Black Sabbath /Definitive New Britain 1994 /2CD+1Bonus DVDR

Black Sabbath /Definitive New Britain 1994 /2CD+1Bonus DVDR/ Zodiac

The Sting, New Britain, CT, USA 8Th February 1994 Plus Bonus DVDR “Cross Purposes Live” Stereo SBD

Play sample :

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Translated Text:

Weigh of Gieser Butler and Lyric Tony Martin. Ultra-super stereo sound board album of ‘CROSS PURPOSES’ era which arranged heavyweight symbolizing both sides of SABBATH is appearance.
What is engraved in such a work is “New Britain Show on February 8, 1994”. That official leaked soundboard recording. I do not know if this enthusiastic maniac is this date. Yes, that superb stereo sound board that has been loved by Bondage label masterpiece “FIRST PURPOSES”. This work is its upgrade board.

【The highest-ranking board of stakeholder outflow sound board】
Suddenly nostalgic, I folded up with an upgrade, but for those who do not know about it, it might be chicken kampum. First, from the basics. This sound board was just one piece of shock. It was recorded on the first day of “CROSS PURPOSES TOUR 1994”, which leaked out from concerned parties. There is also a genuine official work “CROSS PURPOSES LIVE” on this tour, but boasting superb superb sound quality not inferior to it, super direct feeling unique to spill is also overwhelming. Moreover, it was a famous name board which can enjoy up to “Children Of The Sea” “Immaculate Deception” which can not be heard in the official work. This work is an upgrade board of such a legendary sound board.
Of course, this work is neither a copy of such “FIRST PURPOSES” nor re-master recurrence. It goes back to the master of the stakeholders who became the origin of the origin, complementing the missing encore part as well. It is a big decision board which sublimed to full · show · finish. The difference is obvious from the moment of playback. “FIRST PURPOSES” at the beginning “Supertzar” started with fade-in, but this work is engraved until the first note. As a matter of fact, the sound source which is regarded as the original soundboard appeared also on the net, but even if it was made the master, the beginning of “Supertzar” was missing. This work is a proof of the origin.
Of course, that is only proof of the original master. The biggest point of this work is the sound that goes through the whole. Freshness and natural sounds are overwhelming. Although “FIRST PURPOSES” was equalized fairly flashy considerably from the trend of the time, this work is a direct connection of the soundboard desk directly. Every corner of the ensemble is thoroughly natural and fresh. One stroke of a drum blows the brains together with a strong stereo feeling and the rif of io is sharp corner and the line of Giesser is also superb vivid and gorigori. The transcendent vividness was able to be tasted even at “FIRST PURPOSES”, but this work is a level to realize “Sabbath is there”. It is an ultra sound board with 100% synchronous degree that exactly matches 4 people. This natural sounding is common to the above-mentioned net master, but this work is more vivid and less deteriorated. One beep sounds quietly and jumps into vivid at hand. Especially “Black Sabbath” “Neon Knights” this work is much more beautiful, the pitch which was randomly mad at about 1/4 sound range is also accurate.

【Taste comprehensive live at full scale】
It is just soundboard recording that wants to add two or three super beings, but it is merely a recording of the main part set and it ends before entering the encore. So this work included bonus to the encore part of the official work “CROSS PURPOSES LIVE”, and made a full live album tailoring. Of course, even bonus tracks are not simply added, but bring the sound closer to the outflow sound board of the main part as much as possible and seamlessly connect. If it says to say “Complete version came out” without honest credit, it is a natural finish that seems to pass. At the site of the New Britain performance, Angkor was only one song “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath”, but in this work “Iron Man” is also recorded.
The show drawn with such ultimate quality is really delicious. “Children Of The Sea” “Immaculate Deception” that can not be heard on “CROSS PURPOSES LIVE”. Especially the latter is too tasty. There is a masterpiece “I Witness” that develops to pedigree → heavy in this period, but “Immaculate Deception” is the opposite pattern. Heavy → Melodic Running a famous piece embodying both SABBATH songs. “CROSS PURPOSES TOUR 1994” has several sound boards besides official work, but the line recording of “Immaculate Deception” is only on this day. Of course, none of the subsequent tours have been played, and this work is the one and only superb sound board.
And the collaboration of “Heavy + Lyric” symbolized by this song is the charm of the “CROSS PURPOSES” era. The original heavyweight Groove revives with the return of Geezer of the originator, and Martin sings and lyrical feeling is fully opened. Besides, the compatibility between these two people is surprisingly good. Gieser is not simply heavy, its line is extremely melodic and rich. With the rif of iphone as the axis, two people lined up the melody and fostering a heavy mood. Because it is such an ensemble, it can respond to every song of Ozzy era / Ronie era / Martin era, and it also has a sense of unity. “The Time Machine”, the deeper “Into The Void”, the mysterious “The Wizard”, the resurrected “Symptom Of The Universe” full size, and the masterpiece of the gem “Cross Of Thorns” condensing all elements …… It is heavy, flowing and dramatic. Even in the long long BLACK SABBATH history, there is no other place except “CROSS PURPOSES” era that could unify all of the diverse elements so far. Every charm of SABBATH is a live album studded like a showcase.

