Black Sabbath / Children Of The Black Definitive Edition / 2CD

Black Sabbath / Children Of The Black Definitive Edition / 2CD / Zodiac

Live at Civic Center, Hartford, CT USA 10th August 1980.


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The sound board sound source “CHILDREN OF THE BLACK”, which is absolutely a must-listen in the “HEAVEN AND HELL” tour that Ronnie James Dio joined BLACK SABBATH, has become an upgraded “Definitive Edition” for both sound quality and clothing. Is a special release decision! There are many sound board sound sources in the 1980 tour, but this Hartford performance is literally an official sound. You can enjoy the historical sound source that must be left behind in the future with superb sound!

I will explain it again for those who are listening to this recording for the first time. This sound source was recorded in Hartford, Connecticut on August 10th, from the US tour accompanying the release of “HEAVEN AND HELL” in 1980. It was broadcast on music programs such as “King Biscuit Flower Hour” and “Supergroups In Concert”, and the air check source has always been a classic, and now the official “Deluxe Edition” also includes some radio broadcast versions. Yes. It is a representative sound source of “Bill Ward & Lonny Dio” which can be said to be officially recognized.
This work is the previous stage source of these broadcast sound sources. When it first appeared in 2007, the opening BGM “Supertzar” created a big topic due to the fact that the show pattern could be enjoyed in an unedited and complete version.
The “HEAVEN AND HELL” tour is known as a treasure trove of famous sound sources, and even if it is limited to sound boards, “DARK KNIGHT” which recorded the visit to Japan after joining Vinnie Apis and “BRINGER OF EVIL” in Sydney, Australia ”And so on. However, this Hartford performance is called “special” or “absolute” in the “HEAVEN AND HELL” tour. Why is it so great?
First of all, the fact that it is a fully recorded version of the regular live. “DARK KNIGHT” and “BRINGER OF EVIL” are also recorded by related parties, and it is difficult to get a better sound quality, but “DARK KNIGHT” is a live stop due to Tony Iomi’s sudden illness. On the other hand, there were some missing parts in the Sydney performance, such as the venue engineer turning off the recording button in some places. Surprisingly, the line source that contains the normal set list at the time of “HEAVEN AND HELL” without cut is only this Hartford performance, and that alone has great “value”.
Secondly, it is the best sound board sound source for Bill Ward. The sound source at the time Bill played with Ronnie has been excavated in recent years, but most of them (although many are excellent) are audience recordings. “DRAGONS AND KINGS”, the line source of the same period, is also incompletely recorded, so the “significance” of listening to the sound board when you are in the building is unwavering.
And the third reason is the nature of the recording, which is premised on “listening to unspecified fans”. The items that have been named so far have been recorded for listening at home, whether they are related parties or audience recordings. “Broadcasting” was not a premise (“DARK KNIGHT” in Japan is another material that was broadcast on radio). For the promotion of the album “HEAVEN AND HELL”, this sound source recorded for music programs that even listeners who do not know SABBATH listen to has a universality that anyone can listen to.
“Value”, “significance” and “universality” … This recording that combines all of these is already a historic heritage not only for SABBATH fans but also for all rock fans. If you want to listen to the ’80 hard rock live, you must first listen to it, just like WHITESNAKE ’s “Redding Festival”.

This time, the “Before Radio Broadcasting” master excavated in 2007 is used again. The previous version was also a sound image that felt like a band moving from the ’70s hard rock to the’ 80s heavy metal, but this time, the sound was polished and the lightness and clearness of the sound It is further improved. In particular, Ronnie’s performance is clear enough to be raised in front of the listener. The vocals that raise the resentment in the opening “War Pigs” and “Neon Knights” seem to float up to the impromptu look of Ronnie!
The performances of Iomi, Geiser Butler and Bill’s “original members” are even more powerful than ever. Sound separation has improved, so each play is easier to grasp and listen to as long as I am happy.
“N.I.B.”, “Black Sabbath”, and “Sweet Leaf”, which were cut on official and radio broadcasts, are more convincing than the Ozzy era, but with the uniqueness of the original musicians. With these ’70s SABBATH numbers, the scene where the original member’s play and Ronnie’s new song interpretation collide is really amazing! Of course, the number from “HEAVEN AND HELL” is of course the best. “Children Of The Sea”, “Heaven And Hell”, and “Die Young” have been officially announced, but there are things that are deeply moved if you listen to the live stream. The medley from “Heaven And Hell” to “Iron Man” and from Iomi’s solo time of 10 minutes to “Die Young” is a unique listening place!

And, you can’t miss the last bonus track of the main story. “Children Of The Sea” in London “Hammersmith Odeon” on May 8, 1980, recorded on the B side of the single “NEON KNIGHTS”. Although it was included in the “HEAVEN AND HELL” deluxe edition, the official is disappointing for the rough finish of the name. It’s time for the underground when the officials can’t be relied on. We borrowed an excellent EP from a veteran collector and conducted a careful remaster. With a superb tone that almost wiped out needle-patch and squeaky beats, it has been successfully made into a CD with sound quality that exceeds the official level!

As I mentioned earlier, this live source is an inevitable one when listening to the ’80 British Hard Rock Live. In addition to those who are incomplete, “I only know” Deluxe Edition “”, I would also like to see those who are enthusiastic who have already been issued as a complete new work. An indispensable historical piece for all rock fans, the two-disc fully limited press CD is a spectacular appearance!

