Beatles / Kum Back / 2CD

Beatles / Kum Back / 2CD / Rough Kut Trax

Translated Text:
Vintage Vinyl Record Collection Sereies. Dis1: Non-Equalizing, Pitch Correction & Disc2: Noise Reduction, Equalizing & Pitch Correction. Stereo/ Mono


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It dug up vintage initial analog board that had been buried, is planning to try to rely on the spot.
This time, the release of at lumping “KUM BACK”.
Was used, the Beatles earliest realistic stereo board LP “KUM BACK” (Blue stamp cover LP, Non Label, matrix 775 SIDE 1/2) and, yet another content with the same title “KUM BACK” ( stereo except for a part, illustrations Jacquet, the two titles of MAK 327/328), after having coupled to direct than the original LP board of label holdings rather than the net, is the title that was recorded in CD2 sheets in two of mastering. These and other titles of KUM BACK system that has been churning out at that time, unlike the copy machine, is the most initial board of rhea vision that has been recorded in a realistic stereo. The time becomes a main, but is a matrix 775 board of Blue stamp cover LP (and equal to or less than “775 Edition”), this 775 board is, “GET BACK TO TORONTO” such as a line up the Beatles first phase of the analog boot LP is a, originally whether press the number is many did not, is a super rare record that seems to have not arrived almost in Japan at the time. Published in 1985, the name, the term “dictionary” even titled KUM BACK has been posted many, but not only are not listed for this 775 panel, the KUM BACK, which was released in the “70’s realistic stereo version is not from the fact that has been described to the “existence, in addition to it is era unlike information collection from the current was not easy, it is Ukagaemasu availability of this board was how difficult and rare you. The 775 board is, in Non Label, for the label side is also a pure white of the blank label, but in this case, from the stamper matrix engraved we have to be called so, the matrix strictly is engraved on both sides is “775” and the thing was, two types of what was stamped only on the A side has been confirmed. Perhaps at that time (by a few?) And seems to have more than once press, has been estimated that at the time of the second and subsequent press obtained by adding a mark of 775 so that also easy to determine the B-side. This is because the stamp say that SIDE 2 which is originally the B-side is the same handwriting by hand, it seems that things have appended 775 to the original of the stamper. In addition, the fact that the inner groove with very little character to the other there is a stamp also, I would like to noted here as information that can not be know only net. Well, another board KUM BACK and red stamp with stereo separation manner inferior same title also to sound manner through the ’70s, including those not their copy machine or so, including a slick specification board, were also a number of version too is churning by the presence of the original board is haze, it seems to have got buried. Therefore, at that time and say “KUM BACK” will be downdraft in monaural, you think whether that was not widely recognized by the sound quality of the degraded copy machine. After that, the radio broadcast version of the time from overseas labels such as Vigotone and YD becomes the CD era can also be heard, and even more will be to hear a good sound quite freshness in recent years, CD Edition “Untouched”, topic even among fans became. However sound Sure enough in the monaural that is KUM BACK to hear a sample sound source on the current part of the net, rather than a realistic stereo sound, such as the 775 board, it had a circulation in the recognition information that remains is still misunderstood also there is the fact that there seems to be actual situation. This time such a “KUM BACK” is dare planning to say to try to again dig accepted the earliest LP board. Of course, because of the cause analog, scratch, but will enter in its own way, natural sound is said to still exceptional tinged warm roundness in unrelated analog Chick in recent years of digital processing. MAK board of recorded in the second half of the CD, the main blue-stamp board KUM BACK 775 board to base this time, to cut the playing mistake and conversation part as much as possible, further to the blue stamp 775 board of two songs of accrued Mono sound source (of which one After 909, but you also believed or not is a thing you have to cut there) add to the “Get Back” album in the song, the truth is unknown, almost no degradation of sound in comparison to the 775 board feel for is not, you might unexpectedly own (copied from the acetate) What LP edited from the tape. From it, this is also another version there are a plurality of using the same stamper to MAK board, in addition to be in addition to red label version of the yellow label that was accepted this time in the MAK label exist, front the KUM BACK a printed sticker on the fluorescence land Yet another KUM BACK was attached to Jacquet (No label, is quite small and 75mm label through a blank label) also exists. The fluorescent sticker board is small in this time of the CD jacket spread but we are on as a reference item. It should be noted that, this time of KUM BACK because the left and right stereo Both versions is different from the other “GET BACK” album-related board, but I thought also what to reversal upon on CD, is planning only to emphasize the documentary value respect that, we have recorded in the localization of the original LP as it is.

Disc1 ··· recorded in the straight the matrix 775 board and the MAK board on which has been subjected to pitch adjustment. Noise reduction, does not conduct equalizing processing.
Disc2 ··· Disc1 Contents noise reduction, remastered. Subjected to noise reduction, it has undergone a slight EQ processing in the direction to further reinforce the bass. Further localization has also been adjusted in some music.

