Beatles / Beatles Story Japanese Radio Broadcast 1972 – 1973 / 13CD Box Set

Beatles / Beatles Story Japanese Radio Broadcast 1972 – 1973 / 13CD Box Set / Non Label

Translated Text:
Broadcast 9-10 p.m. every Saturday night from 14th October 1972 to 6th January 1973

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BBC Radio made a breakthrough program in 1972, when the Beatles broke up, even the fact that each member’s solo activity totally orbited and each even bustling a hit chart became commonplace. It is the exaggeration to say that it is a symbol of the 1960s It is “THE BEATLES STORY” a long radio program which looks back on the trajectory of the Beatles. An album with the same name was released on the American Capitol Board, but as it was the theme of the Beatles whirlwind that was blasted in 1964, this was dissolved before their debut, further dissolution at the time until 1972 It touched the latter solo activity. Therefore the program was broadcast weekly as a program divided into 13 episodes. The following year the red board and the blue board were released and the retrospective momentum for the Beatles accelerated, but the broadcast that can be said as the trigger is this program.
We later copied the broadcasting master for the whole program, and it was decided that a by-product called a boot set of a box set wrapped in a deluxe package was produced. Rather, if you are a maniacer, there may be more people who remember this set. Actually it may have been exhibited at high prices such as auctions. Rather, there are not a few maniacs that such items are the reason why they have never heard the program even though they know existence.

Today, broadcasting versions of the UK and the United States which were broadcasted from 1972 to 1973 are spreading on the net with the highest sound quality recorded from the master · reel. What a useful time is it? Even if you do not have your fingers in that expensive set, you can easily hear the feature length program. On the other hand, there are few people who remember the fact that this program was broadcasted even at Japanese radio stations. In Japan, it was continuously broadcasted from the autumn of 1972, but since everything is a long film, there were not many people who had air checked it. Rather, there are also many people who knew only the fact “broadcasted at the time” even in mania.
To my surprise, there was a sound source from maniac who recorded this broadcast every time this year. Besides, the recording software is a reel tape. Our shop staff was overwhelmed by the provision of tapes recorded with reels that were more informative than ever before the cassettes became popular and boxes that contained them. It is right to call it history record. And since each time was recorded on a single reel, its volume is.
This can only be thought of as releasing on a restricted press CD in the form of collecting all the episodes anymore … box. For that release, I made a box with a design that respected that legendary LP box package. I guarantee that only those packages will grin out maniacs.
Also, although it is a reel tape which air checked the broadcasting, problems such as the pitch being accurate depending on aging and the pitch being changed in the middle of the program were observed. In addition to that, there are also places where the pitch is high from the time of the master. Take Takeshi of Paul’s voice that talks about the episode that “Help!” Was created in Disc – 6 episode “The Beatles of Glory” for example. Or as in “Love Me Do” swept away in Disc – 3 “The Beatles, Ruining the Hit Parade and Advancing Overseas”, there were times when the pitch increased at the time of Japan broadcasting or recording. So adjust this point pinpoint.

Also the whole contents of the program is very interesting produced BBC of funki. A number of episodes that are still surprising will appear, depending on interviews that were available at this point, as well as testimonials of stakeholders who were interviewed for the program. For example, in the “record · debut” of Disc – 2, the night the Beatles wore a suit for the first time and went up to the cabin club. Or an interesting episode related to “SGT. PEPPER’S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND” which was discussed on the 50th anniversary of last year’s release in the “Beatles fantasy world” of Disc – 8. Paul’s “When I’m Sixty-four” is a pre-debut song, John testifies to the famous episode that he liked playing when the amp was broken. Yet it’s because the author makes a break with himself because he said “I thought it was a clown idea at that time, but what I have nothing to do now is to ask”
In other words, anecdotes that are not heard even in the current “BEATLES ANTHOLOGY” appear all over the place. However, as the end of the Beatles’ activity came closer, depictions became ambiguous as to the discord between the groups, because there were still times when the dissolution did not have much time. Nowadays it seems like common sense does not appear like surprising, and Disc – 10 “From Hello Goodbye to Cam Together” etc. can hardly touch the problems and problems that happened in get back sessions . I think that this area is unreasonable.