ロニー・ジェイムズ・ディオがBLACK SABBATHに加入した「HEAVEN AND HELL」ツアーのでも、絶対必聴とされるサウンドボード音源「CHILDREN OF THE BLACK」が、音質・装いとも、すべてアップグレードした”Definitive Edition”となって特別リリース決定です!  1980年ツアーでは数多くのサウンドボード音源が存在しますが、このハートフォード公演は文字通りの公式級サウンド。後世に残さねばならない歴史的音源を極上のサウンドで、あます所なくお楽しみいただけます!

この録音を初めて聴く方のために改めてご説明します。本音源は1980年の「HEAVEN AND HELL」にリリース伴うアメリカツアーより、8月10日のコネチカット州ハートフォード公演を収録したもの。“King Biscuit Flower Hour”や“Supergroups In Concert”といった音楽番組で放送され、エアチェック・ソースが昔から定番で、現在ではオフィシャルの“デラックス・エディション”にも、ラジオ放送バージョンが一部収録されている。オフィシャル公認とも言える“ビル・ワード&ロニー・ディオ”の代表音源なのです。
「HEAVEN AND HELL」ツアーは名音源の宝庫として知られ、サウンドボードに限定しても、ヴィニー・アピス加入後の来日公演を収録した「DARK KNIGHT」や、オーストラリア・シドニー公演の「BRINGER OF EVIL」といった、決定版クラスのアイテムがひしめいています。しかし、このハートフォード公演が「HEAVEN AND HELL」ツアーでも“別格”“絶対”と呼ばれるもの。なぜ、そこまで凄いのか?
まず第一に、レギュラー・ライヴの完全収録版であるという事実。「DARK KNIGHT」や「BRINGER OF EVIL」も関係者録音で音質的には甲乙つけがたいところですが、「DARK KNIGHT」はトニー・アイオミの急病による中断ライヴ。一方のシドニー公演も、ところどころで会場のエンジニアが録音ボタンを切ってしまうなど、部分的な欠落が散見されました。意外なことに「HEAVEN AND HELL」当時の通常セットリストをカットなく収めたライン・ソースは本ハートフォード公演のみで、それだけでも大きな「価値」があるのです。
第二に、ビル・ワード在籍時の最良サウンドボード音源である点。ビルがロニーと共演していた当時の音源は近年になって発掘が相次いでいますが、それらのほとんどは(優秀なものが多いとはいえ)オーディエンス録音。同時期のライン・ソースである「DRAGONS AND KINGS」も不完全収録であるため、ビル在籍時のサウンドボードをたっぷり聴ける「意義」は揺るぎません。
そして第三の理由は、「不特定多数のファンへ聴かせる」事が前提になっている素材、という録音の性質です。これまでに名前の出たアイテムは、関係者収録であってもオーディエンス録音であっても、うちうちで聴くために録音されたもの。“放送”が前提ではありませんでした(日本での「DARK KNIGHT」も、ラジオ放送されたのは別素材)。アルバム「HEAVEN AND HELL」のプロモーションのため、SABBATHを知らない一般リスナーも聴く音楽番組用に録音された本音源は、誰が聴いても楽しめる普遍性を持っているのです。

今回は2007年に発掘された“ラジオ放送前”マスターを再度使用。前回のバージョンも、’70年代ハードロックから’80年代のヘヴィメタルへと移行していくバンドの姿をリアルに感じられる音像でしたが、今回はそのサウンドを磨き上げ、音の明度やクリアネスがさらに向上しています。特にロニーのパフォーマンスは聴き手の前へ浮き彫りにされるような明瞭さ。オープニングの「War Pigs」そして「Neon Knights」で唸りを上げるヴォーカルは、鬼気迫るロニーの表情まで浮かぶようではありませんか!
公式やラジオ放送でカットされていた「N.I.B.」や「Black Sabbath」・「Sweet Leaf」も、オジー時代を超える説得力でありながら、オリジナル演奏陣ならではのヘヴィネスで迫る。これら’70年代SABBATHナンバーで、オリジナルメンバーのプレイとロニーの新しい曲解釈がぶつかり合う場面は本当に素晴らしい! もちろん「HEAVEN AND HELL」からのナンバーは言うまでもなく最高です。「Children Of The Sea」や「Heaven And Hell」・「Die Young」は公式化されましたが、きちんとしたライヴの流れで聴けばより感動も深いものがあります。「Heaven And Hell」から「Iron Man」、そして10分に及ぶアイオミのソロタイムから「Die Young」へのメドレー展開も、本作ならではの聴き所です!

そしてさらに見逃せないのが、本編ラストのボーナス・トラック。シングル「NEON KNIGHTS」のB面に収録されていた、’80年5月8日のロンドン”ハマースミス・オデオン”における「Children Of The Sea」。「HEAVEN AND HELL」のデラックスエディションにも収録されていましたが、公式とは名ばかりの粗雑な仕上がりにがっかりしたもの。公式が頼りにならないときこそアングラの出番。ベテランコレクターから状態抜群のEPを借用し、入念なリマスターを実施。針パチやモッサリとした篭りをほぼ一掃した極上の音色で、公式以上の音質でCD化に成功しました!


Disc 1 (42:50)
1. Supertzar 2. War Pigs 3. Neon Knights 4. N.I.B. 5. Children Of The Sea 6. Sweet Leaf
7. Drum Solo 8. Sweet Leaf (Reprise) 9. Black Sabbath

Disc 2 (50:07)
1. MC 2. Heaven And Hell 3. Iron Man 4. Guitar Solo 5. Die Young 6. Paranoid
7. Children Of The Grave

Bonus Track
8. Children Of The Sea (Live at Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 8th May 1980,
Side B of “Neon Knights” UK 7″ single, Vertigo, SAB3)

Ronnie James Dio – Vocals Tony Iommi – Guitar Geezer Butler – Bass Bill Ward – Drums
Geoff Nicholls – Keyboards



Zodiac 011

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