Ultra-super stereo sound board that stands side by side with the official work “CROSS PURPOSES” & “CROSS PURPOSES LIVE”. It is one to update the highest peak ever. Because it is an Omoto master, this is the natural sound, super valuable “Immaculate Deception”, full response including full encore encore. It is a masterpiece of live album where all of them are complete. Please, please fully enjoy with the permanent preservation press 2CD.

重さのギーザー・バトラーと叙情のトニー・マーティン。SABBATHの両面を象徴する重鎮を揃えた『CROSS PURPOSES』時代の超極上ステレオサウンドボード・アルバムが登場です。
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1994年2月8日ニューブリテン公演」。その関係者流出サウンドボード録音です。この日付、熱心なマニアの方なら懐かしいのではないでしょうか。そう、Bondageレーベルの名作『FIRST PURPOSES』で愛されてきたあの極上ステレオ・サウンドボード。本作は、そのアップグレード盤です。

いきなり懐かしいだの、アップグレードだのと畳みかけてしまいましたが、既発をご存じない方にはチンプンカンプンかも知れません。まずは、基本から。このサウンドボードは、まさに衝撃の1作でした。“CROSS PURPOSES TOUR 1994”の初日に録音されたもので、それが関係者から流出。このツアーには正真正銘のオフィシャル作品『CROSS PURPOSES LIVE』もありますが、それと比較しても劣らない超極上のサウンド・クオリティを誇り、流出ならではの超ダイレクト感も圧倒的。さらには公式作では聴けない「Children Of The Sea」「Immaculate Deception」まで楽しめる大名盤でした。本作は、そんな伝説的サウンドボードのアップグレード盤なのです。
もちろん、本作はそんな『FIRST PURPOSES』のコピーでもリマスター再発でもありません。既発の大元となった関係者流出マスターにまで遡り、欠けていたアンコール部分も補完。フル・ショウ仕上げに昇華させた一大決定盤です。再生した瞬間から違いは明らか。『FIRST PURPOSES』では冒頭「Supertzar」がフェイドインで始まっていましたが、本作は最初の1音までクッキリ刻まれているのです。実のところ、大元サウンドボードとされる音源はネットにも登場していたのですが、そのマスターにしても「Supertzar」の冒頭は欠けていた。本作こそが大元な証なのです。
もちろん、それはあくまでも大元マスターの証拠に過ぎません。本作最大のポイントは、全体を貫くサウンド。鮮度と自然な鳴りが圧倒的なのです。『FIRST PURPOSES』は当時の流行からか、かなり派手にイコライジングされていましたが、本作はまさにサウンドボード卓のド直結。アンサンブルの隅々まで徹底的にナチュラルで瑞々しい。ドラムの1打1打が強烈なステレオ感で脳みそをグルグルとかき回し、アイオミのリフはどこまでも鋭角でギーザーのラインもビンビン/ゴリゴリと超鮮明。その超絶な鮮やかさは『FIRST PURPOSES』でも味わえましたが、本作は“サバスがそこにいる”を実感するレベル。まさに4人と完全一致するシンクロ度100%の超サウンドボードなのです。このナチュラルな鳴りは先述のネット・マスターとも共通していますが、本作はさらに鮮やかで劣化も少ない。1音1音がグッと抜け、手元にビビッドに飛び込む。特に「Black Sabbath」「Neon Knights」は本作の方が遙かに美しく、約1/4音ほどの範囲でランダムに狂っていたピッチも正確です。

