YES / Nagoya 2016 / 2CD

YES / Nagoya 2016 / 2CD / Virtuoso

Translated text:
Live at Zepp Nagoya, Nagoya 25th November 2016



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Four shows of the latest Japan tour It was released at a stretch this week. Among them, this work is perfect. “A book of miracles” appears in press 2CD.
By the way, have you watched this visit to Japan? …… Suddenly I was rude. However, this is important. If you are not experienced, please choose this work without question. If you are experiencing, add this work in addition to the concert live album that you experienced yourself. Of course, all 4 pressed works are all vertex recordings of each performance so we would like to listen to the whole work, but if you think of “any one,” there is no other than this work.
Such a miracle live album is an audience album of “November 25, 2016: Nagoya Performance”. That sound is an area of ​​abnormality. Well it says “as if it is a soundboard”, but this work can only be heard on the soundboard … … No, that’s not enough. “Official grade audience” … It is still different. It is a dimension that can only be said as “a miracle of a concert record” by overlooking what sort of recording method is, official / informal difference. Extreme musical tones, balanced balances, vivid edges, rich squealing, beautiful elongation, detailed detail …… All I can think is perfect. It is a sense of presence that emphasizes such musical tones in particular, there are no types of applause or encouragement at hand. Of course, if you get between songs, you will be cheered, but the musical tones are much closer than the presence of such an audience, as if they are recording on the stage.
It was Mr. Kanou “West Japan strongest taper” that made such a miracle sound appear. Already myriad masterpieces have proven their abilities, but this work is a powerful recording that was out of my collection even in his collection. I think that this miracle also has the power of coincidence, but it was never born just by that. Before explaining the factors, please first check the tour dates.

· November 21, 2016: Orchard Hall “TOKYO 2016 1ST NIGHT”
· November 22, 2016: Orchard Hall “TOKYO 2016 2ND NIGHT”
· November 24, 2016: Osaka Orix’s Theater “OSAKA 2016”
· November 25, 2016: Zepp Nagoya 【this work】
· November 28, 2016: Orchard Hall
· November 29, 2016: Orchard Hall

In this way the scene of this work reached the second half of 6 performances “Zepp Nagoya”. This is the point. Actually, this situation is exactly the same as the previous visit to Japan two years ago. Let’s go back to memory …

· November 23 – 25, 2014: Tokyo Dome City
· November 27, 2014: Osaka Orix’s Theater
· November 28, 2014: Zepp Nagoya ← ★ Attention ★
· November 29, 2014: NHK Hall

How about it? It is in the same Tokyo → Osaka → Nagoya → Tokyo flow, it was the same “Zepp Nagoya”. If you are an avid collector here you will come with a pin. Yes, this Nagoya performance is the site where Mr. super masterpiece “DEFINITIVE NAGOYA 2014 (Virtuoso 224/225)” was recorded by “strongest” hand. Supplemented for those who do not know “DEFINITIVE NAGOYA 2014”, this super board is super-decision board which was called “highest peak of 2014”. For “strongest” Mr. knowing every live spot in western Japan, this venue is good at being a good customer. It is a site that has made various superb masterpieces of bands / musicians, including ASIA’s “LIVING A LEGACY (Virtuoso 143/144)”, “LIVE IN JAPAN 2014 – VOLUME 1 (Virtuoso 179/180)”. Until then, YES had never played in the Japanese live house, for the first time in this year the “Zepp Nagoya” performance was realized, and a recording that broke down even the limits of the audience was born.
Although it has become unknown what kind of album is being introduced, this work is also the same “venue” + “band” + “sound recording house” + “equipment” + “position” as such “DEFINITIVE NAGOYA 2014”. It is a famous recording born to be born, tracing all “the official of winning” accurately. Before the live begins to be pressed promised, it is a product that even exceeded its expectations.

Originally, the story of oceanographic topography, which will be the first show in Japan, should be spoken for impression of semi-reconstruction, but even a miraculous sound that forget even that. It is a transcendent live album that goes beyond the dimension of “live memories” and should be memorized in the recording history of progressive rock.
It is no longer a “one of the performances you saw” but rather a dimension that exceeded “even a fan of YES or not”. And if you are a fan of YES, I would like to enjoy this work, which is the first Japan before Chris, “DEFINITIVE NAGOYA 2014” and Chris’s first Japanese work. We will be proud to have you at hand this weekend.


・2016年11月21日:オーチャードホール『TOKYO 2016 1ST NIGHT』
・2016年11月22日:オーチャードホール『TOKYO 2016 2ND NIGHT』
・2016年11月24日:大阪オリックス劇場『OSAKA 2016』
・2016年11月25日:Zepp Nagoya  【本作】

このように本作の現場は6公演中の後半に差し掛かった“Zepp Nagoya”。ここがポイントなのです。実は、このシチュエーションは2年前の前回来日とまったく同じなのです。それでは、記憶を遡ってみましょう……

・2014年11月28日:Zepp Nagoya ←★注目★

いかがでしょう。同じ東京→大阪→名古屋→東京の流れにあり、同じ“Zepp Nagoya”だった。ここで熱心なコレクターの方ならピンと来るでしょう。そう、この名古屋公演こそ、かの超傑作『DEFINITIVE NAGOYA 2014(Virtuoso 224/225)』が“最強”氏の手によって録音された現場なのです。『DEFINITIVE NAGOYA 2014』をご存じない方のために補足しますと、この名盤は「2014年の最高峰」と謳われた超・決定盤。西日本のあらゆるライヴスポットを知り尽くしているという“最強”氏にとって、この会場は得意中の大得意。ASIAの『LIVING A LEGACY (Virtuoso 143/144)』『LIVE IN JAPAN 2014 – VOLUME 1 (Virtuoso 179/180)』をはじめ、様々なバンド/ミュージシャンの超傑作をモノにしてきた現場です。それまでYESは日本のライヴハウスで演奏したことがなく、この年になって初めて“Zepp Nagoya”公演が実現、オーディエンスの限界さえも打ち破る録音が誕生したわけです。
何のアルバムを紹介しているのか分からなくなってきましたが、本作も、そんな『DEFINITIVE NAGOYA 2014』と同じ“会場”+“バンド”+“録音家”+“機材”+“ポジション”。「必勝の公式」を総て正確になぞっており、生まれるべくして生まれた名録音。ライヴが始まる前からプレス化が約束され、その期待さえも超えた銘品なのです。

もはや、“どの公演を観たか”どころではなく、“YESのファンか否か”さえも超えた次元の1本。そして、YESファンの方なら、クリス生前最期の日本である『DEFINITIVE NAGOYA 2014』と、クリスのいない初の日本である本作を、ぜひ併せてお楽しみ頂きたい。今週末、あなたのお手元に誇りを持って本作をお届けいたします。

Disc 1 (66:32)
1. Onward (Chris Squire tribute) 2. The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra
3. Machine Messiah 4. White Car 5. Tempus Fugit 6. Steve Howe Introduction
7. I’ve Seen All Good People 8. Perpetual Change 9. And You and I
10. Heart of the Sunrise

Disc 2 (79:04)
1. The Revealing Science of God 2. Leaves of Green 3. Ritual
4. Member Introduction 5. Roundabout 6. Starship Trooper

Virtuoso 322/323

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