★「Vintage Vinyl Record Collection Series」
今回は、”KUM BACK”括りでのリリースです。
使用したのは、ビートルズ最初期のリアル・ステレオ盤LP “KUM BACK”(ブルー・スタンプ・カバーLP、Non Label、 マトリクス 775 SIDE 1/2)と、さらに同タイトルながら別内容の”KUM BACK” (一部を除きステレオ、イラストジャケ、 MAK 327/328)の 2タイトルを、ネットではなくレーベル所蔵のオリジナルLP盤よりダイレクトにカップリングしたうえ、2種のマスタリングでCD2枚に収録したタイトルです。これらは当時乱発されたKUM BACK系のその他タイトルや、そのコピー盤と異なり、リアル・ステレオで収録された激レアな幻の最初期盤です。今回メインとなるのは、ブルー・スタンプ・カバーLPのマトリクス775盤ですが(以下”775盤”とします)、この775盤は、”GET BACK TO TORONTO”などと並ぶビートルズ最初期のアナログブートLPとされ、元々プレス枚数も多くは無かったのか、当時の日本にも殆ど入荷しなかったと思われる激レア盤です。1985年に発行された名書「辞典」でもKUM BACKというタイトルは多数掲載されていますが、この775盤に関しては掲載されてないばかりか、「70年代にリリースされたKUM BACKにはリアル・ステレオ・バージョンは存在しない」とまで記述されていることからも、現在とは違って情報収集が容易でなかった時代である事に加え、本盤の入手がいかに困難でレアであった事がうかがえます。この775盤は、Non Labelで、ラベル面も真っ白のブランク・レーベルであるため、スタンパーのマトリクス刻印からここではそう呼ぶことにしておりますが、マトリクスは厳密には”775″が両面に刻印されたものと、A面にのみ刻印されたものの2種類が確認されています。恐らく当時(少数ずつ?)複数回プレスしたと思われ、2度目以降のプレス時にB面にも判別しやすいよう775の刻印を追加したものと推測しています。これはB面に元々あるSIDE 2と言う刻印は手書きで同じ筆跡であるため、元のスタンパーに775を追記したものと思われます。また、実は他にも非常に小さい文字でインナーグルーヴには刻印があることも、ネットだけでは知り得ない情報としてここに記したいと思います。さて、70年代を通して音的にもステレオセパレーション的も劣る同タイトルながら赤スタンプの別盤KUM BACKや、スリック仕様盤を含むそれらコピー盤やそうでないものも含め、あまりにも多数のバージョンが乱発されたことにより、オリジナル盤の存在は霞み、埋もれてしまったようです。よって”KUM BACK”と言うと当時はモノラルに落とし込められ、音質の劣化したコピー盤にて広く認識されたのではないかと思われす。その後、CD時代になりVigotoneやYDなどの海外レーベルから当時のラジオ放送バージョンも聞くことができ、さらには近年CD盤”Untouched”でかなり鮮度の良いサウンドで聞けることになり、ファンの間でも話題になりました。しかしながら現在一部のネット上のサンプル音源で聞けるKUM BACKとされるサウンドは案の定モノラルで、775盤のようなリアル・ステレオ・サウンドではなく、相変わらず誤解されたままの認識情報で流通してしまっている事もあるのが実状のようです。そんな”KUM BACK”を今回は敢えて最初期LP盤を採録し改めて掘り起こしてみようと言う企画です。もちろんアナログ起こしのため、スクラッチはそれなりに入りますが、近年のデジタル処理とは無縁のアナログチックで暖かい丸みを帯びたナチュラルサウンドはやはり格別と言えます。CD後半に収録のMAK盤は、今回メインのブルー・スタンプ盤KUM BACK 775盤をベースに、演奏ミステイクや会話部分を極力カットして、さらにブルースタンプ775盤に未収の2曲のMono音源(うちOne After 909は曲中カットあり)を追加して”Get Back”アルバムにしたものなのではないかとも考えられますが、真偽は不明であり、775盤と比較して音の劣化も殆ど感じられないため、案外独自に(アセテートからコピーした)テープから編集したLPなのかも知れません。それから、このMAK盤にも同じスタンパーを使用した別バージョンが複数存在し、MAKレーベルで今回採録した黄色ラベルの他に赤いラベルバージョンも存在するほか、蛍光地にKUM BACKと印刷されたステッカーをフロントジャケに貼り付けたさらに別のKUM BACK(No Label、ブランクラベルでラベル経が75mmとかなり小さい)も存在します。この蛍光ステッカー盤は今回のCDジャケ見開きに小さいですが参考アイテムとして掲載しております。なお、今回のKUM BACKは両バージョンともにステレオの左右が他の”GET BACK”アルバム関連盤とは異なるので、CD化に際し反転しようかとも思いましたが、あくまで資料的価値を重視する企画であることを尊重し、そのまま元LPの定位で収録しております。


Vintage Vinyl Record Collection Series

Disc 1(78:14): Non-Equalizing, Pitch Correction
Disc 2(78:14): Noise Reduction, Equalizing & Pitch Correction

Disc 1, 2(トラック表記はDisc1、2で同じです。)

Taken from LP “KUM BACK” (No Label)
Matrix Number: 775 SIDE 1/2
01. Get Back
02. The Walk
03. Let It Be
04. Teddy Boy
05. Two Of Us (fragment)
06. Two Of Us (false start)
07. Two Of Us
08. Don’t Let Me Down
09. I’ve Got A Feeling
10. The Long And Winding Road
11. For You Blue (two false starts)
12. For You Blue
13. Dig A Pony (false start)
14. Dig A Pony
15. Get Back (false start)
16. Get Back
17. I’ve Got A Feeling (fragment)
18. Help! (fragment)

Taken from LP “KUM BACK” (MAK 327/328)
Matrix Number: S-1/2
19. Get Back
20. The Walk
21. Let It Be
22. One After 909 (Mono)
23. Teddy Boy
24. Two Of Us
25. Don’t Let Me Down
26. I’ve Got A Feeling
27. The Long And Winding Road
28. Dig It (Mono)
29. For You Blue
30. Dig A Pony (false start) / Dig A Pony
31. Get Back
Rough Kut Trax. KB-775

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