まさに超を2つも3つも付けたいサウンドボード録音なのですが、惜しむらくは本編セットのみの録音であり、アンコールに入る前に終了してしまう。そこで、本作はオフィシャル作『CROSS PURPOSES LIVE』のアンコール・パートをボーナス収録し、フル・ライヴアルバム仕立てにしました。もちろん、ボーナス・トラックとは言っても単に追加したわけではなく、サウンドを可能な限り本編の流出サウンドボードに近づけ、シームレスで接続。もし、正直にクレジットせずに「完全版が出てきた!」と言っても通ってしまいそうなほど自然な仕上がりになっています。ニューブリテン公演の現場ではアンコールは「Sabbath Bloody Sabbath」の1曲だけでしたが、本作では「Iron Man」も併せて収録しています。
そんな究極クオリティで描かれるショウが実に美味しい。何よりも『CROSS PURPOSES LIVE』で聴けない「Children Of The Sea」「Immaculate Deception」。特に後者は美味しすぎる。この時期には疾駆→ヘヴィに展開する名曲「I Witness」がありますが、「Immaculate Deception」はその逆のパターン。ヘヴィ→メロディック疾走でSABBATHの両曲を体現する名曲。“CROSS PURPOSES TOUR 1994”には公式作の他にもいくつかのサウンドボードがありますが、「Immaculate Deception」のライン録音はこの日だけ。もちろん、その後のツアーでも一切演奏されておらず、本作こそが唯一無二の極上サウンドボードなのです。
そして、この曲が象徴する「ヘヴィ+叙情」のコラボレートこそが『CROSS PURPOSES』時代の魅力。オリジネイターのギーザーが復帰したことでヘヴィ極まるグルーヴが復活し、マーティンが歌う事で叙情感も全開。しかも、この2人の相性が意外なほど良い。ギーザーは単に重いわけではなく、そのラインは極めてメロディックで芳醇。アイオミのリフを軸に2人がかりでメロディを絡め合い、重厚なムードを醸成していく。そんなアンサンブルだからこそ、オジー時代/ロニー時代/マーティン時代のあらゆる曲にも対応でき、しかも統一感もバツグン。疾駆する「Time Machine」、ドヘヴィな「Into The Void」、妖しい「The Wizard」、フルサイズで復活を果たした「Symptom Of The Universe」、そしてすべての要素を凝縮した珠玉の名曲「Cross Of Thorns」……。重厚で流麗で劇的。長い長いBLACK SABBATHの歴史でも、ここまで多彩な要素のすべてを統一できたのは『CROSS PURPOSES』時代以外にない。SABBATHのあらゆる魅力がショウケースのように散りばめられたライヴアルバムなのです。

オフィシャル作品『CROSS PURPOSES』&『CROSS PURPOSES LIVE』と並び立つ超極上ステレオサウンドボード。その史上最高峰を更新する1本です。大元マスターだからこそのナチュラルサウンド、超貴重な「Immaculate Deception」、アンコールも含めたフルショウの聴き応え。そのすべてが揃ったライヴアルバムの大傑作。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで存分にお楽しみください。

Disc 1 (48:04)
1. Supertzar2. Time Machine 3. Children Of The Grave 4. Children Of The Sea
5. I Witness 6. The Mob Rules 7. Into The Void 8. Psychophobia
9. Black Sabbath Black Sabbath

Disc 2 (45:46)
1. Neon Knights 2. Immaculate Deception 3. The Wizard 4. Cross Of Thorns
5. Symptom Of The Universe 6. Headless Cross 7. Paranoid

Bonus Track
Hammersmith Apollo, London, England, UK 13th April 1994
8. Iron Man 9. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

Tony Martin – Vocals Tony Iommi – Guitar Geezer Butler – Bass
Bobby Rondinelli – Drums Geoff Nicholls – Keyboards


Zodiac 330


Black Sabbath / Cross Purposes Live /  1Single DVDR/ Non Label

Hammersmith Apollo, London, UK 13th April 1994 Pro-Shot

Click Image To Enlarge

Translated text:

The main press 2CD is a superb superb soundboard album that can not defeat the official work. It is a masterpiece that conveys the true value of “CROSS PURPOSES TOUR” which concentrated all attractions of SABBATH. Because the show is wonderful, I would like you to enjoy it in the sight. So, as a bonus, we also prepared an official video reigning at the top of the tour.
Such film was photographed “London performance on April 13, 1994”. It is a multi camera camera shots which recorded the full show of the traditional “Hammer Smith Apollo” venue. At that time, it was officially released with VHS and CD box set, but it is somehow an official work that was not released in the country. In 2003, when it was officially released as a domestic DVD, it was released in an incomplete disc whose seven songs were also cut. Thereafter, the full version DVD was also released, but at that time also surprises were lost and people were unknown and out of print … ….
Although it is such inconvenient official picture, the quality is super-superb. “NEVER SAY DIE” of the Ozzy era, as well as a work that was obviously more professional than “BLACK AND BLUE” which was halfway in the Ronnie era, until “LIVE … GATHERED IN THEIR MASSES” appears BLACK SABBATH It was also the only official full video. This work is its best version. Of course, it is a complete version of 16 songs + drum solos. The Giza version “Anno Mundi (The Vision)” which can not be heard even in this press 2CD is also delicious, but the full story is highlighted. Martin also had a lot of disappointing in this tour, and other members also cheerfully as shooting comes in. It is a super decision picture that I want to finish with “Please watch” before the saying of the Fourth Five.
However, it is somewhat lonesome even if it is done with it. A digression there. Let’s sort out the professional record of “CROSS PURPOSES TOUR” which was actually a good harvest area.

