Beatles / Last Lacquers / 3CD

Beatles / Last Lacquers / 3CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
The Essential Collection of Beatles’ Acetates 1958-1970

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The Beatles “LAST LACQUERS” released as a gift item CD-R several weeks ago. Contents that gathered well the sounds engraved on the acetate plate of the Beatles which is currently circulating became very popular and caused a great reaction to record the biggest hit in our history of our store gift item that we did not anticipate. The secret of its popularity is “It is gathered on three discs and easy to understand”, “Another mix of famous songs is fun and fun”. Finally I got a lot of voices saying “I’d like to have this on press CD by all means!
The Beatles’ Acetate sound source is mostly made to compare and compare the mix differences made just before completion. Therefore, there are not so many different takes, and the sound source concentrates on the other mix to the last. As you can see from this, it is also a sound source that proves that the task of creating multiple remixes on the sound source to be released, scrutinizing from it and choosing the mix for release.
The type of mix created is called “RS” (= remix · stereo) in the case of stereo, “RM” (remix · mono) in the case of monaural, for example in the notation “RS 1” it is “remix · stereo Version 1 “and this is the meaning of the notation credited to back jersey.

Items boasting complete Acetate sound sources of that Beatles already have been released in recent years, and the contents of this time’s “LAST LACQUERS” is not what we call as complete. In this respect, if you are a core mania, the items in the past will be more satisfied. Nonetheless, the reason why this boasted a popularity that can be said as an abnormality as a gift, the “easy-to-hear” it touched earlier. In addition to that, the first disc contains the live tone generator in the cabin club, and the point that the live performances of the Beatles before the debut can be heard with the sound board recording are also high points.
Master Jedi which is a name creator in the current Beatles rare sound source field summarized with such understandable editing contents. Although this was also mentioned at the time of gift release, it is possible to call the light of hope for fans now, as purple ticks which were pioneers of mania release and “BACK TO BASICS” series have stopped their activities is.
He said that he showed his own sense in “LAST LACQUERS”, he brought back some of the sound sources back to the LP item and recorded it. This is a strange edit that can make maniacs grow. I really miss the select from LP such as “NOT FOR SALE” and “DIG IT”. While showing a thorough commitment to such a recording source, I did not add fine work like extra equalization besides pitch correction, but he also had a good job.
In promoting this promotion to the limited press CD, we reviewed the contents and deleted the acetate tone generator that lacked some interesting to refine the ease of listening, furthermore add a little new sound source of the topic now instead It is.

Although it is the first disc, sound sources from the album “HELP!” Are concentrated in the middle. When producing the same name movie, it is based on the acetate / mono of the mix before the release sent to the shooting team. Among them, it is difficult to understand the difference of the mix and the state of the board is also terrible “Yes It Is” cut. Other “HELP!” Acetate is one in which the vocal is in a dry state, or a guitar solo like another take can be enjoyed like “You’re Going Lose That Girl”.
The second one removed “Kenney Everett Interview”. From the interview done at the recording studio where the white album was being produced, it is probably a famous sound source as John toys instruments everywhere, or each member improvised singing. However after all interviews. It is also a fact that you can not enjoy conversation for more than 10 minutes unless you understand English. In addition, it is a translation that you can enjoy with a bilingual translation with “LAST LACQUERS” also in a nostalgic Teichika “GOLDEN BEATLES” with a bilingual translation, again cut from this release.
John’s undisputed song “What’s The New Mary Jane” which has four versions contained in everything is somewhat reduced for the third one. Even though there are differences in the mix, it is a strange tune all the time, is it not painful to hear it four times in a row? (LOL). So I left out two versions whose differences are not so big. There is no doubt that this makes it easier to hear.
On the other hand, it is another mix of ‘Revolution 9’ which was put at the end of the second disc, but this is funny inside. For example, John tried to mute “Tom Jones”, and George returned “Thank You” to the familiar line “take this brother, may it serve you well” to maniacs, It is something you can enjoy surprisingly by listening to different scenes.

And, as for the new sound source which was attracted to the first piece as a little, it is an acetate sound source which recorded the demonstration recording of “What Goes On”. It is a song that apple was singing in the 1965 album “RUBBER SOUL”, but in fact it was a song that John and Paul made before his debut, and in 1963 he tried to record, but that day Abby I gave up because I have passed the loading time of the road studio and eventually I am suffering the trouble of entering the store until 65 years.
Based on the recording, John and Paul carved a performance recorded privately on this acetate. Although this board had been sent to the auction before, the buyer did not come on, and this auction was again sent from the auction site in this autumn. Fortunately, the sound samples were released, and we were able to catch a glimpse of the recordings in less than 30 seconds.
Even from the fragments that seemed to be heard, the songs that John and Paul originally had made and the song “RUBBER SOUL” sung after the apple assisted the lyrics (Even apples sang last year ‘s performance in Japan I was surprised to see that the impression is different. Besides the chorus place, lyrics and singing melodies are completely different, almost like an almost different song. And the value of being able to listen to songs by John and Paul who have been rumored since a long time is high enough to be able to listen to it actually, although it is excerpt of 30 seconds. I am amazed that the performance here will be born like that in two years.
In addition to the original Master Jedi version, we slightly adjusted the “Across The Universe” and “Not Guilty” which were slightly out of pitch. And in addition to the above mentioned lists, we also compare the differences in rare mixes such as “And Your Bird Can Sing”, which allows you to hear twin leads playing before the rif of the ending is replaced, “Helter Skelter” starting with John’s count, It is good to listen to or compare other mixes of famous songs grouped side by side. Anyway it is preeminent throughout the ease of listening! You can upgrade to the limited press that responded to everyone’s request.