And it is surprising that not all the rare sound sources released in the program were booted at that time. First of all BBC live tone generators “Lucille” and “I Forgot To Remember To Forget”, where excerpts were introduced in Disc – 1 “The Birth of Liverpool Sound” were incomplete, but throughout the 70 ‘s It has been diverted to boot. Of course the pitch of these two songs is also adjusted. In surprising places this is the place where John plays the lyrics of Paul’s “Too Many People” in Disc – 12 “four solo activities”, and this is the source here, and at the end of “NOW HEAR THIS SONG OF MINE: RAM OUTTAKES” Recording was also remembered to the memory.
And Sweden ‘s performance in 1963 which is the only live tone featured in this program. Among them, “You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me” heard on Disc – 3 has been mysteriously edited that it switches to studio take from the middle. This is also a famous editing version recorded in many LPs such as “SPICY BEATLE SONGS”. It is said that the daikon was in the No BBC broadcast.

As you can see from that, the biggest weakness in this program is that live sound sources are equal to none. It is also conceivable that BBC did not own a live tone generator when the popularity of 1964 or later exploded. If it is in the UK or the United States, you can compose a story and an interview, but this is a bit strict in Japan at the time. So at the time of the Japan Broadcasting Corporation, it was found out that a live tone generator was added independently. It is in Disc – 5 “The Beatles World Championship”. Here is introduced as “It is a pattern of the Ed Sullivan show” and the live version of “Twist And Shout” is swept, but this is what the 65 year share · stadium performance. Although it begins from the introduction of Sullivan certainly here, it is actually a totally different live (laugh).
It was probably about this level, including knowledge of the Beatles produced by Japanese producers. In addition, the sound quality which seems to have diverted boot which was sold at that time (“LAST LIVE SHOW”?)? Although it became quite disappointing results, it is not bad judgment itself that we have boiled the business to a small number of live sound sources and add them independently.
There are lots of other unique points unique to the Japanese broadcast version. An instrumental jingle with motifs of Beatles’ songs that appear before and after the commercial. Contents that make you feel the era of stereo commercials (First Love ~ ♪) that appear every time. And the tone of the woman who served in Japanese narration is the best. Although it is a continuous tone of only the Beatles in the Showa vocabulary at full throttle, it is pleasant that personality and speech which does not adhere to John ‘s thing are transmitted well in that way well. John ‘s testimonials in Japanese narration, in particular at the end of the Beatles and after dissolution, are masterpieces.

Since the Japanese broadcast version was broadcasted on our AM radio, the sound quality is obviously monaural and it looks like AM indeed. It is incompatible with the stereo sound quality of the American Broadcast version which cuts the British broadcast version which is now available, and the part after dissolution. However, this sound quality is the sound itself of the radio that we heard as usual at that time. This is a lot of nostalgia. Or could you interpret “THE BEATLES STORY” as a mono / mix?
And above all, the point that the content of the program can be tasted so much that it is not compared with the overseas version by Japanese narration is too big. It is a hurdle for us to keep listening to the full length English narration even in historical programs. It will be a shock to maniacers that it will be so much fun. There was no Internet or smartphone yet, everyone listened to the radio carefully. Not only is it simply a history program of the Beatles, but a gem that can time slip into a peaceful era of Showa’s Japan is a shock release!

ビートルズが解散し、各メンバーのソロ活動もすっかり軌道に乗ってそれぞれがヒットチャートを賑わすことすら当たり前となった1972年、BBCラジオが画期的な番組を作りました。それが1960年代の象徴と言っても過言ではないビートルズの軌跡を振り返る長編ラジオ・プログラム、それが「THE BEATLES STORY」。アメリカのキャピトル盤でも同名のアルバムがリリースされていましたが、それが1964年に吹き荒れたビートルズ旋風を題材としていたのに対し、こちらは彼らのデビュー前から解散、さらに1972年までの時点における解散後のソロ活動にまで触れたもの。よって番組は13回のエピソードに分かれたプログラムとして毎週放送されました。翌年には赤盤と青盤がリリースされてビートルズに対する回顧的な機運が加速するのですが、そのきっかけとも言える放送がこの番組でしょう。