“January 31” CROSS PURPOSES “released”
· February 8 “DEFINITIVE NEW BRITAIN 1994”
★ April 13: Hammersmith performance 【this work】
· May 15th: Polish performance (only 3 songs of FM sound source)

“Bobby · Rondinelli → Change of Bill · Word”
★ August 27 “COMPLETE ON AIR”
★ September 1 “COMPLETE ON AIR”
※ Note: “★” mark is pro shot, “·” mark is sound board.

… and so, there are three performances at Bobby · Rondinelli enrolled period, three performances after turning to Bill · Ward. Of these, “May 15th: Polish Performance” has only 3 songs, it is for the Completer to the last, while the other 2 is a long and superb essential item in the period of Rondinelli. In other words, you can get the two books at once with this press 2CD and this work.
In addition, I will talk about after building change, only the last leg South American tour 4 performances are buildings. Three of them will be broadcast on Pro Shot on TV and you can enjoy the highest peak master at our store “MONSTERS OF ROCK: COMPLETE ON AIR” at once. In addition, “September 3 Argentina Show” broadcast not only on TV but also on FM radio. This was much higher quality than the television and the broadcasting time was long. The highest peak sound board can be enjoyed in the press CD “BLACK AIRES (Langley Deluxe 019)”.

Although the digression became long, I wonder if the main press press 2CD or the position of this work could be imagined. “DEFINITIVE NEW BRITAIN 1994” “BLACK AIRES”, and this work. This is the top three copies of “CROSS PURPOSES TOUR”. It is a great finest set that can collect two of them at once. Please enjoy it together.

本編プレス2CDはオフィシャル作品にも負けない超極上サウンドボード・アルバム。SABBATHのあらゆる魅力を濃縮していた“CROSS PURPOSES TOUR”の真価を伝える大傑作です。そのショウが素晴らしいからこそ、光景でも愉しんでいただきたい。そこでボーナスとして、ツアー頂点に君臨するオフィシャル映像もご用意しました。
そんな不遇の公式映像ではありますが、クオリティは超極上。オジー時代の『NEVER SAY DIE』はもとより、中途半端だったロニー時代の『BLACK AND BLUE』よりも明らかにプロフェッショナル然とした作品で、『LIVE… GATHERED IN THEIR MASSES』が登場するまでBLACK SABBATH唯一の公式フル映像でもありました。本作は、そのベスト・バージョン。もちろん、16曲+ドラムソロの完全版です。本編プレス2CDでも聴けないギーザー・バージョンの「Anno Mundi (The Vision)」も美味しいですが、全編が見どころ。このツアーでは不調の多かったマーティンも復調しており、他のメンバーも撮影が入るとあって気合い十分。もはや四の五の言う前に「観てください」で済ませたい超決定映像です。
しかし、それで済ませてもちょっと寂しい。そこで余談。実は豊作地帯だった“CROSS PURPOSES TOUR”のプロ記録を整理してみましょう。

★4月13日:ハマースミス公演 【本作】


ついでにビル交代後についてもお話ししますと、最終レッグの南米ツアー4公演のみがビル。そのうち3公演はテレビでプロショット放送され、当店の『MONSTERS OF ROCK: COMPLETE ON AIR』で最高峰マスターを一気にご堪能できます。さらに「9月3日アルゼンチン公演」はテレビだけでなくFMラジオでも放送。これがテレビよりも遙かにハイクオリティで放送時間も長かった。その最高峰サウンドボードはプレスCD『BLACK AIRES(Langley Deluxe 019)』でお楽しみ頂けます。

余談が長くなりましたが、本編プレス2CDや本作のポジションがイメージいただけたのではないでしょうか。『DEFINITIVE NEW BRITAIN 1994』『BLACK AIRES』、そして本作。これが“CROSS PURPOSES TOUR”の頂点3部作。そのうちの2本を一気にコレクトできるお得な極上セットです。ぜひ、併せてご堪能ください。

1. Intro 2. Time Machine 3. Children Of The Grave 4. I Witness 5. The Mob Rules
6. Into The Void 7. Anno Mundi (The Vision) 8. Black Sabbath 9. Neon Knights
10. Psychophobia 11. The Wizard 12. Cross Of Thorns 13. Symptom Of The Universe
14. Drum Solo 15. Headless Cross 16. Paranoid 17. Iron Man 18. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

Tony Martin – Vocals Tony Iommi – Guitar Geezer Butler – Bass
Bobby Rondinelli – Drums Geoff Nicholls – Keyboards


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