Beatles / The Beatles At Abbey Road / 1CD+1DVD

Beatles / The Beatles At Abbey Road / 1CD+1DVD / Misterclaudel
Translated Text:

Abbey Road Studio Presents The Beatles At Abbey Road July 18 September 1983. Digitally Remastered


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London has been an EMI recording studio located in St. John’s Wood since the Beatles made their debut as a recording studio. It is a white building that melts in quiet streets without discomfort. Architecture dates back to 1831 and is an old building renovated into a recording studio in the 20th century. However, unlike Japan, there are no earthquakes In the UK it is not uncommon that buildings older than 100 years old are being used active. The last album of the Beatles, whose name was made famous by this studio, its name will be “Abbey Road”. Initially, go to Everest and take a jacket shot, the plan to make the title of the album “Mt. Everest” came up. But one of the members said, “Well, you do not have to go shooting all the way to Everest, do not bother to shoot, just go to the front of the studio and shoot and shoot the title” Abbey Road “is not it easy? I suggested, and it came true. It is a studio that the Beatles used as a home ground, a jacket was taken at the crosswalk of Abbey passing through the studio, and that the title is “Abbey Road” as it is as the name of the street, 1970 Since it entered the age, it was renamed “Abbey Road Studio.” Although it seems to be misunderstood, the time when the Beatles were using was not called Abbey Road Studio, it was said to be EMI Recording Studio. By the way Paul ‘s home in London is in a few minutes’ walk from this studio.

For the Beatles, the recording studio was a place where only sacred 4 people, exactly 4 plus plus George Martin and others were allowed to participate. No audiences to scream here, no fans to follow. It was a private space isolated from the bustle of the outside world. That heavy door was opened for the first time in 1983. “THE BEATLES AT ABBEY ROAD” was called, not only can general fans observe the studio, but also a screening documentary with precious unreleased take was made. Though 13 years have passed since the dissolution of the Beatles at this point, the second studio that the Beatles used for recording was active in the state as it was in the 1960s.

This special exhibition is limited for the period from 11th July to 11th September 1983, opening from 10:30 am to 5:30 pm. Meanwhile the screening of the documentary ‘THE BEATLES AT ABBEY ROAD’ has actually reached 168 times. This documentary is recorded as a case where EMI allowed the Beatles’ outtake to be public for the first time. The project’s successor to the “SESSIONS” from 1995 “ANTHOLOGY” can be called “THE BEATLES AT ABBEY ROAD”. Of course, even if it says outtaking, there are things that are familiar now and those that were later recorded in “ANTHOLOGY”, but in 1983 it was the outtake of the group of songs familiar to the Beatles, It was very surprising. Anything at this time Audience recording of the film screened at the studio was released as an analog boot. This work was recorded in the master version of the documentary screened at the event “THE BEATLES AT ABBEY ROAD”, commonly called ABBEY ROAD SHOW held at Abbey Road Studio in 1983.

Again, this documentary was produced specially for the event at Abbey Road Studios, and it was valuable that this documentary was only released at this time. Therefore, all that can be watched at present is an outflow image. Because of that, there were few blessed with image quality, each of which had been circulating only with its current quality. How much the picture quality was poor is that in the title released from HMC in 2016, the promotion video inserted in the middle and the substitutable video were finely replaced. However, this work is a master quality overturning conventional common sense, it will be a title that was completely recorded with the same source from the beginning to the end. Apart from the quality as a matter of content, although it was able to be watched even if it was already released, the release with this picture quality with a different outflow route is the first time, and the sound is recorded as original. Of course, although it is high image quality, it is based only on relative evaluation, and it is unlikely to compare with modern images with HDTV mainstream, but in any case it is definitely an upgrade grade that has never existed before.

Although this documentary focused on the Beatles, of course, a scene introducing the Abbey Road Studios themselves is included at the beginning. It is also interesting that the recording scenery of Helen Shapiro is recorded in color images, following the history used for recording from a wide range of orchestras to pops. All of the Beatles’ songs used in this documentary are outtakes that were the first time in the world at this time, interviews of engineers Norman Smith are inserted and progressing along the way. This album contains two versions, the complete version recorded with the original mono audio by master copy and the working version recorded with the stereo version of audio.

The CD is also the soundtrack of this documentary. Although there are many tracks to be faded as well as being recorded with announcements, I think that you can feel the nostalgia that you listened to at the time, which is the highest sound quality ever, compared to strawberry and HMC etc.

The latest work of M Claudel is a set of CD and DVD of Abbey Road Show in 1983. The images that had only poor image quality until now are completely recorded with high quality at the same source. Permanent preservation of a beautiful picture / disk specification A tightly pressed board.