また放送をエアチェックしたリール・テープではありますが、経年によってピッチが正確な場合と番組の途中でピッチが変わるといった問題が散見されました。それに加えて原盤の時点からピッチが高い箇所などもある。例を挙げればDisc-6のエピソード「栄光のビートルズ」において「Help!」が生み出されたエピソードを語るポールの声の甲高さ。あるいはDisc-3の「ビートルズ、ヒットパレードを荒らしまわり海外へ進出」で流された「Love Me Do」のように、日本放送時、あるいは録音時にピッチが上がってしまった場合もありました。そこでこうした箇所をピンポイントでアジャスト。

また番組の内容全体が非常に面白いのが流石のBBC制作。この時点で入手できたインタビュー、さらには番組の為に取材を受けた関係者の証言などによって、今なお驚かされるエピソードがいくつも登場します。例えばDisc-2の「レコード・デビュー」においてビートルズが初めてスーツを着てキャバーン・クラブに上がった夜のこと。あるいはDisc-8の「ビートルズ幻想の世界」において、昨年リリース50周年ということで話題を呼んだ「SGT. PEPPER’S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND」にまつわる面白いエピソードが続出。ポールの「When I’m Sixty-four」がデビュー前からの曲で、アンプが壊れた時に好んで演奏していたという有名なエピソードをジョンが証言してみせる。それでいてアルバムを彼が「その時はゴキゲンなアイディアだと思ったけど、今聞いてみるとどうってことないんだね」と言った具合に作者自分で一刀両断してしまうのだから爆笑。
つまり現在の「BEATLES ANTHOLOGY」でも聞かれない逸話が随所に登場する。ところがビートルズの活動末期が近づいてくると、まだ解散からそれほど時期が立っていない生々しさがあったからか、グループ間の不和に関しては描写が曖昧になっていきます。現在では常識となっているようないきさつなどが意外なほど登場しないし、Disc-10「ハロー・グッバイからカム・トゥゲザーまで」などではゲット・バック・セッションで起きた問題などがほとんど触れられません。この辺りは致し方ないことかと。

そして驚かされるのは、番組内で公開されたレア音源がことごとく当時ブート化されていたということではないでしょうか。まずDisc-1「リバプール・サウンドの誕生」において抜粋が紹介されたBBCライブ音源「Lucille」と「I Forgot To Remember To Forget」はどちらも不完全な状態だったにもかかわらず、70年代を通してさまざまなブートに転用されていたものです。もちろんこれら二曲のピッチもアジャスト。意外なところではDisc-12「四人のソロ活動」でジョンがポールの「Too Many People」の歌詞を口ずさむところもここが出所であり、「NOW HEAR THIS SONG OF MINE: RAM OUTTAKES」の最後に収録されたのも記憶に新しい。
そして本プログラムの中に唯一フィーチャーされたライブ音源である1963年のスウェーデン公演。その中でもDisc-3で聞かれる「You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me」は途中からスタジオテイクに切り替わるという不思議な編集がほどこされているのです。これもまた「SPICY BEATLE SONGS」など多くのLPに収録された有名編集バージョン。その大本がまさかのBBC放送の中にあったとは。

そのことからも解るように、本番組における最大の弱点はライブ音源が皆無に等しいということでしょう。1964年以降の人気が爆発した時期のライブ音源をBBCが所有していなかったということも考えらえます。それがイギリスやアメリカであればストーリーとインタビューで構成できる訳ですが、当時の日本でこれはちょっと厳しい。そこで日本放送時には独自にライブ音源が付け加えられていた事が今回判明しました。それはDisc-5「ビートルズ世界制覇」において。ここで「エド・サリヴァン・ショーの模様です」と紹介されて「Twist And Shout」のライブ・バージョンが流されるのですが、これが何と65年のシェア・スタジアムの演奏。ここでも確かにサリヴァンの紹介から始まるのですが、実は全然違うライブだったという(笑)。
日本放送時の制作者のビートルズに対する知識など、この程度のものだったのでしょう。おまけに当時売られていたブート(「LAST LIVE SHOW」辺りか?)を流用したと思われる音質。かなり残念な結果となってしまったのですが、あまりのライブ音源の少なさに業を煮やして独自に付け加えたという判断自体は悪くないですよね。

