき、オリジナル・メニュー付き・最高画質のメモリアル・タイトルを、ファンの皆さんはどうぞお見逃し無くゲットしてください。本作を手に入れられるチャンスは今回限りです!

Disc 1
1. War Pigs 2. N.I.B. 3. Fairies Wear Boots 4. After Forever 5. Electric Funeral 6. Into The Void

Disc 2
1. Snowblind 2. Dirty Women 3. Black Sabbath 4. Iron Man 5. Children Of The Grave 6. Paranoid

Ozzy Osbourne – Vocals Tony Iommi – Guitars Geezer Butler – Bass Bill Ward – Drums
Geoff Nicholls – Keyboards

COLOUR NTSC Approx.88min.

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