数週間前にギフト・アイテムCD-Rとしてリリースしたビートルズの「LAST LACQUERS」。現在出回っているビートルズのアセテート盤に刻まれた音源を手際よくまとめた内容が大好評となり、予想だにしなかった当店ギフト・アイテム史上における最大のヒットを記録するほどの大反響を巻き起こしました。その人気の秘訣は「三枚のディスクにまとめられていて解りやすい」、「名曲の別ミックスがてんこ盛りで楽しい」といったもの。遂には「これこそ是非ともプレスCDで持っていたい!」という声まで多く寄せられてしまいました。

既にそうしたビートルズのアセテート音源をまとめた、それこそコンプリートな内容を誇るアイテムは近年リリースされており、それらと比べて今回の「LAST LACQUERS」の内容はコンプリートと呼べるものではありません。この点においてコア・マニアの方であれば、むしろ過去のアイテムの方が満足されることでしょう。それにもかかわらず、これがギフトとして異常とも言える人気を誇った理由、それが先にも触れた「聞きやすさ」。それに加えて一枚目のディスクにはキャバーン・クラブにおけるライブ音源まで収録され、デビュー前ビートルズのアツきライブ・パフォーマンスがサウンドボード録音で聞けてしまうというのもポイントが高い。
そうした解りやすい編集内容でまとめてくれたのが現在のビートルズ・レア音源界における名クリエイターであるMaster Jedi。これはギフト・リリース時にも申したことですが、マニア・リリースの先駆者だったパープル・チックや「BACK TO BASICS」シリーズが活動を停止してしまった現在、ファンにとって希望の光とも呼べる存在なのです。
彼が「LAST LACQUERS」おいて独自のセンスを発揮してくれたのは、音源のいくつかをわざわざLPアイテムにまで遡って収録してくれたということ。これこそマニアをも唸らせる編集の妙でしょう。「NOT FOR SALE」や「DIG IT」といったLPからのセレクトは本当に懐かしい。そうした収録ソースに徹底的なこだわりを見せてくれた一方で、ピッチ修正以外に余計なイコライズのような小細工を加えないところも彼の仕事ぶりの良いところ。

まず一枚目のディスクですが、中盤にアルバム「HELP!」からの音源が集中します。それらは同名映画の制作時、撮影チームに送られたリリース前のモノ・ミックスのアセテートが元となっています。それらの中ではミックスの違いが解り辛くて盤の状態も酷い「Yes It Is」カット。他の「HELP!」アセテートはボーカルがドライな状態であったり、あるいは「You’re Going Lose That Girl」のようにギター・ソロが別テイクといった違いが楽しめるもの。
二枚目は「Kenney Everett Interview」を削除。ホワイト・アルバムを制作中だったレコーディング・スタジオで行われたインタビューということから、随所でジョンが楽器を玩んだり、あるいは各メンバーが即興で歌ったりすることで有名な音源でしょう。とはいえ所詮はインタビュー。英語が解らないと10分を超える会話が楽しめないのも事実。さらに言えば懐かしのテイチク盤「GOLDEN BEATLES」では「LAST LACQUERS」も正しい収録内容かつ対訳付きで楽しめる訳で、やはり今回のリリースからはカット。
三枚目は何と言っても四バージョンも収録されているジョンの未発表曲「What’s The New Mary Jane」を半分に削減。いくらミックスに違いがあるとはいえ、何しろ奇妙な曲調です、それを四回も続けて聞くのは辛くないですか?(爆)。そこで違いがさほど大きくない二つのバージョンを省きました。これによってさらに聞きやすくなったことは間違いないでしょう。
反対に二枚目のディスクの最後に収められた「Revolution 9」の別ミックスですが、これが中々に面白い。ジョンが「トム・ジョーンズ」と呟いてみたり、さらにはマニアにはおなじみの台詞「take this brother, may it serve you well」に対してジョージが「サンキュー」と返すなど、随所でリリース・バージョンとは違う場面が聞けて意外と楽しめるものですよ。