日本放送版は我が国のAMラジオで放送されましたので、音質は当然モノラルでいかにもAMっぽい質感。現在手に入るイギリス放送版、さらに解散後のパートを大幅にカットしたアメリカ放送版のステレオ音質にはかなわない。だがしかし、今回の音質こそ、我々があの頃当たり前のように聞いていたラジオの音そのもの。これが懐かしさいっぱいなのです。あるいは「THE BEATLES STORY」のモノ・ミックスという解釈も可能かと。


Disc 1(56:30)
Vol. 1
The Birth Of The Liverpool Sound
Broadcast Date: 14th October 1972

1. Intro. 2. CM 3. Segment 1 4. CM 5. Segment 2 6. CM 7. Segment 3 8. CM 9. Segment 4 10. CM 11. Outro.

Disc 2(56:50)
Vol. 2
Getting It On To Wax
Broadcast Date: 21st October 1972

1. Intro. 2. CM 3. Segment 1 4. CM 5. Segment 2 6. CM 7. Segment 3 8. CM 9. Outro.

Disc 3(56:43)
Vol. 3
Chart Success And The Package Tours Begin
Broadcast Date: 28th October 1972

1. Intro. 2. CM 3. Segment 1 4. CM 5. Segment 2 6. CM 7. Segment 3 8. CM 9. Outro.

Disc 4(56:58)
Vol. 4
The Start Of Beatlemania
Broadcast Date: 4th November 1972

1. Intro. 2. CM 3. Segment 1 4. CM 5. Segment 2 6. CM 7. Segment 3 8. CM 9. Segment 4 10. CM 11. Outro.

Disc 5(56:34)
Vol. 5
The World Surrenders
Broadcast Date: 11th November 1972

1. Intro. 2. CM 3. Segment 1 4. CM 5. Segment 2 6. CM 7. Segment 3 8. CM 9. Segment 4 10. CM 11. Outro.

Disc 6(57:32)
Vol. 6
The Life And Rewards Of Success
Broadcast Date: 18th November 1972

1. Intro. 2. CM 3. Segment 1 4. CM 5. Segment 2 6. CM 7. Segment 3 8. CM 9. Segment 4 10. CM 11. Outro.

Disc 7(57:05)
Vol. 7
When The Touring Had To Stop
Broadcast Date: 25th November 1972

1. Intro. 2. CM 3. Segment 1 4. CM 5. Segment 2 6. CM 7. Segment 3 8. CM 9. Segment 4 10. CM 11. Outro.

Disc 8(56:46)
Vol. 8
The Psychedelic Chapter
ビートルズ 幻想の世界
Broadcast Date: 2nd December 1972

1. Intro. 2. CM 3. Segment 1 4. CM 5. Segment 2 6. CM 7. Segment 3 8. CM 9. Outro.

Disc 9(57:12)
Vol. 9
Meditation And Corporation
ビートルズ 我が道を行く
Broadcast Date: 9th December 1972

1. Intro. 2. CM 3. Segment 1 4. CM 5. Segment 2 6. CM 7. Segment 3 8. CM 9. Outro.

Disc 10(57:15)
Vol. 10
Hello, Goodbye Or Come Together
Broadcast Date: 16th December 1972

1. Intro. 2. CM 3. Segment 1 4. CM 5. Segment 2 6. CM 7. Segment 3 8. CM 9. Outro.

Disc 11(57:05)
Vol. 11
The End Of The Beatles
Broadcast Date: 23rd December 1972

1. Intro. 2. CM 3. Segment 1 4. CM 5. Segment 2 6. CM 7. Segment 3 8. CM 9. Outro.

Disc 12(56:52)
Vol. 12
The John, Paul, George And Ringo Show
Broadcast Date: 30th December 1972

1. Intro. 2. CM 3. Segment 1 4. CM 5. Segment 2 6. CM 7. Segment 3 8. CM 9. Outro.

Disc 13(57:14)
Vol. 13
John, Paul, George And Ringo Today
Broadcast Date: 6th January 1973

1. Intro. 2. CM 3. Segment 1 4. CM 5. Segment 2 6. CM 7. Segment 3 8. CM 9. Outro.

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