THE BEATLES AT ABBEY ROAD abbey road show 1983
Directed by JOHN BARRETT, Narrated & Assistant by ROGER SCOTT

ビートルズがデビュー以来、レコーディング・スタジオとして愛用していたのがロンドンはセント・ジョンズ・ウッドにあるEMIレコーディング・スタジオであった。閑静な街並みに違和感なく溶け込んでいる白い建物である。建築は1831年にまで遡り、20世紀に入ってレコーディング・スタジオに改築された古い建物である。とはいっても日本と異なり地震がないイギリスでは100年以上昔の建物が現役で使用されていることは珍しくない。このスタジオを一躍有名にしたのがビートルズ最後のアルバム、その名も『アビーロード』であろう。当初、エベレストへ行ってジャケット撮影しよう、アルバムのタイトルは『Mt. Everest』にしようという案が遡上に上がった。しかしメンバーのひとりが「ええい、エベレストくんだりまで、わざわざ行って撮影しなくてもいいじゃないか。ちょいとスタジオの表へ出て撮影し、タイトルを『アビーロード』にすれば簡単じゃないか」と提案し、その通りになったのである。ビートルズがホームグラウンドとして使用していたスタジオであること、スタジオの前を通るアビー通りの横断歩道でジャケットが撮影されたこと、そしてタイトルが通りの名前そのままに『アビーロード』であることから、1970年代に入ってからは「アビーロード・スタジオ」と名称が替えられたのである。誤解があるようだが、ビートルズが使用していた時代はアビーロード・スタジオとは言わずに、EMIレコーディング・スタジオと言っていた。ちなみにポールのロンドンの自宅はこのスタジオから歩いて数分の場所にある。

ビートルズにとってレコーディング・スタジオは神聖な4人だけの空間、正確には4人プラス、ジョージ・マーティンなどスタッフのみが参加を許された場所であった。ここには絶叫する聴衆もいなければ、追いかけるファンもいない。外の世界の喧騒から隔絶されたプライベートな空間であった。その重い扉が1983年に初めて開かれたのである。「THE BEATLES AT ABBEY ROAD」と称して、一般のファンがスタジオ見学できるばかりか、貴重な未発表テイクを盛り込んだドキュメンタリーの上映がなされたのである。この時点でビートルズ解散から13年が経過していたが、ビートルズがレコーディングに使用していた第二スタジオは60年代当時のままの状態で現役であった。

この特別展は1983年7月11日から9月11日までの期間限定のもので、午前10時半から午後5時半までの開場。その間にドキュメンタリー「THE BEATLES AT ABBEY ROAD」の上映は実に168回にのぼった。このドキュメンタリーは、EMIが初めてビートルズのアウトテイクを公にすることを許可した事例として記録される。頓挫した『SESSIONS』から1995年の『ANTHOLOGY』に連なるプロジェクトの嚆矢がこの「THE BEATLES AT ABBEY ROAD」と言えるだろう。もちろん、アウトテイクといっても今となってはお馴染みのものや、後に『ANTHOLOGY』に収録されたものもあるのだが、1983年当時はビートルズの聴き慣れた楽曲群のアウトテイクということで、非常に驚かされたものである。なにせこの時スタジオで上映されたフィルムをオーディエンス録音したものがアナログ・ブートとしてリリースされたくらいである。本作は、この1983年アビーロード・スタジオで開催されたイベント「THE BEATLES AT ABBEY ROAD」、通称ABBEY ROAD SHOWで上映されたドキュメンタリーをマスター・バージョンで収録したものである。





THE BEATLES AT ABBEY ROAD abbey road show 1983
Directed by JOHN BARRETT, Narrated & Assistant by ROGER SCOTT


01. Introduction
02. Love Me Do
03. How Do You Do It?
04. Saw Her Standing There
05. Twist And Shout
06. One After 909
07. Don’t Bother Me
08. A Hard Day’s Night
09. Leave My Kitten Alone
10. I’m A Loser
11. She’s A Woman
12. Ticket To Ride
13. Help!
14. Norwegian Wood
15. I’m Looking Through You
16. Paperback Writer
17. Rain
18. Penny Lane
19. Strawberry Fields Forever
20. Strawberry Fields Forever
21. A Day In The Life
22. Hello Goodbye
23. Lady Madonna
24. Hey Jude
25. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
26. Because
27. Ringo’s message – #9 Dream


01. Introduction
02. Love Me Do
03. How Do You Do It?
04. Saw Her Standing There
05. Twist And Shout
06. One After 909
07. Don’t Bother Me
08. A Hard Day’s Night
09. Leave My Kitten Alone
10. I’m A Loser
11. She’s A Woman
12. Ticket To Ride
13. Help!
14. Norwegian Wood
15. I’m Looking Through You
16. Paperback Writer
17. Rain
18. Penny Lane
19. Strawberry Fields Forever
20. A Day In The Life
21. Hello Goodbye
22. Lady Madonna
23. Hey Jude
24. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
25. Because
26. Ringo’s message
27. #9 Dream – Closing Credits

01. Love Me Do
02. How Do You Do It?
03. Saw Her Standing There
04. Twist And Shout
05. One After 909
06. Don’t Bother Me
07. A Hard Day’s Night
08. Leave My Kitten Alone
09. I’m A Loser
10. She’s A Woman
11. Ticket To Ride
12. Help!
13. Norwegian Wood
14. I’m Looking Through You
15. Paperback Writer
16. Rain
17. Penny Lane
18. Strawberry Fields Forever
19. A Day In The Life
20. Hello Goodbye
21. Lady Madonna
22. Hey Jude
23. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
24. Because
25. Ringo’s message

Misterclaudel. MCCD-607/608

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