そして、ささやかながらも一枚目に収録された注目の新音源は「What Goes On」のデモ録音を収録したアセテート音源。1965年のアルバム「RUBBER SOUL」でリンゴが歌っていた曲ですが、実際にはジョンとポールがデビュー前に作っていた曲であり、1963年にはレコーディングを試みようとしたものの、その日のアビーロード・スタジオの利用時間を過ぎてしまったことから諦めてしまい、結果的に65年までお蔵入りという憂き目に遭ってしまいます。
そうして聞かれるようになった断片からでも、当初ジョンとポールが作っていた曲調と後にリンゴが作詞を手伝った上で歌った「RUBBER SOUL」バージョン(昨年の来日公演でもリンゴが歌ってましたね)とはまるで印象が違っていてびっくり。コーラス箇所以外は歌詞も歌メロも全然違い、ほとんど別の曲と錯覚してしまいそうなほど。そして古くから噂されてきたジョンとポールによる歌を実際に聞けるという価値は、30秒という抜粋ながらも十分すぎるほどに高い。ここでの演奏が二年後にはあんな風に生まれ変わったのだから驚きです。
他にもオリジナルのMaster Jediバージョンでは若干ながらピッチの狂いがあった「Across The Universe」と「Not Guilty」を微調整。そして先に挙げた以外にもエンディングのリフが差し替えられる前でツインリードの弾き違いが聞ける「And Your Bird Can Sing」、ジョンのカウントから始まる「Helter Skelter」といったレア・ミックスの違いを秋の夜長に聞き比べるもよし、あるいはずらりと並んだ名曲群の別ミックスをひたすら流すもよし。とにかく全体を通して抜群の聞きやすさ!皆様のリクエストにお応えした限定のプレスへのバージョンアップが実現します。


Disc 1 (53:28)
1. That’ll Be The Day (Anthology 1 Remaster)
2. In Spite Of All The Danger (Anthology 1 Remaster)
3. Love Me Do (Anthology 1 Remaster)
4. Some Other Guy (Kicks, Kudos and Cash)
5. Kansas City/Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey (Kicks Kudos and Cash)
6. Bad To Me (Not For Sale Vinyl)
7. What Goes On (Auction download)
8. It’s For You (Auction download)
9. One And One Is Two (Ultra Rare Trax Vol. 3&4 Vinyl)
10. Ticket To Ride (Production Acetate) (Help! Original Mix)
11. I Need You (Production Acetate) (Help! Original Mix)
12. Another Girl (Production Acetate) (Help Sessions)
13. The Night Before (Production Acetate) (Help! Original Mix)
14. You Like Me Too Much (Production Acetate) (Help! Original Mix)
15. You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away (Production Acetate) (Help Sessions)
16. You’re Going Lose That Girl (Production Acetate) (Help Sessions)
17. Help! (RM4) (Help! Original Mix and Help Sessions)
18. 12-Bar Original (RM1) (Acetates)
19. Taxman (Auction download)
20. And Your Bird Can Sing (Auction download)
21. Eleanor Rigby (Auction download)
22. Strawberry Fields Forever (RM3) (Strawberry Fields Forever Vinyl)

Disc 2 (41:35)
1. A Day In The Life (RM1) (Acetates)
2. Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (RM1) (Acetates)
3. Magical Mystery Tour (RM4) (Another Tracks Of Magical Mystery Tour)
4. Magical Mystery Tour (RM7) (Acetates)
5. Your Mother Should Know (Take 8) (Acetates Vol.1)
6. I Am The Walrus (RM4) (Acetates Vol.1)
7. Blue Jay Way (RM1) (Acetates)
8. The Fool On The Hill (Take 1) (Strawberry Fields Forever Vinyl + Acetates)
9. Flying (RM4) (Lost Lennon Tapes 88-36 + SPLHCB-AHOTBY)
10. Step Inside Love (As It Happened, Baby)
11. Across The Universe (RS3) (Dig It Vinyl)
12. Revolution 9 (Master Take) (Revolution)

Disc 3 (47:24)
1. Not Guilty (RM1) (Nothing In Real vinyl)
2. Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey (RM5)
3. Yer Blues (RM1)
4. Back In The USSR (RM1)
5. Helter Skelter (RM1)
6. Birthday(RM1) (Primal Colours)
7. Goodbye (Acetates Vol. 1)
8. The Ballad Of John and Yoko (Ch*#%t You Know It Ain’t Easy!)
9. All Things Must Pass (Take 2)
10. Old Brown Shoe (Take 2) (Auction download)
11. Something (Take 1) (Acetates Vol. 1)
12. What’s The New Mary Jane (RS2) (Live at Shea Stadium vinyl)
13. What’s The New Mary Jane (RS5) (What A Shame Mary Jane Had A Pain At The Party vinyl)
14. I Me Mine (take 16) (Not For Sale vinyl)

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